A Guide To
ETs/Star Nations and
Beings (A-L)
Volume 1
Jake Muller
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 2
A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and
Beings (A - L)
Volume 1
Jake Muller
© Jake Muller, 2023
All rights reserved.
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welcome to share this pdf book in its entirety with anyone. The entire pdf book or parts
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permission of the author at: jmullerhome@gmail.com A printed version is available on
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The painting on the front cover is by the author and is simply called "Give Me Some
Library and Archives Canada
ISBN 978-0-9686635-5-4 (electronic book)
Beachview Creations, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 3
Jake Muller’s previous book is available on Amazon:
Jake Muller. 2019. Educating Numbers: The Social Organization of Supervised Support
Staff Work at a Community College. Abbotsford, BC: Beachview Creations.
I am indebted to all the SSP veterans that contributed their information to this book.
Readers will see and read about them in it. Some use pseudonyms to protect themselves
and their families. I also want to thank those that took time out from their many other
projects to read the draft of it or provide additional information from their SSP
experiences. The ones that I am able to mention include Penny Bradley, Major, Apollymi
Mandylion, Will Nutter (aka Johan Fritz), James Rink and John Whitberg. I also want to
thank researcher Daniel Sala for his comments on the draft of this book and Helen C.
Mead-Parks for her support.
I especially want to thank my wife, Barbara Hammer (“Aunt BB”), for her support
throughout the research and writing of this book. Her interests are not in this subject
38 3 3k
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 4
Table of Contents
Abbreviations & Meanings
Introduction to Volume 1
A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings (A - L)
Abandonderos (see Deros)
Acali or Agali
Acart and Acartitians (not to be confused with the Akart though Acart may be
spelled as Akart)
Adari (see also Cyakar, Elevar, Ozman, Puxhity, Taal, Vega)
Aenstria aka Inxtria
Aethien (see also Azurite Council, Azurite Eieyani, Cerez, Guardian Alliance,
Afim and Afim Spiantsy (see also Lyrans, Selosi)
African Zulu Extraterrestrials aka The Tall African Zulu ETs (see Eyosians)
Agartha, Agarthas, Agarthans and Agarthians (see also Germans in Space, Inner
Earth, Inner Earth “Blonds”, Lyra, Telos)
Agartha “Reptilians” (see also Inner Earth, “Reptilians”’)
Agharians or Aghartians (see also Nagas, Telos)
Aghraban (see Dries)
Ahel or Ahil (see also Asbaan-Hu, Erra, Lyra, “Man’’)
Ahzdars - Red Race (see also Altair and Caspan, Jassan and Paegan, Tutakai
Tikopai, Kashmir, Qizan Qal’at, K’ushui K’hotans)
Ainanna (see also Alpha-Draco, Maitre)
Aion (see also Pleiadians)
Aka, Ak-Ka or Akkah (see also Alpha-Draco)
Akara and Akari (pl) aka Mantis or Mantid, “Insectoid” (see also Alpha-Draco,
Mantis, Shamtbahala, Zetas)
Akart and Akarit (pl) (not to be confused with the Acart which may also be
spelled Akart) (see also Hav-Hunnuae-Kondras)
Akhabongat (see also “Reptoids)
Akhori and Akhorii (pl) or Akhoric (see also Altair, Darthar, Kiily-Tokurt,
Lyrans, Onorha1)
AK-KA (and US EBE Manual Classification)
Akrij aka W56 (pronounced double v 56)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 5
Alabram 48
Alcohbata or Alcobata 48
Alcyone (see also Ahel, Alpha-Draco, Taal, Taygeta/Pleiadian) 49
Aldebaran and Aldebarans aka Aldebaron, Aldebaranite and Aldebaranites ((see
also “Aquafarians", Arian and Uru, Jadaii Anunakene (aka Janos and
Janosians), Jadaiahil and Jadaii Nemessia, “Nordics”)) 50
Aldoram (see Afim Spiantsy) 51
Alfrateans (see Alphrateans) 51
Al-Gruualix or Al Gruu-Al'ix aka Orgonas 51
Alkhorhu and Alkhori aka Noor and Noori (see also Ahel, D’ Akoorhu, Errahel,
T-Marhu, Pleiadians) ay
“Allbram” (see also “Merfolk”’) 53
Allgruulk and Allgruulki (plural) aka “The Builders” (see also “Reptoids”’) 53
Allmahuluk-Strat-163 or Allmuhulluk-Strat-163 aka Allmahuluki (pl) 54
Alnilam aka Zagara (see Egarot/Egaroth) 55
Alnitak aka Ra (see Nep-4 and Zeti) 55
Alpha Centauri and Alpha Centaurians (see also Apunians, “Nordic”,
Santinians) 5,
Alpha-Draco aka Alpha Draco, Draco, Draconians, ““Drac’s” (slang), (see also
Alcyone, Bio-Mimetic Gels, “Black” Draco, “Black” Drazo Reptilians,
Cyakar, Dino, Drakon, Germans in Space, High Council, Hydra Reptilians,
Lupine, Lyrans, Thuban, Zha.a.mi) 56
1) General Origin and Current Location oT
2) Draco Empire 58
3) Appearance and Characteristics (see also Society and Culture) 60
4) Food 62
5) Communication 63
7) Society and Culture: The Draco Matriarchal Caste System 65
a) The Matriarchal Ruling Caste 65
b) Alpha-Draco Rulers 66
c) Warrior Caste 66
d) Worker Caste or Draksilian 68
8) Military 68
9) Spirituality, Religion and Black Goo 69
10) Alpha-Draco Rule Planet Earth 70
11) Draco Relation With Earth Humans and Germans in Space (see also
Germans in Space ie., The German Federation) 71
12) Alpha-Draco and Other ET/Star Societies 74
Alphrateans, Alfrateans, Alfrata and Alfratans, (see also Alpha-Draco) 74
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 6
Altair and Altairians aka Alkorin (see also Akhoric, Alpha-Draco, Ashtar
Command, Germans inSpace, Onorhai, Reptoids, Darthar) 75
Altimar and Altimars 76
Altruan (see also Ceres, Amaga, Amaktu ) 76
Amaga (see also Ceres, Altruan, Amaktu, Shapeshifting) 77
Amaktu (see also Ceres, Altruan, Amaga) ce
Amenti (see Guardian Alliance) (see also Azurite Council) 78
“Amoeba-Like” Beings aka “Blobs” (see also Archons, Energy Eaters, “Jelly
Slime” Beings, “Leech”, “Plasmoid” Beings) 78
“Amphibians” (see also Nommo, Iarga, “Reptoids’’) 78
An and AN, Ans (see also Lemuria, Og, Og-Min) 80
Anabua 80
Anak and Anaki (pl) (see also Alpha-Draco, Cyakar, Izar, Reptilians) 81
Anakim (see also Anunnaki, ELs, Zha.a.mi) 82
Ancient and Ancients 83
Ancient Builder Races (see also ELs, First Ones, Source) 83
Andaranes and Andarans aka An.da.rans, Andaranen 84
Androids 84
Andromeda and Andromedans, Andromeda Star Nations aka Andromedas (see
also Andromes, Cygnus, Maitre, Dries, Sivizicar, Zenae) 85
Andromes (see also Andromedans) 90
“Anemone” and “Anemones” 90
Ania and Aniae (pl) (see also the Akrij, Bio-Mimetic Gels, Hydra) 90
The Anima aka Animus (see also Bio-Mimetic Gels, Maitre) 91
“Animal” Beings 92
Anshar (see also Inner Earth) 92
“Ant” People aka “Golden Ant”, “Red Ant” (see also Anu, “Arachnids”, “Hive”
Mind, “Insectoids”, Inner Earth) 92
Antarctica (see also Alpha-Draco, Atlantis, Germans in Space aka The German
Federation of Free Worlds, Planetary Corporations) 94
Antares or Antaries aka Antarens, Antareans, Antarians 100
Anu (see also TokoA-Anu, “Ant” People) 102
Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim (see also Azurite Council, Time) 102
Anunnaki or Anunakene (see also Elohim, Niburi, Zetas, Zha.a.mi) 102
Anusani (see also Time) 103
Apex and Apexians (see also the “Greys/Grays”, Lyra, Zeta Reticuli) 104
Apparition(s) or Hologram(s) Entities (see also Xendras) 105
Apu aka Apunians 105
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 7
“Aquafarians” aka Aquatic Beings (see also Aldebaran, Aruna, Dolphins,
Europans, Hydra, Kappa, Killimat-Arr, “Merfolk”, “Shark-Like” Beings,
“Trout” People) 108
Aquarius (see Tengri, Tengri-Tengria) 110
Aquifa (see Tarazed, Kale-Nia) 110
Aquila (see Altair, Akhori, Onorhai, Darthar) 110
“Arachnid” Beings aka “Arachnoids’”, “Glass Arachnids”, Spiders (see also
“Ant” People, “Dark” Council, “Hive” Mind, “Insectoids”’) 110
Aramani (see also Pleiadians, Tau) 113
“Archons” aka “Ankle Biters” (see also “Plasmoids’’) 113
Archquloid aka “Big Nosed Greys”, “Large Nose Greys”, Cloned Biological
Entity-1 (CBE-1) (see also Ebens, Zeta Reticuli) 116
Arcturian and Arcturians (see also Girk Fit Niir Alliance, Sirians, Source,
Time) 118
Argathan and Argathans (see also Atlantis, Inner Earth, Lemuria) 124
Arian and Arians (see also Aldebaran, Atlantis) 124
Arianni (see also P’nti) 125
Arien 125
Arkoreun and Arkoreuns 125
Arsellus (see Elffaf) 125
Artificial Intelligence aka AI (see Ania, Anima, Bio-Mimetic Gels) 125
Aruna (see also Aquafarians, Inner Earth) 125
Aryan and Aryans (see also “Nordics’, “Tall Whites”’) 126
Asarian or Asarians (see also Shapeshifting) 126
Asbaan-Hu (see also Cyakahrr, Grail, Noor, Shamtbahala) 127
Ascension (see Dimensional Travel) 128
Ashkera and Ashkeru, (plural forms Ashkerus, Ashkeri), (includes Ashkera,
Ashtar Collective, Ashtar Galactic Command) (see also Ashkeru-Taal/T-
Ashkeri, Katayy, Lyrans, Nommo, Sirius, Thula) 128
Ashkeru-Taal or T-Ashkeri (see also Ashkeru, Katayy, “Greys”, Lyrans,
Nommo) 129
Ashland or Ashlanders, Ashlandians (see also Lemuria) 130
Ashtar (see also Ashkera, Ashkeru and Ashtar Collective, Ashtar Galactic
Command, Commander Ashtar) 131
The Ashtar Collective, The Ashtar Galactic Command (simply Ashtar Command)
and Commander Ashtar (see also Alpha Draco, Ashkera and Ashkeru,
Chook-Zuri, Nordics, Pleiadians, Kai-Tai) 131
Ataien (see also Mantis) 134
Atlan(s) (see also Atlanteans, Telosians) 134
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 8
Atlantis and Atlantean aka Aztlan (see also Alpha-Draco, Antarctica, Lemuria,
Merfolk) 135
Auriga (see Capella, Ramay (Naacals)) 143
“Avian” and “Avians”, “Avian” Humanoids, “Blue Avians” (see also Azurite
Council, Caray, Choock-Zuri, Kur) 143
Axthada and Axthadans 145
Ayal (see also Hargalii Ayal, Laan and Taal) 145
Ayeclonian and Ayeclonians (see also “Lizards”’) 145
Aynorde (see also Pleiadians) 145
Azez 146
Azurite Council (see also Azurite Eieyani, “Avians”, Inter-Dimensional
Association of Free Worlds IAFW), Time) 146
Azurite Eieyani aka Azurites (see also Azurite Council, “Blue Avians”, Christos
Founders Races, Inter-Dimensional Association of Free Worlds IAFW)) 147
B 147
Baavi or Baavians (Baavi’ans), Biavilans, Baawi (see also Bawwi, Lyrans) 148
Bakeneko (see also Covederos, Shapeshifting) 148
Barnardian 148
Bawwi (see also Baavi) 149
Bellatra(i)x (Bellatrix or Bellatrax) Greys - Short (see also Bellatricians and
Ooganga and Bellatrix Mercenaries) 149
Bellatricians (see also Bellatrix, “Reptoids”’) 149
Beta Centauri (Hadar) (see Dal) 150
Beta Universe and Whole Universe (see also Planet, Source, Time, Universe) 150
Betelgeuse (Carina) (see “Archquloids”’) 151
Betelgeuse III (see Harians) 151
Biaveh and Biiaviians, Biaviians (see also Agharians, Targ) 151
Biavilans (see Agharians or Aghartians, Biavilans) 152
Bigfoot (see Sasquatch, Chiye-Tanka, Xanue) 152
“Big Nosed Grey” (see “Archquloid”) 152
Bio-Mimetic Gels (simply, Mimetic Gels) aka Black, Blue, Green, Yellow,
White, etc., Goo (see also Ania, Anima) 152
“Black” Draco (see also Alpha-Draco, “Black” Drazo Reptilian) 157
“Black” Drazo Reptilian (see also Sherab Invictus Reptilian, Zrarak Grey
Harvester, Alpha-Draco) 157
“Black” ETs (see also Eyosians) 158
“Black Eyed” Person or Kily 158
Black Goo and Other Colored Goos (see Bio-Mimetic Gels) 158
“Black Greys” (see also Archquloid, Zeta Reticuli) 158
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 9
“Blobs” (see Amoeba-Like Creatures) 159
“Blond(s)” aka “Blondes” (see also DAL, Lyrans, “Nordics”, Rigel “Blonds”,
Ummites) 159
“Blue Avians” (see Azurite Council, Caray, Chook-Zuri) (see also “Avians”) 160
“Blue Greys” aka Star Warriors, “Moon-Eyes” (see also Archquloids,“Blue”
People, “Blues”, “Greys”, Zeta Reticuli) 160
“Blue” People aka Moon Eyes, Moon People 161
The “Blues” (see also “Greys”, Genetically Engineered Beings, Inner Earth,
Little “Blues”, X5-Tykut) 161
“Blue-Skinned” ETs (see also Andromedans, Sirius, Vegans, “Blue Greys”) 162
“Blue Whites” aka “White Blues” (see also Ashland, Shapeshifting) 163
Bodies of Human Existence on Earth (see also Soul, Source, Universe) 163
Bodteans or Booteans (see also Alpha-Draco) 167
Bootes Arcturus (see Arcturians containing Ohoran Arcturian, Glaideai,
Noo-Linn) 168
Borendt (see also Keylonta Language, Zetas) 168
Borog Uruz (see also Laani, “Reptiloids”) 168
The Bort and Borts 169
The “Botanicals” 169
Breneau Founders aka Emerald Order Breneau (see also Azurite Council,
Guardian Alliance, Shapeshifting) 169
The “Bronze Ones” aka Grandchildren of the Great Dragon Li 170
“Browns” (see also “Grey” Zettas) 170
Brown Skin ETs (see also Shakrill) 171
Bubble Habitat (see also Germans in Space, Saturn) 171
The “Builder Race” (see also El) 171
“The Builders” (see Allgruulk) 172
“Burrowers” 172
Buttah(s) aka Wacshashas 72
C 173
Camelopardian aka Camelopardalis (see also Mazarek) 173
Canid aka Canisions, Cannonians, “Dog” People (see also Galactic Authority,
Lupines) 173
Canis Major (see Sirius/Sirius A - Ashkera, Sirius B - Thula, Sirius C - Emerya -
Nommo) 174
Canis Minor (see Procyon, Ginvo) 174
Capella or Cappella (Capellans, Cappellans, Capellians) (see also Alpha-
Draco) 174
“Caponi” aka Gingerbreads 175
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 10
Caraveldi or Carya Velda, (pl Caryaveldi) 175
Caray, Carians or Carions (The “Bird” People) aka “Blue Avians” (see also
Azurite Council, Chook-Zuri, Golden Radiants) 176
Carin and Carins (see also Alpha-Draco) 178
Carina aka “Large Nose Grey” (see Archquloid, “Greys’’) 179
Carya Velda (see Caraveldi) 179
Caspan Jassan Paegans 179
Cassiopeia and Cassiopeians aka Cassiopaeans (see also Dorsay, “Insectoids”,
Naga) 179
Centaurus, Centauri or Centuri, Centurion aka Centaurian(s) or Centurians aka
Santinians (see also Selos(ian), Telosi/Telosii, Dahl, Meton, Santinians, Apu,
Proxima Centauri) 181
“Cephalopod” and “Cephalopods” 185
Ceres (see also the Altruan, Amaga and Amaktu) 186
Cerez (see also Aethien, Azurite Council, Azurite Eieyani) 186
Cerpican 186
Cetacea and “Cetacean” (see also “Aquafarians’’) 187
Cetians aka Tau Cetians (see also Eridani, Norca) 187
Chameleon (see Caraveldi) 189
Cheridani (see also Kebens/Kebbens) 189
Chitahuli or Chitauli (see also Alpha-Draco, “Reptoids”, Zha.a.mi) 190
Chiye-Tanka aka The Big Man (see also Sasquatch, “Xanue’’) 190
Chook-Zuri (pronounced Chock-Zuri in space ) (see also “Avians”, Caray,
Kai-Tai and Shakrill) 191
Christos Founders Races (see also Elohei-Elohim ..., Azurite Council, Azurite
Eieyani) 192
Chupacabra (see Horonga) 193
Chulkae 193
Ciakar (see Cyakar) 193
Clarion 193
“Cloud” Beings 194
Coma Berenices (see also Lang) 194
Common Language, Telepathy, Traders Language (see also “Hive” Mind,
Keylonta) 194
Comsuli and Comsulis 195
Conformers aka “Stinky Blobs” (sic) 196
Contrari (see CTR) 197
“Corellia” as Kepler-452b 197
Corona Australis (see X-1Z) 197
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 11
Corteum (see also “Greys”, Labyrinth Group, WingMakers, Zetas, Zha.a.mi) 197
The Cosmic Web (see also Universe) 200
The Council of Five or Council of 5 (see also Egaroth, Emerther, Ginvo, Orela,
Redan, Solipsi Ra, Zha.a.mi) 202
Council of Nine or Council of 9 (see also Council of 5, Source) 203
Covederos (see also Bakeneko) 205
The Creator or God (see Source) 205
Crill (see Krll) 205
Crux (Gamma Crux) (see Killimat-Arr (K-Arr)) 205
CTR aka “Our Brother Enemy” (see also Akrij, Genetically Engineered
Beings) 205
Cyakar or Ciakar, CyaKar (see also Alpha-Draco, Naga) 206
Cyclop aka One-Eyed Giant (see also Els) 206
Cygnus and Cygnusians (see also Jargans) 207
Cygnus or Ama (see Solipsi Ra) 207
D 207
D’ Akoorhu or D’ Akoru and D'Akoori (plural) (see also Alkhorhu, “Man”,
Noor, Pleiades) 207
Dal and Dals or Dahls (see also Universe) 208
Daran (see Nhorr) 210
“Dark Council” (see also Alpha-Draco, High Council, Shakrill) 210
Dark “Elves” (see also Shakrill) 214
Darthar and Darthari (see also Altair, Onorhai) 212
Delphinoid (see also Dolphins, Aquafarians) 212
Delphinus (see Matrax) 212
Deneb (see also Andromedans, Tau Cetians) oA)
Denubians 213
Depanoid 213
“Deros” aka Sumuwnean, Saamiym and Abandonderos (see also Teros) 214
“Deviants” (see also Kasimars) 214
Dieslientiplex (see also Arcturians, Etorthans, Korendians) 215
Dimensional Travel (see also Universe, Kyllimir-Auk) 215
Dino Reptilians (see also Alpha-Draco) 216
Diriz (see Akhabongat) 216
Djinn (see Jinn) 216
Dogon (see also Sirius and Sirians) yale
Do-Hu (see Dow) 217
Dolphins (see also “Aquafarians”, Quabar, Zetas) 2d.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 12
Dorians (see also Saturn) 219
Dorsay 220
The Dow aka Do-Hu (see also Alpha-Draco, Genetically Engineered Beings,
“Greys”, Zetas) 221
Draco (see Alpha-Draco) 223
“Dragonworms” (sic) 223
Drakon and Drakons (see also Alpha-Draco, Breneau, Cyakar) 224
Dravidians (see also P’nti) 225
Dries (see also “Greys’’) 225
“Drones” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings, ““Greys’’) 226
Dropa aka Drok-pa, Dzopa (see also “Dwarfs”’) 226
Druan and Druans 226
Duwaanis (see also Deros) 227
“Dwarfin” aka “Dwarfs” or “Dwarves” [Small Beings or People] 227
E 228
Ea, Sect of (see Sect of Ea) 228
Eban and Ebani (see also Eben, Soul) 228
Ebens, EBENs (Extraterrestrial Biological ENtities) or EBE (see also
Archquloids, Ebans, Genetically Engineered Beings, “Grays”, “Large
Nosed Greys’’/“Tall Greys’’) 228
Ectom and Ectoms 231
Eekaluun (see Kaa) 2311
Egarot/Egaroth and Daro/Darian Egaroth (see also Council of 5, Ginvos) 231
Egon aka “2017” 233
El and Els (see also Ancient Builder Race, Cyclops, Elohim, Turaneusiam) 233
El.An.Ra (Belt of Orion) 239
Eldaru and Eldari (plural) (see also Grail, Lyrans, Noor, Procyon, Rigel) 239
The Elder Race (see El) 240
“Elegant Humanoid” 240
The “Elephant” Race (see The Ganesh) 241
Elevar aka Elevar Ahel or Ahil (see also Ozman, Adari, Puxhity, Vega) 241
Elffaf 241
ELIOS (Independent Entities of IOS) 242
Ellina aka “Elves” (see also Erra, Shakrill) 243
El-Manouk or Elmanuk (see also Arcturians, Council of 5, Galactic Authority)
Elohei and Elohim: Their Use in Writing about ETs (see also El) 244
Elohim: Related Levels of Understanding ETs (see also Elohei, El; see also
Nephilim, Source, Zha.a.mi) 245
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 13
El ra’a: Ana Shay Hi and Council of Errah 247
Elta-V 247
Emerald Covenant Coevolution Agreement (see also Azurite Council) 248
Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race (see also Azurite
Council) 248
Emerther and Emerthers (see also Council of 5, Solipsi Ra, Zetas) 248
Emerya (see Nommo) 250
Endorians (see N’ tori) 250
“Energy Eaters” or “Energy Feeders” (see also Amoeba) 250
Engan and Engans (see also Taygeteans) 251
Epsilon Draconis (see Magel) 251
Epsilon Persei (see Tarice) 251
Epsilon Reticulan (see also Zeta Reticuli) 251
Eridani and Eridanians (see also Cetians, Iargans) 2>2
Erra and Errans aka Errahel and Errahil (plural), Erran Pleiadians (see also
Ahel, Ellina, Lyran, Pleiadian, Taygeta) 252
Essassan and Essassani (see also Zetas) 254
Etherians 254
Etorthans (see also Dieslientiplex) 255
Europans (see also “Aquafarians") pinks
Eva-Borgs (see Genetically Engineered Beings) 25
Eyosians aka The Tall African Zulu ETs (see also “Black” ETs) Daye
F 257
Fajan (see also Andromeda) 2a]
The Federation of Free German Worlds (see Germans in Space) 257
Fendorian and Fendorians (see also Girk Fit Niir Alliance) bedi
Feline (see also Elder Race, “Feline” Humanoid, Lyrans) 257
“Feline” Humanoid (see also Feline) 258
First Ones (see also Ancient Builder Races, Source) 258
“Flying Squirrels” 258
Fomalhaut and Fomalhautans (see also “Nordic”, “Reptoid”) 259
Forest People (see Chiye-Tanka, Sasquatch, Xanue) 261
Fornax Galaxy UDFJ-39546284 (see Egon) 261
Founders Races: Christos (see also Azurite Council, Elohim, Els, Giants) 261
“Frog” Society aka “Three-Toed False Frog” 261
G 262
Galactic Authority (GA) and Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) (see also
Council of 5, High Council) 262
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 14
Galaxy Federations (see also Corteum, Galactic Authority, WingMakers) 267
The Ganesh aka Ganishan (in Sanskrit) (aka the “Elephant” Race) 268
Ganymede and Ganymedes (see also Mission Rahma by Sixto Paz Wells) 269
Garudias 270
Gemini (see Ainanna) 270
Genetically Engineered Beings aka “Synthetic Beings” (see also The “Blues”,
Little “Blues”, CTR, Ebens, Hulks, “Moss Man”, Quadloids, Skril,
Trantaloids, “Vampires”, Werewolves, X5-Tykut, Zagra) 270
Germans in Space aka Der Bund Freue Deutscher Welten (Translated: The
Federation of Free German Worlds), (simplified to: Der Bund Deutscher
transl as: The Federation German(s) or The German Federation) (see also
Alpha-Draco, Altair, Antarctica, Mars, Nordics, Titan, United States of
America, Universe, Zha.a.mi) 275
Giansar (see also Iguanoids) 286
“Giants” (see also Els, Nephilim) 286
Ginvo (see also Council of 5, Procyon) 287
Girk Fit Niir (or Fitneer) Alliance (see also Arcturians, Fendorians, Lyrans,
Pleiadians, Reptilians, Yah‘ yel) 288
Gizeh or Gizan and Gizahn aka Bfaath 288
Gladeai aka Gladeains (see Arcturians) 289
“Glass Arachnids” (see High Council) 289
Gnomopo (see Negumak) 289
Golden Radiants aka “Triangle Head” s/b “Circular Head” (see also “Avians”,
Azurite Council) 289
“Gopher” Humanoids 290
Grail and Grails (see also Asbaan-Hu, Eldaru, Mintaka, “Reptoid’’) 290
“Grays” (see “Greys’’) 291
Graysli or Grayslie (see also “Greys’’) 291
“Greens” aka “Oliverian” 292
“Grey(s)” or “Gray(s)” (see also Alpha-Draco, Ebens, Maitre, Patel “Greys”,
Koshnak, P’nti, Rigel, Solipsi Ra, Zetas) 292
Greys, Patel (see Patel Greys) 300
Grus (see Elmanuk) 300
Guardian Alliance (GA) (see also Guardian Race Administration, [AFW,
Keylonta Language) (Compare Guardian Alliance with Galactic Authority)
Guardian Race Administration (see also Azurite Council, Inter-Dimensional
Association of Free Worlds (IAFW), Time) 302
Gypsies 303
H 303
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 15
Hairy “Dwarfs” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings, Tribunes) 303
Hargalii Ayal and Hargalii Ayali (see also Laan, Taal) 304
Harians (see also EBENS) 305
Harus, KARA/KRAK and Sychorus (see also “Hybrids”) 305
Hathor and Hathors (see also Venus) 305
Hav-Hannuae-Kondras (see also Maitre) 306
Hav-Musuvs aka Musuvians, Suvians 307
Heplaloids or Heptaloid (see also EBENS, Zeta Reticuli) 308
High Council aka Universal High Council, Universal Council (see also
“Arachnid” Beings, “Dark Council”, Galactic Authority, Kai-Tai, Quei-Te1,
Shakrill) 308
Higher Dimensional Beings aka Hyper-Dimensional Beings (see also Bodies of
Existence, Shapeshifting, Source) 309
“Hive” Mind and Telepathy (see also Alpha-Draco, “Arachnids’”, “Greys”,
Mantis’) 311
Horonga and Horongas or Horongai (pl) aka Chupacabra (see also Alpha-Draco)
“Hulk” and “Hulks” (see also Antarctica, Bio-Mimetic Gels, Genetically
Engineered Beings, Germans in Space, Zombies) 313
Huargadian or Huargardian (see also Azurite Council) 316
Hyades and Hyadeans (see also “Blonds”, Lyrans, Pleiades) 317
The “Hybrids” and “Crossbreeds” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings,
“Greys”, Hargalii Ayal, Harus, Zha.a.mi) 318
Hydra aka Hydrae, Hydra Reptilian (see also the Akrij, Alpha-Draco,
“Reptilian’’) 322
I 323
larga and Jargans (see also Cygnusian) 323
“Tguanas” or “Iguanoids” aka (see also Alpha Draco, Giansar) 324
Ikels or Satyrs (see also “Reptilians”’) 325
Indugutk (see also “Reptiloids”, Shapeshifting) 326
Inner Earth aka Hollow Earth (see also Inner Earth Blonds, Agartha, Agartha
“Reptilians”, Arcturians, Arianni, Aryans, Chook Zuri, Draco, Little “Blues”,
Nordics, Sirians, Pleiabians) 327
Inner Earth “Blonds” aka Inner “Blonds” (see also Inner Earth ) 331
“Insectoid” Beings aka Muldosv, Depanoids, “Mantids” (see also “Ants”,
“Arachnid” Beings, “June Bug” Beings, “Stick Bug” Beings, Xylanths) 333
Inter-Dimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW) (see also Azurite
Council) 330
Interdimensional Humanoid Drawings 335
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) (see Planetary Corporations) 335
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 16
Interstellar Races from Pleiades 33D
“The Invisibles” 336
Inxtria (see Aenstria) 336
Inyu (see also Azurite Council) 336
Ishna and Ishnaans aka “Crystal” People 336
Itibi-Ra and Itibi-Rayans ee
Itipurians 337
Tvonian 338
Izafeir 338
Izar (see Anak) 339
J 339
Jadaii Anunakene aka Janos and Janosians, Jadaiahil and Jadaii Nemessi (see
also Nibiru, Zha.a.mi) 339
Jassan (part of Caspan and Paegan Races) 340
Jawas 340
Jefok 341
“Jelly Slime” Beings (see also “Amoeba-Like” Beings ) 341
Jeserian Seers 342
Jighantik (see also Maitre, “Reptilians”’) 342
Jinn or Djinn 343
The Jowlen 344
“June Bug” Beings (see also “Insectoids”’) 344
kK 344
Kaa or Caa and Kaai (pl) (see also “Reptilians’’) 345
Kahel or Kahil (see also Ahel, Lyra) 345
Kai-Tai (see also High Council, Lyra)) 346
Kale-Nia or Kalenia 347
Kappa (see also “Aquafarians’’, “Reptilians”’) 348
Kara or Krak (see Harus) 348
Karistu (see also Pleiadians, Taygetans) 348
Kasimars - Blue Race (see also Altair) 349
Katayy or Kantarians (see also Ashkera, Sirians) 349
Ka-Tsa-Hayan (see also Keben) 350
Keben or Kebben (see also “Hybrids”, Ka-Tsa-Hayan) 350
Kekoresh (see also “Mantis’’) 351
Keylonta Language (see also Azurite Council, Guardian Alliance, Zeta
Reticuli) 351
The Khoom (see also Mars, Sirius) 354
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 17
Kiila-Tokurt (K-T) or Kiily-Tokurt and Kiily-Tokurit (pl) ((see also Purit Av-
Illumu (Nosyv-7), Shapeshifting) 354
Killimat-Arr or K-Arr (see also “Aquafarians’”’) 355
Klermer 35D
Koldas and Koldasians 356
Kondrashkin aka K-Group 356
Korendor and Korendrians aka Korendi, Korendii, Korendian (see also
Arcturians) Bo
Koshnak and Koshnaks (see also “Greys’’) 358
Krll or Crll (pronounced and sometimes spelled Krill or Crill) aka Krlll or Crill
(see also Alpha-Draco, “Greys’’) 359
Kur and Kurs, Kuri (aka “Gods of Lands’, “Golden Birds’’) (see also Avians,
Zha.a.m1) 359
K'ushui K"hotans - Green Race (see also Altair) 360
Kyllimir-Auk (see also Dimensional Travel, Maitre) 361
L 361
Laan and Laani (pl) (see also Alpha-Draco, Cyakahrr, Taal, Hargalii Ayal,
Ayal) 361
Labyrinth Group (see also Corteum, “Greys”, The WingMakers, Zha.a.mi) 362
Lacerta aka La Certa Reptilians, Lacertian 363
Ladrakh (see also “Man’’, “Reptiloids’’) 364
Lang (see also Coma Berenices, Erra) 364
Language Shiar (see Taal Shiar) 365
Lanulos aka Lanulosians 365
“Large-Nosed Tall Grays/Greys” (see ““Archquloids”) (see also Ebans/Ebens,
“Greys”, Bernarians, Rigelians) 366
“Leech” and “Leeches” (see also “Amoeba-Like” Beings, The Moon) 366
Lemuria aka Mu (see also Atlantis, Lyrans) 366
Leveron and Leverons (see also Leviathan) 370
Leviathan and Leviathans (see also Leveron) 370
Little “Blues” (see also “Blues”, Genetically Engineered Beings, Inner Earth) 371
Little Frog People 371
“Little Green Humanoid” aka “Eight-Fingered Green Dwarf” 374
Little “Lizards” (see also Ayeclonians, “Reptilians”, Yozora No Kyushu) 375
“Lizzies” aka “Lizard” Race (outdated) We)
Lulu or Lu.lu 375
Lupine (see also Alpha-Draco, Canids, Shapeshifting, Sirius) 376
Lyra aka Lira and Lyran, Lyrans (see also Alpha-Draco, Andromedans, Apex,
Bio-Mimetic Gels, Girk Fit Niir Alliance, Lemuria, “Man’’, Pleiadians,
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings
Books, YouTube, Rumble, TikTok, etc. (no websites)
Websites Only
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 19
Abbreviations & Meanings
5-Star Being - Five Star Being, sometimes used to indicate a universal form of a being or
race, such as an Earth human, person
AS1 - Area 51
ABE - Anomalous Biological Entities
ACIO - Advanced or Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (USA)
ARC - Anti-delivery Recovery Center
ARB - Alien Races Book by Russian intelligence as presented by Santori (see References)
Asteroid Belt - generally located between Mars and Jupiter
ATS - Antarctic Treaty System
CBE - Cloned Biological Entity
CE - common era
CE5 - Close Encounters of the 5th kind, ie., making contact with ETs
CERPA - Center for Studies and Research of Aerospace Phenomena
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, US
Cm, cm - centimeter
CO - commanding officer
DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency of the US
DIALP - Defense Intelligence Agency Life Planet of the US
Draco - Alpha Draco, Earth’s rulers
Dreadnought - a battleship
EBEN - generally stands for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity and has 2 meanings: 1)
the name of a specific ET society and 2) a general category of ETs/Star societies
EBG - Earth Black Goo
El Ka - Ileana the Star Traveler (two pseudonyms for the same person)
ET - extraterrestrial
FIGU - "Freie Interessengemeinschaft ftir Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und
Ufologiestudien” - (Engl transl) "Free interest group for border sciences and humanities
and ufology studies"
FTL - faster than the speed of light engines
GA - Galactic Authority, a term used by Penny Bradley
GA - Guardian Authority, used by Ashayana Deane
German Federation - this refers to the Germans in space
GFW - Galactic Federation of Worlds, a term used by El Ka, Elena Danaan and others
GNPP - Gross National Planetary Product (eg., it is used to pay Earth’s taxes to the
Hazmat - hazardous material
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 20
IAFW - Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds
Ileana the Star Traveler - El Ka (two pseudonyms for the same person)
KGB - Russian intelligence agency, English translation: Committee for State Security,
1954 - 1991, replaced by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and later by the Federal
Security Service (FSB)
Kph or K, k - kilometers per hour
LOC - Lunar Operations Command, incorrect name for Lunar Space Operations
LSO - Lunar Space Operations
LY or ly, lys - light year, light years. One ly is equivalent to approximately 5.88 trillion
miles or 9.46 trillion kilometers (see Light-year on Wikipedia website:
M or m - meter
“Mainstream” - the general predominant physical and related sciences taught in
academia on Earth compared to that of ET/Star nations eg., mainstream physics,
mainstream genetics, mainstream psychology, mainstream sociology
MC - Melchizedek Cloister
MDF - Mars Defense Force
MEST - mass, energy, space, time
MIC - Military Industrial Complex, sometimes used for Military Intelligence Complex
MILAB - Military Abductions
MUFON - Mutual UFO Network
Mph - miles per hour
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NSA - National SecurityAgency (US)
n.d. - no date. This is used when a publication, YouTube, website, posting, etc., does not
have a date of publication
NWP - Nacht Waffen Pilot, a reference to Penny Bradley’s work on Mars for the
German Federation
NWR - Nacht Waffen Regir
OSBG - outer space Black Goo
p Or pp - page or pages (used in Referencing)
PAO - Planetary Activation Organization by Sheldan Nidle
Rakka - This is a Draco word. According to Penny Bradley it means both fool and slave.
The Draco call humans Rakka.
Remote sensing - a term used by El Ka to see things through a higher dimensional blue
light frequency on a separate wave beyond 3D physical matter (2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp.
RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force
rpm - revolutions per minute
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 21
RV - remote viewing
s/b - should be
(sic) - a Latin term meaning “thus”. It is used in brackets after a copied/quoted word that
appears as erroneous to show that the word is quoted or copied exactly as it was in the
original, eg., AboutIt (sic) because the proper writing should be About It.
SOL - solar. The assumption is that SOL refers to our solar system.
Soul scalping - generally means to remove a soul from a body or being so that it can be
used in another one or a clone
SSP - Secret Space Program
Terra - Earth
Terran - Earth’s people, humanity
TESS - Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, NASA
V2K - Voice to skull. V2K technology allows someone to beam voices directly into a
person’s head, such as the CIA has V2K capability
YNK - Yozora No Kyushu is the name of the Japanese Empire secret space program. It
means Lords of the Night Sky or simply, Dark Fleet like the German Nacht Waffen
Zeta and Zetas - Zeta Reticuli, also a person or persons from Zeta Reticuli eg., he is a
Zeta; they are Zetas
38 28 3k
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 22
Introduction to Volume 1
Many people, like myself, have become interested in learning about different
outer space races and beings. Some people even give a specific number of races and
beings, usually based on Dante Santori’s classic Alien Races Book (ARB). What A Guide
to ETs/Star Nations and Beings will reveal is that our current understanding of the
different kinds of extraterrestrial (ET) or Star Nation races and Beings has increased
dramatically since the availability of the ARB. And, after reading this book (Volumes 1
and 2) you will see that this number of races is still small. At this point in Earth’s history
a good guess about the possible number of ETs/Star Nations might be in the trillions
depending on the definition of race, beings, extraterrestrials, star nations and those who
exist in various densities or dimensions.
The different races and beings presented in this book are from information that is
publicly available and from personal communications by secret space program (SSP)
military veterans!. The publicly available information is from a variety of sources,
including books, videos on various platforms (eg., YouTube, Rumble) and websites. To
these I’ve been fortunate enough to add the experiences from various SSP veterans with
their encounters and knowledge of ETs or Star Nations and Beings. I consider the SSP
military veterans as teachers from whom a lot can be learned.
The sources of all information in this book are given including the names
(sometimes pseudonyms to protect them) of the SSP veterans. Readers will be able to
follow up on all information presented by going to the References (except those videos
and books that have been withdrawn). The approach that I’ve taken in writing this book
is that I generally start with the source of the information. I include, wherever possible,
how the source that I’m using obtained their information. These reference sources then
convey a sense of history about ETs/Star Nations and Beings for others to explore.
Despite my attempts to include as many races and beings as possible it is now
difficult for one researcher to keep up with the wealth of information becoming
available. More social media stories of experiences and witnesses are being produced on
different platforms and it proved impossible to keep up. Also, I have not included any
information behind a paywall and in languages beside English. Other researchers will
have to fill in this void.
For some ETs/Star Nations and Beings there is considerable information while
for others there is very little. Where there is considerable information I’ve summarized
some of the material in point form. Some information conveys contradictory
understandings and interpretations of races, beings and locations. I’ve presented these
differences as well. My goal has not been to hide or suppress these various ideas but to
' See also James Rink. 2022 Dec 23. “Secret Space Program Witnesses (SSPW).” Super Soldier Talk
website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/?s=secret+space+program
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 23
present them as part of our current understanding. All interpretations, possibly some of
them or none of them might be accurate.
I make very brief comments about the credibility of some of the sources of
information. I’ve given the most credibility to sources provided by the SSP military
veterans who have related their experiences, knowledge and contact with different races
and beings. The lowest credibility is given to sources that have used channeling. My
reasoning here follows the thinking of Penny Bradley, SSP military veteran and host of
Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube and Odysee who has stated on numerous occasions that
intelligence organizations have had the V2K capability since the 1980s. They have used
this technology to influence channelers since then. My comments about information that
has such channeling is that it is currently not considered credible. I have not excluded
less credible sources. I simply mention that the source for the following information is
presently not considered credible.
There are a few other things that I’ve included in addition to the various races and
beings. These items include certain locations, such as those on and inside Earth (eg.,
Inner Earth, Antarctica), our solar system (eg., including Moons, Pluto), Milky Way
Galaxy and beyond. As well, certain organizations and councils are presented (eg.,
Council of 5, Galactic Authority). I’ve also added other information, such as bodies of
human existence, Source or the Creator, universe, and so on since many ETs/Star
Nations refer to or are involved with them.
This book also contains a cross listing of information as stated in each heading.
For instance, after the heading Ceres I’ve put in parentheses (see also the Altruan,
Amaga and Amaktu). This is to highlight some relation of information from the current
heading to others.
The Use of ETs, Star Nations and Beings
The title of both volumes of this book includes ETs, Star Nations and Beings. I
have used these terms because most people will recognize them. They are words that are
used commonly. Despite this, there are some problems with using them. Their use
implies differences among them which is not the intent of this book. The position here is
that all beings and things are interrelated. At present, there is no generally recognized
word(s) that expresses that interrelation, similar to the phrase “we are all one”, but that
would also include the differences.
The words ETs and Star Nations are used somewhat interchangeably. All
extraterrestrials are assumed to have a nation or a part thereof. The word “Nation” is
used in a general sense to include society, culture or civilization. Both ETs and Star
Nations refer to people, individuals and Beings that generally exist beyond Earth.
There is a problem with this meaning because there are nations from Earth that
also exist in outer space. There are two parts to this. One part includes individuals from
beyond Earth, ETs/Star Nations and Beings, who have established bases/colonies on
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 24
Earth and continue to go to outer space, as are presented in this book. Secondly, there are
Earth nations that now have bases and colonies that exist in outer space who might be
referred to as ETs/Star Nations as well. Readers might be surprised to hear John
Whitberg stating in an interview with Daniel Sala, host of Saint Olga 69 on YouTube that
the following Earth nations are part of the international branches of the German
Federation Dark Fleet (Nacht Waffen) and answer to the German Federation High
Command (in alphabetical order): American, British, Chinese, Finish, French, German,
Indian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese’. There are more mentioned in this
book. The use of the words in the title are recognized to be problematic. A more
inclusive wording needs to be found.
There is also the use of the word non-terrestrial in the SSP community. This word
is used here to refer to those ETs that do not have an existence, base or colony on Earth.
These ETs or Star Nations would just be visiting.
Problems in Naming ETs/Star Nations
There are a number of problems in providing the names of ETs/Star Nations and
Beings that readers should be aware of.
One problem in naming ETs is that their names are frequently simply stereotypes.
To emphasize that a certain name is a stereotype or generic name only and not the actual
name of their nation, society, culture or civilization, I have generally put that name in
quotation marks, for example, “Greys”, “Reptilians”. These are mere labels usually
based on a feature of those individuals related to our understanding of Earth knowledge
such as an animal, skin color and so on. These are generally considered derogatory
references. Hopefully, we will be able to avoid these as more specific information about
how an ET or Star Nation wishes to be called, then that is used, for example, the P’nti.
An important point about the use of ET/Star Nation names is raised by Apollymi
Mandylion, SSP veteran and host on Galaxy of Unity website. She states that Earth
humans have a problem when ETs are given names and a location. The problem is that
she has “never met an ‘Andromedan’ who literally just lives in Andromeda like identify
(sic) themselves by species name”. In other words, she has never met a person who calls
themselves ‘Andromedan’ and who states that they live in Andromeda. We want to know
their origin and name them that way. This is not necessarily what certain ETs do. Who
they are is presently unknown. I have had to continue to use these general names and
locations in creating the list and look forward to when they become obsolete.
For some ETs there are different spellings of their society and I’ve incorporated
as many as possible. Different authors from different Earth languages use their ways of
referring to the same ETs (eg., Ashkera, Ashkerus, Ashkeri). Some of the authors add an
2 Whitberg, 2023 Jan 23.
3 Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 25
for a plural such as in the preceding example while others use “ian” or simply an “‘s
(such as Dracos or Draconians). All of them are used in this book.
Another problem in referring to ETs/Star Nations and Beings exists in
translations from ET languages or communication. Each SSP veteran and person’s
language on Earth will provide what they consider the most approximate translation from
an ET language. Their phonetic translation may be different from someone else's, even in
the same language such as English. The overall result is that there may be many names
for the same ETs, organization, activity, etc. I have retained these differences in this
book even though I may prefer one version over another. For instance, SSP veterans and
authors refer to the Galactic Authority, the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Galactic
Federation of Planets, Intergalactic Council, etc. While I prefer the use of Galactic
Authority, I have no way of knowing whether the others refer to the same or a different
organization. Consequently, all of them are used.
Some of the names for ETs and their existence have been discredited by various
sources. The names of these ETs and their sources are included. For instance, if they are
presently considered fictitious, then readers can consult this research book to help
determine that. Future researchers may discover that what was written here about
ETs/Star Nations was correct or that based on more recent information has now become
credible. These can be added by other researchers.
The Standpoint of Earth Knowledge
A major assumption made throughout this book is the use of Earth based
knowledge in describing ETs, their various locations in outer space and all related
matters. For example, many descriptions compare ETs to humans on Earth, such as “they
look similar to Earth but are a little taller”. Their locations in space are measured in our
light years (lys) from our Sun and solar system. Our dominant mainstream understanding
of physics, science, time, measurement and so on are used to understand ETs and outer
space. These are used in this book though it is recognized that they need to be improved
The following example shows the difference in the meaning of a “year” between
Earth knowledge and some ETs. Our knowledge of a year is based on one rotation of the
Earth around the Sun. This is not the case for some ETs. According to Alex Collier,
some ETs consider a year “when every cell in their body has been fully duplicated,
replicated”. “For us”, he says, “one year would be equal to seven years in our body”. For
Andromedans, he says that it takes about “34 years” in our time for every cell in their
body to replicate. Converting that to the standpoint of Earth’s time makes it difficult to
be precise.* This is just one example of working out the meaning from an Earth
standpoint to that of ETs. Most of these conversions still require more public
4 Ka, 2021-2022a (Vol 1) p. 315. The precise location of Alex Collier’s material is not given.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 26
The Secret Space Programs
All major countries have secret space programs and not just the US (eg., England
and Commonwealth countries, Japan, Russia, China). The United Nations is also part of
the secret space program, maintains Chris O’Connor, a SSP veteran. It represents Earth
in galactic federation meetings that are held on Saturn where he was stationed>. Here I
provide a meaning of the secret space program as a field of inquiry that is part of the
process to have governments, corporations and others reveal the existence of ETs, and
various aspects of their society, commonly referred to as the disclosure movement.
The phrase “secret space program” (SSP) refers to those social organizations who
tule a society, who possess and develop advanced knowledge and technology from
extraterrestrials while keeping it hidden from the people or general public®. This
includes, for instance, politicians in various national governments, their military and
intelligence agencies, industry and corporations (those capable of operating in outer
space) including their suppliers, extraterrestrial people and beings on Earth and in outer
space’, and the vast majority of people who are kept uninformed about these activities.
The SSP is viewed as a general social relation between those elite individuals in various
countries who keep their information and technology hidden from the rest of the people.
This guide book includes and makes available a researched list of the ET/Star Nations in
the SSP that most people may not be aware of. It is a part of the disclosure movement.
The meaning of the “disclosure movement” within the SSP is the following. This
concept refers to those individuals within the structure of the SSP who provide
information about ETs, Star Nations and Beings that is not known by the general public.
They may or may not represent the official government or corporate view of the SSP
activities. Many SSP veterans go public with their experiences that are not sanctioned by
those in charge and often pay the price of being harassed, targeted and even killed.
Why I Wrote this Book
There are a number of reasons why I wrote this research book. I have never really
been satisfied with our mere Earthly existence. There are many unexplained things in
history such as space craft in paintings, giant people and so on. Finding answers meant
stepping out of my existing bubble into the unknown. When I retired as an instructor at a
community college teaching sociology and social work, I finally had the time to do this.
> O’Connor, 2022 Oct 22.
© A brief historical development of the SSP is provided by James Rink. 2022 Dec 23. “Secret Space
Program Witnesses (SSPW).” Super Soldier Talk website:
7 According to El Ka, the SSP consists of the following different organizations: “Earth Defense Force,
Space Force, Solar Warden, Lunar Space Operations, Mars Defense Force, Planetary Corporations,
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, Dark Fleet Nacht Waffen, Dark Fleet Space Command, Shadow
Guard, Kruger, Monarch Solutions, etc.” Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 281.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 27
I should point out that I do not have a military background nor am IJ familiar with
military history or research. I also do not have a physical science background. The
language and ideas of my research interest in the SSP were new to me that I needed to
In the beginning, I had done some reading, such as Whitley Strieber’s book
Communion’ and Karla Turner’s book Into the Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction’.
These were interesting to read and prompted me to look further.
At the same time, my search involved reading about some of the popular figures
of what is called the “disclosure movement’. There are a number of well known people
who are very active in disclosing such information. I will not name them. I discovered
that not all were credible nor did they have the best interests of the people in mind. After
a while, I found that their information and many others seemed to move in a different
direction than my interests.
I eventually discovered a small number of people around 2019, which has grown
substantially, who were presenting their incredible experiences and knowledge about
Earth and outer space on social media. They generally considered themselves as military
and possibly civilian veterans of the SSP and presented their knowledge and experiences
within it. They considered themselves part of the disclosure movement. Their numbers
and information just kept growing and so did the information and knowledge.
To my knowledge I have never been part of the SSP. I had never heard of the
SSP until it was mentioned by these military veterans. They talked about being super
soldiers, living on Mars and beyond, traveling in space and our galaxy, psychic abilities,
time travel, working with different ETs, spacecraft and so on. What they were talking
about and presenting was quite phenomenal.
I gradually realized that they provided much of what I had been seeking. As
mentioned, for most of them, their public revelations, as part of the general disclosure
movement, came at great costs to them, to their family and friends. Some are continually
being targeted. This book gives credit to their recalled memories, information,
knowledge and experiences. You will find many of them as sources of information in
this book.
My research interest is not about the personal lives of SSP military veterans
which only they can truly tell. I am interested in the kinds of social activities, work, and
all related elements that they know about. In keeping an open mind I have learned more
about all aspects of daily life on Earth and outer space from the experiences and
knowledge of SSP veterans than any other current sources. It has enhanced virtually all
of my understanding about daily life in a society, nation, Earth, our solar system and
8 Strieber, 1987.
° Turner, 2014.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 28
beyond. I consider myself simply a student of the SSP military veterans. I hope you find
this book as enlightening as I did in researching and writing it.
A Suggested Starting Point for Reading this Guide
For a person new to this area it may be quite daunting to figure out where to start
reading this guide. Simply starting to read from the beginning may not provide much
meaning to your reading. To provide a bit of historical and social class context for the
contents of this guide, I recommend the following.
My suggestion is that you may wish to begin your reading with Antarctica. From
there I would recommend reading about the Germans in space. To pursue this further,
then read about the Alpha-Draco, the rulers of Earth, our solar system and more. This
will provide you with some background to explore the rest of this volume and the next
Why No Images of ETs/Star Nations or Beings in this Book
Having images of the ETs/Star Nations and beings is generally considered a
requisite for a book of this kind. Not having any images may come as a surprise to
readers. I’ll explain why I’ve decided not to include any images.
First, there is rampant plagiarism of images. Some books and websites simply use
whatever image they can find and do not bother to give credit to the person who created
it. This makes it nearly impossible to find the original creator. Some artists do not sign
their images. When their image is used by others without credit, this makes it doubly
difficult to determine who the original creator was. This plagiarism of images creates a
serious problem for researchers who might be interested in showing the historical
development of such images and give credit to the wrong person. Without proper credit
to the original creator a part of history is lost.
Another problem concerns the accuracy of the images. An image may be an
artist’s conception or something generated by artificial intelligence (AI). The general
accuracy of such an image is thus in doubt. Further, I’m not in a position to determine if
an image is an accurate representation. Any images that I might include would
undoubtedly contribute to misinformation.
The only image that I could attest to about ETs was a chance meeting and a one-
time brief discussion with 4 Zeta women at a UFO conference in Nevada, USA. What
made me recognize who they were was their quiet, lock-step walking to a conference
table. Otherwise I would never have known who they were. All of them were dressed
differently and looked different to me. Most likely, only SSP veterans who have had
contact and involvement with ETs/Star Nations and Beings would be able to know such
people and the validity of their and other images.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 29
There is also the problem of one or two people or beings representing all of them.
One way to explain this dilemma is in regard to planet Earth. For example, what would a
human picture of planet Earth look like and dress like? Would it be someone from Asia,
Europe, Africa or Americas? None alone would really be “representative” of Earth. The
chosen image would then simply be a stereotype. To avoid this problem different kinds
of images from the same location are helpful. This is why differences among ETs and
their location are sometimes quite useful and expand what we know.
For those who are compelled to look at stereotypical images, the sources I’ve
provided generally have them, many as artist's renditions. An artist who has gone beyond
the stereotype of one group of ETs is Su Walker. She has superbly painted portraits of
the various P’nti people, some of which are on the OfficiaFirstContact.com website
Some Writing Features in this Book
There are a number of features that I’ve used in writing this book that general
readers should be aware of. They include the following.
a) Words in Quotation Marks
e Some words are placed in quotation marks, such as “ascension”, “breakaway
civilization’, “disclosure”, “Nazis” and so on. Such words refer to abstract ideas or
concepts that are not of much use in order to describe experiences that are actually
occurring for people, an organization, society or civilization.
e Some names of ETs/Star Nations are in quotation marks to acknowledge that the
current word is a stereotype and not their actual name (eg., ““Greys”’)
b) Spelling
e American English is the general spelling used throughout this book with some
exceptions. This is because the vast majority of reference sources are American.
e The use of planet Earth is capitalized throughout the book to reflect its sentient
existence. I have not done the same generally for the Sun, Moon, Solar System,
Galaxy, etc., though I should. It is a starting point to have capitalization for all
sentient life forms (eg., Dolphins, Whales).
e The spelling of some words are unknown to me. I have to rely on closed captioning
(since I’m mostly deaf) for the many video presentations cited. Closed captioning
isn’t always accurate and will present a phonetically spelled version of a word(s).
The spelling of some words may thus be inaccurate.
c) Footnotes and No Video Time Stamps
In order to reduce the sheer volume of footnotes (there are still over a thousand) I’ve
made the following changes:
e [start my presentation of an ET or organization by stating where I’ve generally
obtained the information.
e Where the information can be found specifically is given at the end of the
paragraph(s) after the last sentence. The reference is placed after the dot or “period”
of the sentence. This specific reference includes where all the previous information
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 30
can be found. In traditional academic referencing I would have had to place a
footnote after each fact that was presented. My method has allowed me to reduce
considerable footnotes while still giving credit to the author or site that provided the
information and quotations.
e A footnote placed after a name or word(s) within a sentence refers to that
information only.
e There are no video “time stamps”. Again, this is to reduce the reference information.
d) Symbols
e I’ve used brackets (eg., [ ]) to indicate word(s) I’ve added or changed from an
author to make the author more understandable.
e The 3 dots ... indicate a word(s) that have been omitted, usually in a quotation from
an author.
e The word (sic) is used to indicate that I have quoted exactly what an author has
written to show that it was that author’s error or that the author wanted that
particular spelling (eg., Think AboutlIt (sic) means that the author did not want a
space between ‘About’ and ‘It’ and I have used it that way).
e) Disappearing Videos and Publications
A number of videos that I have used as sources of information have already been
taken down by their owners (eg., Gaia). I’ve mentioned the ones that I know about
being taken down in the book. There may be others.
Books tend to remain available. However, a number of self-published books are also
no longer available or are only available at a very high price.
f) References Organized into 2 Lists
There are 2 Reference lists at the end of this book.
The first one includes books and other social media sites (eg., Rumble, YouTube)
It is organized according to the last name of the author (for example, Penny Bradley
would be listed as Bradley, Penny)
The words “the”, “a” or “an” are omitted from the alphabetical order (eg., The
Council of Five is listed as Council of Five and ignores the word “The”’)
The second list includes only websites.
It is organized according to the first word or name of the website (eg., Penny
Bradley is listed as such)
Again, the words “the”, “a” and “an” are omitted from the alphabetical order.
Referencing the Sources of Information
There is a significant problem of providing adequate reference sources in this
area of inquiry for researchers. This is particularly true for websites and social media
platforms. By “referencing” I mean providing where the information that is presented
came from. This is called citing the sources of information. The citing has to provide all
the information necessary so that another person can readily find the work that is being
referred to. This has to include not only the author's name but also the year (if
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 31
applicable), the title of the work, and the specific location of it (a book requires author,
year, title, city and state/province and digital identifiers if provided, a social media site
requires author, date, title host, name and address). These sources must be in a consistent
order to meet a basic standard of referencing and to avoid plagiarism. This is a general
requirement of research. A reference that does not provide these (for instance if only an
author’s name is given) is fully inadequate and still constitutes grounds for plagiarism.!°
For those authors that do not provide the sources of their information, we lose our
history and historical development of ideas and information. Without references we take
credit for other people's work. Without referencing the work of others we obtain
financial gain from them when we sell “our” book without doing the work ourselves.
None of the preceding are done in this research book to the best of my abilities.
For those works, books, social media, websites, for instance, that do not provide
any sources for their information, they are considered less or even not credible. They
simply plagiarize material. Unfortunately, I’ve had to use some of this information about
certain ETs but I mention that the author, website, etc., does not give credit to
information that they have used from another author if I am aware of it. Hopefully, this
will help to improve giving credit to the original author. My hope is that the rampant
plagiarism in this field will fade, especially when it is relatively easy to avoid.
Some sources that I use are not in any of the Reference lists. These are from SSP
military veterans who have provided their information to me by personal
communication. Typically, I will mention the name of the SSP veteran as the source in
the beginning of my presentation about an ET society or beings. The information and
quotations that I’ve used by those who provided them are not included in the Reference
38 3 3k
10 There are numerous academic standards for referencing sources, such as the Modern Language
Association (MLA), The American Psychology Association (APA), the Chicago Style Manual and so on.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 32
A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings
(A - L)
“The galaxy is out there teeming with life.” Penny Bradley!!
“Almost every animal on Earth has a sentient form in space. There are that many
different life forms.” Penny Bradley!”
According to Penny Bradley there are currently 125 ET races that are allowed to
enter Earth. Anyone else is shot down. What this means for people on Earth that do CES
is that they “can only get somebody that's on the approved list”.!3
Abandonderos (see Deros)
Acali or Agali
The Acali/Agali are mentioned on the Exopaedia website with the following
information. Its source is Antonio Tasca4. Tasca’s sighting of the Acali was made on
Dec. 14, 1983 at Chapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The Acali star system is unknown to mainstream science at this time. The Acali
are described as human looking and about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. The only description of
their appearance is: “One female had long brown hair and blue, slanted, eyes”.!>
Acart and Acartitians (not to be confused with the Akart though Acart may be spelled
as Akart)
The source of the information about the Acart society comes from the Exopaedia
website. Their home planet is stated as being 5 light years (lys) from Earth. Currently,
mainstream science does not know the location of this planet.
The Exopaedia website describes the members of the Acart civilization as similar
in appearance to Earth humans except that they are “paler”. Their hair color varies from
'l Bradley, 2022 Jan 24.
!2 Bradley, 2020 Jun 18.
'3 Bradley, 2022 Mar 3.
'4 Antonio Tasca on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/AntoniotTasca
'S The Acali on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Acali
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 33
straw to black. They have learned some of the languages of Earth and spoke to an
abductee in a form of German.!°
Two different people had encounters with them in Brazil, one in 1949 and the
other in 1958. In addition to the Exopaedia website, they are also mentioned by Billy
A recent confirmation of the Acartitians comes from SSP veteran John Whitberg
via Daniel Sala in a personal communication. Whitberg writes that he has encountered
the Acartitians. He says, “They do come from somewhere around 5 light years away. A
brown dwarf. That explains why they’re paler than Earthers, and why we haven’t found
them, since brown dwarfs are hard to find."
Adari (see also Cyakar, Elevar, Ozman, Puxhity, Taal, Vega)
The Adari are reported by Elena Danaan in her 2020 book entitled A Gift from the
Stars. The history of the Adari is stated as a Taal colony that came as refugees after the
Man system had been attacked by the Ciakahr (see also Cyakar). They then migrated to
the first planet of the Olmeekan system called Adara. The light year (ly) distance from
our Sun is not provided.
She describes the Adari as having skin that “evolved to brown with blueish
shades’. Their eyes are stated as being clear and crystalline that the Taal have of the Man
species. Similar to the Ozman of the 4th planet, they wear long robes, high necks and
large sleeves much like the residents of the “Olmeekan (Vega) system”.
The Adari had a colony in India but were chased out by the Cyakar. She mentions
that they are remembered in the Vedic texts as “the blue race of gods who came from the
They are involved with the Galactic Federation of Worlds!® (see also Galactic
No other factual information about them is presented.
Aenstria aka Inxtria
The source of information about the Aenstria or Inxtria civilization is the
Exopaedia website. It reports that Inxtria or Aenstria is the planet circling Mirach or Beta
Andromedae, in the Andromeda constellation!?, and is about 197 lys from Earth.
16 Acart on Exopaedia website is: https://www.exopaedia.org/Acart
'7 FIGU website: https://ca.figu.org/home.html
18 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 202.
19 Andromeda Constellation on Wikipedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 34
The Aenstria are described as “indistinguishable from humans” though taller, 6
feet (1.8 m) tall for a female and 7 and a half feet tall for a male (2.3 m). They have dark
hair and shiny silver-blue eyes. They dressed in a white suit that had a gilded triangle
badge with a pointed star in the South African case.
The last reported sightings of them were from the 1970s in Mexico and July
1980, Johannesburg, South A frica.”°
Aethien (see also Azurite Council, Azurite Eieyani, Cerez, Guardian Alliance,
The following two sources provide information about the Aethien.
The Aethien are mentioned by El Ka on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on
YouTube. They are stated as being one of the 3 Christos Founders races paired with the
Cerez. They contributed their genetic template to create a new genetic race called the
Azurite Eieyani. No other information about them is given here.?!
For a description of the Aethien, I draw from the work of Ashayana Deane. She
states that they resemble Earth’s praying mantis however they are up to 12 feet (3.7 m)
tall. They are “whitish or golden in color”.
Deane says that they are from Galaxies that exist within dimensions that are
adjacent to Earth. They “work with humans and other sentient life forms” in our
dimension and others and “throughout the Time Portal Systems in those dimensions”.
They are emissaries of peace.”
The Aethiens “offered their expertise and some of their genetic material”, says
Deane, to help the Zetas “to continue their species through genetic mutation”. They
created the “Zeta human-Aethien strain” called the Zionites.”
Afim and Afim Spiantsy (see also Lyrans, Selosi)
The source of information about the Afim is from Santori’s ARB. The home
planet of the Afim Spiantsy is given as Crimea Ai-Petri in the Lyra constellation. The
atmosphere of their home planet is composed mainly of a hydrogen-mix. The kind of
mix is not mentioned. They do not breathe oxygen.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_ (constellation)
20 Aenstria on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Aenstria More detailed information is
available from Aenstria on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/think-aboutits-alien-
21 Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
22 The preceding information and quotations are from Deane, 2011, p. 76.
23 The information and quotations from this paragraph are from Deane, 2011, pp. 76-77.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 35
The Santori text contains descriptions of them as follows starting with their
smaller stature than humans. Also, “their skin is covered in blue spots, darker for males
and lighter in females”. When they are close to Earth humans they are able to become
invisible while we, in turn, feel “a certain amount of unexplained anxiety”. One reason
that they visit us on Earth is to study our “Human Deviation (sic)” in order to determine
our future development.
The Afim added the name Spiantsy when they defeated that society even though
the Spiantsy had “12 times more members and 35 times more ships and resources”.
Adding the Spiantsy name was meant as a warning to other races to stay away.
They are technologically very advanced. For instance, they can travel from their
home planet to Earth in about 20 minutes. The Santori book also mentions: “They have
colonized 10 planets in a nonviolent way”. Their spaceships are small and spherical**.
How the Afim Spiantsy were able to achieve their accomplishments is not
known. The meaning of colonizing a planet in a nonviolent way is not provided.
Some additional information about the Afim Spiantsy is provided by Elena
Danaan. Danaan states their home world as “Afiola, in the star system Aldoram (Gamma
Lyrae)” which contradicts the previous Santori account. She adds that they have
“stretched eyes angled upwards”. Their society is portrayed as consisting of “a warrior
patriarchy structure” though no examples are given. Lastly, their development of space
travel and technology was assisted by the “‘Selosii and Lyrans”.*> No details of this are
given. The rest of the information is mainly uncredited from the ARB.
African Zulu Extraterrestrials aka The Tall African Zulu ETs (see Eyosians)
Agartha, Agarthas, Agarthans and Agarthians (see also Germans in Space, Inner
Earth, Inner Earth “Blonds”, Lyra, Telos)
The word Agartha or Agarthi means underworld in Hindu and more commonly
refers to societies that live underground, according to the Exopaedia website. The
Agartha are considered to be part of an underground network of cities with the name of
their capital “Shamballa”’.
The writings of Diane Robbins in her book Messages from the Hollow Earth
states that Shamballa is different from Shamballa the Lesser. Robbins says the following:
"Think of Shamballa the Lesser as the United Nations of over 100 subterranean
cities that form the Agartha Network. It is, indeed, the seat of government for the
24 All preceding information is from Santori, 2011, p. 48.
25 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 192-193.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 36
inner world. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite
colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth’ s crust
or discreetly within mountains.”°
The Exopaedia website reports that the RA?’ material and Alex Collier?’ claim
that some of the Agarthans originally came from a planet called Maldek*? which was
destroyed and became the Asteroid Belt*® in our solar system. Collier refers to the
Agarthans as the lost tribe of Lyra*!, who were also called Ari-an, as reported on the
Exopaedia website.
The Agarthians are described as “‘a benevolent human species” though what this
means is not clarified. Also mentioned is that their technological capabilities exceed
those of Earth humans by far. No examples are given. They have a space fleet called the
‘Silver Fleet’. The Exopaedia website mentions that the Agarthians are in conflict with
members of the 'Reptilians*?’, ‘Greys’*?, Draco Empire**, and Secret Government*>
people of Earth.*°
Some Agarthans were captured by the Germans in space or German Federation,
maintains Peter the Insider, the director of the 12th division of the ACIO*’ in order to
replicate them or hybridize them. The Agarthans were unable to do anything about that
because they were too weak.*® I interpret “weak” to mean that the Agarthans were unable
to prevent the German Federation space military from abducting some of them.
The Agartha society is also mentioned in The Official First Contact Coloring
Book of the P’nti & Star Nation Beings and is part of Sandia Mountain base of
operations. As stated in this book, the Agartha’s inhabit Inner Earth. A high priestess is
mentioned as well as their members' fondness for being “one with nature”. An interesting
point mentioned is that there are Inner Earth Nordic’s from Agartha.*?
More recent information comes from El Ka’s Cosmic History of Us Galactic
Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2). Ka reports that the
26 Robbins, 2003, p. 89. I wish to thank Daniel Sala for this reference.
27 Ra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/RA
28 Alex Collier on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Alex+Collier
29 Maldek on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Maldek
30 Asteroid Belt on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid_belt
31 Lyra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Lyra
32 ‘Reptilians’ on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Reptilians
33 ‘Greys’ on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Greys
34 Draco Empire on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Draconian+Empire
35 Secret Government on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Secret+Government
36 All preceding information about Agartha or Agarthi on Exopaedia website:
37 See ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
38 Peter the Insider, 2016 Jul 27.
39 The Official First Contact Coloring Book of the P’nti & Star Nation Beings. 2020, Vol. 2, No. 3.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 37
Agarthans are “the remnants of the Lemuria and Atlantis cultures, just like our
civilization is today part of those ancient cultures”. She notes that they are a “Spiritual
Guidance (sic)” from Inner Earth. She says that they consist of “light and frequency” and
they are there to provide assistance and guidance to humans.
Of interest is that she states that the Agarthans are allies of the Annunaki or
Zha.a.mi (see also Zha.a.mi). No details of this are provided. Her final point is that there
are “openings in the North and around the South Poles but they are protected” .*°
Agartha “Reptilians” (see also Inner Earth, “Reptilians”)
John Whitberg, an SSP military veteran, provides some brief information about
the Agartha “Reptilians” in a personal communication (not in References). What he
recalls is that they are a “species created by mixing human DNA with the DNA of a
Chameleon”. He says, “they change color depending on their emotions”. They are
“generally hostile” which I assume is a reference to Earth humans.
That is all that he remembers about them.
Agharians or Aghartians (see also Nagas, Telos)
The Bibliotecapleyades website does not provide the name of a home planet or
constellation for the Agharians. The website states their physical appearance as “Asiatic”
or “Nordic”. Their appearance is thus uncertain.
The Agharians discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi
Desert thousands of years ago where they created a thriving kingdom. There is some
relation postulated with the Nagas but what this was is unknown. As well, the website
mentions that there was some relation with the Nazis in WWII but these unknown
specifics require investigation.
This site reports that the Agharians have had “contact with races of other
planetary systems until current times”.*! Who these societies were and their planetary
systems is not provided.
On the Think AboutlIt (sic) website it is asserted that other investigations by
Souza, Strauss and Huguenin conclude the possibility of an advanced underground
civilization. This website also mentions the possibility of “a loose secret alliance
between Aghartian, Telosian, and American officials according to some sources”.*2 Who
these sources were is not mentioned.
40 Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), pp. 16-17.
41 All information here is from the Agharians on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien 19a.htm
42 The Agharians or Aghartians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 38
Aghraban (see Dries)
Ahel or Ahil (see also Asbaan-Hu, Erra, Lyra, “Man”)
The Ahel or Ahil are presented by Elena Danann. Danaan states that the Ahel
came from the 4th planet called Maya of the “Man” system
They are described as a “humanoid” race with “fair skin” that have “blond to
light brown hair” with eye colors that can range “from blue to green”. Their nature is
presented as quiet, peaceful and harmonious within a “spiritual culture”. They are said to
live in “clusters of crystal towers” that arise out of water.
Danaan presents their history as “the first Humans to be born” who then went on
to inhabit the other planets of their solar system and on to the Galaxy. Their star was
named Mana, so called as their source for “mother” or the “great mother of all mothers”.
The Ahel came to understand stars as a gateway to “the Great Source” and renamed their
star "Imana" as a tribute to “the Great Mother and Supreme Creator”.
The last information states that most Ahel colonies are part of the Galactic
Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority) and are based on “the Ahel colony from
Erra, in the Pleiades”. There is a final list of their predominant colonies which include
the following: “Erra (Pleiades Taygeta) / Procyon / Aldebaran (beside and Anunnaki
colony) / Hyades / Tau Ceti (Norca) / Terra / Zygon (Andromeda systems) / Vega’’.*3
Ahzdars - Red Race (see also Altair and Caspan, Jassan and Paegan, Tutakai
Tikopai, Kashmir, Qizan Qal’at, K’ushui K’hotans)
The information about the Ahzdars was obtained from crash sites as reported in
the Bibliotecapleyades website. The Ahzdars were part of the 7 different ET races on
Earth when it was struck by a disaster. They were part of the “Altair and Caspan, Jassan
and Paegan’s Council and Organization”. The Ahzdars are listed as reporting to this
council. Their part of this mission focused on “environmental projects”.44
No other information about them is provided.
43 All information and quotations are from Danann, 2020, pp. 188-189.
44 The Ahzdars (Uni-terrestrial - Code: UNA (Seven ancestral Alien races that started our civilization
here)) in Some Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know About: An Anthropological Analysis on the
Bibliotecapleyades website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 39
Ainanna (see also Alpha-Draco, Maitre)
There are two main sources of information about the Ainanna. The first is by
Santori in the ARB.
The Ainanna civilization is presented in Santori's ARB compilation. They come
from the Gemini constellation. No description of their general appearance is provided.
Santori’ARB mentions that the Ainanna have permanent bases on Mars where
they mine gold-like material. No details of this operation and the material are mentioned.
Santori includes in this book that the Ainanna gave rise to the term ‘Martians’. Who
attributed that name to them and the circumstances in which this occurred is not
The Ainanna visited Earth for the first time during 1235 BC in Japan. How this
early time came to be known is not included. Their last sighting was in 2003 over
Many details here need investigation.
The second source of information comes from Elena Danaan. Danaan, like
Santori, states that the Ainanna come from the Gemini constellation but adds that their
planet is called Dromma Thestias (or simply Thestias) in the Beta Geminorum (Pollux)*
star system which is 34 lys from Earth. Their system has 3 planets.
Their appearance is described as having the same size as the “Zetan Grey”,
though with bigger and wider eyes. Their skin is stated as being “clear brown”. They
have four fingers and a thumb and 5 toes. Clothes are only worn when necessary. They
wear an orange coloured space travel uniform though she states it is “more of an
environmental suit’. They are unable to breathe Earth’s atmosphere so “synthetic life-
forms such as clones” are used. They are mostly stationed in the USA Dulce base where
they trade alleged high technology for humans.
They are allied with the Draco and the Maitre and not part of the Galactic
Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority).
Danaan mentions that their ships may be oval or rectangular and are made from
“black metal”. The rectangular spacecraft are mentioned as being “bigger” and have
“yellow lights on the periphery”. They use cloaking technology and spherical blue
module orbs” as probes.*”
45 Santori, 2011, p. 30
46 Pollux b on the Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollux_b
47 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 172-173.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 40
Aion (see also Pleiadians)
The Exopaedia website reports that the information of these implied human
inhabitants from the Aion planet are part of the Andromeda Galaxy as revealed in a past-
life regression undertaken by Barbara Hand Clow. It is also suggested that the Pleiadians
communicate with the Aions.*®
No other information about the Aions is available at present.
There are two main sources of information about the Airk. They are Santori’s
ARB and Elena Danaan’s A Gift from the Stars.
The Airk are from the Ophiuchus constellation, near Yed Prior, according to the
Santori ARB. The Wikipedia website states that Delta Ophiuchi has the formal name of
Yed Prior, a star that is about 171 lys from Earth’.
Continuing on with the ARB, it presents the Airk as being peaceful according to
other races. Who these races are is not included. The Airk are predominantly nocturnal.
How this information about them being nocturnal came to be known and by who is not
The purpose of the Airk’s visits to Earth are unknown with only quick stops to
obtain what they need and no interaction with Earth humans and other races. Their
spaceships “emit a bright-orange light and are (most of them, not all) octogonal (sic) in
The last time that they were spotted was in May 2003 near London, England.*°
There is no mention of any circumstances about this sighting.
The other source of information about the Airk comes from Danaan. She repeats
what is stated in the ARB from where the Airk originated but adds that they refer to this
constellation as Pavo. Their star is stated as having 3 planets.
The characteristics of the Airk include that they can live up to 2,000 years. Their
height is stated as being “that of a normal human” which is a bit too general to provide
useful information. Their skin is described as pale, their eyes as big with round pupils.
They have 4 fingers and a thumb, a tiny nose and ears that are simply holes. The females
are said to be “slim” with nearly translucent skin. They have little to no hair. Nothing
about hair is said for the males. They wear clothes that are made of “‘a sort of silk”. Their
48 Aion on Exopaedia: https://www.exopaedia.org/Aion
49 Delta Ophiuchi on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Ophiuchi
50 All information is from Santori, 2011, p. 53.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings Al
food is characterized as vegetarian. Other races, that are unnamed, consider them as
peaceful and respected.
She reports that they have been coming to Earth since 1000 AD. They are unable
to breathe Earth’s atmosphere and this may be why they are not interested in “settling” or
interacting with humans here. What they use Earth for is simply to pick up something
quick that they might need but what that is is not given. They are said not to carry out
She says that they are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic
Authority) but do not participate in “planetary programs”. Their spacecraft emit “a bright
orange light” and are typically octagonal.*!
The Galactic Human Journey website presents the Ajura. There is very little
factual information presented about them and no source for the information is included.
This site does not provide where the Ajura came from. There is no description of
their characteristics. What is provided are mere assertions that Earth has been
“quarantined by Cyborg civilizations (in nice human form)” and that our world and that
of the Ajuras have had our “neurological consciousness” hacked. No details of this are
provided. They are said to use a vibration that allows them to tune into our inner
consciousness and that of the hologram of our planet. Spaceships are not required by
them for travel.*?
The lack of factual information from this website casts doubt on the actual
existence of the Ajura.
Aka, Ak-Ka or Akkah (see also Alpha-Draco)
The Ak-Ka is the name of a “secretive warrior race” mentioned by Randy Cramer
in his interview with Eve Longren on her website. Cramer was unable to recall any more
information about them.™
Another source of information about the Akka is Elena Danaan. She refers to the
Akkah as “enhanced creatures” that the Cyakahrr take with them for high speed digging
to build underground structures “wherever they go conquer (sic). They are described as
5! All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 212-213.
5? All information and quotations are from Ajura on Galactic Human Journey website:
53 Randy Cramer. 2014 Apr 30. “Whistleblower Randy Cramer Tells About Secret Military Operations on
Mars.” Eve Lorgen, Host, EveLorgen.com website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 42
“a mutation of the reptilian race”. As such they are said to be “Quadrupedal, fast,
powerful” with “a strong bio-sensing ability”.°* No examples are provided.
Akara and Akari (pl) aka Mantis or Mantid, “Insectoid” (see also Alpha-Draco,
Mantis, Shamtbahala, Zetas)
The Akari and 3 categories of races are presented by Elena Danaan. Danaan
states that the Akari are from the “Sombrero Galaxy M104”. The Wikipedia website
reports that this Galaxy is also known as “Messier Object 104, M104 or NGC 4594” and
is 31 million lys from our Galaxy>>.
Danaan says that these beings call themselves Akara and have a lifespan of 5,000
years. Their appearance is described as similar to an Earth praying mantis except that
they stand upright. They are up to 9 feet (2.7 m) tall with no height difference mentioned
between males and females. Their color may be “green, white or black”. Their head is
shaped like a V and has large “black faceted eyes”. Their fingers are described as little
black appendices. Communication is through telepathy.
The Akari reproduction is presented as oviparous (producing offspring by
hatching eggs). No time period for the length of incubation is given. The laid eggs grow
into “vertical soft organic pods” that are fed “hybrids and humanoid body parts”.
The ethical mind set of the Akari is portrayed as based on usefulness and being
logical. They do not use “bad” or “good”. Likewise, their notion of feelings is different
from ours but no examples are provided. Though they are peaceful, their ethical code
does not prevent them from violating what we would call human rights. That is why they
oversee human abductions.
The Akari society is characterized as a “metrical hive-structured” (see also
“Hive” Mind). The meaning of this is not clarified and no examples are provided.
Their advanced technology is based on “sonic technologies” and “vibrational
frequencies”. They use these to “shape their environment” and for communication. No
explanation and examples are given here. The Akari scientists who create these
technologies are prized and hunted by the Orion Alliance who enslave them.
These insectoid beings include those from 3D to 9D according to Danaan. She
states that the lower density ones work with the “Orion Alliance and the Gray
Collectives”. The higher density Akari are said to be “colorful light beings” in the
“insectoid shape”.
Three kinds of Akari beings are presented as “subspecies” which I refer to as
races. They are presented in the same order as in her book and briefly described below.
54 The information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 152.
5° Sombrero Galaxy on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sombrero_Galaxy
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 43
1) “Green” Race
e Two thin legs, a “tubular butt” and wings
e Yellow eyes with “a narrow vertical split”
e Slaves to the Orion and Gray collectives
There is no mention of their size. Their density is not stated but it is assumed to be a
lower one eg., 3D.
2) “White” Race
e Taller than the “Greens” (too vague to be useful)
e “Longer ringed necks”, flatter head (the assumed comparison is with the
Faceted black eyes
Black mandibles on both sides of their mouth
3 pairs of legs ending with “pointy appendages”
Globally enslaved to the Xrog/Shamtbahali (see Xrog/Shamtbahali) and Orion
3) “Black” Race aka “Tall Blacks”
e Their bodies have a “black glossy exoskeleton”, with extra joints in their arms
and legs
Eyes are golden to glowing red
Some are “humanoid” and considered hybrids
Different levels of “humanoid” features exist
Work for themselves
Said to assist Earth’s consciousness awakening”
Throughout these 3 races there is no clarification of some of the meanings of
words, eg., what is meant by a “humanoid” Akari, and significant examples are missing
that would help our understanding.
Akart and Akarit (pl) (not to be confused with the Acart which may also be spelled
Akart) (see also Hav-Hunnuae-Kondras)
The Akart are from the Sextans constellation, according to the Santori ARB book.
No physical description of them is provided. They are reported to have the fastest
spaceships in the universe. How this came to be known is not provided.
Santori mentions that an Akart spaceship crashed in Klisura, Bulgaria in 1971.
Another one of their spaceships crashed outside of Varginha, Brazil in 1996. Two of its
occupants were placed in USA custody after the US paid billions of dollars for them to
the Brazilian government.
56 The information and quotations are from Danaan 2020, pp. 209-211.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 44
Their last sighting of them was in 2002 again near Varginha.°’
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website provides some more information about the Akart
that can be added to that provided by Santori. This website’s information has sources that
link to original descriptions and is thus considered credible. The original description of
the 1996 events and circumstances in Virginha, Brazil about the Akart is by Ubirajara
Franco Rodrigues**. The Think AboutIt (sic) website reprinted the events of Virginha®?’.
Only brief highlights are mentioned here.
This website states that the Akart have an average height of 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m).
Their skin is described as “oily brownish”. There are 3 “rounded protuberances” on the
top of their head similar to horns. Their eyes are big and red. There was a strong
ammonia-like smell around them.
Their form of communication was described as a “buzzing sound” that was
similar to the sound that bees make”.
The last source of information that contributes to what the previous ones offer is
from Elena Danaan. Danaan adds that the Akart star system consists of 3 planets. The
home planet is called Okunuu Okulua. The physical description includes what the other
sources have mentioned.
She presents their society as patriarchal which consists of 2 genders. A hierarchy
of females is mentioned consisting of those who are part of the “upper scientific class”
who decided not to have a family. Females lay eggs of one per pregnancy with up to 6 in
a lifespan. The lifespan is given as “a bit older then (sic) the Terrans, over a decade or
two” though no difference for the genders is mentioned. Offspring of both genders
receive the same education though females are reported to study more in psionics. Their
food includes flesh.
She states that they wear clothes but no examples are provided. However, they do
not wear clothes for interdimensional travel and this is given as a reason for
interdimensional ships being unisex. It would be helpful to have a meaning of
interdimensional travel.
Their technology is given as less evolved than other ETs but no examples are
57 All information is from Santori, 2011, p. 39
38 Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues. 2004 Jun 01 (100th edition). “Varginha: Answers Omitted” (trans from
Portuguese) on UFO website: https://ufo.com.br/artigos/varginha-respostas-omitidas. html
59 See “1996: The Varginha Brazil Entity” on Think AboutIt (sic) Entity Report website:
60 This website information and quotations are from Virginha/Akart on the Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 45
She mentions that they rarely visit Earth and are not involved in abductions.
Their ships are oval and metallic gray with no windows.°!
Akhabongat (see also “Reptoids)
The Akhobongat are presented by Elena Danaan. Not much information about
them is stated. Danaan says that the Akhobongat live on a 3 planet solar system called
“K7”. No specific home planet is mentioned.
Their appearance is characterized generally as “reptiloid” with no specifics given.
This website goes on to add that the Akhobongat are “peaceful and quiet people”. Their
form of communication is not mentioned.
They “live in mounds and underground cities” . The reason given for this is that
their sun emitted “hotter radiation” that is injurious to their facial features. Their food
source is also underground where they feed on “extensive underground gardens” in their
They are said to be members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic
Authority) but are not involved in any diplomatic efforts.°
The nature of their society is not provided.
Akhori and Akhorii (pl) or Akhoric (see also Altair, Darthar, Kiily-Tokurt, Lyrans,
The Akhorii are one part of the Altair Humanoids who, in turn, are part of the
“Humanoid Alliance of Altar” according to Elena Danaan. Their home planet is called
Akhoria which is the 4th planet in the Altair system. Danaan states that there is a “mixed
group of species” that inhabit Akhoria that also includes a “blond humanoid race” who
are called the Akhori. She states that the Akhoric are “closely related to the Lyrans” but
does not say how. They are stated as originating “from Altair and Vega”.
The physical description is that they are “very similar to Terrans” but does not
say in what ways. That is all that is provided here.
On Earth, she says that they cooperate with Terrans but who these are is not
included. They are said to cooperate with these unspecified Terrans in “human
abductions and interbreeding” where it refers to the “US-Telos Alliance and Orion
‘Grey’ Collective”.
6! The information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 276-277.
62 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020 p. 198.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 46
One ET race with which they cooperate is the Kiily-Tokurt. They are also part of
an alliance of blonde humanoids called the “United Worlds Alliance” which is stated as
being part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority). She ends by
stating that they create diplomatic problems for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. No
examples are given.°?
AK-KA (and US EBE Manual Classification)
The Ak-Ka are mentioned in an interview that Randy Cramer did with Eve
Lorgen that was reposted by James Rink on his Super Soldier Talk website in 2014.
Cramer admits that he knows very little about the Ak-Ka.
What he does know is that they are a “secretive warrior race”. He does not know
where they are from or what they look like. He says that they were in the EBE manual
and stood out. The manual is color coded with 4 categories, green (for peaceful,
friendly), white (for neutral), yellow (for potentially hazardous, possible death) and red
(for hostile). The Ak-Ka were listed in the green category.
That is all that Cramer says he knows about them.™
Akrij aka W56 (pronounced double v 56)
The reason that we know about this 1956 contact of the Akrij in Pescara, Italy is
due to the publication of Stefano Breccia’s® book in 2009 called Mass Contact. From
Breccia and others before him we learn that these ETs are “benevolent humanoid”
beings. No meaning or example of benevolence, and for who, is provided. They refer to
themselves as the Akrij though the contactees refer to them as W56. The W is used to
stand for two Vs for “Victory” and 56 refers to 1956 when contact started™.
According to Breccia, the Akrij operate mainly from “underground and
underwater bases”. Once they had completed their bases they established relations with
local people. Evidence of this relation with them includes “hundreds of clear
photographs, movie sequences and tape recordings” that showed “a variety of alien craft
and even some of their crew”. This “case” was kept secret for so many years because
“many of those involved wanted to remain incognito”. The contactees referred to their
relation with the Akrij (meaning “‘the Sage Old Ones”) as The Friendship Case (Ita.
63 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 88-89.
64 All information and quotations are from Eve Lorgen. 2014 Apr 30. “Whistleblower Randy Cramer Tells
About Secret Military Operations on Mars.” Reposted by James Rink, 2015 Jan 23, on Super Soldier Talk
65 A short biography about him is presented on Stefano Breccia on Fandom website:
https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Stefano_ Breccia
(Note for 2020: Fandom is moving to a new platform called the Unified Community Platform.)
66 Breccia, 2009 p. 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 47
Amicizia means "friendship"). The friends supported the Akrij by providing them with
raw materials, food, and so on as well as public relations through the church, military,
media and scientists. Some of the Akrij also “married Earth people, had children and
An interesting point made by Breccia is that they “wormed their way into
undercover roles in Italy and other nations eg., France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria,
Argentina, and [the] former Soviet Union”.
In a presentation at a Hawaii Conference in 2010, Breccia revealed that the Akrij
also had an enemy. This enemy was “a group of artificial beings” that they had created
and were now fighting. The Akrij called them “our enemy brother” but the main
Friendship contactee, Bruno Samaciccia called them “CTR” which stands for Italian
The following information about the Akrij, described as “human-like”, is from
the Fandom website. According to this site, the Akrij are able to project the appearance
that they want from small to tall: 3.3 feet (1 meter) to 20 feet (6 meters). As an example,
the website mentions that there is a “clear daytime photograph of one of the Akrij aliens
and the analysis showing him to be around 8 feet [2.4 m] tall” in Breccia’s book. They
are stated to be scientifically and spiritually advanced and have been on Earth for
“millennia”. No example of their spiritual advancement is provided but there is for
science. For instance, the Akrij would disassemble a flying craft after an operation and
have their robots build a new one, “in about 2 hours”, when it was required, to tailor it
for the next mission. As is mentioned on the website, this explains why so many different
kinds of flying craft were seen over the years. Also mentioned is that the craft were not
the primary means of transportation (other technology was used for that) but were used
instead as a base or “temporary laboratory”.
A further example about their craft is that “On at least one occasion he [Breccia]
flew in one of the Akrij craft for some 90 minutes and observed its functions”. Breccia
made notes on his experiences including various tests about the flying craft.°
The information about the Alabram from Andromeda is considered channeled by
Ruth Montgomery and not credible, so more verification about them is required.”
67 All preceding information and quotations are from Breccia, 2009, pp. 10-11.
68 Breccia, 2017 Nov 24.
69 Information and quotations here are from Friendship Case (Amicizia in Italian) on Fandom website:
https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Friendship Case
(Note for 2020: Fandom is moving to a new platform called the Unified Community Platform.)
70 Alabram on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Alabram
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 48
Alcohbata or Alcobata
The Alcohbata originate from the Perseus constellation, according to the ARB by
Santori. Santori reports that they prefer not to interact with other races. Other races
consider them very aggressive and have labeled them “parasites”. No description of them
is provided. Who the races are that made these assessments and on what basis is not
The Alcohbata are known to have over 5,000 spaceships. Over 100 planets have
been colonized by them. How the number of spaceships came to be known and their
means of colonizing other planets is not mentioned.
The Alcohbata are known to abduct Earth humans frequently and repeatedly but
the reasons for this are unknown. They are suspects in airplane crashes “such as flight
007 over the USSR in 1983” for which the USSR leadership took the blame. This was
done to prevent disclosing their existence to the general public.
They were last seen during 2001 in September in Canada.”! No specific area in
Canada, and who saw them, is mentioned.
Additional information about the Alcobata (note the minor difference in spelling
from Alcohbata) is presented by Elena Danaan. The Alcobata are located on a planet
called “Urdam II, in the Goraneor system” according to Danaan. The only physical
description provided is that they have “five bony points that protrude from the top of
their skull”.
Their society is characterized as “warrior based” that has a complex hierarchical
structure. For religion, they have a “large number of gods”. It is portrayed as “very
complicated”. No clarification or examples are provided.
She states that the Alcobata have “two modes of reproduction’. These are by
“eggs or by mammals”. The reproduction by eggs is carried out by an androgynous class
of males. They are born for this task. They are able to produce a particular hormone “that
activates the reproductive function”. Their eggs create offspring that are predominantly
male and develop into aggressive warriors. Women that conceive through the womb
produce both genders who develop practical social and political roles.”
The remaining information on this site is similar to and does not give credit to
Alcyone (see also Ahel, Alpha-Draco, Taal, Taygeta/Pleiadian)
7! Santori, 2011, p. 60
72 The website information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 242-243.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 49
Alcyone (or in astronomical wording, Eta Taurus) is part of the Pleiades about
407 lys from Earth according to the Exopaedia website’*. The Alcyones have been
described in various ways ranging from “Nordic type” to “red-head” to “Mediterranean”
types. No detailed descriptions are provided from this Exopaedia website.
On the Exopolitics website it is stated that according to Alex Collier,’4 the
Alcyone broke away from the Pleiades and the Federation of Planets to join the Draco
Empire’. No sightings on Earth are mentioned.
There is not much additional information about the Alcyone by Elena Danaan.
The information is mostly historical. She begins with Lohr Jaya (or simply Jaya) which
also means "the dark sister", as the name of a trinary system that has a very fast spinning
main sun. A faction of the Taali that separated from those in Taygeta and settled “On one
of the two worlds orbiting in this system”. This is presented as the first separation. A
further split is presented between those Taali that did not want to settle on Temer which
was smaller than Era and had been “attributed to the Ahel”. These Taali then settled “in
the nearby Alcyone system”.
The Alcyone Taali were weakened by their conflicts with the Taygetans and so
came under the control of the major powers, the “Orion and Altair Alliances” whose
cause they joined. They became part of ruling “the galaxy under terror”.’”°
Aldebaran and Aldebarans aka Aldebaron, Aldebaranite and Aldebaranites ((see
also “Aquafarians", Arian and Uru, Jadaii Anunakene (aka Janos and
Janosians), Jadaiahil and Jadaii Nemessia, “Nordics”))
Aldebaran is an orange giant star that is part of the Taurus constellation about 65
lys away from Earth’’. According to the Think Aboutlt (sic) website Aldebaran or Alpha
Tauri (the main star in the Taurus constellation) includes 2 other planets called Arian and
Uru in this star system. This website also states that the Aldebarans are related to the
Lyran, Pleiadian and some of the Sirian races.’* How this came to be known is not
The general physical appearance of the Aldebarans comes from the Exopaedia
website which states that they are a “Standard Terran Humanoid” (a generally not helpful
description given the diversity of Terrans) similar to the “Lyran Caucasian Group””’. The
73 Alcyone on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Alcyone
74 See Alex Collier website: https://www.alexcollier.org/
7 Pleiades on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Pleiades
76 This information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 250.
77 Aldebaran on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
78 Aldebaran on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
79 Lyran Caucasian Group on Exopaedia: https://www.exopaedia.org/Lyran+Caucasians
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 50
Messages from a Star Traveler website by Ileana (El Ka) goes on to add that there are 2
general kinds of Aldebaran societies in that star system. Both live to about 500 - 2,000
years and are human.
The first society mentioned by Ileana (El Ka) on Messages from a Star Traveler
website are the 8th dimension (8D) beings. They are described as having “grey or purple
translucent glowing skin, with either black or blue hair”. The color of their eyes is given
as “either purple or blue”. There is a height difference between women and men with the
women ranging from 6 feet 8 inches to 7 feet tall (about 2 m) while the men grow up to 8
feet tall (around 2.4 m). An interesting characteristic of these beings is their ability to
create a siren song with voices that are also capable of hypnotizing people through
suggestions placed in their mind.*°
The second society mentioned by the Messages from a Star Traveler website is an
aquatic society whose members have “greenish/blue skin, and green or blue eyes”. This
website reports that these beings are tenth dimensional or simply, 10D. Only a general
height of up to 14 feet (about 4 m) tall is mentioned and no gender differences in height
are given. Like the first group, this one also has the ability of the siren song. As well,
these beings are deep sea divers that are capable of being underwater for long periods of
time. They are also reported to have underwater cities on their planets.*!
The Messages from a Star Traveler website provides an example from this
second society of a being named Akura. Akura is referred to as a wisdom keeper. She
helps people who are ascending or descending through various dimensions.*?
Another race of people from the Aldebaran star system are mentioned by SSP
military veteran John Whitberg in a personal communication (not in References). He
refers to them as the Aldebaranites. They are a “Nordic” species, he states, who can
“visually pass for Swedish”. They generally wear all white. He says that they are “highly
racist” and are “the species who inspired the Holocaust”.
Their relation to Earth, according to Whitberg, is that they are currently working
“with negative factions in the Russian military”. They also have a base underneath
Beirut, Lebanon.
Lastly, the Think AboutlIt (sic) website mentions a “renegade” group of
Aldebarans that has joined the Draco Empire.*? More details of these would be
80 All information and quotations here, unless otherwise noted, are from Aldebaran on Messages from a
Star Traveler website: https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/aldebaran-ets
81 All information is from Aldebaran on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/aldebaran-ets
82 All information is from Aldebaran on the Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/aldebaran-ets
83 The Aldebarans on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/think-aboutits-alien-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 51
Aldoram (see Afim Spiantsy)
Alfrateans (see Alphrateans)
Al-Gruualix or Al Gruu-Al'ix aka Orgonas
The Al-Gruualix come from the Cetus constellation near Deneb Kaitos Shemali*4,
according to the ARB bySantori. They grow up to 6 feet (about 2 m) and have a lifespan
of about 350 years.
They appear as Reptilians but have nothing in common with them. No details are
given here as to what this means and what these might be. They are one of 21 races that
have more than 2 genders. This society has 8 genders all of which can reproduce with
each other. No details are provided here.
Their reasons for Earth visits are unknown. They were sighted last in December
2004 near Lima, Peru.®
Another source of information about the Al-Gruualix comes from Elena Danaan.
She states that their Sun is called Assari and their planet is called Orgona. Their planet is
described as having a “very dense gaseous atmosphere” with a very wet “blue-gray
steam” that resembles a “tropical rainforest”. Due to the dense atmosphere there is only
“dim light”.
These people are described as being 6 feet (1.8 m) tall. They are portrayed as a
“very old breed, wise and calm people” who are “generally pacifists and obedient to
rules”. Their reproduction is based on “8 sexes” where everyone can reproduce with
whomever they have sexual contact with. How this came to be known is not mentioned.
One of their abilities is that they can “concentrate light until crystallization”. No example
is given.
They were not part of the Lyran wars and so did not jeopardize the “survival of
their species”. Currently, she says that they are members of the Galactic Federation of
Worlds (or GalacticAuthority) which provided them economic and technological benefits
including “protection and community”. No details or examples of these are provided.
In order for them to travel they have to recreate their rainforest-like conditions on
their ships. Consequently, she adds that they do not travel much. They have traveled to
2 66.
Earth but our sun’s “rays can kill them by drying out their skin”. She says that they do
84 Deneb Kaitos Shemali / Iota Ceti: Facts about the Star on the Universe Guide website:
85 All information is from Santori, 2011, p. 23.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 52
visit Earth for “scientific curiosity”. She also states that they “abduct very rarely” even
though they are described earlier as “wise and calm” and “generally pacifists”.
Lastly, their spacecraft are stated as being “pure light”. They are “ovoid
vertical’”.®° The reconciliation between the Al-Gruualix spacecraft as “pure light” and the
rainforest conditions that they need for space travel is not provided.
Alkhorhu and Alkhori aka Noor and Noori (see also Ahel, D’ Akoorhu, Errahel, T-
Marhu, Pleiadians)
The Alkhori are presented by Elena Danaan. She reports that the Alkhori live on
the “Sth planet of the Ashaaru” called Alkhorat which she says means "the serene place".
They are descendants “of the Noor colony, called the Alkhorhu”, the plural for which is
presented as Alkhori.
Their physical description includes the following. They can grow to 7.9 feet (2.4
m) and live between 500 to 700 Earth years. No distinction is made for gender. One of
their biological problems is that their internal organs do not grow as fast as their bodies.
This results in organ failure starting with the heart.
They are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority).
They are involved in the affairs of Earth that includes early myths of Norse races who
were referred to as “red-haired giants”. No other details are given.
Their spacecraft are stated as being “of the Ashaari type”. They are said to be
“identical to those of the Errahil and T-mari (sic)” [T-marhi].8”
“Allbram” (see also “Merfolk”)
The name of this race of beings is reported by James Rink on his Super Soldier
Talk website. Rink refers to a person who states that his race is called “Allbram’’. I’ve
put it in quotation marks because that is the closest name that Rink is able to ascertain. I
have assumed that “Allbram” is one of the Merfolk races. Rink states that “Allbram”’ is
“a water planet in [the] Aldebaran constellation”. He adds that the “Mermaids” from
other realms are contacting those on Earth to help sustain Terra’s (Earth) frequency.*®
That is all the information provided.
In a follow up personal communication (not in References), Rink says that he
does not recall saying this. I have retained this uncertainty for future researchers.
86 This information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 126-127.
87 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 258-259.
88 All information and quotations are from James Rink. 2021 Aug 24. “Mermaids Among Us”. Super
Soldier Talk website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/mermaids-amongst-us/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 53
Allgruulk and Allgruulki (plural) aka “The Builders” (see also “Reptoids”’)
The information about the Allgruulk comes from the Santori ARB. He reports that
the Allgruulki originate from the Sculptor constellation. The Wikipedia website states
that this constellation is about 182 lys from our Sun®®. The ARB notes that they
developed from an ancient race of Reptilians that is extinct. No physical description is
stated. They are able to live up to 230 years. How this is known is not given.
Their specialty is building ships and other devices necessary for deep space
travel. Hence the attribute of “the Builders”. As space travelers they search for new raw
They were sighted last in 2005 near Tokyo, Japan.” No specifics about the
sighting are provided.
The other source of information about the Allgruulki comes from Elena Danaan.
Danaan states that Gamma Sculptoris is also referred to as Orgozx and their planet is
called Artaa. She says that this is actually a “binary star system” consisting of a “large
orange star” (which is Gamma Sculptoris) and an unnamed “very small blue star’. There
are 7 planets said to revolve around both with only one being considered as habitable.
The uninhabitable ones are described as “crude asteroid types”. The third planet is Artaa
which has a “blue, very dry and foggy atmosphere”. Its conditions are humid with little
vegetation despite considerable rain. The kind of rain provided primarily suits the needs
of the Allgruulki skin and not the vegetation. She compares their air and water stating
that they are not suitable for us nor is ours suitable for the Allgruulki.
The physical description provided is that they have “brown, scaly skin, nostril-
like holes just above the upper lip”. There is a “brown, scaly line down the center of their
face between the nostrils and the lip”. No other descriptions are mentioned.
This site states that they are “spiritual” and part of the Galactic Federation of
Worlds (or Galactic Authority).°! There is no mention of their society and its relations
with other ETs. The rest of her information is primarily from Santori’s ARB without
Allmahuluk-Strat-163 or Allmuhulluk-Strat-163 aka Allmahuluki (pl)
In the ARB, Santori reports that the Allmahulum-Strat-163 come from Jupiter or
one of its moons.
Allmahuluk-Strat-163 were forced to leave Earth after they lost a battle to
Reptoids in ancient India which they had been visiting for about 200 years. They
89 Gamma Sculptoris on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_Sculptoris
90 Santori, 2011, p. 16.
°! This information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 272-273.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 54
resumed visiting Earth around 1948. Technologically advanced, they have the ability to
make themselves and their spaceships invisible to human eyes and radar.
They were seen last in May 2005 over Portugal.?* No details about the sighting
are given. No descriptions of these people are provided.
The Allmahuluk-Strat-163 or Allmahuluki people live on Jupiter but on a
“different dimensional plane”, according to Elena Danaan. Danaan states that they live in
the 6D plane. They are reported to be from the Lyra and Cygnus constellation but are not
related to the “Lyran collective”. The meaning of the “Lyran collective" is not given.
She describes them as “tall and very slender ethereal beings” with “huge black
eyes’. They are “considered mystic elders” but she does not say by whom. They can
appear in 3D by using “special suits” though nothing specific is mentioned about these
She states that they are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic
Authority) located on Jupiter.
The rest of the information is mostly from the ARB by Santori without credit.
Alnilam aka Zagara (see Egarot/Egaroth)
Alnitak aka Ra (see Nep-4 and Zeti)
The Exopaedia website notes that Alnitak or “Zeta Orionis” is “one of the three
stars that make up the belt of Orion”. The galactic name for this star is Ra. During the
time of Egypt, Ra was the name of the supreme deity that created heaven and Earth. He
was considered to be the god of the Sun.
The Great Pyramid of Gizeh is apparently set up to represent Alnitak. Some
ancient monuments have been set up to replicate Orion’s Belt. 4
No descriptions or related specific information are provided.
Alpha Centauri and Alpha Centaurians (see also Apunians, “Nordic”, Santinians)
Alpha Centauri is a triple star system in the constellation of Centaurus. The
Centauri System consists of three stars, Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus), B (Toliman) and C
92 All information here is from Santori, 2011, p. 29.
°3 This information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 284-285.
94 Alnitak on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Alnitak
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 55
(Proxima Centauri). Centauri A and B form a double-sun. At this moment, Centauri C is
the Sun’s nearest neighbor at 4.2 lys.*
There are a number of sources that provide brief information about Alpha
One kind of Alpha Centaurian is presented on the Bibliotecapleyades website. No
specific name is given. This site reports that they “vibrate and resonate on the band of
violet light”. They are described as “very theoretical” and “very intelligent”.
Given their “enormous scientific and technical knowledge”, they share this with
“Earth” [who this is on Earth is not specified]. One problem they encounter with Earth is
how to make their advanced knowledge understandable to humans. They achieve this
partly by providing some of Earth’s advanced scientists' knowledge telepathically.”
Alpha Centauri is also mentioned as the home for the Apunians by Ricardo
Gonzalez®’. No particular planet is stated by Gonzalez.
The contactee Sixto Paz Wells reports that a planet within Alpha Centauri is
inhabited by “humanoids” with “Nordic” features of “thin, platinum white short hair”
who are about 8 feet (2.4 m) in height*®.
Another kind of Alpha Centaurian is mentioned by SSP veteran John Whitberg in
a personal communication (not in References). Whitberg refers to a kind of human/
“Gray” hybrid race that has human-like skin, but the body of a “Gray”. He says that they
essentially “look like bald naked humans, but with solid black eyes and no external
genitalia”. Though they have a “creepy appearance, they're generally decent”.
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website reports that there are Alpha Centaurians that
regularly visit Earth. No description of them is provided. One interesting aspect about
them is that they provide a safe haven on Centauri 4 by those wanted by the US secret
government. A treaty is said to exist with the US government.” No details are provided.
The Alpha Centauris have one kind of craft called Kelandi, according to Peter the
Insider, head of the ACIO 12th division. It is smaller than others and is dark in tone!™.
Who the Alpha Centaurians are who have this ship is not mentioned.
9° Alpha Centauri on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha Centauri
°6 All information and quotations are from Alpha Centaurians on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien 19a.htm
°7 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 80.
98 Sixto Paz Wells on Exopaedia website:https://www.exopaedia.org/Sixto+Paz+Wells
°° The Alpha Centaurians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
100 Peter the Insider and Jessica Marrocco. 2019 Mar 31.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 56
Alpha-Draco aka Alpha Draco, Draco, Draconians, “Drac’s” (slang), (see also
Alcyone, Bio-Mimetic Gels, “Black” Draco, “Black” Drazo Reptilians, Cyakar,
Dino, Drakon, Germans in Space, High Council, Hydra Reptilians, Lupine,
Lyrans, Thuban, Zha.a.mi)
The word “Draco” is Latin for dragon or serpent. Common usage retains the
word Draco or Alpha-Draco. How to pronounce Alpha Draconians is provided by SSP
military veteran Apollymi Mandylion, host of Galaxy of Unity website!®!, in a personal
message. She states that Alpha Draconians is pronounced Alapheh Draconus. Another
SSP veteran familiar with these beings is Matt Tracy. He states that the warrior class of
the Alpha-Draco empire prefer the use of Draconian to Draco. I use both Draco and
Draconian but generally avoid the negative English connotation of using Draconian.
There is increasingly credible information becoming available about the Alpha-
Draco from SSP military veterans. This information is presented to help us understand
them better because they rule Earth, our solar system and much more. Consequently, I’ve
organized it into the following headings, starting with their general origin and current
main location.
1) General Origin and Current Location
a) A very credible source of information on the origins of the Alpha-Draco is El (Ileana)
Ka on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. Her 2022 remote viewing of
the origins of the Reptilians and the Alpha-Draco reveal that they are not native to the
Milky Way Galaxy and that they were not genetically engineered. She reports that the
Alpha-Draco “came through a huge portal system, like a large wormhole, in different
crafts”. Essentially, it was a “natural portal system that they forced open”. No name for it
was provided.
Their spacecraft were dreadnoughts (ie., battleships). Ka describes them as
immense “round cylindrical crafts with pointed things on the bottom”. Their color was
“silver blue gray”. They have “plasma cannons on them which are their planet
destroyers”. They came through the portal system in “triangular arrow-shaped craft
formations”. This is akin to a V military formation.
The specific reason that they came to the Milky Way was “for energetic sources
of activation”. That is, she says that they wanted human energy from which to feed.
More about this in a later section.
She goes on to mention that the Alpha-Draco began to build up their empire on
Orion. Interestingly, Elena Danaan, states that the word Orion is a phonetic translation
from Anunnaki/Zha.a.mi which is “Uru.An.Na” and means "light of the cosmos"!”.
101 Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
102 Danaan, 2020, p. 217.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 57
The galactic history of Alpha-Draco is huge, maintains Ka. It includes being part
of the Lyran wars (presented later on). El Ka states that they were part of destroying
Atlantis and Maldek. Ka also adds that not all Reptilians are bad.!™
b) Information on the current location of the Alpha-Draco is mainly from Penny Bradley.
Bradley states that the Alpha-Draco are from Alpha-Draconis or Thuban!™ which is
about 270 lys from Earth. The Alpha-Dracos are not the same race as the other reptilians
in the Draco constellation, says Bradley. The Alpha-Draco subjugated all the other
Reptilian races so that they then became the boss. They maintain their superiority
through a caste system, according to her!®. They also live for about 500 million years!.
She estimates that not even one in ten Reptilians are Draco but the Draco get a bad
reputation for all the negative things that the other Reptilians are doing.!°”
According to Bradley, there are “thousands of reptilian races in just the Orion
Spur and this section of the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way”. Out of these only 7 are
Draco and “each looks distinctly different”.'°* In other words, there are 7 different kinds
of Draco. The Alpha-Draco dominate the other Draconians.
To be sure, there is friction among the other Reptilian races with the Dracos. The
reason for this, Bradley maintains, is that the Alpha-Draco conquered them. As she says,
“Each race would like to be the boss of the empire but can’t be because they were
defeated by the [Alpha-]Draco”.!°
c) Penny Bradley states in a personal communication that she has been to Thuban twice.
She says that it is very Earth-like, warm and green with blue skies.
Another SSP military veteran who has been to the Draconian home world is
Apollymi Mandylion. Mandylion describes it as having “completely blue skies” where
the flora and fauna are green just like those on Earth.!!° Both Bradley and Mandylion
agree that Thuban is very much like Earth.
What is significant about Mandylion’s report on the Alpha-Draco is that she, like
El Ka, states that they came from another universe, which also is unspecified, through
the universal stargate in the Orion constellation. Mandylion also says that they inhabit
many Galaxies, like Andromeda in addition to the Milky Way.
103 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2022 Jun 17.
104 Francis Reddy. 2020 Jan 6. “Surprise! TESS Shows Ancient North Star Undergoes Eclipses.” NASA
105 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
106 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
107 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
108 Bradley’s 2021 comments are from a private social media group. (Not listed in References).
109 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
110 Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 58
2) Draco Empire
The Draco Empire used to consist of Kings until power was taken from them by
the Queens, according to Penny Bradley. When that transition occurred is not known. I
will follow Bradley’s understanding and use Queendoms instead of Kingdoms.
a) Some important background information about the Draco Empire in their relation with
other ETs is provided by Apollymi Mandylion by personal correspondence. Mandylion
states that there were “6 Draconian [Queendoms] in total before 2016”. Of these, 4 of
them make up what she refers to as the “Dark Council/ Dark Draco Faction”. The dark
Draconian Queen from the Draco and Orion constellation was taken out by assassination.
The other 3 who were aligned on the Dark Council relinquished power of their
Queendoms and were tried for war crimes by the Universal High Council. Their empires
were handed over to other ET factions.
Mandylion states that thousands of years ago one Queendom separated from the
Dark Council and settled on Saturn. She says that this Queendom helped take down the
soul net in 2016 that was collecting souls and those who were astral traveling that came
close to it. They were very Zen-like, friendly and helped some of the “other ET factions
fighting for Earth”, maintains Mandylion. She says that Saturn has “the ONLY white
hide Queen” that she has seen.
The main Alpha-Draconian Queen in the Draco constellation!!! was green, says
Mandylion. For the other 2, one was green and the other was red. She adds that they have
the ability to change shape and color “when they so choose”. The 5th Queen, she reports,
is “well known to Earth” and “has lived here for a long time”. Mandylion states that this
Queen is involved in “highly funding many SSP types with the Nazi Aryans, Dark
Draconian fleet and more”.
One Draconian Queen, says Mandylion, is in the Andromeda Galaxy. This Queen
is a good one and is aligned with the Arcturians and the Sirians. Her military has been
“fighting alongside the Andromedan Council for countless years against their kin”. She
mentions that this faction also has “had their hands in SSP funding along with super
soldiers for Earth's defenses”.
There are only 3 Queens that are still functioning, according to Mandylion, on
Earth, Saturn, and in the Andromeda Galaxy. She says that the Draconian Queens that
are on Saturn and in the Andromeda Galaxy learned from the Acturians and Sirians
about “being Zen-like”. By this she means having spiritual beliefs to live life in “a
positive mind set”. This is what led to peace.
As a general observation, Mandylion reports that the older Queendoms had a lot
of territory toward the inner universe. She says that over millions of years they have
been “pushed to the outer rims”.
'1l Draco (constellation) on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_(constellation)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 59
b) Another important source of information about the Alpha-Draco comes from Penny
Bradley’s Nacht Waffen Pilot channel on YouTube.
According to Bradley, the Draco Empire consists of all of the different
Draconians. All the Draconians are dominated by the Alpha-Draco. The Alpha-Draco are
the boss of the Dracos. The term “Draco" generally refers to the Alpha-Draco but may
also include all the other Draco races.
The Alpha-Draco are “all the same race”, says Bradley. The Alpha-Draco are a
different race from the others in their system and have “subjugated the rest of them”. The
way in which they control the others in their empire is through a caste system with the
Alpha-Draco Royals at the top. Some of the other castes below the Royals include the
Alpha-Dracos, the Warrior Caste and the Working Caste.!!*
Bradley outlines the general area of the Draco Empire. She says that it is “quite
large”. By this she means that it includes “almost all of the Orion spur and part of the
Sagittarius arm in the [Milky Way] Galaxy”. As she notes, “This is a large area”.
The way that the Alpha-Draco manage their empire is that they “leave you alone
to self-rule”, says Bradley. In other words, they have a “hands-off policy” regarding how
a planet and its inhabitants conduct themselves. The Draco Empire is based on taxation
as tribute. They do not want to destroy anyone. They want to profit from you. Their main
concern is “as long as you pay your taxes which are a percentage of your gross planetary
product, something like two percent”, they leave your planet alone. Bradley mentions
that this is “not even a big, big number”. It is an annual number but annual is calculated
in Draco terms and not Earth’s meaning of annual. So, she continues, “as long as you pay
your taxes, they let you do what you want”. As long as Earth pays its tributes as taxes to
the Draco, the inhabitants of Earth and any involved ETs, can do pretty much what they
want since all are subservient to them.
The Draco Empire considers it a serious problem when a planet and those
responsible for paying its taxes refuse to do so, states Bradley. She then reveals the
method that the Draco use to obtain planetary compliance. Their first step is always a
diplomatic solution. This is the least expensive for their Empire. An example given by
Bradley comes from the Sumerian tablets!!?. She recalls that a Draco princess was sent to
marry the King of the Anunnaki/Zha.a.mi, called Anu, who was refusing to pay taxes to
the Draco. This princess was sent to marry him because “her pheromones would be mind
control on him”, says Bradley. She mentions that the Anunnaki are “hardwired to live
around the Draco” while humans are not. There has not been a problem since this
solution to paying their taxes to the Draco was implemented.
112 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
113 See Sitchin, 1990, 1995, 2007, 2009.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 60
The Draco only declare war on a planet after all diplomatic efforts have failed,
adds Bradley. A war can take different forms, such as an invasion or a complete
destruction of the planet.
One society or civilization that is required to help the Draco in their war against a
planet are the Germans in space. This is because the Draco have a treaty with them. The
German Federation is required to provide their military as part of any war effort (or to
subdue a planet rebellion) by the Draco. Consequently, a planet will see and be
confronted by both the German and the Draco armada. The planet’s survivors are usually
enslaved, turned into cyborgs and sold.!'4
3) Appearance and Characteristics (see also Society and Culture)
Some of the general characteristics about the Alpha-Draco appearance and their
characteristics are given here. More specific information is available in the caste system
a) The source of the following general information is from Johan Fritz,'!> an SSP
military veteran. Fritz says that the Draco may be from 6 feet to 13 feet (1.8 to 4 m) tall
and more. Bradley estimates the Royals at 14-16 feet (4.3-4.9 m) in a personal
communication. Fritz adds that the Draco have a full range of colors, from white to
black. These colors generally denote where in their caste system they fit. For example,
white colored Draco are always of the Royal caste or of Royal blood!!°.
b) A general description of an Alpha-Draconian is provided by Penny Bradley. She says
that they are generally 9.8 to 16 feet (3 to 5 m) tall. This is shorter than the Royal family
as mentioned above. She provides a bit more detail to that given by Fritz by specifying
some of their various colors such as, green, brown, red and pure white (similar to paper).
The Alpha-Draco also emit a pheromone scent which is almost completely irresistible to
reptilians and mammals.!!”
Some Dracos have technology that looks like a wrist watch. Bradley states that
this allows them to look like whatever they want at a particular time. It is a personal
hologram device. Hence, there is no reason for them to shapeshift. Shapeshifting would
be painful for them so it is easier to have a hologram.!'8
As mentioned, the Alpha-Draco come in various colors such as “green, brown,
red, black or white. Most Royals are white or red”, says Bradley in a private social media
post. The colors of red and white for royalty match those reported by Mandylion.
114 AJ] information and quotations are from Penny Bradley, 2021 private social media group. (Not in
115 Johan Fritz, 2020, personal communication. (Not in References.)
'16 Penny Bradley is clear that the Alpha-Draco Royal family or caste should not be confused with the
Cyakar who are a different species of dragon.
"7 Bradley, 2020 Aug 14.
118 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 61
Bradley says that the royals move “with the grace we associate with cats. They are quite
elegant creatures.”
The lifespan of the Royals is stated by Bradley as follows. The females generally
live for “half a million years” and will likely “only have 10 eggs in that time”. The males
tend to live for “500 years unless killed in battle or political infighting”.
One final point here by Bradley is that the Alpha-Draco are only allowing their
souls to reincarnate. She says that they are “even killing Cyakar souls that incarnate as
them’”.'!? The way that they do that, she clarifies in a personal communication, is that
they take them off-world and kill the body. Then the soul can't come back there to
reincarnate as them. As well, they are killing most of them on Earth. Since Earth has a
soul trap, they are stuck on Earth.
c) Another important source of information about the Alpha-Draco comes from
Apollymi Mandylion in a personal communication. Mandylion states that her description
only applies to those Alpha-Draconians that came through the universal stargate of Orion
and that did not mix with “the natural Draconians that evolved from this universe or
Her general description of the Alpha Draco is that they range from 7-15 feet (2.1-
4.6 m) tall. Most are bipedal though their anatomy allows them to walk on all fours with
comfort. Their genders include male, female, and hermaphrodite. The hermaphrodite
Alpha-Draco are rare, she says. They are usually “culled or sold” depending on the
Draconian Queendom in which they were born. Their skin consists of hides and not
scales. It can be white, various browns, various greens, various reds, various purples and
various blues. The eyes can be “any color of the rainbow’. The Draco that came through
the stargate, she says, did not have feathers, fur or tendrils. They have 4 fingers and a
thumb with claws on each end. The Draconians of this family have wings and tails. They
also have the ability to excrete fire from their mouth and to fly.
The reason for the variety of Dracos is a consequence of breeding with other
outer universe Dragonoids, Draconians and Reptilians. Full bloods of this species are not
to be mistaken for the Draconians of this universe or Dracos.
d) A final comment provided here is by John Whitberg, an SSP military veteran, via
personal communication about his Alpha Draco experiences. Whitberg refers to the
Royal Draco and Alpha Draco as “winged reptilian humanoids” that are between 15-18
feet (4.6-5.5 m) tall. He estimates that about “95% of them are white, however black and
various shades of green ones do exist”. He found them to be extremely arrogant and says,
“Most are taught that the universe is their plaything to do with as they please”. He ends
by noting that “some members of this species are very loving and gentle”.
'19 Unless there is another reference, all information here is from a private social media post by Penny
Bradley. (Not in references)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 62
4) Food
The Draco are carnivores and eat, for instance, cattle. They started eating humans
during their war with the Lyrans!”° because it scared the Lyrans. The Draco’s liked the
taste of humans and continued the practice, especially the elites, states Penny Bradley!”!.
They stopped eating Germans in space when the Germans fulfilled their contractual
obligations by being military allies with them. The Alpha-Draco discovered that the
Germans in space were useful so they stopped eating them!?. That is, they were worth
more than food.
5) Communication
a) The information about Draco communication comes mostly from Penny Bradley.
Bradley says that the Draco make sounds in their native language that we can’t make
because of the shape of their palate. They don’t want us to even try to learn their
language. In turn, Bradley says that the Draco have no problem being able to speak every
human language perfectly.!”3
She states that the Alpha-Draco are telepathic. They can talk but despise talking
to humans because it means that they have to make a special effort to talk to us. Their
high energy frequency is so strong that they would fry our brains with full intimacy
telepathy. Also, being in the same room with a Draco for one half hour will kill a normal
human given their high energy frequency. !74
Their telepathy is so powerful that it is not possible to block them from getting
into your head, says Bradley. What she means by “full intimacy telepathy” is that
everything is shared. There is no hiding of motives. For the Draco this form of telepathy
is considered a matter of honor.
It’s worth repeating that their high personal energy is deadly to humans. As
Bradley explains, it isn’t intentional on their part. The Draco are aware of this, she says,
so they do not interact directly with humans because they do not want to kill us.
b) Another description of the Draco communication abilities comes from Apollymi
Mandylion in a personal communication. Mandylion states that the Draco
communication abilities include being able to speak in their native language, in other
languages and to write. She considers their telepathic abilities high by which she
includes projecting and receiving emotions, automatic translation of conversations into
the receivers language, and can access “your deepest darkest secrets from your super
conscious mind”.
120 Swerdlow’s summary on galactic historical wars is presented on Enki Speaks website by Sasha Lessin
and Janet Kira Lessin, 2017 Apr 21.
121 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
122 Bradley in Patrick, 2020 May 8.
123 From Bradley, 2020 Jun 17.
124 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 63
c) Some of the ways that the Draco use telepathy are the following.
One way that the Draco use telepathy, states SSP military veteran Johan Fritz, is
to “herd their children and followers’’!*°. Their psionic ability is so powerful that they
can use it to keep them in line.
The Draco also use their incredible telepathic ability to reward and punish non-
Draco soldiers and cyborgs holographically. This was the case with Rebecca Rose
Barfoot who presented this in her Secret Space Conference talk recorded on YouTube.
She was a cyborg on Planet X (see also Planet X, not Nibiru) under the command of the
Draco. She describes some of her experiences as follows.
Barfoot begins by saying that the Draco are big and scary. As they went by her
she just looked to the ground. They can read your mind and know what you are doing at
all times, she says. The important point she makes is that “they can send you
into a hell realm or a paradise at the blink of an eye, a drop of a hat”. It is the Draco
system of punishment or reward. She says that they could make you believe that you
were being tortured or you could be sent to a lush place to get away where your “food
was holographic”. She remembers “eating holographic burgers with onions, pickle (sic)
and lettuce”. The Draco telepathy was that strong. !*°
Another example of the power of the Draco telepathy is given by Matt Tracy.
Tracy says that the Draco are so powerful that they could form “a wall in your mind”.
They create a wall, usually to the side of your mind, and then plant a consciousness
there. You are then altered to the person that they have created. For example, Tracy
recalls a female Draco that did this procedure to him and so considered him her child.
That “child”, or altered personality called Michael from Tracy, grew up with a Draco
military family.!?’
One important lesson that I learned from Fritz occurred when I asked him if he
would tell me the name of the Draco that he knew. He replied saying that if you say the
name (or presumably any other Draco) there is the possibility that the Draco may show
up to meet you. He did not want that. He did not want a large Reptilian being showing up
in his living room. I was not aware of this possibility. I am grateful that he pointed that
out to me because I did not want that either.
This point is consistent with and emphasized by Daryl James in an interview he
did with Tanya Gegina on the Homo Galacticus YouTube channel. James was discussing
a Reptile with a colleague. His colleague told him to stop talking about him. James asked
him why. The reply was that the Reptile might hear them because he is 4th density which
!25 Information and quotation from Fritz, 2020 Nov 27.
!26 Rebecca Rose information and quotation from Barfoot, 2022 Jun 5.
!27 Information and quotations from Tracy, 2021 Apr 8.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 64
his colleague said included the spirit and astral realm. He went on to add that this
Reptilian has the “ability to be present in the room and you wouldn't even know he was
there”. !8
An important note by Penny Bradley in a personal communication is that the
Draco “don't usually use names when interacting with humans”. She says that they did
use names with Matt Tracy because they “adopted” him. For the rest of us they use a
title. As she says, “they love flowery titles that last for days”.
6) Technology
The information about the Draco technology comes from Apollymi Mandylion
from a personal communication. The general kind of technology they have, says
Mandylion, is medical beds that have “3D printing of body organs”. Their space travel
can take up to 2 months for a destination that is 4 thousand light years away. They have
“plasma and sonic weapons”. In addition, Mandylion states that they have stolen some
more advanced technology.
7) Society and Culture: The Draco Matriarchal Caste System
Draco society is quite structured, says Bradley. In their society you are
genetically modified to a certain place and job. She states that whatever modifications
are made will make you good at your job, so they have high job satisfaction. Their
problems at work then are not that they hate their work but that they hate their boss. !?°
One important aspect of the Draco culture is honor. Bradley states that the Draco
give honor to the concept of honor and they stand by it.!°° For example, the Draco
respect people who stand up for themselves. She has stated many times that people who
bow or kneel to them just “pisses them off’. You have to treat them with respect and
a) The Matriarchal Ruling Caste
The rulers of the Draco Empire, its society and culture, remarks Bradley consist
of 4 or 5 Royal families with a Queen and King. They have the bloodline that is from the
original progenitor who was the creator of the Draco race. Bradley remarks generally
that if you were to ask a Draco who created them they would say that their divine creator
made them that way. The Royal families and all the Draco descendents point to the
divine creator as their origin.
128 Information and quotations from James, 2022 Mar 31.
129 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
130 Bradley, 2020 Jun 17.
'31 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 65
The ruling caste appearance is that of a Reptilian sometimes stated as being a
“five-star” shape. This ruling caste has at the top the Royal family, says Bradley. To be a
member of a Draco Royal family you have to be born into it. This is why it is called a
ruling caste. These Royal families only marry within themselves. That is how they
maintain their bloodline. She says that they manage their marriages very carefully to
avoid the problems of inbreeding. The Royal families are described as big with most
having very short tails, though some have none, and wings.
According to Penny Bradley, the Draco Empire is a matriarchal, monarchy caste
society. A Queen is chosen among the 4 royal families and she and the Queen Mother
run the Empire. !32
A brief description of the Queen and some of the inner workings of the royal
families are provided by Johan Fritz, a SSP military veteran. Fritz begins his description
with the Queen of the Draco Empire.
He says that he knew the previous Queen and not the current one. The current
Queen, says Penny Bradley in a personal communication, “deposed her mother and
demoted her to Queen Mother. She is still very much alive” and contacts Bradley. Fritz
describes the previous Queen as being 23 to 25 feet (7 to 8 m). Her appearance is
characterized as a Draco/dragon mixture. She had full wings while many of the younger
offspring of hers and her mother have “vestigial wings” or a “white collar”. He says that
their skin had a “sparkly effect on the scales because of how it refracts light”. Details of
this would be interesting. He notes that they are “super psychically sensitive”. They are
also “very, very physically and psychically strong”. He also reaffirms that they are “an
honor driven caste system” that includes royalty.!*?
Some of the roles of the members of the royal families are presented by Bradley.
She says that all of the princesses and daughters from the Royal families are their
ambassadors and are sent to other worlds. All the males are a step below. !*4
b) Alpha-Draco Rulers
The Alpha-Draco are subservient to the royal family but are part of ruling the
Draco Empire. They rule those beneath them such as the warrior and working castes.
c) Warrior Caste
Penny Bradley, Matt Tracey and John Whitberg provide most of the information
about the warrior caste of the Draco Empire. Generally, Bradley says, that this caste is
132 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
133 All information and quotations are from Fritz, 2020 Nov 27.
'34 From Bradley, 2020 Jun 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 66
noticeable by the turtle shell that they have on their backs. They are also smaller than the
Bradley’s first encounter with a Draco warrior occurred when she was at
Montauk, New York. This warrior Draco oversaw adult humans fracturing the minds of
children, of which Bradley was one. Whenever Bradley escaped interdimensionally, he
would “hunt
my ass down and drag me back”. This warrior eventually put a tracking chip in her to
make the recovery quicker. She describes him and the warrior caste in the following
She is under the impression that this warrior caste Draco is part of a race called
“Turrican” (I’m not sure if this is a correct spelling.) The warriors are “sea turtle based
like leatherback turtles”!*°. That is why they still have a shell on their backs. They do not
have wings like most of the Royals do. Bradley says that they are shorter than the Alpha-
Draco at 9 feet (2.7 m). This warrior was male and he was brown in color. He had a
“deep voice”. She also mentions that he had claws. !37
Another SSP military veteran who has experience with the warrior caste is Matt
Tracy. Both Tracy and Bradley agree that the warrior caste Draco is a different race.
There is no mention of what that race may be called. What Tracy recalls is that the name
of the male Draco warrior was “Araka” or something like that and that the name of the
house that he belongs to is called “Jer Akan” where “A kan” means house. (I am not sure
of the spelling of these words.) He belongs to one of the 7 Draco races that make up the
Draco Empire. Tracy says that this warrior caste Draco belongs to the second race and so
is not an Alpha-Draco. His race was one of the first ones to be conquered millions of
years ago by the Alpha-Draco and Tracy remarks that “they were just pissed that they
had been conquered”. They are Draconians but they are number 2 in charge after the
Tracy says that he was raised by this male Draco warrior and his family. This
warrior was a high ranking general in their army. A number of aspects stand out for
Tracy. First is that he was brought before the Queen by this army general. He describes
what that was like starting with the giant hall where the throne was located. It was
similar to being in a “solid metal cathedral”. Everything Tracy saw was shiny. The long
hall was lined with armored female Draconians. The armor was silver but he says that he
also saw black armor. The armor of the female warrior standing beside the Queen was
gold. Tracy does not know whether the armor colors signify rank or job duty.
The second thing that stands out for Tracy is an experience related to his
childhood combat training with this Draco warrior that included other human kids, such
as a girl friend of his named Cat, one or two others and Tracy. The rest of the kids were
135 From Bradley, 2020 Jun 17.
136 From Bradley, 2020 Sep 5.
137 All information and quotations from this encounter, except as otherwise noted, are from Bradley, 2021
Oct 11.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 67
full blooded Draconians who were taller than the human kids. He does not say how many
kids there were in total. Tracy says that the house of Akan is known planet-wide or
species wide for basic combat training. The basic training starts with “energy
manipulation” which is done “before it even gets into hand-to-hand combat”.
What Tracy was being taught was how to consciously control his subconscious.
Once you are able to do that, Tracy continues, then you can do virtually anything that
you want. He was taught that it’s the “subconscious that creates the walls and blocks that
limit your reality on a physical tangible level”. The examples he refers to include these
two. First, he says that if his “subconscious believed 100 percent wholeheartedly that a
mere push of my finger would break through that wall, that's exactly what would
happen”. Second, if his subconscious believed wholeheartedly that jumping off a ten-
story building would result in a perfect landing without a scratch then that is what would
The way that he and the other kids developed this was to begin by breaking
stones using psychic force. Everyone except Tracy was able to do this readily. So Tracy
went off by himself and practiced consciously controlling his subconscious. Eventually,
he recalls walking over to a wall and making a fist against it. This wall was about 10 feet
(3 m) wide, 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) thick and 12 feet (3.7 m) high. Everyone else was
watching, laughing and making fun of him. Suddenly, the “whole area of the wall just
crumbled outwards like a force had just hit it”. Then “everybody shut up” because he
finally did it.!38
John Whitberg, an SSP veteran, presents a very brief description of the warrior
caste Draco in a personal communication. Whitberg states that the actual name of the
warrior caste is unknown. He describes them looking like “the Egyptian God Sobek!®,
having a roughly humanoid body with a long tail and the head of a crocodile”. Given
their culture, he says that they are “ferocious warriors” but they are “also very
d) Worker Caste or Draksilian
The worker caste Draco are green and look like dinosaurs. They are similar to
“blue collar” guys, says Bradley, who are serious about their jobs but off duty they talk
about sex, sports, their version of beer, and get into fights over sports scores.
Bradley provides more details in describing the Draco workers as follows. She
says that they are humanoid in shape except that they have tails like lizards. These
lizards stand upright. Their faces do not look like ours because they have a snout. There
138 All information and quotations are from Tracy, 2021 Apr 8.
139 Sobek on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobek
140 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 68
is an elegance to them, says Bradley and a grace to their movements. They have different
values than us and what we consider evil would not be the same for them. !4!
Whitberg states in a personal communication that the proper name of the worker
caste Draco is Draksilian. They are “usually lime green, and the most human looking of
the Draco”. He supports Bradley's view that they are “very human-like in personality”.
He adds that since most of them “have not been exposed to black goo, and therefore
maintain a normal personality”.
8) Military
The Alpha-Draco military is led by females, states Bradley. This makes their
military tougher than if it was just led by males. Their women warriors are more fierce
and deadly than the males.
One example of the Draco military might comes from Apollymi Mandylion.
Mandylion states that the Draconian drones are “huge hulking monsters that they create
as their basically, their battle tanks”. She says that “they're powerful” and “no joke”!*”.
Bradley says that their military calls on the military armada of the German
Federation in space to help them put down rebellions. She says that the Germans are
required to help them by a treaty agreement.!*
She also says that the Draco have various military bases in our solar system. They
have bases on Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and on one planet in the Oort Cloud.!4
They also have a base on Earth in Vemork, Norway, according to Johan Fritz!*°.
9) Spirituality, Religion and Black Goo
Most of the information about the spirituality of the Alpha-Draco comes from
Apollymi Mandylion in a personal communication. Even though they can be fierce and
some are “down right evil”, she says that they have a rich culture of spirituality including
those that she calls the dark Draconians. She mentions that some pray to Source (see also
Source) while others pray to the Dragon goddess called Tiamat.
According to Mandylion, Tiamat has seven heads. Mandylion says that Tiamat is
still alive but not in this dimension. She is considered the mother of all Dragons in
“many different universes”. Their worship includes offerings, rituals and “‘a blood
141 Bradley, 2020 Sep 5.
142 Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
143 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
144 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
145 Fritz, 2020 Aug 7.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 69
sacrifice on the battlefield”. There are a couple of other deities that the Draconians have
but Mandylion does not recall their names.!*°
While the pure blood Draco are spiritually developed, Mandylion says that the
hybrids that are born in this universe have some issues. This has to do with a change in
frequencies that make some of them prone to a mental illness. She says that this occurs
when there is a lowering of dimensions from the higher ones that they are used to. Her
comparison to humans is if your human body turned into a gaseous form but you still
retained your human consciousness. Everything about you would change, such as, your
physics, interactions, life energy intake and chakra systems. Consequently, any
dimensional being would become very primal, says Mandylion. The result would not
only be a lowering of spiritual awareness but even the possibility of primal insanity.
There is an implied spiritual relation about the Draco that involves their use of
Black Goo (consisting of AI nanites) and “looshe”. Johan Fritz clarifies the Draco use of
looshe and Black Goo in a personal communication. Fritz states that looshe describes
“what is expelled energetically when an entity or species goes into a fear state”. He says
that Jodi Reynosa, an SSP military veteran, views this energy as emanating or radiating
“from the pain body”, a definition with which he agrees. The way that this state of fear
“is ignited [is] through acts of torture, beatings, killings, or intimidation”. “A psychic
predator-species”, he adds, “can detect, feed on, and work to create or influence the
perpetuation of this energy”.
Some of the Draco feed on this looshe, maintains Fritz. The nanites (Black Goo)
within the Draco “do not feed on looshe”. This is an important distinction in his view. He
considers the Draco generally as “reptilian brained predatory creatures [who] function
physically and psychically as predators”. Those Draco that feed on looshe is not because
they have consumed Black Goo. It is their thinking and behavior that makes them feed
on looshe. Black Goo does not need looshe to function. He is careful to add that “there
are 4th/Sth density reptilian species that do not have this behavior at all”. This point is
supported by Bradley who states that she has never seen a Draco eat “looshe’’!*’. Clearly,
both kinds of Draco and Reptilians exist.
Fritz also clarifies the relation of the Draco ingesting Black Goo and spirituality
in an interview that he and Jodi Reynosa did with Dan Winter on his YouTube channel.
Fritz’s point here is that there is a symbiotic relation between Black Goo and the Draco.
He states that “Black Goo is completely into itself which by the way is service [to]
itself’. That is, Black Goo is not dependent on anything else, such as looshe, and is
“service to self’. The Draco are also “service to self’ he says. Both are after their own
preservation. It will be interesting to see the evolution of this symbiotic relation.
So far, it has been implied that all of the Draco take Black Goo. Fritz points out
that this is not the case. He explains as follows. Those that do not take Black Goo are the
146 This paragraph information and the quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
147 Bradley, 2020 Jun 19.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 70
Draco Queen and her children down to her generals. The Draco Queen has determined,
he says, that those who want to take the Black Goo, those below the generals, can do so
to increase their capabilities. This includes, for instance, those “who run the mercantile
houses of the Draco”, the common merchants and the common soldiers. These are the
ones that are infected with Black Goo. He says that this is never talked about in the
Draco ranks. !48
For those Draco that are not infected with nanite AI, Fritz mentions that they
worship the Carians (see also the Carians), an ancient civilization. Some Draco consider
Earth as their Eden.!*”
10) Alpha-Draco Rule Planet Earth
A number of SSP veterans report on how the Alpha-Draco rule planet Earth. To
begin, Apollymi Mandylion states that her research with the Arcturians and what she
calls the “Dark Draco” revealed to her that originally our solar system and part of the
Milky Way Galaxy was supposed to be a zone that nobody owned.
What happened, she says, is that a couple of Draco lost control of their spacecraft
and crashed on our planet. They decided to stay and that became the grounds for
She continues by saying that the Andromedan files say that Earth was deserted.
The Draconian files say that they had some “civilizations that went underground and
started living there”. The Draconians claim ownership while other ETs state that there is
no evidence of their ownership. As Mandylion reports, she doesn’t know if there was
“paperwork that was supposed to be filed” with the Galactic Councils that never made
Currently, Mandylion remarks that both the Dark Council and the other
Draconian Queendoms have been utilizing Earth for research, breeding hybrids, soldiers
and more. They are also involved in funding other ET and Earth factions for trade and to
gain ET political ground.
More information about how the Alpha-Draco rule Earth comes from Penny
Bradley. Bradley’s experience with the Draco includes how they rule a planet. As rulers,
what the Draco do is that they take a percentage of the Gross National Planetary Product
(GNPP) as their taxes. This is done annually but is based on the definition of a year from
the Alpha-Draco home world. Bradley estimates that five Earth years is equivalent to one
Alpha-Draco year, though she is not sure about this. The Draco come to Earth, get their
percentage, and leave. This is akin to an absent landlord. As long as Earth pays its taxes
or has good reasons not to, they leave us alone. Currently, the Earth elite pay taxes to the
148 Fritz, & Reynosa, 2021 Jul 9.
149 Fritz, 2020 Nov 27.
150 All information and quotations are from Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 71
Draco since they became the elite. Before that it was the Zha.a.mi who paid the Draco
and who put us in the Draco Empire.!*!
The Alpha-Draco are the current rulers of Earth and of our solar system, says
Bradley!**. She points out that it is important to remember that the Draco did not enslave
humans. That was done by the Zha.a.mi!>?.
11) Draco Relation With Earth Humans and Germans in Space (see also Germans
in Space ie., The German Federation)
The Draco refer to humans as Rakka, states Bradley which means “both fool and
slave”. An example of how the Draco might treat humans is presented in a video by Oats
Studios and is called “Rakka”!*.
Most humans can not be around the Draco because they emit such a strong
energy field that it is unsafe for humans. We would collapse from a headache in about 30
minutes. To be around them, maintains Bradley, you have to be hard-wired, such as part
of your DNA is Draco, as was the case with her.!>°
The same point is provided by John Whitberg in an interview that Daniel Sala did
as host on the Saint Olga 69 YouTube channel that included Apollymi Mandylion.
Whitberg states that the Draco have “extreme psychic output”. In order to make it
possible for him to work with them he had to be “at least eight percent Draco”. This
hybridization was done to him in utero.!°°
One thing that the CIA did to Earth kids, says Matt Tracey, another SSP veteran,
was to “soup” them up with Draco DNA. The term “soup” refers to the genetic mix of
Draco with that of Earth humans. How the CIA was able to obtain Draco DNA is not
known. Those with Draco DNA were of no use to the Germans in space or German
Federation who had wanted to use Earth recruits to enhance their human genetic
diversity. Tracey refers to these kids as the “Draco foreign legion’.!>’
There is an important point made about the Draco and their relation to Earth
humans by El Ka in her //eana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past
Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka states that the Draco have battlecruisers in “lower Earth air space
orbit”. They activate their cloaked shielding around these ships so that they are not
detected. What these battlecruisers do is “release toxic gasses” over “major populated
cities and towns” that are “designed to keep humans mind controlled and manipulated”.
'51 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
152 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
!53 Bradley in Patrick, 2020 May 8.
154 Blomkamp, 2017 Jun 14.
155 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
!56 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
'57 All previous information and quotations by Bradley and Tracy, unless otherwise referenced, are from
Tracy, 2021 Nov 27.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 72
The Draco don't want humans to wake up and “reach their spiritual journeys of evolving
as higher dimensional beings”.!°°
The following information about the Draco relation with the German Federation
in space comes from Bradley in a social media post. She says that when the Germans
wanted to go into space, they discovered that “every square inch” (“every square
centimeter’) was already owned by someone else. They were thus forced to make a deal
with an ET society. The only one that would work with them were the Alpha-Draco.
When the Germans in space then signed an agreement with the Draco, one part of it was
that they had to provide military support whenever the Draco called on them.
Consequently, whenever the Draco wanted to suppress a rebellion against them, such as
a planet not paying taxes, and after all diplomatic solutions failed, the German armada
was forced to join the Draco armada in doing this. As Bradley says, “the Germans got so
good at destroying these worlds that when the German armada comes out of hyperspace,
into orbit, the planet will surrender to the Draco”. In other words, the German military
treated the planetary inhabitants worse than the Draco so they preferred to surrender to
the Draco. Bradley sums up the perspective of the planet's residents about the Germans
as, “it's whatever you [Draco] want, just keep those bastards [German Nacht Waffen]
away from us”.
The Germans proved their value to the Draco. After that, Bradley says that it is
her understanding that the “Draco made it illegal to eat us [Germans]”. Bradley adds that
“not everybody is following orders”.!*?
Another report by Bradley in a social media post is that the working class Draco,
“don't just eat humans, they like mating with us”. She says that these Draco workers “‘can
be loyal and honorable partners even though they are not fond of the lies of ‘romantic
love”. It's rarely by force, she remarks and carries on by saying, “It's usually mutual”.
She says that not many speak about this. She clarifies that it’s not like marriage but
“more like living together on Earth and they re-evaluate when the children are grown”.
Previously I mentioned that Matt Tracey recalled an encounter he had with a
female Draco warrior and scientist who told him that he was her child. She considered
him her child because she had created one of his alters called Michael, who he thought
was called Spartan. Tracy says that she had “written the Michael personality program
that is in him”. The way that this is done, says Tracy, is that “the Draco can create
telepathically a walled off portion of your mind, an alter. They can then implant
whatever they want in that alter, such as memories, training, personality elements and so
on”. 160
Another person who has had experiences with the Draco is Johan Fritz. He
describes his experience with Dracos in a personal communication as follows. He says,
158 E] Ka’s information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 258.
'59 All information and quotations in this section from the previous reference are from Bradley in a social
media post. (Not in References.)
160 Tracy, 2021 Feb 6.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 73
“The first time I saw one was initial processing on the Moon. We had advisors on our
ships. We also had a few on Mars as they were negotiating hostilities with the natives.
We were the Mercenaries doing the fighting.” In a further statement Fritz says, “I have
see [seen] three [Draco] and two of those were dead at my hands before I left the
Fritz is aware and careful to point out that “the Draco also rule us”. Fritz makes
the point here that any talk of kicking the Draco off planet Earth is considered sedition
and is treated as treason since it violates their code of honor. The elite of planet Earth
agreed to the Draco being our rulers. Any violation of that agreement would see the
humans on Earth being crushed by one of their fleets.
Penny Bradley reports on a social media post that she caught the Draco Queen
Mother interfering in her human relationships, but it turned out that she was protecting
One difference between the Draco and the German Nacht Waffen is pointed out
by Matt Tracy. He says that the “Draco don’t chip people with explosives like Nacht
Waffen does”. Nacht Waffen put a collar around all slaves that has a small explosive at
the base of the head and will kill you if you disobey. The Draco are not like that, says
Tracy. With the Draco, he says , “You’re treated as one of their society, one of their own.
You are not treated as a slave”.!°!
Another person who had experience with the Draco was SSP veteran Robert
Fullington. When Fullington was given a tour of an underground facility he saw what
looked like a Pleiadian (“Nordic”) who was tall, had blonde hair, and wore a blue
jumpsuit with an insignia. He called himself “The Galactic Federation Of Light”.
Fullington says that this was in fact a “holographic image being placed over a reptilian
type of entity”.!°
12) Alpha-Draco and Other ET/Star Societies
The kind of relations that the Draco have with other ET/Star societies, according
to Johan Fritz in a personal communication, is that they conquer them. They rule the Zeta
Reticulans, Tall Whites, Lyrans, and numerous other civilizations.
Penny Bradley reports that the Alpha-Draco Empire is located in a main
thoroughfare in the Milky Way Galaxy. Those societies that want to travel through there
are required to pay the Draco. This is what we would call a toll or tax. Because there is
lots of traffic going through there, the Draco collect significant taxes from those
travelers. Essentially, Bradley states, the Draco collect wealth. They do not butcher
people because then they cannot pay their taxes.'™
161 Tracy, 2021 Apr 8.
162 All information and quotations are from Fullington, 2021 Aug 9.
163 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 74
Alphrateans, Alfrateans, Alfrata and Alfratans, (see also Alpha-Draco)
The Alphrateans or Alfratans are presented on the Galactic Human Journey
website. There is no source given for their information so it is considered less credible at
this time. This website states that the Alfratans live on a planet called Alfrata which
circles their sun Alpha Centauri or Rigil Kentaurus. From the Wikipedia website, this
star system is 4.37 lys from our solar system making it one of the closest to us!®.
There is no description of the Alfratans on this site.
This website mentions that Alfrata was freed in 1550-1551 from the Reptilians
who had called it “‘Phaeton' (then it became Fayton, then Feton and finally Alfrata).
(Phaeton is close to a python snake/reptile)”.!°° How and why the change in names
occurred is not stated.
There is no mention of who “freed” the Alfratans nor who the Reptilians were.
Typically, the Alpha-Draco would never permit the Alfratans their freedom since the
Draco would simply destroy their planet (see also Alpha-Draco).
Altair and Altairians aka Alkorin (see also Akhoric, Alpha-Draco, Ashtar
Command, Germans inSpace, Onorhai, Reptoids, Darthar)
The Exopaedia website states that Altair is the brightest star in the constellation
of Aquila (the Eagle). It is about 16 lys from Earth, and has a pale yellow color.
Unexplained radio signals were received from Altair by a Ukrainian astronomer on
February 17, 1990.!%
There are 5 sources of information about the Altairians.
1) The first source of information about Altairans comes from SSP military veteran John
Whitberg in a personal communication (not in References). Whitberg refers to them as a
“human species native to the Altair star system’’. He describes them as having “turquoise
skin and most have black hair, some have red or brown hair”. He says, “They dress
essentially the same as Earth humans”. A very noteworthy point he makes is that they are
“extremely militarized” though he does not elaborate on this. He states that “they have
strong diplomatic relations with the German and Spanish Breakaway societies”.
164 Alpha Centauri (Rigel Kentaurus) on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Centauri
165 All information and quotations, except as otherwise noted, are from Alphrateans (Alfrateans) Alfratans
/Alfrata - Centauri on Galactic Human Journey website:
166 Altair on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Altair
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 75
2) The Bibliotecapleyades website states that there are Reptilians in the Altair stellar
system who come from the constellation Aquila. No description of them is provided.
They are known to collaborate with smaller Nordic humans, Grays and Terrans [Earth]
in a military presence. The headquarters of this collective is known as the “Corporate”,
which maintains ties with the Ashtar and the Draco . Their relation is referred to as the
Draconian - Ashtar Command.!®
3) The other civilization mentioned about Altair is on the Think AboutlIt (sic) website.
This site reports that Altair consists of a mixed group of inhabitants that are located on
the fourth planet of the Altair system, called Altaira. This planet is inhabited by a
“Nordic” (or blond) race that co-operates with a race of “Greys”. They are not part of the
Draco Empire but they are heavily involved in abductions and in interbreeding programs
of Nordics and humans.
This website also reports that there is a race of ‘human-looking’ ETs from Altair
that are in communication with the US government. No further information about this is
provided. One final remark about Altair is that this website mentions a relation to Egypt,
stating that the pyramid of Esna represents Altair.'°* This information is an uncredited
repeat from the Exopaedia website.
4) There is more information about the Altair from crash sites as reported on a different
part of the Bibliotecapleyades website. It states that the Altair were part of the 7 different
ET races on Earth when it was struck by a disaster. They were part of the “Altair and
Caspan, Jassan and Paegan’s Council and Organization’. The Altair’s are listed as the
leaders of this council.!®
No other information about them is provided.
5) The last source is from Elena Danaan. Danaan says that the Altair star is locally called
Alkorin. The meaning of “locally” is not given. Some of the inhabitants mentioned
include several “species of Reptilians”. Their specific names are not given. Similarly,
other inhabitants are stated as being humanoids such as “tall blondes, orange skin and
various races” with no specific name for them. Some Altarians are said to be “6th and
7th dimensional” but how this is known is not mentioned. Lastly, it is reported that
“Altarian ships come in all sizes and shapes” which is not very helpful in identifying
167 Alien Races A to E on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_races00.htm#Alien Races_A_to_E
168 The Altarians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/altairians/
169 Kasimars - Blue Race (Uni-terrestrial - Code: UNA (Seven ancestral Alien races that started our
civilization here)) in Some Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know About: An Anthropological Analysis on
the Bibliotecapleyades website:
170 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 88.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 76
Altimar and Altimars
The information about Altimar is from the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. Altimar is
a planet that circles a “red dwarf sun” that belongs to the same system as Barnard’s
star'’!, No description of the Altimars and their civilization is provided.
What is reported about the Altimars is that they want to remedy the human
damage to our environment. Their plan is to provide advanced technology to do this by
working with top environmental scientists so that the Earth can be restored.!” Details of
this are not included.
Altruan (see also Ceres, Amaga, Amaktu )
The Ceres Colony Cavalier book by Tony Rodrigues is the source of information
about the Altruan. Rodrigues says that the Altruan are indigenous to the planetoid Ceres.
He isn’t totally certain about them being called ‘Altruan’.
He describes them as being “humanish” which is similar to what others might call
“humanoid”. They have standard human anatomy. They are 9 feet (2.7 m) tall. Their skin
is like ours. He notes that they have long hair. They need low gravity to “follow them
around”. The ability to do that, Rodrigues says, is based on advanced technology and is
“built into Ceres everywhere”. Where this technology came from and how it works is not
One last thing that Rodrigues says about the Altruans is that they were in charge
of all the businesses on Ceres with which he was familiar.'7°
Amaga (see also Ceres, Altruan, Amaktu, Shapeshifting)
The Amaga are described by Ileana (El Ka) in the Messages from a Star Traveler
on the Seeking the Truth website. The Amagas are one of the ET civilizations living on
the “dwarf” planet Ceres!4.
They are described as having pale, white skin with blue and purple eyes. Their
hair is blond. They are close to 12 feet (4 m) tall. Later on, the website mentions that an
Amaga male can reach fourteen feet (4.3 m) in height or taller given they are muscular
with strong bodies that can live on almost any planet.
'71 See Barnard’s Star on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnard%27s_Star
'72 The Altimarians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
'73 All information and quotations are from Rodrigues, 2021 p. 226.
174 Ceres (Dwarf Planet) onWikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceres_%28dwarf_planet%29
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 77
Their language is musical and is capable of hypnotizing people. They are water
healers. Their hair is always long to promote health and vitality. One aspect about them
is that they dress mostly in white clothing.
This website goes on to state that the Amaga race is 8th dimensional (8D). This
8D society consumes etheric energy from air and water. Their lifespan is reported to be
4,000 years. They have the ability to change into other forms (shapeshift) of ET races.
Two people are pointed out by this website, a female and a male. The female that
is mentioned is called Selar. She is one of the water healers on Ceres. The male is called
Onar who is an air healer and starship pilot.!”
Amaktu (see also Ceres, Altruan, Amaga)
El (Ileana) Ka, on the Messages from a Star Traveler on the Seeking the Truth
website, states that the Amaktu are another civilization living on the small planetoid
Ceres besides the Amaga. The Amaktu people have golden toned skin with reddish
brown hair and yellow/brown eyes. They grow to about eleven feet (3.4 m). Their
lifespan is close to 4,000 years. They generally wear brown, red, orange, black, and gray
clothing that blends in with their living environments. Their nourishment comes from
consuming etheric energy from the air and water of Ceres.
This website states that the Amaktu are 7th dimensional (7D) people who prefer
their privacy. Their interests are in history and science.!7° No other details about them
are provided.
Amenti (see Guardian Alliance) (see also Azurite Council)
“Amoeba-Like” Beings aka “Blobs” (see also Archons, Energy Eaters, “Jelly
Slime” Beings, “Leech”, “Plasmoid” Beings)
According to Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on
YouTube, and in a personal communication, Amoeba beings live in space. They feed on
the energy currents coming from stars and the energies from spacecraft.
The Amoeba-like beings are also mentioned on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website.
No description of them is presented. They were noticed over Earth’s polar regions as
they appeared there over the last 20 plus years.
'75 AJl information here is from Planet Ceres ETs on Messages from a Star Traveler on Seeking the Truth
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/ceres-ets
176 All information here is from Planet Ceres ETs on Messages from a Star Traveler on Seeking the Truth
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/ceres-ets
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 78
Once they are detected, this website reports that strange illnesses break out. What
these are and who becomes ill is not stated.
Penny Bradley offers an explanation concerning the cause of the illnesses
mentioned by this website. She states, “Anything that alters the electrical current of Earth
will make people sick”.
It is not known how these beings are able to stay alive in space.!7”
Any relation to “Plasmoid” Beings or Archons is currently not known.
“Amphibians” (see also Nommo, larga, “Reptoids”)
The word “Amphibian” is clearly an Earth word used to characterize certain ET
societies which may not be accurate for them.
There are a number of sources pertaining to ET beings that we on Earth call
1) The first source for “Amphibian” beings is the Bibliotecapleyades website. There is
no mention on this website of a home planet. However, these beings are similar to the
Saurians or “Reptiloids” [like Reptilians] yet they are “hominoid” [human-like] beings
with features like the Reptilians and Amphibians. They are semi-aquatic in nature. They
may have lived on land but became more aquatic over the centuries.
This site says that they have been encountered on Earth near swampy regions,
rivers, etc. They have been known to attack people without being provoked. No
examples or events are provided.
It is interesting that some types of Grays and Reptilian-like beings are believed to
be semi-aquatic, having webbed fingers and toes.!78 No specifics are given.
2) A very brief history of the Amphibians is mentioned on the Think Aboutlt (sic)
website. It states that the Amphibians evolved into human-like beings that eventually
developed a culture. It is uncertain whether this culture ran its course or was destroyed in
an Atlantis-like catastrophe. This disaster was reported to occur just after they had begun
exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. No information on how any of this transpired is
'77 Except for Penny Bradley comments, rest of the information is from Amoeba Like Creatures on Think
AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/amoeba-like-creatures/
'78 All information and quotations are from Amphibians on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida alien/esp vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 79
Another statement on this website is that these Amphibians are related to some
UFO'S sightings near water.'!’? The reason for this relation and other details are not
3) SSP veteran, Teah Akrish, states that there are Amphibious civilizations on Earth. She
mentions that they were one of the original species on Earth and are very advanced.
Akrish estimates that they have been on Earth for 3 billion years.!8°
4) The Galactic Human Journey website reports on two groups of Amphibians. One
Amphibian group this site mentions has an unknown origin and a lifespan that is also
unknown. All that is reported is their height at about 6-7 feet (1.8-2.1 m). The other
group of Amphibians are stated as originating in the Orion constellation!*®!. Their
lifespan is stated as 1,000 Earth years. Their ships are “oval and teardrop”. They are
presented as “allies of Reptilians”.'*? No sources for this information are provided.
An and AN, Ans (see also Lemuria, Og, Og-Min)
The AN or An were created by the Og and humans, reports the Exopaedia
website. The source for the website information is given as ‘Solara’. Solara is a self-
created name of a Peruvian metaphysical, “New Reality” organizer of a community and
business called An. She states that she is not a cult leader nor a channeler.!®? How she
obtained her information on the An is not clear. There is no mention of any involvement
or experiences with ETs. Hence, her information about the An is not considered very
Based on Solara, this site states that An is also the “name of the (pre-Inca)
kingdom called AN”. Currently, there is no mention of the AN Empire prior to the Inca
Empire on the mainstream Wikipedia website!**4. This does not mean that the An could
not have existed in the very distant past.
The website goes on to mention that “several thousands of years ago, long before
man (sic) lived in the Andean mountains”, ETs built a city near Lake Titicaca. No city
name is provided. This site reports that Edgar Cayce called these ETs “the OG”. Humans
gradually began to settle the Andean area. They were followed by the Lemurians who
came to South America and then the Atlanteans who spread out from the Yucatan to
South America.
179 Amphibians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/think-aboutits-alien-type-
180 Akrish, 2020 Jul 9.
181 Orion Constellation on Wikipedia website:
182 All information and quotations are from Amphibians on Galactic Human Journey website:
183 The An.visible website: https://anvisible.com/
184 Inca Empire on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inca_Empire
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 80
As the Exopaedia site mentions, there was an eventual contact between the
humans (referred to as OG or Og) and the ETs. While some ETs remained in the “City
of the Gods' (Tiahuanaco ?)”, others integrated with the humans. These offspring or
“mixed civilization” became the “Kingdom of AN”.
This site says that the Kingdom of An was a “highly developed society”. No
clarification of what this means is provided. Also stated is that when “Lemuria was
facing its destruction, a lot of Lemurians fled to AN”. The land of the An coincided
“more or less” with the later Inca Empire.'®> The basis of this comparison is not
According to the Think AboutlIt (sic) website, the home of the Anabua is in the
Orion star system. They have been on Earth longer than humans.
Their physical appearance is described as an eagle but “covered with human
flesh”. It is based on a sculpture by Cynthia Crawford from information given to her by
her guides. No other details are mentioned.
They are pleading with humans to put the Earth back the way it was and to live in
peace among all people.!8° Who these humans were and when this occurred is not
Similar information about the Anabua is repeated on the Galactic Human Journey
website!®’. Neither website credits each other for the similar information.
Anak and Anaki (pl) (see also Alpha-Draco, Cyakar, Izar, Reptilians)
There are two sources of information presented here. The first is called Izar from
the Exopaedia website.
1) Izar!88 is the name of the Epsilon star in the Bootes (or Boétes, Bodtis) constellation
according to the Exopaedia website. It is about 203.7 lys away and is stated to be “a
(prominent) member of the Draconian/Orion Confederation”. This site also mentions that
Epsilon Bodtes is “one of the main planets of the lizard race”. Which kind of “Lizard”
beings are not mentioned. There is also a mention of “Mojave files” which states that
185 A] information and quotations are from An on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/AN
186 AJ] information is from Anabua on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
187 Anabua on Galactic Human Journey website: https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#ANABUA
188 See Epsilon Bodtis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon Bo%C3%Bétis
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 81
there are “Large Greys” there as well as “white dwarf Greys”. No further details are
included on this site.!*°
2) The second source is Elena Danaan. Danaan states that the Anak or Anaki (pl) inhabit
Epsilon Bootes or Izar which has its “real name” as Anak-Imann. The Anak-Imann use
numbers for their planets and they are reported as living on “number 2 and 3”. They are
stated as being part of the “Reptilian Collective” and subjects of the Cyakahrr and
Alpha-Draco. Their science and technology is considered less developed than that of the
Draco. The examples provided are that the Draco science increased their longevity, from
what to what is missing, and their “physical performance in combat”.
Their appearance is reported as being grey to brown in color. They have a
“triangular face” with eyes that are large and slender similar to “Grays”. The females are
mentioned as having “darker skin” and thin, long black hair. Their height is slightly taller
than males but we do not know the height of the males. The females are said to be not as
aggressive as males though the meaning of this is unclarified. Their smell to humans is
described as “rotten rust”. Their language is characterized as a “throat rumble”. There is
no mention of them being telepathic.
She states that the relation of the Anak with Earth humans involved the people of
“eastern Japan”. She says that the Anak had a “settlement there at the end of an ice age”
when Japan was attached to the continent. They were involved in a breeding program
with the local population. The crossbreeding program is attributed to the “Ciakahrr
agenda”. They are also mentioned as being “involved with Dulce incidents”. No
specifics of this are provided.
Their spacecraft are mentioned as being square though they predominantly use
the better technological ones from the Draco.!%°
Anakim (see also Anunnaki, ELs, Zha.a.mi)
According to Sitchin, the word Anakim is Hebrew for Anunnaki and is generally
translated as “Giants’’!®!. Three sources of information about the Anakim are
summarized here.
1) The Bibliotecapleyades website states that its sources are many but none are included
on this web page. This site says that the Anakim are also referred to as the Elder Race or
Els. There is no such reference in sources pertaining to Els.
The Bibliotecapleyades website presents the following about the Anakim. To
begin, there is no mention of a home planet, galaxy or a constellation.
189 All information and quotations are from Izar (Epsilon Bootes) on Exopaedia website:
190 Ajl information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 96-97.
191 Sitchin, 2009, pp. 16-18.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 82
The Anakim society is part of a branch of ancient humans who broke off from
mainstream humanity because of their vast size that developed over the centuries
possibly due to a genetic anomaly. They are said to range anywhere from 9-11 feet (2.7-
3.4 m) and in some cases 12 feet (3.7 m). It’s not clear how this information came to be
known. They are described as a “configuration” that is remarkably similar to
‘International’ humans. What is meant by an “international” human is not included here.
They have been encountered in deep and extensive cavern systems below the
western part of North America, as far north as Alaska, as far south as Mexico and as far
east as Texas.
They have interstellar traveling capabilities.!°* These are clearly different beings
then the Els.
2) Another source of information about the Anakim comes from Helen Mead-Parks, a
contactee and experiencer of ETs. Mead-Parks makes the general and important point
about how the Anakim relate to other societies or civilizations. She states that the
Anakim invade by interbreeding in order to adapt to the atmosphere and biosphere!”.
This point is well worth remembering because it is used by many ETs. For example, it
can be traced back to the Zha.a.mi (Anunnaki) who created humans by “interbreeding”
with them (see Zha.a.mi).
3) Interesting information about the Anakim is presented on the Think Aboutlt (sic)
website. One of its sources is the Torah or Pentateuch. The others are not specified.
It reports that the Anakim prefer high gravity environments: 1.2-2.5 gravity and
1.5-3.5 atmospheres. For lower ones they require respirators. This website also mentions
that the Anakim have denser bones and thicker muscles than humans. Their society is
organized into clans in separate communities rather than integrating with each other.
Most marry but some have group marriages or polygamous relations. Further, some clans
become successful trading houses living and working on ships for generations.
This website goes on to state that the Anakim are in demand for “relativistic
ships” because they can withstand high acceleration and high gravity (no source for this).
What a relativistic ship is, isn’t clarified.!4
Ancient and Ancients
The name used by El Ka in Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky
Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2) is simply the word “Ancient”. Ka gives their
192 Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp vida alien 19a.htm
193 Helen C. Mead-Parks, 2020 Mar 23, p. 2. Pdf file in personal communication (Not in References).
194 Anakim on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/anakim/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 83
origin as a “parallel universe” whose meaning is not given. Their lifespan is stated as
infinite. She says that they are “a very advanced spiritual race” though this is not
clarified. Their main function is stated as “keepers of the Universes Peace and
Harmony”.!*> No relation with any other race or people is mentioned. No other
information is provided here.
Ancient Builder Races (see also ELs, First Ones, Source)
Only a general understanding of “Ancient Builder Race” is presented here. This
meaning is based on El (Ileana) Ka’s highly informative book, J/leana’s Star Journeys
with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka refers to the Ancient Builder
Races and that the Els are descended from them.
Her meaning of Ancient Builder Races comes from presenting the Els as 12D and
part of the “upper dimension (Builder/Creator) race that inhabit the unknown space
universe”!°°, The Els are presented as being descendants from “the Ancient Builder
Races going back | billion years ago in Earth history”!9’.
From Ka I’ve created the following general characteristics of the Ancient Builder Races:
e They are upper dimensional (12D compared to Earth humans at 3D)
There are a number of “races” (“races” may not be an appropriate word or idea here)
The names of these races are currently not known
They have existed for over a billion years (most likely much longer)
Their location in the space universe is not known to us
They are presently considered closer to Source than for example the Els (who are
descendant from them)
e Their purpose is to create and build which we assume to be various kinds of matter,
forms of life and so on
Andaranes and Andarans aka An.da.rans, Andaranen
There is very little information about the Andaran as reported on the Galactic
Human Journey website. The source of information on this website is from a person who
is not named but had an encounter with these beings. No star system origin or location is
They are described as not being human but have “humanoid bodies” with a
“cheetah face”.!°8 This description is not clarified.
195 Aq information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 18. Image p. 102.
196 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 555.
197 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 550.
198 All information and quotations are from Andaranes/Andarans on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/ETs-A.htmlHANDARANEN / ANDARANS
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 84
The rest of the information is primarily philosophical.
The general meaning of android is a robot with a human appearance. It is listed
here because some people have encountered such beings. The main example is from
Sixto Paz Wells on the Exopaedia website.
This site mentions that Wells encountered an Android being that was
“humanoid”. He describes it as having a large head and dark eyes that occupied one-third
of the face. There were “two openings instead of a nose”. Its small mouth had the “upper
lip covering the lower one”. The arms were said to be “long”’.!%
No other details are provided such as who might have created it, measures of
height and weight, clothes/attire, communication, and so on.
Andromeda and Andromedans, Andromeda Star Nations aka Andromedas (see
also Andromes, Cygnus, Maitre, Dries, Sivizicar, Zenae)
At the outset, it’s important to know that there are two uses of the word
Andromeda and the distinction needs to be kept in mind. There is an Andromeda
Constellation and an Andromeda Galaxy (aka Messier 31 or M31).
The Wikipedia website describes the Andromeda Constellation (which includes
the Andromeda Galaxy), one of 88 modern constellations, to consist of:
e The brightest star, Alpha Andromedae, is a binary star that has also been counted
as a part of Pegasus constellation
e Gamma Andromedae is a binary system
Beta Andromedae is a red giant marginally dimmer than Alpha
e The constellation's most obvious deep-sky object is the Andromeda Galaxy
(M31, also called the Great Galaxy of Andromeda)
e Several fainter galaxies, including M31's companions M110 and M32, as well as
the more distant NGC 891, lie within Andromeda
e The Blue Snowball Nebula, a planetary nebula, is visible in a telescope as a blue
circular object?”
The Andromeda Galaxy information also comes from the Wikipedia website and
is as follows:
199 All information and quotations are from Sixto Paz Wells on Exopaedia website:
200 All information is from Andromeda Constellation on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda (constellation)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 85
Also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224
a barred spiral galaxy (stars in the center)
approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth
nearest large galaxy to the Milky Way”?!
Apollymi Mandylion, an SSP military veteran and host on Galaxy of Unity
website*”, has been to one of the planets in the Andromeda Galaxy. She reports that this
planet has a turquoise colored sky. Their seas are really dark blue. She found their flora
and fauna really interesting because they have a lot of white flora and fauna with pastel
colors in them.?%
There are a number of sources that report about the Andromedans.
1) The Andromedans are from the Andromeda Galaxy and not the Andromeda
constellation, states Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on
YouTube and Odysee. Bradley considers the Andromedans an invading race from another
galaxy. The Andromedans wanted to invade Earth but the Alpha-Draco stopped them.
That is why the Andromedans hate the Draco. As long as we pay taxes to the Draco they
will protect us, says Bradley.2 Bradley’s general point is worth remembering.
2) Within Bradley's general view of Andromedan society there are differences. Some of
these differences are offered on the Messages of a Star Traveler website by Ileana (El
Ka). This site states that there are three kinds of human Andromedans that are members
of the benevolent Galactic Federation of Light. They wear the traditional multicolored
Galactic Federation jumpsuits.
This website presents a few general characteristics pertaining to the
Andromedans before describing their three main kinds. A general feature mentioned is
that the men vary in height from 5 feet 7 inches to 7 feet (1.7 to 2.1 m). The women
range from 5 feet 4 inches to 6 feet 4 inches (1.6 to 1.9 m) high. One distinction about
Andromedan women noted by this site is their “alluring energies” and their “quite buxom
This site also makes the following comparisons with Earth people. Compared to
Earth humans the “eyes of all Andromedans are slightly larger”. Their thin lips have a
color similar to light pink. Their ears are slightly lower and smaller “on the side of their
head”. With respect to their hands and feet they are described as “delicate in appearance
with long fingers and toes”. The length is not given.
The Andromedans sleep about 2 hours a day. No rationale for this is provided.
Their spoken language sounds like a variation of Spanish or Italian to “one that is more
201 All information is from Andromeda Galaxy on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_ Galaxy
202 Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
203 All information is from Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
204 Bradley, 2020 Sep 5.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 86
tonal and guttural in its intonation”. (Recently, El Ka states that their lifespan is 5,000
Earth years").
One of the distinguishing abilities about the Andromedans is that they are known
in “the Galactic Federation for their mastery of all forms of scientific endeavor”.
These are the general characteristics presented. El Ka goes on to state that there
are three kinds of human-like Andromedans. The first one presented is referred to as
those that look like Caucasians.
The Andromedans that look Caucasian include a range of types. The first one is
similar to the so-called “Nordic” type. They have “blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin”.
These also include the “Mediterranean” type. These Andromedans have “light to dark
brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tanned-looking skin”. All these kinds and their
variations are included as Caucasian.
The second kind mentioned by this site is referred to as “a typical Oriental”.
These people are described as having “dark hair, dark Asian eyes and a skin color that
varies from very pale brown to a dark shade of brown”. No other aspects are stated.
There is no name provided for the third kind of Andromedan people. This site
refers to them as “a humanoid race with light blue skin”. Their hair color is described as
being blond but contains “various shades of streaks of hair color”. The statement that
follows simply says that some “Andromedans are bold” but no context for this is given.
These Andromedans are said to come from the “Zenetae star system” and perhaps from a
planet called Tishtae.
The final item pertains to their spacecraft. The Andromedans have a range of
ships including the “traditional sombrero shaped scout ships” that are “50 to 65 feet (15
to 20 m) across” to those that are called “lens-shaped small atmospheric command ships”
that are “up to a half mile (805 m) in length”.*%
3) The Andromedans are also presented on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. Much of the
material on this site is an uncredited repeat of the previous Messages from a Star
Traveler. Only the additional information from the thinkAboutlt (sic) is presented here.
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website refers to the third kind of Andromedans as
“Blues” (see the “Blues”). The Hopi people refer to these blue Andromedans as “Star
Warriors”. They were the ones, this site notes, that attempted “to persuade the US
government not to work with the “Greys”. Their advice was, however, ignored. As these
“light blue skin” Andromedans age, their skin becomes white.
205 Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 18. Image p. 102.
206 All information and quotations are from Andromedans in Star Nations on Messages of a Star Traveler
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/star-nations
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 87
Their relations with other beings includes the Cygnus races. The Think Aboutlt
(sic) website reports that the Andromedans are “guiding” the Amphibian-like beings in
the Cygnus constellation.*°’ The details and examples of such guidance are not
4) A good overview of the Andromedans is provided by SSP veteran Apollymi
Mandylion via personal communication. Mandylion states that the Andromedans are
located throughout the Andromeda Galaxy and in other colonies throughout the universe.
No specifics are given.
She describes their physical appearance as follows. Their relative height depends
on their environment such as if they are living on a spaceship or a planet. Generally, their
height is between 5 feet 5 inches to 6 feet 5 inches (1.7-2 m). They have female and male
genders. Their skin, eyes and hair have the same variation as that of Earth and depend on
the environment. She mentions that they “could walk among humans of Earth” and we
would never know it.
Concerning their communication, Mandylion says that they are able to speak
their language (verbalize it) and can speak many other languages. They have a written
language. They are also telepathic. She characterizes their level of telepathy as medium
which means that they are capable of doing just about everything, such as projecting
emotions, conversations are automatically translated into the receivers own language,
and can read the subconscious mind. She says that you have to be “very good at blocking
your intentions of lying” to keep something from them. What they are unable to do is to
ascertain the “deepest, darkest secrets from your super conscious mind”. That is, they do
not appear to be able to undertake “full intimacy telepathy” as Penny Bradley
characterizes the abilities of the Alpha-Draco.
The relation of the Andromedans to Earth and the SSP is through The High
Council of Andromeda, maintains Mandylion. She states that there are 4 Andromedans
on it. Two members are from the Sivizicar (pronounced zisaw-viezie-char). The other
members are not reported nor is the total number. Each Andromedan representative, she
says, has “their own ruling area in the Andromedan Galaxy with their own trade system
and bylaws”. There are some representatives that “support the supplies for the fight
against the Dark Council more than others”. Some are also involved in funding some of
the SSP Programs of Earth and space. The general examples she points to are certain
Super Soldier Projects, Section 13 (with which she was involved, see also Section 13),
and some of the Inner Earth projects. No specifics are provided.
The Andromedans are in “good standing with the majority of ETs except for
those who serve the Dark Council factions”, according to Mandylion. There were some
Andromedan factions that supported the Dark Council by providing them with some
supplies. However, this has ceased, she says. The big universal war between the Dark
Draconians against the Sirians and Arcturians ended January 28th 2016.
207 This information is from The Andromedans on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 88
The level of technology varies according to the Andromedan quadrant, says
Mandylion. The lowest area is still more advanced than that of Earth human technology
while the highest is crystal technology
Mandylion reports that she is not aware of any religion among the Andromedans.
However, many are being taught and encouraged to develop the Arcturian and Sirian
philosophies of spiritual ascension.
What stands out for Mandylion about the Andromedans is that they have not lost
their human emotional aspect. Even though they are more evolved than Earth in
schooling, technology and spirituality they are less refined in containing emotions than
that of Arcturian, Sirian or Sivizicar (another humanoid race that lives in the Andromeda
Galaxy). Two members are on the High Council.
5) One well publicized person who has had contact with the Andromedans is Alex
Collier. His contact was with “Nordic looking humans’””"’. There is considerable
information available about his Andromedan experiences*”.
6) SSP military veteran John Whitberg provides some information about Andromedans
in a personal communication. He says that “there are multiple Andromedan species”.
The ones that Whitberg recalls “look like Mediterranean humans, but their eyes are like
cat eyes”. He maintains that “they're not generally friendly”. However, he considers
some to be “very nice”. According to him, “They dress like Men In Black”.
7) The last source of information about the Andromedans comes from a remote viewing
by Ileana (El Ka) and reported on her website, Messages from a Star Traveler.
Ileana “remote viewed” events that occurred 2 million years ago in the Maldek
tunnel system (see also Maldek). She saw a blue skinned Andromedan woman named
Akira who is called Air Mother because she can control air, water and ice. Akira was
“electrically shocked into unconsciousness” by a group of Maitre and Dries. She has
been put into “cryo-suspension animation to sleep” which includes “three metal tubes
sticking out from her neck” that are “connected to the wall unit”. She is lying on a
“metal/stone slab with opaque glass covering”.
Akira is wearing “richly blue patterned clothing that has moons, stars, flowers,
and golden threads on her tunic, and skirt”. She is wearing an “elaborate blue headdress’
that has “a golden crescent moon in the middle”. Her mission was to “try and help Earth
to ascend”. Despite her warnings to the “advanced technological civilizations living on
Earth at the time that their technologies were going to destroy many things on the planet
including themselves and their cities, no one would listen”. The problem she highlighted
was that these societies (eg., during Atlantis time) were using machines that were
208 Alex Collier on Expedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Collier%2C+Alex
209 This reference was provided by Daniel Sala in a personal communication. See: Collier, 2017 Apr 23.
This reference contains on screen Spanish captions.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 89
“interfaced with half of the planetary electrical energy grids”. This created a powerful
surge to happen similar to an atomic bomb. Gaia/Earth then reverted from 12D to 3D.
The Maitre and Dries were there to stop her mission.
Toward the end of 2014 two scout ships came to Earth to rescue Akira. Her
rescuers were “four Andromedan/Pleiadian hybrid Red Arrow warrior scouts named
Renaut (male), Tenai (male), Senai (female), and Aleya (female). The scouts were
“wearing silver body suits (sic)” with helmets. Ileana says that the males have “shoulder
length red and blond hair” while the females have “long blond, blue, and red hair”. The
scouts attach a “set of two plasma injectors” to Akira’s arms to wake her up from her
stasis sleep. She was transported to a planet called Ventra where she lives as a
horticulturist “scientist and an astronomer”.?!°
Andromes (see also Andromedans)
The information about the Andromes from Andromeda is presented in the
following source. Preston Dennet in his book Not From Here: Selected UFO Articles
(Vol. 1) refers to Denise and Bert Twiggs of Molalla, Oregon. Dennet says that the
Twiggs had a “missing-time UFO encounter while driving outside of Rapid City, South
Dakota”. They refer to them as the Andromes from Andromeda.?!!
Dennet’s book is based on the book by Denise R. Twiggs and Bert Twiggs called
Secret Vows: Our Lives with Extraterrestrials. They say that the Andromes love plants
and animals from Earth and other planets. They give an example from another planet of a
‘fire bush’ which is 3 feet (.9 m) tall and has a red liquid that runs through its clear
branches. From a distance it looks like the bush has a “‘fire dancing across it”.*!”
“Anemone” and “Anemones”
The information source of the “Anemone” people comes from an anonymous
source who posted the following in a private SSP social media group (not in References)
. This source states that their background is in translation and negotiation. This person
has_ been doing this for over 40 years. Implicit here is that this work was done with ETs.
This person states that “One of the coolest [ETs] I really enjoyed talking to were
the ‘anemone’ people -- they look like a giant sea anemone. Makes me wonder if the tiny
ones we have here on this planet could be conscious and sentient."
210 Ajl information and quotations are from Amaru Muru, Peru on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/amaru-muru-peru
211 All information and quotations are from Dennett, 2016 pp. 80 - 81.
212 All information and quotations are from Twiggs & Twiggs, 1992.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 90
There is a general point by this source that most of the persons or races
encountered were “not good guys”. As reported, “many seem to be perfectly willing to
annihilate us or turn our planet into an asteroid”. The races are not named.
That is all the information provided.
Ania and Aniae (pl) (see also the Akrij, Bio-Mimetic Gels, Hydra)
The entity Ania and the plural form Aniae are mentioned on the Spazioevita
website. The Aniae refers to two entities, maintains this website. These entities are first,
a black object or “black crystal”. The second Ania entity is a small biological robot. The
author on this website acknowledges the problem of having the same name for two
different entities.
This website says that the first entity is the “black crystal” which is a “very black
object” that absorbs light. It is an irregular polyhedron (ie., a solid figure with many
plane faces, usually more than six) that has about a one cm (.4 inch) diameter. This site
compares the black object Ania with implants. Once inserted into the body the Ania
would disintegrate into a “myriad of microscopic biological robots”. Each has a targeted
“body area”. Numerous goals could be achieved by these robots ranging from increased
sensitivity, to developing telepathic capabilities or to enslaving humans.
The secondent Ania entity on this website is a “small biological robot’. Its size is
given as some 1.5 cm long (.6 inches), some 0.5 cm (.2 inches) in diameter or smaller
overall. Their goal is to monitor their environment. They are capable of growing wings
and small paws like blow-flies. They are only dangerous or harmful in a group. The
example provided is that they can extend themselves between two electrical wires to
create a short circuit. They are also capable of sawing “the steering rods of a running
car’, which the website says has occurred. Perhaps the most significant power is that
they can act like a homing beacon in order to concentrate in a small area the “violent
energies generated elsewhere”.
One final item mentioned is that when an Ania activates itself it lights up for
some seconds. When the Aniae are activated, they make a chirping noise like the
The Anima aka Animus (see also Bio-Mimetic Gels, Maitre)
The Anima are located in the Leo group of galaxies about 35 to 38 lys from Earth
according to a summary of their different origins on the Bibliotecapleyades website. The
sources of this site include Dr. Neruda, Dr. A.R. Bordon and Dr. E.M. Weinz. This
website states that the “Animus race is a highly artificial and machine-like species”.
213 All information and quotations are from The “Aniae” in Some Further Detail on Spazioevita website:
http://www.spazioevita.com/wS56eng/some_ further detail.asp
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 91
Their intelligence is artificial and not biological. No description of them is provided.
Parts of each one can be easily replaced and so “one individual of this species can
potentially live for millions and perhaps billions of years”. As machines they have no
emotions and do not understand how “biological entities work”. There is no
consciousness in such an individual and no connection to Source.
They discovered Earth around 12,800 years ago and noticed that it was inhabited
with “biominds” (humans). The Animus were reported to return to Earth in 2011 to put a
probe in orbit to study our development. Should they find us sufficiently evolved they
will most likely invade by “infiltration, and then by more direct means”, according to
this website.
The Animus knows that “we” need to approve their taking us over, like other ET
societies require our approval, and they will get their approval by tricking us or trading
technology with us.*!4
The most important point about the Anima is made by Penny Bradley, host of
Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube and Odysee, in a personal
communication (no in References). She states that the Anima are “the single most
dangerous thing out there, with the Maitre coming in second”.
“Animal” Beings
The name of this general category of people comes from Teah Akrish, a veteran
of the Secret Space Program who has a YouTube channel named after her?!>. Akrish
states that there are lots of “Animal” beings that include Bugs, Fish, Minotaurs, Bats and
Sponge Beings. She has had empathic experiences with many. They are all
telepathic.*!°No details are mentioned.
Anshar (see also Inner Earth)
A civilization mentioned by Corey Goode on his Sphere Being Alliance website
exists in our inner Earth called the Anshar. Goode describes these people as “Nordic”-
like with white hair and slightly larger eyes. He worked with a high priestess called
Kaaree and received information, in part, through a “mind-meld”. The Anshar encourage
humans to be loving and kind as we continue on our spiritual journey.?!”
214 All information is from The Animus, Artificial Intelligence on Bibliotecapleyades website:
215 Akrish, Teah. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TeahAkrish
216 Akrish, 2020 Jul 29.
217 Cory Goode. 2016 Aug 16. “Intel Update Part 1”. Sphere Being Alliance website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 92
Doubts about Goode’s experiences with the Anshar and their existence, along
with his mention of other beings, have been expressed by Jay Weidner and Groovie
“Ant” People aka “Golden Ant”, “Red Ant” (see also Anu, “Arachnids”, “Hive”
Mind, “Insectoids”, Inner Earth)
There are different kinds of Ant people as the following number of sources will
1) A starting source here is Penny Bradley, host of Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube and
Odysee. Bradley says that “Ant” people are on Mars. She recalls them being about 9 feet
(2.7 m) tall?!®.
The “Ant” people on Mars are elaborated on briefly by SSP military veteran John
Whitberg in a personal communication (not in References). Whitberg refers to them as
“Golden Ant” beings. He states that they are native to Mars. They are able to “stand on
their back 2 legs”. He says that they are “usually friendly, although extremely dangerous
in battle”. What is noteworthy about them, he carries on, is that they are “one of the few
insectoid species that aren't a hive mind”. That’s all he remembers about them.
Whitberg also provides some brief information in the same personal
communication on “Red Ant” beings. He says that they are “‘a widespread insectoid
species”. Indeed, they are so spread out, he says “that they've seemingly forgotten their
own origins”. His last comments about them are that they are “very friendly” and that
“they're also very literal in their thinking”. That is all that he recalls about them.
2) One source that provides some detail on the “Ant” people is Emery Smith. Smith was
interviewed by David Wilcox on Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure Series that was reproduced
by Zohar StarGate (sic) TV. Unfortunately, this video is no longer publicly available.
Smith describes his involvement and work with what he calls the Ant people. He
does not know about the origin of the Ant people but he states that they have been on
Earth longer than humans.
He describes them in the following way. They have “very, very thin but very
strong arms and legs”. They have a “robust body that could be segmented or non-
segmented depending on where they're from’. This is an indication of the different kinds
of Ant people. Their face is described as having “a double mouth or pinchers” with a “lot
of tentacles” and other small things on it.
The “Ant” people are telepathic but they can speak, says Smith, because they
have “special voice box analyzers” that are located “on their neck and in their ears”. This
218 Weidner & Bean, 2019 May 24; 2019 Oct 23.
219 Penny Bradley in Neely, 2021 Jul 24.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 93
technology allows them to speak “‘multiple languages” though at a little higher pitch than
One of Smith’s important points is how he characterizes the “Ant” people which
he also calls “insectoids”. He says that they have “very loving caring energies”. They
will also tease you with their intelligence. He says that you feel their humor because
there are no facial cues to recognize because they do not have the muscle structure to
move their hard skin up and down.
Smith’s work included autopsying “Ant” people. A number of them were killed
by unknown chemicals. They “died of asphyxiation”. He states that they had “completely
burned out” lungs, “mucous membranes and eyeballs”. With Smith were “Ant” people
who were of the same species as the ones who were killed. This was the first time he
“felt sorrow next to an extraterrestrial”. It was very upsetting for Smith. You feel one
hundred percent empathy especially “if you’re working with them a lot”. His analysis of
his empathetic feelings is that there is a “frequency exchange” because you have a
connection with them. You can relive that for weeks or years and it is overwhelming.
Though Smith is not sure where these casualties happened he thinks that it was in
North America, most likely in the New Mexico or Colorado area.””°
3) The Galactic Human Journey website adds some material about the Ant people to the
preceding based on Christopher O’Brien’s 1996 book, Mysterious Valley**'. The kind of
Ant people that O’Brien refers to that are mentioned by the Hopi people live in the Inner
Earth. They are 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and have “crab claws on their hands and feet”. There
are antennae on their head. The way in which they recognize people is through our
frequency since we carry the same frequency “from life time (sic) to life time (sic)’”.???
4) The last source here is from the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. It refers to Ant beings in
the American Southwest that are drawn as “petroglyphs (rock carvings or pictographs,
rock paintings depicting entities with spindly bodies, large eyes, and bulbous heads that
sometimes project antennae)”. This website also mentions that these figures are
frequently shown in a “prayer stance” with their elbows and knees positioned at right
angles, similar to an ant’s bent legs.?”°
Antarctica (see also Alpha-Draco, Atlantis, Germans in Space aka The German
Federation of Free Worlds, Planetary Corporations)
220 All information and quotations are from Smith, 2021 Sep 20.
221 O'Brien, 1996.
222 All information and quotations are from Ant People on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/ETs-A.html#ANT PEOPLE
223 All information is from Ant People on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/ant-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 94
While much of what's going on in Antarctica is classified or covert, there are a
number of public sources and perspectives of information available. They are numbered
to facilitate the accuracy of referencing them.
1) The Wikipedia website presents a history of the Antarctic Treaty referring to it as the
Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). Starting from the 1940s, the current treaty system has 55
parties signed on. The Antarctic Treaty is meant to regulate international relations
occurring there.?”4
2) Some detailed knowledge about Antarctica is provided by Mr. Mythos on his YouTube
channel with the same name. This information is part of his series on Inner Earth
conspiracy theories. There are two parts here to note.
First, he presents how some Germans, followed by a secret British operation,
migrated to Antarctica. Mr. Mythos””> discusses the Vril secret society and its relations
with the Nazi political party?”°. Members of the Vril??’ society, such as Karl
Haushofer??8 and Thule society member, Maria Orsic, sought the “energy source deep
within the Earth” so that they could create a disc shaped craft for the Nazis. Mythos
states that Orsic was also in contact with beings “from other dimensions, other planets
and, yes, even beneath the surface of the Earth’.
He goes on to state that towards the end of WWII many German aristocrats,
scientists, engineers and slaves migrated to Antarctica. He adds that the British were
aware of this migration and organized a “secret wartime expedition to Antarctica” called
Operation Tabarin, 1943-45 where they established a number of secret bases’. They
discovered the German base and described it as “a vast underground cavern that was
warmed geothermally” and that also gave them electricity. There were docks for u-boats,
hangers for strange planes, huge constructions, etc., and the number of personnel there
was overwhelming. The Germans discovered the secret base of the British, and war
broke out between them around 1945.
The last part of this video presents the expeditions to Antarctica by Admiral
Richard E. Byrd, US navy. In 1947 Admiral Byrd led the US attack against the Germans
called Operation Highjump. The purpose was to force Germans to surrender and was not
a scientific expedition. It had 4,700 men, 33 aircraft and 13 ships. Instead of victory, the
US was defeated. What is less well known, Mr. Mythos says, is the secret diary kept by
Byrd?*° which describes “his descent into Inner Earth and his meeting with a race of
superior beings”. These beings are described as “tall blonde Inner Earth beings” who live
224 Antarctic Treaty System on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctic_Treaty System
225 One influence on Mr. Mythos for this topic was Thor, 2017.
226 See also Bulwer-Lytton, 1867.
227 Vril on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril
228 Karl Haushofer on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Haushofer
229 Haddelsey & Carroll, 2016.
230 Byrd, 2013.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 95
in a “glowing crystal city” with a ruler called the Master who refers to them “as an
ancient race called the ‘Orini’ (or ‘Arianni’, the spelling may not be accurate)”. They
want to protect the Earth and warned Byrd to tell the powers of Earth to forgo atomic
On a final note, Byrd’s boss, Admiral James Forrestall is mentioned. He was sent
to his death (“a suicide”) after president Truman terminated him as a government
employee. This was to limit and silence any material that Forrestal may have wanted to
release about Byrd’s expeditions to Inner Earth.”*!
3) Another source of information about Antarctica is Michael Salla’s book Antarctica's
Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs. Salla presents a
number of points about Antarctica.
One of his general points is that there exists an agreement between the Germans
who migrated to Antarctica and the Americans in the Antarctic which led to the
establishment of US covert bases there. His research reveals the names of some of the
corporate financial backers of Nazi Germany, such as Prescott Bush and the
He is able to establish a link between various corporations and the US government and
their link to Nazi Germany before WWII and after it. They were the ones, maintains
Salla, that got the Germans international financial support to build a secret space
program in Antarctica. Their financial support makes them responsible for the US
surrender to the Antarctic Germans in a treaty between the “breakaway” Germans there
and President Eisenhower. Essentially, the US was forced to surrender to the Antarctic
That treaty, says Salla, made the US military industrial complex (MIC) available
to substantially expand the German space program out of Antarctica. Salla notes that
these “breakaway” Germans rapidly became capable of being an interplanetary colonial
power with military resources that could be used outside of our solar system to support
their allies. The reference to allies seems to imply the Draco who subjected these
Germans to become their allies (see also Germans in Space).
What made the German and the US capable of advances in space travel were
corporations. Salla states that these corporations, originating with the MIC and
corporations from other countries, made a transnational corporate space program
possible that became more powerful than the US Navy and Air Force. Beside Siemens,
for instance, there are many other corporations linked to the German-US corporate space
program that Salla refers to, following the wording of Corey Goode, as the International
231 Unless otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Mr. Mythos. 2021 Nov 27. “Inner
Earth Conspiracy Theories.” Mr. Mythos. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ1g0dxPBgA
See also AJ. (n.d.). “Operation Highjump | Mission: Find and Destroy the Secret Nazi UFO Base In
Antarctica”. AJ, Host, The Why Files on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A ga-fA6iUm4 &t=47s
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 96
Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). (El Ka refers to the ICC as Planetary Corporations
which is generally adopted in this Guide.)
There are two final significant points exposed by Salla to the general public. One
is that despite the Antarctic Treaty, Antarctica is a heavily militarized territory
conducting illegal research and development involving captured humans. These are
taking place in covert bases and facilities under the Antarctic ice. Whistleblowers
revealing any of these and what’s taking place are threatened. The second point is Salla’s
documentation of slave labor that began in Germany, was managed by Siemens, and
continued in Antarctica and into space. Both the Germans in space and the ICC/Planetary
Corporations are deeply involved in slavery in Antarctica and on other planets. Salla is
clear that this must end.?3?
4) There are now excellent videos on Antarctica by SSP veterans that are too numerous
to list. Some examples are the following.
a) Eric Hecker, the “Voice of Antarctica”, has numerous videos about Antarctica on his
YouTube channel. They include his first hand account of his experiences there as
someone involved in the plumbing trade.?*?
b) There are considerable informative videos by El (Ileana) Ka on her Awakening
Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. Ka states that she has “SSP asset experiences” since
she was stationed in “Antarctica by the ICC [Planetary Corporations]’”. She also has the
ability to undertake “remote sensing” which she considers an improvement over her
“remote viewing” of Antarctica.
One of her videos provides important information about Atlantis technology in
Antarctica which includes images7**. In another video she provides a variety of Antarctic
locations, such as Russian, SSP, ICC/Planetary Corporation, Dark Fleet, Anshar Inner
Earth as well as some images of Atlantis outposts”*>. One final video of interest is that of
airships and hover car drones that are used by various classified programs in Antarctica
and the Canadian Arctic that includes the Royal Canadian Air Force MIC-SSP group.
She includes images of what these look like and suggests that they may soon become
5) Considerable excellent information about Antarctica is available from El (Ileana) Ka
in her two books entitled Z/eana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past
Lifetimes (Vol. I and Vol. 2). | offer some summaries of her writings about Antarctica in
the sequence that she has presented them, starting with Vol. 1.
232 All information and quotations are from Salla, 2018.
233 The location of his YouTube channel is Hecker, Eric. Deciphering My Experiences on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwewLbtOL5n2Qpme8o0eSw/videos See also Hecker, 2020 Mar 1.
234 Ka, 2017 Jan 15.
235 Ka, 2017 Feb 1.
236 Ka, 2017 Nov 26.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 97
a) El Ka states that there are Antarctic underground laboratories that contain super
soldier labs, hybrid chamber tanks and regeneration (regen) tanks. Both human and ET
hybrids are held in regeneration tanks until they’re ready to go on missions. The
regeneration tanks have various colored liquid gels that mix the ET and animal DNA
with human genomics to create different species of super soldier hybrids. Ka saw many
rows of these regeneration tanks throughout Antarctica.
She recounts four main labs. Two were under the ice sheets deep in the ocean.
The other 2 labs were deep underground. One underground lab had reinforced steel so
that the super soldiers couldn’t escape. She says that some labs had “blue glowing walls
with holographic computers streaming data projections on different hybridization
programs in the facilities”. The hybridized super soldiers were kept in “cryogenic stasis”
in regen tanks “while their minds were being programmed” with uploads/downloads of
“future mission parameters and what their personalities would be like”. The regeneration
tanks grow full “clones, ET/human hybrids”, and augment psionic abilities.
The hybrid super soldiers were male and female, some with “large bodies, wings
(for flying), claws, and advanced strength and agility”. The kinds of super soldiers that
she saw included “Reptilian, amphibian, and gargoyle”, also Dragon and horned
humanoid females. The abilities of these super soldiers include being invisible, changing
weather, manipulating water, “fire, electricity, and have fast reflexes”. Those super
soldiers that were being crossbred with animal genetics could “shape shift (sic) into
animals or partial animal/human form(s)”?3” (see also Germans in Space).
b) In her next writing about Antarctica, El Ka begins by presenting her “remote sensing”
and bilocation abilities. She writes that she is capable of seeing things through higher
dimensional blue light frequency on a separate wave beyond 3D physical matter. She is
able to obtain “energetic frequencies of data collection” which come to her “through a
higher dimensional blue light spectrum of seeing”. This allows her to see “people,
objects, and read energies from long distances no matter the span of time or space”. That
is how she is able to obtain her incredible information.
She gives two examples of her abilities. First, she remotely sensed scientists in
Antarctica drilling into the Earth’s core to obtain “precious water minerals from the ice
that prolongs life expectancy”. From these minerals, corporations can create drug
serumes to repair damaged telomeres, broken genetics, or repair broken DNA. Her other
example is that of secret bases and secret classified medical labs in Antarctica with
protective glass like dome shielding around their facilities. There are also secret
underwater operations plus ET bases with protective “electromagnetic shielding on
ocean floors or near cavern trenches’’.2?°
The medical labs in Antarctica that she refers to have current medical scientists
that are attempting to understand how to harness crystalline technology for medical
237 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 291. El Ka has a great presentation
of Antarctica Underground Super Soldier Labs with Images (Vol 1), pp. 292-294.
238 All information and quotations in this part are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp. 341-344.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 98
treatments. She credits this information to Brett Stuart.?3° The organization behind trying
to figure out how these crystalline medical devices work is the ICC (or Planetary
Corporations - see also Planetary Corporations)**°.
c) El Ka also reports that Antarctica has been freed from the Reptilians and the Dark
Fleet (see Germans in Space). She says that they have been removed. The way that they
were removed was through the use of an “energetic beam frequency oscillation device”
pointed at “Dark Fleet bases where the Draco reptilian overlords were in command”.
What this device did, she says, was to “disrupt the reptilians (sic) brain and nervous
system patterns”. It disoriented them and made it painful to stay on Earth. The Germans
in space and ETs went off world and “the human workers went to the McMurdo station
and left by boats to go to other countries”.
On an additional note here, she predicts that information about Antarctica being
an ancient land for ETs will be disclosed by 2060-2070. This will include information
about Atlantean Outposts, portal travel technologies, and Antarctic waters with life
extension properties of 50-100 years that can reverse the aging process.”#!
d) In the first part of El Ka’s information about Antarctica in Vol 2 she begins by stating
that it is possible to build research facilities and bases on and under the Antarctic. She
dispels any myths of not being able to build there. Her example is the Halley VI UK
research station that has movable modules and jackable legs with attached ski platforms
which was built on the surface of the ice shelf. Before that they had to drill into the ice
and build igloo type temporary structures.
She also points out that human made hollowed out tunnels and caverns have been
found under Antarctica's ice sheet which indicate prior bases and possibly underground
cities. As well, there are bases on deep ocean or sea floors that are based on reverse
engineered ET technology.”*”
e) Some of the most interesting aspects concerning Antarctica are found in this part of El
Ka’s second volume.
Here she begins by stating that Antarctica has advanced ancient ET cities and
bases. These have been frozen for a long time but are now being excavated by various
SSP teams. What has been recovered, she says, includes: Atlantean Outposts, genetic and
medical experimentation labs both ancient and modern day, ancient pyramids, and ET
bases with rising ship platforms for liftoff.
Some of the examples that were found under Antarctica that she mentions include
“magneto-hydrodynamic ancient submarines” and a “mile-long [cylindrical] spacecraft
239 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 350.
240 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp. 350-352.
241 All information and quotations in this part are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 553.
242 All information in this part is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 229.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 99
that used negative energy and the impeller style warp drive engine which is around a
million years old”. There was also technology that used “radiant negative energy” (that
exists all over the planet) which “uses granite like spheres that plug into receptacles ... to
power ancient megalith devices”. She writes about a “corridor of backward-flowing time
... near the South Pole” that looks “like a tall wide spire of frozen mist”. A weather
balloon tethered to a rope was sent in, she goes on to say, and retrieved. The chronograph
showed that the balloon went 20 years backward in time. Also found were bodies of ET
and humans together at an ancient base.
While Ka does not state who was involved in uncovering these materials it is safe
to assume that all materials were discovered by various parts of the US military,
intelligence agencies and Planetary Corporations. This is supported by Ka who states that
in Antarctica there are “blacks ops” bases and SSP bases, docking ports for classified
ships to enter secret operational bases and launching pads for experimental craft for off
world destinations, crashed ships, ship building facilities that build experimental
spacecraft with FTL (faster than the speed of light engines), and more.2* The number of
personnel that this would involve would be substantial.
f) The final information that El Ka reveals about Antarctica also includes the Canadian
Arctic. She writes here that the Royal Canadian Air Force and commercial companies in
the Arctic and Antarctic use what are called “hybrid airships” so that they can “ transport
cargo and supplies to various black ops bases and facilities”. These hybrid airships, she
says, “cruise at 20,000 feet [6,096 m]” and are quieter than airplanes because the noise
they emit is only around 60 decibels, which is normal conversation. Their fuel is non-
flammable helium which is “topped up on an annual basis” and replaced “once every 10
years’. She predicts that these airships will be in public use in 3-10 years.“
Antares or Antaries aka Antarens, Antareans, Antarians
Antares is a binary star in the Scorpius constellation and is 550 lys from our Sun,
according to the Wikipedia website. The binary stars are Antares or Alpha Scorpii, an
“orange-red supergiant” and Antares B, a “blue-white” star.**
Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about Antares, according to Debbie Solaris
from her website, is that it is the very first stargate that “connected the Andromedan
Galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy”. Solaris points out that this Antarian portal was how
some Andromedans came to the Milky Way to start a new cosmic experiment there.
She says that Antares is the “home of higher dimensional entities both physical
and non-physical”. It is also “an important gateway to other galaxies and universes”.
243 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 232-233.
244 AJ] information and quotations in this part are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 419.
245 All information and quotations are from Antares on Wikipedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 100
This gateway is used, she says, by some souls who physically incarnate and choose to
pass through it to “reactivate soul memory”.7*
Two general kinds of Antareans or Antarians are reported here. One kind is
physical and the other is non-physical.
1) Physical Antareans
The source of information about the physical Antareans comes from the
Exopaedia website. This site refers to Al Bielek and V. Valerian who say that the
Antareans, “look just like “normal humans’" and that they were stationed on the Montauk
base?47 as observers.748
Another source of information about the Antareans comes from the Galactic
Human Journey website. This website does not indicate where it obtained its information
and so it is less credible.
This site uses the term Antarians for those who come from Antares. The physical
description provided is the same as the preceding information calling them
“indistinguishable from Earth humans”. However, the site goes on to say that the
Antarians are taller stating that the women are six feet to seven feet five inches (1.8-2.3
m) and the men are seven to nine feet (2.1-2.7 m) tall. This height difference would
clearly make them distinguishable from Earth humans. Their skin tone is reported as
ranging from “white to olive, brown, or a unique copper color”. They are stated to be a
“fit race” which is not clarified and considered “quite attractive” as judged from an Earth
human standard.
The reference to technology is about their various spacecraft, for example,
starships and “thought-ships”. The craft are noted for their ability to “travel through
time-space funnels and the innerspace (sic) continuum”. No details are provided.
2) Non-Physical Antarians (see also Negumak)
El Ka, in her book, Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and
Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2), states that the Antereans or Antarians are called “‘The
Shining Ones’ due to their bright aura.”?°°
246 All Debbie Solaris’s information and quotations are from Antares - The Portal Between Two Galaxies
on Debbie Solaris website: https://www.debbiesolaris.com/antares
247 Montauk on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Montauk
248 All information about Antares is from Antares on Exopaedia website:
249 All information and quotations are from Antares (Antarens) Antarians on Galactic Human Journey
250 Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 19. Image p. 103.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 101
Ka states that they are from a parallel universe with a lifespan of 1,000 years. She
says that because they come from a parallel universe they have “shape shifting UFOs
that can travel across dimensions”. She also adds that they are helping us by “sending us,
the higher Divine Energies so that we can dissolve all karma”.*!
Anu (see also TokoA-Anu, “Ant” People)
The Anu are reported by Gene Decode on The GalacticTalk (sic) on YouTube.
What he reports about them in this video is as follows. He says that the Hopi, a sovereign
nation in northeast Arizona**’, called the “Ant” beings Anu. The Anu have a matriarchal
society, reports Decode, that has a Queen who benevolently “administrates the people”.
This difference is a class relation despite him stating that the Anu stopped having a class
structure. They have two genders who reproduce by laying eggs. He says that both the
males and females, who have equal status, protect and raise the young.??
Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim (see also Azurite Council, Time)
The only information about the Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim comes from El Ka in her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. She writes that they are one of the “3
Christos Founders races” that helped to create a “new genetic race called the Azurite
Eieyani” who carry “the most advanced genetic code in our Time Matrix”.?*4
Anunnaki or Anunakene (see also Elohim, Niburi, Zetas, Zha.a.mi)
The word Anunnaki?>> needs to be phased out and replaced by the actual name of
the people being referred to, such as the Zha.a.mi. The following is presented mainly as
background information. More current information is presented under Zha.a.mi.
According to Zecharia Sitchin, the term Anunnaki means “those who from
Heaven to Earth came” which is shortened sometimes to Anunna meaning “the heavenly
ones”*°¢ , Another word for the Anunnaki is the Nibiruans since their home planet is
Nibiru as stated on the Exopaedia website’. [It should be pointed out here the term
Anunnaki is not used to refer to Nefilim (or Nephilim)].
251 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), pp. 19-20. Image p. 104.
252 The Hopi Tribe website: https://www.hopi-nsn.gov/
253 All information except as otherwise referenced is from Decode, 2021 Sep 11.
254 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
255 For some background information about the Anunnaki see also De Lafayette, 2008.
256 Sitchin. 2009 p. 18.
257 Anunnaki on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Anunnaki
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 102
According to the ARB by Santori, the Anunnaki are from Nibiru (sometimes
spelled Nibirue) which is part of our solar system but with an orbit that comes close to
the “sun every 4,000 years”. They are similar to Earth humans but taller, 8 feet (2.5 m),
and more muscular. The Anunnaki genetically engineered Earth humans as a race of
Santori states that the Anunnaki were not aware of the Reptilians being on Earth.
The only race with which they cooperate is the Zeta Reticulai, not to be confused with
the Solipsi Rai or “Grays” (see also Solipsi Rai and “Grays’”’/”’Greys”’). Before leaving
Earth the Anunnaki created a sub-species of the Zeta that became the rulers (Pharaohs)
of Egypt. The Reptilians [which race this refers to is unspecified] infiltrated them
through temple priests and ended their reign.
The Anunnaki are expected to return to Earth, reports Santori, though their return
time is unknown?>®.
More recently, the concept of Anunnaki is used here to refer to a number of
advanced societies or civilizations as provided by Penny Bradley, SSP veteran and host
of Penny Bradley Nacht WaffenPilot on YouTube. She states, “The Anunnaki were a
combination of Draco and Zha.a.mi, with a handful of Avians, Canids and Lyrans. All
are from our general region of space and would be the expected ETs to encounter when
you leave Earth”. Later on she elaborates that part of the Zha.a.mi are their blue collar
workers, the Tall Whites or Nordics*®°. There are a number of important elements in
Bradley's quote.
There is a clear hierarchy involved in the order that she has stated these societies.
That is, the general idea of “Anunnaki” has at the top the Alpha-Draco (see also the
Alpha-Draco). They were and are the rulers of planet Earth. This is followed by the
Zha.a.mi (see also the Zha.a.mi). They had the most to do with the human race by
creating it. There were also other advanced societies involved as listed by Bradley. They
too have some responsibility in our development (see also Avians, Canids, Lyrans).
There may indeed have been others, such as Zetas (see also Zetas). This hierarchy could
generally be referred to as the Draco Earth hierarchy since the Draco are the rulers of
Earth. The Draco Empire has a general hands-off policy as long as taxes are paid. The
most involved society with Earth humans, and which tends to be the one most considered
to mean Anunnaki, are the Zha.a.mi. It’s important to know the context in order to know
which ETs were and are involved with Earth humans. The Zha.a.mi were fundamental to
our evolution as enslaved Earth humans who served them as gods.
Anusani (see also Time)
258 Santori information is from Santori, 2011, pp. 46-47.
259 Bradley, Penny. Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube:
260 Bradley, 2020 Jul 29.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 103
All of the following information about the Anusani is provided by Ileana (El Ka)
on her Messages from a Star Traveler website. She states that the Anusani are from a
planet in the Vega star system called Telaris which has a binary sun. There are three
moons around Telaris called Venshu, Galata, and Rinshui. Their planet is rocky with
many mountains, hills and green valleys though it does not have much water which they
obtain from their moons. The soil on their planet is red which enhances their psychic
abilities and allows them to see and monitor future timelines. A mineral in the soil called
“Argentinium” allows the Anusani to “have future recall of memories”. This likely
means to have the ability to recall memories into the present from those that exist in the
The description of the Anusani by El Ka is the following. She starts by saying
that the Anusani evolved from one of the cat races and look similar to what we would
call “human felines”. These people are 10 to 11 feet (3 to 3.5 m) tall and have slim
muscular bodies which are compact for running long distances. Their eye colors are
amber to brown and light green. Some of the Anusani who live at the base of mountains
have slight fur on their bodies while those that live in warmer climates have no fur. Both
species have slightly pointed ears and golden or blue skin. She reports that the Anusani
live for 12,000 years and exist in the eighth-dimension (8D). They have a light language
where words mean more than their spelling.
One way that the Anusani describe themselves, maintains El Ka, is as
“the celestial time keepers of the crystalline universal grid matrix” which refers to
realities that have a bridge within themselves in order to shift conscious paradigms. This
creates “one reality instead of many unnecessary realities that mask what is the true
essence of soul sparks”. The Anusani prevent these other realities from forming in order
to benefit our souls.
Some of the abilities that El Ka knows about the Anusani include being able to
translate any language in the known universe, memory retrieval, make positive changes
in recurring patterns of the universe and plan world timelines to avoid issues in the past
or future.
Their mode of travel around their planet is by creating time dilation portals. They
do this by their ability to create energy with their thinking. In this way they teleport
themselves from one location to another. Wormhole gates on the planet are used to travel
to other planets and star systems. They do not use ships since these create “quantum
warps in space time existence”. By not using ships they do not affect the timelines of the
Apex and Apexians (see also the “Greys/Grays”, Lyra, Zeta Reticuli)
261 All information and quotations are from Anusani Visit on the Messages from a Star Traveler website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 104
The Apex are presented on the Exopaedia website. The source of this information
is channeled by Lyssa Royal and reported in Lyssa Royal and Keith Priests’ Prism of
Lyra’, Channeled information is currently not considered reliable. Only a few points
are mentioned.
The website reports that the first developed society occurred on the planet Apex
which is located in the Lyra constellation. This site considers it “one of the earliest
planets to ever sustain a humanoid civilization”. It reports that this planet was torn by
conflicts and nearly destroyed itself in a nuclear war. The limited Apexian survivors then
lived underground “for several generations” which changed their skin to gray (hence the
“Greys’’) and their eyes to grow substantially so that they could “see in the dark”.
Referring to Royal and Priest, this site says that the Apexians “became the race of the
Zeta Reticuli” .?°
Apparition(s) or Hologram(s) Entities (see also Xendras)
At the outset, Apparitions or Holograph beings are considered separately from
Xendras following the research work of Grant Cameron?™.
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website mentions ETs that Earth humans would call
Apparitions or Holograms. I’m using the word Apparition to refer to the appearance of
an entity and Hologram to mean a 3D image of a being. It’s important to remember that
we, Earth humans, can only see what is within a visible light spectrum. We can not
perceive ultraviolet and infrared light images*®. These kinds of ETs appear to us as “an
insubstantial entity, existing in sight and sound only but devoid of any physical mass”,
according to this website.
An Apparition is capable of walking through walls. It has been difficult to
describe them in more detail since they are surrounded by shimmering or bright lights.
These lights obscure these entities' features. The main consequence of witnessing an
Apparition or Hologram has been a mild case of radiation poisoning, most likely from its
This website notes that Apparitions or Holograms are encountered alone and end
with them disappearing in thin air or through a wall to avoid being pursued.
262 Royal and Priest, 1993.
263 All information and quotations are from Apex on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Apex
264 See Grant Cameron. 2017 Oct 10. “Portals and Xendras: A 2014 Story.” Earth Mystery News website:
265 See, for example, What is the Visible Light Spectrum? on the ThoughtCo. (sic) website:
266 A pparition’s/Hologram’s on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/apparition-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 105
Apu aka Apunians
There are two sources of information presented concerning planet Apu and the
Apunians. The first source is from the Exopaedia website and the second is from Ricardo
1) The Exopaedia website gives us a brief introduction to two separate planets that are
referred to as Apu. First, Apu is referred to as the home planet of the beings Vlado
Kapetanovic (aka Vitko / Viktor Novic) encountered in Peru in 1960. The planet is
considered to be located “outside the Milky Way Galaxy”. Its inhabitants are
characterized as very human-like. The second reference here is from the Mission Rahma
contacts who also refer to a planet Apu, though this planet is stated to orbit around Alpha
Centauri. Its inhabitants are described as human in appearance, but taller 8 to 9 feet (2.4
to 2.7 m). This website concludes that given these differences it is possible that Apu may
be more of a symbolic name and that one of these sources “‘is not telling the truth”.*°’
2) The other source of information about Apu and the Apunians is Ricardo Gonzalez in
his book called Contact from Planet Apu: Beings from the Future Among Us.
Apu is the name of a planet whose inhabitants refer to themselves as Apunians,
according to Ricardo Gonzalez who has had 20 years of contact with them. Gonzalez
writes that his main contact from the Apunians told him that Apu was destroyed so that
they became “space travelers in time, settlers on other planets”. Their main colony is
now on “a world of Alpha Centauri’, though no specific planet is given. They built
“transit colonies” along their way to Earth.*°8
Gonzalez was contacted first by the Apunians in Lima, Peru?®. He was not the
only one to have such contact as he mentions the 1960 contact with the Apunians by
Vlado Kapetanovi aka Vitko Novi?”’. He also mentions the important contact with the
Apunians in 1974 by Carlos and Sixto Paz Wells?’!. Despite the previous Exopaedia
website source, he says that all of them lend credibility to his reports about the Apunians.
The physical description that is presented is of a male called Antarel and a
woman called Anitac. Gonzalez describes Antarel as 8.8 feet (2.7 m) which is taller than
the others he has met who were an average height of 6.6 feet (2 m). Antarel is like a “35
year old athlete with Nordic features and slanted eyes”. He “wore a silver metal suit
attached to his body like a second skin”. His eyes are described as “honey-colored” and
his skin is impeccably white. He had “very fine platinum blonde hair” that was shoulder
267 All information and quotations are from Apu on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Apu
268 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 80.
269 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 29.
270 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 38-39.
271 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 47.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 106
length. Gonzalez makes a general observation stating that Antarel was so beautiful that if
“T had seen him thousands of years ago, I would have thought that he was an angel”.?”
Anitac is described as being in her 40s also wearing a “one piece silver suit” with
her “hands and face uncovered”. She was about 5.6 feet (1.7 m) and had “very light
blonde hair’. She had a genetically perfect body.*”? What this means is not clear.
Gonzalez also mentions that the Apunians can “manifest anywhere they desire
even in a witness room’”?”+. That is, they can appear wherever they want even in the
room of a “contactee”. He also states that they “live for thousands of our years”*”>. By
way of a general observation, the long lifespan of ETs, compared to Earth humans, is
something that we need to take into account in our Earth history.
Some information that Gonzalez provides concerns contact protocols. He states
that if a witness or a person being contacted answers an invitation from ETs and goes by
choice to a preset “contact zone”, the ETs are then able to provide more information?”®.
One important point here is that Gonzalez has been highly successful in arranging
contact with the Apunians at a certain time and place. For example, people were able to
see “a wave of scheduled UFO sightings in Peru in 1999 many of which were recorded
on national TV channels?’’. Included in these protocols are that no photographs are
permitted. The reason for this is that the organization to which the Apunians are
members “does not allow them to give ‘direct evidence’” through photographs because
some of them “can adapt or mutate to look like us and don’t want to be detected” (see
also Shapeshifting). As well, they do not wish to be harmed by giving us direct
The Apunians also mentioned to Gonzalez that they have a number of bases on
Earth, mostly “laboratory-ships” located on “nodes” of power in our world. Some are
entry and exit portals to extra-dimensional levels. The following is a list organized by
country or area in which they have bases:
Argentina - Window Mountain Range, Talampaya, Somuncura
Bolivia - Green Lagoon (Licancabur)
Chile - Submarine Base facing the islands of Chiloe
Mexico - Tepoztlan
Nepal - Annapurna Region
Peru - Huascaran national Park, Andes of Huanuco y Pasco, Ausangate Cusco,
Submarine Base off the coast of Chilca
272 Gonzalez, 2015, pp. 49-50.
273 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 93.
274 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 74.
275 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 107.
276 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 74.
277 Gonzalez, 2015, pp. 59-68.
278 Gonzalez, 2015, pp. 107-108.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 107
Russia - Siberia
Spain - Mount Perdido, the Pyrenees
US - Mount Shasta
They also have facilities in Antarctica.?”? No clarification of ‘facility’ is provided. There
is also an orbital base behind our Moon called Celia?®°.
The Apunians are part of an ET organization called “The Confederation”, states
Gonzalez. They “imposed a quarantine of protection for Earth since the 1940s” due to
such activities as exploding atomic bombs. He goes on to say that the “emissaries from
The Confederation always provide positive messages of alternatives and hope”.**! Their
mission is to integrate the human race into the “cosmic community”?*?.
“Aquafarians” aka Aquatic Beings (see also Aldebaran, Aruna, Dolphins,
Europans, Hydra, Kappa, Killimat-Arr, “Merfolk”, “Shark-Like” Beings, “Trout”
“Aquafarians" is a general word to refer to a multi-race of beings that live in
water. Another word for them is simply Aquatic Beings. Some may be able to breathe in
water while some may not. Some look like humans and some do not as the following
There are 5 sources provided here.
1) One website, Project Avalon, reports that there are different kinds of Aquatic beings.
Some of them are described as having tails similar to a walrus or eel instead of legs. An
example of an Aquatic being is the green seamonkey-like Aquatics who are located by
the Korean peninsula.
Also reported is that these beings have bases on the bottom of oceans and large
lakes and that they use portals in traveling to planets.?*
2) The “Aquafarians” are mentioned by SSP military veteran John Whitberg in a
personal communication. Whitberg says they are “an aquatic humanoid race from the
Sirius B star system”. He describes them as “usually light blue, with a dark red streak
down the middle of their back”. He considers them “highly xenophobic, although some
are very nice”.
3) One kind of Aquatic being is referred to as “the Swimmers”. Paul Stonehill and Philip
Mantle interviewed witnesses that had encounters with such an Aquatic being. One
279 All preceding information is adapted from Gonzalez, 2015, pp. 73-74.
280 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 110.
281 Al] quotations are from Gonzalez, 2015, p. 27.
282 Gonzalez, 2015, p. 111.
283 Aquatics on the Project Avalon website: https://disclosure.fandom.com/wiki/Aquatic
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 108
witness referred to these “humanoid” beings as “Swimmers”. The Soviet army tried to
capture one of these beings but was repelled by a huge amount of energy coming from
that being.
Another witness account comes from a Major General of the Soviet Diver
Service who along with his crew encountered a race of “humanoid” ETs referred to also
as the “Swimmers”. These beings were 3 meters (9.8 feet) tall and wore silvery suits with
spherical helmets. They live in the icy waters of Siberia within Russia. The attempt by
Soviet navy divers to capture one of them resulted in being flung to the surface of the
water with a powerful force.**4
4) The “Aquafarians” are described by Emery Smith who was being interviewed by
David Wilcox on Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure which was reproduced by Zohar StarGate
(sic) on YouTube (this video is no longer available).
Smith was a military veteran in the SSP with considerable practical experience in
biologics and genetics of various ET life forms*®>. He recalls his experience with “liquid
state planets” and beings that “have to live in water or come from a water planet’,
notably from the Pleiades. In the SSP, these beings are referred to generally as
A lot of the operating rooms and centers in which Smith worked were
“completely filled with saltwater or freshwater” in order to do his work.
There are different kinds of ET “Acquafarians”, says Smith. This includes those
that look like Manatees, Dolphins and those that from the chest up “look pretty human”
and the waist down they are scaly. The last ones, Smith believes, are the source for the
mythology around the mermaids.
Smith is able to provide detailed descriptions of some of these “Aquafarians”. For
example, those that have a head similar to a Dolphin, their face “does not have a snout
like a bottlenose Dolphin”. These beings have “a very large mouth” that comes out a
little bit from their snout but it is not as pronounced as “‘you would see on our modern
day Dolphins and Porpoises”. He says that they are “kind of comical looking, like you'd
see [as] a cartoon character”. The eyes for the Dolphin beings are on the side of the head
and they do have “great vision”. For ears these beings have “slits” or “holes”.
One interesting physical feature is that they have “very small fins on their back”
that are about 3-4 inches (7.6-10.2 cm). These little fins, says Smith, go all the way down
their back.
284 All information about the Swimmers is from Ancient Knowledge, 2020 May 12. Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/AncientKnowledge7/videos/23695 1604404778/ (this post is no longer
285 Emery Smith website: https://emerysmith.net/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 109
We know that Dolphins have flippers. However, Smith says that when you
“actually look at the skeleton inside the flipper it actually looks like a hand”. Earth
humans have the same bones as the Dolphin flipper. Similarly, he carries on, Whales
have “skeletal arms and legs”.
On a final note, he says that these beings “communicate through telepathic waves
and through frequency”. He mentions that they can also “resonate an actual sound” that
“cannot hear but they can feel it”. He says that this is a “really beautiful sensation” and
it’s something that he can feel. It’s similar to music and has a harmonic structure of some
sort. He ends by saying that “it’s really beautiful” .*°°
5) The “Fish” people are mentioned by Teah Akrish, an SSP veteran in her telepathic
communication with them. There are different kinds. She states that their minds are
“wet”. It would be interesting to have a description of what “wet” means. She provides
an example of “Fish” People when she was talking telepathically to a Whale who was
King of his people. She tried to hide behind a bottle to prevent the telepathy from
occurring but there was no hiding from him.?°’
Aquarius (see Tengri, Tengri-Tengria)
Aquifa (see Tarazed, Kale-Nia)
Aquila (see Altair, Akhori, Onorhai, Darthar)
“Arachnid” Beings aka “Arachnoids”, “Glass Arachnids”, Spiders (see also “Ant”
People, “Dark” Council, “Hive” Mind, “Insectoids”)
The general meaning of the word Arachnid comes from a dictionary and refers to
spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions, and to a lesser degree mites and ticks. Unless
otherwise specified, “Arachnid” here refers to beings that are like a general spider to us.
“Arachnid” is capitalized because it refers to a society of beings. There are many kinds
of “Arachnids” ranging from those that are aggressive and predatory to those that are
benevolent to humans, according to SSP veteran Julie Phelps7**.
Three sources of information are presented including Julie Phelps, Apollymi
Mandylion and very short statements by Peter the Insider and James Rink.
286 All information and quotations are from Smith, 2021 Sep 20. (This YouTube video is no longer
287 Akrish, 2020 Jul 29.
288 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 110
1) Julie Phelps?®? reports about an “Arachnid”? spider society. Information about
Phelps’s background is available from Phelps*?!. As with all general categories, like
“Arachnids”, it should be abandoned once we learn the name of the individual societies
or civilizations. Until such time, I use it. Here is Phelps’s description of some of her
experiences with “Arachnids”.
She states that giant “Arachnids” have been around for millions of years and are
benevolent”**. Benevolent is in reference to those that she has encountered. Some of their
characteristics are the following. They live underground and have farms there where they
grow the substances that they eat. They will defend their farms so people should not go
there. They do not eat meat. Phelps states that they are black in color and “not too
hairy’. They increase in size as they get older ranging from 12-14 feet (3.7-4.3 m).
There is no hierarchy in their society but they do have respected grey-looking elders.
They are telepathic and this is how Phelps communicates with them”.
These “Arachnids” live in the fourth dimension (4 D) and want to go to 5D. They
are mostly cloaked to us though they can materialize or dematerialize?®>.
One outstanding characteristic that they have is precognition. Phelps refers to
these giant ““Arachnids” as “precogs”, which means that they know what you are going to
do before you do. For example, if you were to fire on one of them you would never hit
them because they would preempt this. Their precognition allows them to beat
Reptilians. Consequently, you don’t want them as your enemy.
Phelps provides one example of their mental abilities. One of the giant
“Arachnids” took a memory out of Phelps’s mind, put it to the front and then put it back,
much like reorganizing a filing cabinet?*°. They also understand the condition of humans
on Earth. That is, they know we (Earth humans) are controlled by the Draco and are
slaves to them. They would like to form closer bonds with humans?”’”.
Phelps also stated that she has an “Arachnid” son?°®. He is a hybrid consisting of
a human head and an “Arachnid’’/spider body. The way that he was created was by
taking her DNA which was then spliced with that of an “Arachnid”. He is 7 feet (2.1 m)
tall, very psychic, communicates telepathically and is still not fully grown.?”
289 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
290 They are also mentioned by Peter the Insider, 2016b Jul 26.
291 Phelps, 2019 Nov 29.
292 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
293 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
294 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
295 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
2% Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
297 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
298 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
299 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 111
She also mentioned that a large civilization of “Arachnids” exists under Toronto,
Ontario, Canada*°°. Another one is located under Cumbria in England?”!.
In addition to these kinds, Phelps is familiar with black warrior “Arachnids”.
They transformed from attacking humans to being benevolent to them?”’. How this came
about is not provided. There are also higher dimensional “Arachnids” who are whitish
and ethereal looking who told Phelps about their history, beliefs, and changes to come.
Some “Arachnid” societies are members of a “Council” of benevolent beings toward
humans?°3, No name and no details were provided.
2) Another source is Apollymi Mandylion, an SSP veteran and the host of Galaxy of
Unity website*4, who reports in a personal communication on what she calls the “Glass
Arachnids”. Mandylion states that she calls them that because there are no words in our
Earth language for their space pronunciation. She says that the ones that she knows about
are generally located on the other side of the universe or about middle distance from the
inner center of this universe.
She describes these “Glass Arachnids” as follows. Their height ranges from 4 feet
(1.2 m) for “babies” to about 200 feet (61 m) tall and 150 feet (46 m) long. Their society
has two genders, female and male. Their exoskeleton looks like “clear crystal’, she says,
with a “slight light blue hue towards the joints and eyes”. They have 4 eyes on each side
which are very light blue. The overall body form she says are like normal spiders on
The form of communication that they use is telepathy, according to Mandylion. It
is a very advanced kind where they are able to access all of your secrets from your
The relation that the “Glass Arachnids” have with Earth and SSP is not known to
Mandylion. Similarly, their relation that they have with other ETs is also not known to
her. What she does report is that at one of the Universal Council meetings, their leader,
who is the biggest male, addressed the Ambassador of Arcturians about the Arcturian
Federation’s actions of war against the Dark Council and the damage, not only to both
sides, but to others who did not participate in the war. They took heed of the Glass
Arachnid’s words as did many others.
Mandylion is not familiar with the various kinds of advanced technology that the
“Glass Arachnids” have. Likewise, their spiritual development is unknown to her. She
300 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
30! Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
302 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
303 Phelps, 2019 Dec 1.
304 Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 112
does add that they are “very wise and seem to care about others who are not their
What was especially noteworthy for her about these beings is that they are
capable of producing very strong webs. They can also jump incredible distances though
no specific number is provided. She says that they are an old species and very wise. All
the interactions that she has had with them were peaceful. In general, she considers them
inquisitive, intelligent, empathic and mild tempered. No examples are mentioned.
3) One particular kind of “Arachnids” called “Diamond Spiders’, is mentioned by Peter
the Insider>°>. Peter adds that “Arachnids” (the term that he uses is “Arachnoids’’) suffer
from Morgellon disease.*° No other details are provided.
4) James Rink, an SSP super soldier and host of Super Soldier Talk on YouTube?” and a
website with the same name*"’, mentions on a private social media post that he
encountered large spiders on Iapetus*”’ which is the 3rd largest natural satellite (moon)
of Saturn. No other information was mentioned.
5) An important instance of working with a spider being is provided by SSP military
veteran John Whitberg in an interview he did with host DanielSala on the Saint Olga 68
show on YouTube. Whitberg describes a spider being that was humanoid. The face was
that of a human but the arms were that of a spider with crab claws at the end.
He remembers this being because he was taught by it how to deceive full
intimacy telepathy in his training as a diplomat by the German Federation. One way this
was done, he explains, was if there was some information he really didn’t want others to
have, he had a code that he would say to himself. This code would then purge the
information from his mind. He compares this to “almost like creating a new altar” but
not quite. He says that he had to be really good at compartmentalizing everything.?!°
Aramani (see also Pleiadians, Tau)
The source of information about the Aramani is Elena Danaan. Danaan states that
the Aramani come from the Araman planet located in the Tau Ceti solar system that is
called Norca. The Aramani sent a colony to the Epsilon Eridani system on the planet
Herea whose inhabitants are referred to as Herayans. There is no information provided
about the Herayans.
305 For information about Peter the Insider see ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
306 Peter the Insider, 2016b Jul 26.
307 Rink, James. Super Soldier Talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperSoldierTalk He is also
transitioning to Rumble.
308 Super Soldier Talk website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/
309 Tapetus on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapetus_(moon)
310 Whitberg, 2022 Dec 24.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 113
She mentions that the Aramani are genetic descendants from the “Lyran Taal
race” which she says are a mixed humanoid group. The Aramani are described as 5.5 feet
(1.7 m) tall humans. They are “thin-skinned” but what this means is not clarified. Their
ears are slightly pointed. They have dark hair. They are stated as having “strong
muscular density”.
They are affiliated with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic
Authority), she says. She also mentions that they have an alliance with the Pleiadians and
unnamed others to defend themselves against the “Reptilian Collective”.*!! What
“Reptilian Collective” refers to is not elaborated on.
“Archons” aka “Ankle Biters” (see also “Plasmoids”)
A mainstream view from the Wikipedia website states that Archons in
Gnosticism refers to the builders and rulers of the physical universe?!’. There are two
sources of information about the Archons. One is from Cameron Day and the other is by
a SSP military veteran who uses the pseudonym of Hendricks.
1) Cameron Day reports about the “Archons” on the Ascension Help Blog website.
According to Day, the ancient Gnostics had psychic experiences with those who called
themselves Archons. Day states that Archon means ruler or lord. The Archons see
themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity. His advice is to never call them that
because by doing that you are “handing them your power and energy”. What this means
is that once you refer to them as Archon you have acknowledged their rule over you and
your subservience to them. Day calls them “Ankle Biters” to avoid this subservient
relation with them. I will use his terminology of “Ankle Biters” here acknowledging that
they are also sentient beings and that a more neutral term needs to be found by those
What the “Ankle Biters" do, states Day, is that they hide in the shadows of our
minds, “like worms”, and send low-frequency impulses of emotions and thought to our
ego so that they obtain low-frequency emotional energy that they can consume. Because
they hide, he says that they need to be “flushed out” into the open to deal with them.
Historically, Day points out, the “Ankle Biters” reprogrammed humans to be like
themselves, full of fear, jealousy, “petty, dishonest, brutal, enslaving, murderous,
unforgiving, punishing, etc.” This was the “Ankle Biters” way of managing humans to
create an “energetic food source for thousands and thousands of years”. This has been
part of the human thought system known as “human history”.
In addition, the “Ankle Biters” have built a control grid, he says, that surrounds
Earth and allows them “to automatically gather human-generated low-frequency energy”
and to “send fearful or other low-frequency messages into human consciousness to keep
311 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 128-129.
312 Archon (Gnostic) on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon_%28Gnosticism%29
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 114
people generating energetic food for’ them. He states that he discovered this control
structure in 1997 when he had an out of body journey. He had no idea of this structure
but was intercepted “by two beings who disguised themselves as ‘guides’ but their
energy felt more like prison guards than any kind of benevolent guide”.
Day describes this energy structure web surrounding the Earth as “heavy and
oppressive”. It functions “to block energies coming to Earth from the galactic core and
other parts of the galaxy, but it cannot stop them completely.” He goes on to mention
that this structure is programmed with artificial intelligence to repair itself and to notify
the “Ankle Biters" when it is damaged.
What the grid structure does is support “Ankle Biter” collectors, which are
described as “living Amoeba-like beings that connect to nearly every person on the
planet, soaking up all of the low-frequency energies that we give off in our daily lives”.
Nothing else is mentioned about these “collectors”. There is an “Ankle Biter” hierarchy,
he says, with the bosses, presumably of the “collectors” though how this hierarchy
occurs is not described, appearing as a “reptilian humanoid”. He says that the boss
“Ankle Biters” are able to disguise themselves in numerous ways.
These “Ankle Biters” have had a significant impact on humans in that they have
completely corrupted our “human nature”, according to him. In order to move from the
negative characteristics of our human nature (eg., lying, cheating, enslaving, murdering)
to our positive one (eg., loving, being cooperative, empathic, joyful, divine), he says that
we have to restore our true divine nature.
He suggests some ways to clear out negative energy, using the following: “soul
contract revocation, declaration of none (sic) consent, entity attachment removal, self-
sovereignty declaration, mediation exercises” to gently dissolve the false layers of
illusions that have been placed into our consciousness over many lifetimes so that we can
re-discover our “Higher Self” which is actually our “Inner Divine Self”. We have to
reclaim our Inner Divine Self that is within the heart center of our physical bodies and
then expand it outward from deep within us.
Day concludes by mentioning different techniques that the “Ankle Biters” will
use to trick and deceive you and how you can counter them.*!3 A description of them is
not provided.
2) The other source about the Archons is from Hendricks who was interviewed by Penny
Bradley on her YouTube show called Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen.
Hendricks states that Archons are more appropriately called “Dark Archons” and
that they are a “real thing” on Earth. He says that they attack humans all the time and
considers them “vicious little things”. They don’t hurt you physically, he carries on.
313 All information and quotes are from Cameron Day. 2012 Jan 12. “Never Call them Archons - How
You can Help Bust Up the Matrix.” Ascension Help Blog website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 115
They can only hurt you by making you “super negative” so that it “ruins your day”. He
reveals the method that they use to do this.
If you are a negative person or are with someone who is, or if you are in a
“negative surround (sic) environment, they will leach on to ... your energy aura”. I
assume what this means is that an Archon entity is able to locate the negative energy
auras that are emitted by an individual or social group. They will then attach themselves
to those negative energies. His example of what happens when they have done this is that
when you go to bed, they then enter your mind and “make you have a very negative
experience”. That is, they can make your mind have a dream that is very realistic, such as
making you watch your girlfriend being raped” or she “having sex with another dude”.
When you wake up, he says, you are “so angry inside that you go and do something
stupid”. This is the negative energy that the Archons thrive on. He says that the Archons
are everywhere on the surface of the Earth.
He mentions that they love to attack him, you, and relationships. They “really
destroy a good relationship” by making people “super negative towards each other [and]
by giving you false memories or false visions”. He “would love to protect humans” from
the Archons.3!4
The various methods to protect oneself from the dark Archons is not provided
Archquloid aka “Big Nosed Greys”, “Large Nose Greys”, Cloned Biological Entity-
1 (CBE-1) (see also Ebens, Zeta Reticuli)
I’ve opted to use the US government military term “Archquloid” to include all
the references to “Big Nosed Greys” or “Large Nose Greys”. There are a number of
sources of information about the "Archquloid" presented here.
1) The Outpost Forum website’s source of information is Victor Martinez. This website
reports that the word "Archquloid" is from the US government. More specifically,
"Archquloid" was coined by Area 51 (A51)3!5 scientists to refer to beings that are from
the planet Pontel near the Cygnus Arm. Not much is revealed about Pontel except that it
is a different solar system than ours and that it is the 5th planet.
The available description provided by Martinez on the The Outpost Forum
website is that the Archquloid are about 5 and a half feet (about 1.7 m) tall. They have
large, black, slanted eyes that are yellow inside with vertical pupils. The head is
“mushroom-like with a very large, beaked nose. The hands have 4 long fingers.
314 AJ] information and quotations are from Hendricks, 2021 Jan 29.
315 For a general public version see Area 51 on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 116
The Archquloids were genetically engineered, possibly cloned, by the Ebens (or
Ebans) who are generally referred to as the “Big Nosed Greys”. The Ebans/Ebens gave 5
“Archquloids” to the US government for observation, examination and study.+!®
2) The other source of information about the Archquloids comes from the Galactic
Human Journey website. This site refers to them as “Big Nosed Archqualoid (sic)”. The
source of this website's information is the 1974 book by Robert Emenegger called UFOs:
Past, Present and Future.
What this website adds to the previous information is that it clearly refers to them
as a Cloned Biological Entity (CBE). It states that the “Archquloids" were made by
EBENS through “rapid-cycle cloning”, which is not clarified here. They are described as
having “vertical pupil eyes”. They were seen holding a “communication device” at
White Sands Trinity Site, 6 am on April 25, 1964 in a meeting with the American
military and a scientist.7!”
3) The “Big Nose Greys” are stated as inhabiting the Betelguese or Alpha Orionis star
system on the Galactic Human Journey website. It is in the Orion constellation. It is
estimated to be about 500 - 600 lys from our Sun?!8.
This website presents Betelgeuse and has the word Carina after it. There is no
explanation for the use of Carina though it could be assumed to be the name of this
particular solar system. As well, no source is provided for the information on these
inhabitants thus reducing its credibility. This site states that “a large engineered cloud of
cosmic dust protects this system’”3!°. It does not say from who they are protecting
What is mentioned on this site is that the Betelguese (aka “Large Nose Greys’)
have a lifespan of 500 years.
The shape of their spacecraft is stated as being circular, round.*”° No other
information is provided here.
4) The Think Aboutlt (sic) website outlines 3 kinds of “Large-Nose Tall Grays/Greys’”’.
a) The Eban are one kind of “Tall Gray/Grey” beings from the Betelgeuse system, 6-9
feet (1.8-2.7 m) tall and in the Orion Constellation. They are often referred to as the
“Orion Tall Greys”.
316 This information is from Victor Martinez. 2007 Jun 4. “Release 23: The 'Gate 3' Incident (updated)” on
Serpo.org website: http://www.serpo.org/release23.php
317 All information and quotations are from Archquloid on Galactic Human Journey website:
318 See Betelguese on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betelgeuse
319 The preceding information and quotation are also inDanaan, 2020, p. 226. Neither credits the other.
320 All information and the quotation are from Betelgeuse (Carina) on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#Betelgeuse (Carina)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 117
b) The second kind listed by this site is that of a type of “Reptilian’”. This site refers to
Nagas (see also Nagas). However, while there may be a facial similarity to “Reptilians”,
the Nagas are not similar to “Large-Nosed Tall Grays/Greys”. They are much closer to
c) “Grey” hybrids genetically modified with “Reptilian” DNA are listed as the 3rd kind.
The hybrid “Big-Nosed Greys” are similar in basic stature to the Zetas except they have
an elongated wide thick nose (like a “toad or frog-like” and like a salamander lizard or
iguana or Gila monster lizard) and a wide slit mouth. No other details about this are
All three kinds have been “encountered by a number of military whistleblowers
in the US".**! No details are mentioned.
Given the preceding information about the “Archquloids”, there is still much that
is unknown publicly about these beings.
Arcturian and Arcturians (see also Girk Fit Niir Alliance, Sirians, Source, Time)
There are 7 sources of information provided here about the Arcturians. Each adds
something a little bit different to our understanding of the variety in Arcturian society
and civilization.
1) Apollymi Mandylion, SSP veteran and host of Galaxy of Unity website, is the first
source of information about the Arcturians via personal communication. Mandylion
begins by stating that Arcturian is more properly pronounced as Aukturiean or,
especially in space, as Auckturian. The Arcturians with which Mandylion is familiar are
located in the Andromeda Galaxy.
She describes them as follows. The adults are between 5'5" to 7' (1.7-2.1 m) tall.
Males are generally taller than females. Their skin color is light blue to a medium blue.
The males that she saw were a “bit darker in blue hue than the females” and the children
were even a lighter blue. Their eyes are slightly larger than humans with the whites,
pupils, and iris’s having various kinds of blue.
According to Mandylion, the Arcturians have slender bodies similar to the
“Greys”. Their heads are tall, larger in the back and they are balled. Even though they
may look frail to us they have very dense muscles that make them very strong. They
have 4 fingers and one thumb which are about “a length and a half longer” than humans
except for their pinky which is half the length of their other fingers and is located further
back on their palm. She says that this gives them “a very wide grip”. Their feet are
similar to that of humans except they have longer toes.
321 AJ] information and quotations are from Large-Nosed Tall Grays on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 118
The Arcturians have various kinds of communication abilities, maintains
Mandylion. They are capable of speaking many languages in addition to their own. They
also have a written language. She describes their telepathic abilities as medium. By
medium she includes their abilities to project and receive thoughts and emotions,
conversations are translated automatically to the receivers language and for receiving
their language, and are able to read surface thoughts and the subconscious mind. Their
abilities stop short of being able to read “your deepest and darkest secrets”.
Some of the Arcturians from Andromeda are involved in funding some of the
SSP on and off Earth. She says that they, along with other ETs, give support to Earth’s
space force, in fighting the ruling Dark Council (Draco and allies).
She reports that the Arcturians can be found throughout much of the universe and
have a “good standing with most ET and factions”. By this she includes their trading of
goods and technology with them. Also, one of the Arcturians is “head of the High
Andromedan Council”.
Mandylion ranks the Arcturians at level 3 from 4 on technological capabilities.
By this she means that they are beyond any advanced human technology and the minimal
healing by earlier versions of medbeds. Their technology includes having an
understanding of sacred geometry and quantum physics, the ability to abduct astral
bodies, and medbeds that can heal emotional and astral body damage. Their spacecraft
travel with the speed of light compared to electromagnetic propulsion. They use stargates
for long distances and are capable of dimensional shifting. They have sentient AI
technology. Their technology includes the ability to make planets.
The spiritual development of the Arcturians is characterized by Mandylion as
logical rather than emotional. She says that they have been greatly influenced by the
Sirians. Their spirituality is related to Source and the balance of life and death. A
clarification of this would be very useful.
On some final notes by Mandylion, she says that the Arcturians may be difficult
for humans to understand given their logic though she does say that they are empathic.
The Arcturians have multiple space forces, according to Mandylion which includes the
Tara Guardians that are controlled by the High Ambassador and 2 other members of
which one is Sirian and the other Andromedan. There are constant battles with other ETs
to obtain the support of Earth’s people. Historically, the Arcturians have had a lot of
influence on the politics of this planet, especially America. One example she offers is the
US dollar bill. She states that on the dollar bill where the eagle holds the arrows is an
Arcturian and not a “Grey” as many people believe. Another example is that one of the
high status Arcturian family crests is on all the US paper money. Of interest is the
pyramid with the eye on paper money which is a symbol from the cabal/illuminati. The
politics of ruling between the cabal and those who want to be rid of them, like the
Arcturians, is not working out well, says Mandylion.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 119
2) Another SSP veteran with information about the Arcturians is John Whitberg in a
personal communication. His description of them is similar to Mandylion in that he says
that they “look like the ‘Tall Grays’” except that they are “lime green”. He considers
them “the most friendly species that currently deals with the militaries of Earth”. He
says that they had “an empire which is now a shadow of its former self, meaning there
are now many abandoned cities built by them”. What happened to their empire is not
mentioned. He adds that “most of these cities are fairly intact, which makes them ripe for
being repurposed as Breakaway colonies” such as Germans in space.
3) Another source of information about the Arcturians is El Ka, host of Awakening
Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. There are two parts to presenting her information.
a) El Ka has encountered Arcturians in her astral travels. She says that she has learned a
lot from them about her connection with her soul and who she is as a person.*??
Ileana (El Ka) also provides specific information about the Arcturians on her Star
Traveler Messages website. She states that the Arcturians are organized into “The
Arcturian Confederation”. They are located in the Bodtes constellation around the
Arcturus star system. It is approximately 36.7 lys from Earth??.
She describes the Arcturians as ranging from 3-4 feet (.9-1.2 m) to that of 7-8 feet
(2.1-2.4 m) tall. Most have “greenish blue skin and unmistakable large oval eyes”. They
have 3 digits for their hands. There is no mention of their feet. For food they “consume
positive forms [of] energy”. No examples of this are provided. They typically sleep 1-3
hours a day though there is no mention of what a *day” is on Arcturus. While they are
telepathic they do speak a tonal language that El Ka describes as sounding “similar to
Chinese or Vietnamese”. Their lifespan is currently estimated at 350-400 years.
Their society is organized around “spiritual development’. However, no meaning
of “spiritual development” is given. The example that she refers to is that “AII jobs,
occupations and tasks are designated by that individual’s spiritual journey”.
The Arcturians are known in the Galactic Federation (or Galactic Authority) for
their mastery of time. She refers to galactic calendars as an example but no explanation
is provided. They are also known for their “exceptional abilities in science and
philosophy” but no examples are given.
She ends with brief descriptions of their spacecraft. Their ships include “a diving
bell-shaped scout ship of about 40 to 75 feet (12.2 to 22.9 m) in diameter”. Their
“planetary command mother ship (sic)” are “lens shaped” and about “14 miles (22.5 km)
in length’”.**4
322 The preceding information was from Ka, 2021 Jun 10.
323 Bootes on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo%C3%Bé6tes
324 A] information and quotations are from Arcturians in Star Nations on Star Traveler Messages website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 120
b) El Ka is also involved in healing. In her book //eana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s,
ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 1) she describes her involvement with learning
about healing from the Arcturian healing collective.
She begins by stating that she meets with “10-20 Arcturians from their positive
healing collective”. She has come to know 3 of them really well. They are called Dorieal,
a female, and Rael and Alderon, two males. She was told that they come from “a blue
planet called Zadara where the healer Arcturians live” and the second planet, “called
Arcturus Prime in the Arcturus star system”, where they have colonies.
Of note is that El Ka was on an Arcturian “mothership”, called Azanda, where
she was taught frequency healing. The Arcturians worked with her as “unified teams of
healers and teachers” until she understood their “healing frequency modalities”.**°
4) The next source of information about the Arcturians is from Emery Smith who was
interviewed by David Wilcox on the Cosmic Disclosure Series for Gaia. Smith worked
with and spotted Arcturians on projects many times and ways. He relates the following
The Arcturians look “very human-like”, says Smith. They are more robust and
larger, he carries on, saying that some are 7-8 feet (2.1-2.4 m) tall which is similar to the
previous source. What Smith adds is that they “actually look like a rock formation”
similar to a superhero that is made out of rock. However, they are not hard as a rock but
have a “spongy type feel to them”. Their skin color is “usually a gold or an orange type
color”. They have a “Cro-Magnon type skull” which he estimates is about “twice the size
of our heads”. Through his autopsies he learned that their “bones are about three times as
dense as the humans”.
Smith refers to working on an ET (or a spacecraft) as a project. This involves
considerable personnel. As he states, there could be “up to three teams of 15 scientists
and physicians and technicians working on just one being and one craft”. Some of these
scientists and physicians were not of Earth origin.
Asked if these beings were benevolent, Smith replies that they are. He says that
they have a “very humanitarian type of thought process”. They are a lot smarter than us,
he says. They could hurt or damage us with their “telekinesis and telepathic abilities but
they don't” .376
5) The Exopaedia website is another source though the information about the Arcturians
here is brief. It states that the focus of Arcturian society is on realizing God [the Creator
or Source] through love and light. The social structure of the Arcturians is conveyed as
the people being governed by elders who have a high frequency which brings them
closer to light, spirit or God. According to this website, Edgar Cayce considers the
325 All information and quotations in this part are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 77. See Image of
Arcturian in Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 104.
326 All information and quotations are from Smith, 2021 Sep 20.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 121
Arcturians the most “God-like” civilization. They are dedicated to service and emotional
and spiritual healing.*?’
6) More information comes from the Think Aboutlt (sic) website and focuses on the
“Blue” Arcturians.
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website reports that the Arcturians were accepted into
the Galactic Federation (or Galactic Authority) about 4 million years ago*”®.
This website also mentions that there are different levels of dimensions (D) of
Arcturians, including 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D and 9D. There is no rationale provided for these
different dimensions.
The following is the ThinkAboutlIt’s (sic) differentiation and hierarchy of
Arcturian dimensions.
5D Arcturians
e Are blue-skinned, have big almond eyes and no hair
e About 5 feet (1.5 m) tall
e Have 4 fingers
e Belong to a “group mentality” [not clear what this means], however, can act as an
individual [not clear what this means and its relation to “group mentality”’]
e Are highly analytical but this is fully integrated with the highest emotional order
of enlightened-love
7D Arcturians
e The Think Aboutlt (sic) website states that this is the frequency of an “ascended
master” [not clear what “ascended master” means in relation to those that do not
11D Arcturians
e They are related to the Oversoul of the Arcturian race. Some (Joshua Stone of the
I Am University) called them the “Elders” [what 11D Arcturians would have in
common with those who are 5D is not clear]
The separation and hierarchy of Arcturians into these dimensions (beyond 5D) is
far from clear and needs further investigation. Currently, the information about these
dimensions should be considered as unreliable and not credible.
327 Arcturus on the Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Arcturus
328 For more information see The Arcturians on the ThinkAboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 122
Overall, the Think Aboutlt (sic) website states that the Arcturians work together
with the Sirians. Together they have established what this website refers to as “the
Arcturian/Sirian matrix’, or network.329
7) The next source about the Arcturians is Elena Dannan. Danaan states that the Arcturus
star is located in the BoGtes constellation. The Bodtes constellation is 36.7 lys away
according to the Wikipedia website**°. Danaan reports that there are 3 main groups of
Arcturians including the Glaideai (Glaidens), Noo-Linni (Noolinns) and Ohorai
(Ohorans) (9D). Despite giving the names of these 3 groups the only one for which some
information is provided is the Ohorans.
Here are some points about the Ohorans mentioned by Danaan.
e They live in different etheric states.
e Material food is taken in the lower planes and in the higher ones they ingest
energy through “the nervous system”. No clarification and examples are given.
e They assimilate information “a hundred times faster than average Terrans”. They
sleep for short time periods.
e She states that they guard and protect higher consciousness. How they do this is
not given.
e They are able to anchor directly to Source but how this is achieved is not
e She refers to the “Great Elders of Light” as a “higher caste” and as 9D beings. If
they are the “higher caste” then this assumes a caste system with “lower castes”.
e They developed the “Ohorai Way” as a spiritual practice or “art of the
spirit” whose aim is to stay naturally connected or “spiritually attuned” to Source.
e They are stated to have bases on Terra inside mountains in nearly every country
with 3 bases on the Moon.
Their spacecraft are reported to use crystals for propulsion. These craft are
described by her as spherical, white and ethereal that are able to “travel through time”.
They have advanced technology in their ships consisting of a “vaporizing module” that
allows them to dematerialize and rebuild life forms.*?! No examples are given.
The information provided by Danaan is similar to that on the Galactic Human
Journey website without any credit. What is different on this website is that it adds
Swaruu of Erra who communicated written, live and almost daily internet contact with
“Robert and Gosia” from December 2017 - Apr 20202". As well, this site mentions that
329 All preceding information is from Blue Arcturians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
330 Bodtes on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo%C3%Béte
331 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 94-96.
332 Swaruu of Erra website: https://swaruu.org/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 123
the 44th fleet of the Elesia star fleet is the Arcturian fleet.*°? No clarification of this is
8) The last item pertaining to Arcturians is from SSP veteran Daryl James in an interview
he did with Tanya Gegina on her Homo Galacticus YouTube channel. James provides us
with an example on the important role that the Arcturians play in minimizing conflict in
the universe.
He states that the Arcturians with which he’s familiar are able to appear out of
nowhere and have a calming effect on any conflicting negotiations. There could be two
factions like the Reptiles and the Taygetans at a table, he continues, who are discussing
some kind of a treaty. They can almost be at each other's throats, like they’re ready to get
into a fight over their disagreements. He says that once an Arcturian walks into the room
“everybody just stops”. They look at the Arcturian and “it just calms the whole room
down”. His comment is that it is strange that the Arcturians have this ability. They are
“kind of like the negotiators of the universe”.
James’s advice is that if we want to avoid fighting then we have to raise our
vibrations and shift into a higher density. There the “Reptilians” and others are not
compatible with such conditions and are unable to exist.>*4
Argathan and Argathans (see also Atlantis, Inner Earth, Lemuria)
The Argathans are presented on the Galactic Human Journey website. There is
very little information presented here as well as no source. All that is mentioned is that
their origin is Inner Earth and that they are our “cousins” without providing any
explanation. It is simply asserted that the Argathans are “remnants of the Lemuria and
Atlantis cultures”, just like Earth humans are.*?> No clarification is given.
Arian and Arians (see also Aldebaran, Atlantis)
The Arian society information on the Exopaedia website is based on a witness
who has met some of them. This website reports that Arian is a planet that circles
Alderbaran or Alpha Tauri. Arian is the 4th planet circling Aldebaran. The Arians refer
to their sun as Raula. An orbit around their sun would take about 20 earth years. The
planet is approximately 65 lys from Earth.
The website owner describes the Arians as about 6 and a half to 10 feet (2 to 3 m)
tall. Their hair color ranges from brown, red and some blue. The lifespan of the Arians is
333 Bootes (Arcturus): Ohoran Arcturian / Gladeai / Noo-Linn on Galactic Human Journey website:
334 All information and quotations are from James, 2022 Mar 31.
335 All information and quotations are from Argathan on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 124
around 4,700 years. The website states that when the contactee met them, the Arians
wore helmets and silver-like jumpsuits.
When the contactee met the Arians on their spacecraft there were other kinds of
beings there, including one from Uru and others that looked “European” who were about
5 and a half feet (1.7 m) tall. Some had brown skin. The Arians also told the contactee
that they had lived on Earth 65 million years ago on what we call Greenland. This was a
time when an asteroid hit the Earth. The Arians also mentioned the existence of
Arianni (see also P’nti)
The Arianni are mentioned in the 2020 The Official First Contact Coloring Book
of the P’nti & Star Nation Beings. They are one of the societies that live in the Sandia
Mountain base with the P’nti.*37 No details are provided.
The information about the Arien was channeled, states the Exopaedia website.
There is doubt that this civilization exists and the information is thus not considered
Arkoreun and Arkoreuns
The information about the Arkoreuns is channeled by Shaun Swanson through a
feline human called Arvantis and presented on the Yahyel Youniverse (sic), YouTube
channel?, The information is not considered credible at this time.
Arsellus (see Elffaf)
Artificial Intelligence aka AI (see Ania, Anima, Bio-Mimetic Gels)
Aruna (see also Aquafarians, Inner Earth)
336 All information here is from Arian on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Arian Some
more information is available from “Physical Ufo-contact In Former East-Germany In —-57: The Contacts
of Martin Wiesengriin”. n.d. on Galactic website: http://galactic.no/rune/ariancont.html
337 The Official First Contact Coloring Book of the P’nti & Star Nation Beings. 2020. (Vol. 2, No. 3). The
Infinite Voice Project. Available from: https://theinfinitevoiceproject.org/store/
338 Arien on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Arien
339 Arvantis & The Arkoreuns, 2011 May 24.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 125
The Messages from a Star Traveler website by Ileana (El Ka) states that the
Aruna originally came from a planet called Aranara in the Alpha Centauri region of
The Aruna are described as semi-aquatic beings that have the features of a
“hammerhead shark”. They live deep within Earth's oceans as well as in the Inner Earth.
This race is 8th - 10th dimensional and can live on land just as well as in water. What 8D
- 10D means here is not provided.
Their main function is to take care of Earth's natural star, gateway portals and to
monitor the planet against human made disasters, according to this website. This is also
one of the races that wants full disclosure so that they no longer have to live in secrecy
on Earth. They want to show themselves openly on our planet’s surface.
A final point presented on this website is that the Aruna are part of “a super
confederation ET species called “The Urta”. The meaning of “super confederation” is not
provided, especially in relation to other ET confederations. Who some of the other
members are of this super confederation is also not mentioned.**°
Aryan and Aryans (see also “Nordics”, “Tall Whites”)
The Aryans were encountered by Apollymi Mandylion. She describes them
briefly to James Rink in an interview with him on Super Soldier Talk on Rumble.
Mandylion met Aryans at Camp Livingston in Louisiana, USA. She describes
them as human looking which she clarifies to mean that if they were to “walk down the
street” you would not see any difference in them. What is different about them, she
carries on, is “their energy signature and their smell of pheromones”. They smell
different than humans. That difference is not clarified. She describes them as having
blond hair, blue eyes and white skin and says that they are similar to what we call
“Nordics” and “Tall Whites”.
She mentions that the Aryans supplied a lot of their technology to us to reverse
engineer. They are involved in making super soldiers for various battles and mercenary
groups of which we have no choice.
The Aryans are also involved in power on Earth, says Mandylion. They work in
the shadows or background and have said that they will give power if we “try and take
over the world”. Interestingly, she states that they are also “a huge part of the ICC as
well”.*4! No details of this were presented.
340 All information is from Aruna Species on the Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/aruna-species
341 Aj] information and quotations are from Mandylion, 2021 Sep 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 126
Asarian or Asarians (see also Shapeshifting)
In El Ka’s book, Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past
Lifetimes (Vol. 2), she mentions the Asarians. She writes that they are from “Antarus”
(sic) star system. I’m not certain if this should actually be Antares*#*. They inhabit
“planets Elusianaris and Delantium Major”.
She describes the Asarians as being 5D - 10D. This is quite a dimensional range.
They are “white beings [with] an energetic light glow about them”. Their abilities are
such that they are capable of “using any type of psychic abilities that exist in the known
One of their distinguishing characteristics is that they are going through a
transition process from a “physical body into building an etheric hybrid human/light
body” that “will be translucent and can take on a human form when needed”. The design
of this is such that “the Asarians can transfer their soul cores into these bodies and
ascend” into 11D. In order to “activate the new light body there needed to be a circle
around the octahedron and the merkaba” plus a “string of binary code of 000666000 to
create the power source of the inner light that empowers the light body and makes it
That is all the information presently available on the Asarians.
Asbaan-Hu (see also Cyakahrr, Grail, Noor, Shamtbahala)
The Asbaan-Hu are presented by Elena Danaan. Danaan reports that the Asbaan-
Hu inhabit the planet Oriban in the Asba’a Prime planetary system. The Asba’a solar
system was populated a long time ago (how long is not mentioned) by the Ahel and Noor
who are mentioned as being “hominids” who were fleeing the attack by the Cyakahrr on
the “Man” system. There they built colonies that became “‘a prosperous civilization”
spanning the “fourteen planets of this quadruple star system”.
A war developed between them and the Grail of Mintaka who are characterized
as “aggressive local Gray reptiloids from a neighboring star”. The reason the Grail
started this war was that they claimed this territory and sought its resources. The war was
fierce and lasted 300 Earth years when it was won by the Grail. The Asbaan-Hu
survivors then “sought underground shelters”. They were eventually enslaved by the
Grail who used a “slow genetic mutation ... hybridization program’, using “Zetan Gray's
technology”. The Grail created a new “mutant slave race” which was a “cross between
Lyran Humanoids and Zeta Reticuli Grays (Shamtbahali of Xrog)”. Danaan mentions
that this “new race represented the genetic best of both species” and became the
“template” for the development of the “Human-Grey Hybridization programs”.
342 Antares on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antares
343 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 475 - 483. There are some excellent
pictures of building a light body pp. 478-483.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 127
For the Noor that escaped the war, they migrated to Procyon*“ and built a colony
called the "Eldari". Regrettably, the Grail located them and defeated them. They turned
them into slaves.*4°
Ascension (see Dimensional Travel)
Ashkera and Ashkeru, (plural forms Ashkerus, Ashkeri), (includes Ashkera, Ashtar
Collective, Ashtar Galactic Command) (see also Ashkeru-Taal/T-Ashkeri, Katayy,
Lyrans, Nommo, Sirius, Thula )
There are three sources of information presented about Ashkera and the Ashkeru.
These include the Galactic Human Journey website, Elena Danaan and a very brief
comment by Apollymi Mandylion.
1) The Galactic Human Journey website states that the Ashkera and the Ashkeru are
located in Sirius, 8.6 lys from Earth. A brief overview of Sirius is mentioned below:
e Sirius is a binary star consisting of Sirtus A and Sirius B in the Canis Major
e Sirius A is also home to the Katayy on planet Kashta (K.ash.ta)
Sirius B is called Thula and contains a diversity of cultures
e Sirius C is called Emerya and inhabited by the Nommo (Note that mainstream
science does not currently acknowledge the existence of Sirius C*“*).
Only some general information is provided about the Ashkera or Ashkeru from
this website.
This website states that the inhabitants of Sirius A call their star system Ashkera
and refer to themselves as the Ashkeru (various plurals are used e.g., Ashkerus, Ashkeri).
This site reports that the Ashkeru systems have 12 worlds with 3 intertwining star orbits.
A consequence of this is that there are “multiple environmental conditions” that include
“very arid to tropical and temperate” which suit different species. This has created a
great diversity of life forms including “the Greys, Reptiloids, Amphibians, Humanoids,
Insectoids and all the Hybrid sub-species occupying these worlds’’.34”
2) Some background to Ashkera is provided by Elena Danaan. According to Danaan,
during the time when the “Ciakahrr Empire took over Orion systems and created the
344 See Procyon on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procyon
345 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 220-221.
346 See Sirius on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius
347 Aj] information and quotations are from Ashkera (Sirius A): Ashkeru - Language, (Sirius B) - Thula,
Emerya (Sirius C) - Nommo on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 128
Reptilian Orion Empire or Alliance of the Six” [no clarification is provided for the
“Alliance of Six”’], the “Sirian Ashkeru humanoids” were in conflict with them over who
owned 21 star systems including ours. The Sirians defended themselves against the
invaders and created a collective called Ash-Tar, a reference to the “siege of the power
of Ashkera (Sirius B)”. Danaan says that in the “ancient common Sirian language” Ash
means “bright light”, Tar means “the seat” and Kher-a means “central power”.
Prior to the invasion, the Ashkera were part of the “Orion Council of 5 (9 at its
creation)” which was separate from the Ashtar Collective located in Sirtus B (Thula),
says Danaan. She continues saying that the Ashtar Collective was infiltrated and
corrupted by agents of the Draco. A rebel faction consisting mainly of “humanoids”
separated from the Ashtar Collective and called themselves the Ashtar Galactic
Command (simplified to Ashtar Command), based in a large moving “Mothership”. The
Ashtar Command sided with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) (or Galactic
What this split means for Earth is that both are involved. The Ashtar Collective is
involved and allied with secret governments by providing new technology eg.,
interdimensional travel, mind control, in exchange for facilities and “human material”.
The Ashtar Command works with the GFW as part of their outpost on Jupiter to assist
Earth. For example, Danaan cites the 1977 speech by “Commander Vrillon from the
Jupiter outpost of the Ashtar Command” on radio frequencies, warning humans about the
evils of weapons, false prophets and reminding us to live in harmony with planet
3) Apollymi Mandylion, an SSP veteran and host of Galaxy of Unity website*”’, provides
some interesting information in a personal communication. Mandylion states that she has
seen the Ashkeru work for many factions. For example, she says that some have worked
for what we humans call the “Ashtar Command". In space, however, Mandylion says
that the Ashtar Command is known as the Pleiadian Assistance Sky Crew.
Ashkeru-Taal or T-Ashkeri (see also Ashkeru, Katayy, “Greys”, Lyrans, Nommo)
The Ashkeru-Taal or T-Ashkeri are presented by Elena Danaan in her A Gift from
the Stars. Danaan begins by telling us that the Sirius B or the Thula planetary system has
a 60 year Earth cycle where it comes close to Sirius A or Ashkera. When this happens it
is referred to as "the great summer".
She says that the Ashkeru-Taal or the T-Ashkeri are crossbreeds of the Lyran
Taal colonies that arrived from Vega with the Katayy, and the local “Greys”. The
rationale for Lyrans to crossbreed is in order to adapt to and survive the local
environmental conditions. The Lyrans are stated as being “Masters in the science of
348 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020 pp. 104-106.
349 Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 129
The Ashkeru-Taal are described by her as follows. They are “Slightly smaller
than the average Lyran humanoid” though what this means is not clear given that there is
no height given for an “average Lyran humanoid”. Their face is called “triangular” and
their “eyes wider than usual for Humanoids”. They have “slim silhouettes”. These
descriptions are quite general. Their culture is “oriented towards science and technology”
but no examples are provided. Their food is vegetarian. The children are placed in
schools where their aptitudes are identified and then grouped based on their abilities.
She also mentions that the Ashkeru-Taal that left Thula “are involved in the high
positions of the Ashtar Galactic Command; the Ashtar Collective having been taken over
by Reptilians.”
There are 4 worlds of Thula where the Ashkeru-Taal live with “all sorts of
Reptilians and Hybrids (sic)” according to Danaan. This has created “complex
diplomatic arrangements” that include sharing technology. The examples provided
include building materials that resist radiation that are translucent on one side and
opaque on the other.
On a final note, she reports that there are 3 ways in which the T-Ashkeri are
involved with Earth. These include “as part of the Ashtar Collective, the Ashtar Galactic
Command or the Galactic Federation of Worlds”.**° No details are provided.
Ashland or Ashlanders, Ashlandians (see also Lemuria)
Peter the Insider, SSP veteran and Director of the 12th Division of the ACIO*>!,
stayed with the people of Ashland for 3 months. Ashland existed for over 500,000 years
on Earth's surface but sank when Atlantis sank about 50,000 years ago. The reason that it
survived was because it had a dome to protect it. Currently, there are multiple domed
cities underneath the Atlantic ocean with an estimated population of 300 million. These
people consider themselves descendants from Lemuria. They grow to around 9 to 11 feet
(2.7-3.4 m) tall.
The Ashlanders live a long time because they were able to change their 10
strands of DNA to 12. What this means is that when they are 1,000 years old they are
like a 4 year old child. When they are 10,000 years old they are like a 10 year old child.
Peter mentions that they live up to 120,000 to 150,000 years and are able to use
technology to extend that even further.
No description of them was available at the time.
They communicate telepathically though they can also speak. They are
vegetarian. They also have pet dogs similar to our border collies.
350 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 108-109.
35! See Peter the Insider, ACIO Staff on ACIO website: https://acio-official.org/acio-staff/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 130
They did establish relations with groups of the Secret Space Program but kicked
them out when they were caught stealing their DNA to create hybrids. Nevertheless, as
one of the root races of Earth they want to eventually join with us.**?
Ashtar (see also Ashkera, Ashkeru and Ashtar Collective, Ashtar Galactic
Command, Commander Ashtar )
Information about Ashtar is somewhat mainstream given its inclusion on the
Wikipedia website. This website uses Ashtar or Ashtar Sheran to refer to “an
extraterrestrial being or a group of beings that a number of people claim to have
channeled”. This site refers to ET contactee George Van Tassel>°? as the first to have
stated that he received “‘an Ashtar message, in 1952”. The general overview of “the
Ashtar movement” is referred to as something that academics study as a “prominent” ET
There is no mention by this site of such actual details as their home planet or
galaxy, communication abilities and level of advanced technology.
The Ashtar Collective, The Ashtar Galactic Command (simply Ashtar Command)
and Commander Ashtar (see also Alpha Draco, Ashkera and Ashkeru, Chook-Zuri,
Nordics, Pleiadians, Kai-Tai)
A meaning of Ashtar Collective and Ashtar Galactic Command is presented first.
After that some personal accounts with the Ashtar Galactic Command are reported.
1) Ashtar Collective
A meaning of Ashtar Collective is provided by Elena Danaan. Danann states that
the Ashtar Collective is an organization centered around Sirius B (Ashkera) to fight
against the Ciakahrr Empire over the ownership of 21 star systems. It was infiltrated by
the agents of the Ciakahrr.** It is now part of the Draco Empire.
2) Ashtar Command or Ashtar Galactic Command aka Pleiadian Assistance Sky Crew
El (Ileana) Ka provides us with information about the Ashtar Command in her
Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka starts
by stating that she was beamed on board an “Ashtar Galactic Command protection fleet
stationed around Earth at the time” between 2000-2011. She says that the Ashtar
352 All material here is from Peter the Insider, 2020 May 21.
353 Van Tassel, 1952.
354 All information and quotations are from Ashtar (Extraterrestrial Being) on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtar_ (extraterrestrial being)
355 Danaan, 2020, p. 104.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 131
command consists of “Nordics, Pleiadians, hybrid Arcturians”, and other humanoid type
races “defending the planet against the White Royal Draco armada” that “wanted
complete control of the Milky Way galaxy (sic)”.
The commander of the Command fleet ships was called Commander Yanda and
another person she met was referred to as an attaché who was called Athenatta. Ka met
them on the main Ashtar Galactic Command fleet ship. She describes both as looking
“Nordic”. Both had blond hair and wore “blue tight fitting uniforms” with wing insignia.
Yanda was a male, humanoid ET, who was about 10 feet (3 m) tall. His counterpart,
Athenatta was female and about 9 feet (2.7 m) tall.
The way that Ka became part of Yanda’s Command fleet ship was that she was
assigned to it by the Planetary Corporations (see also Planetary Corporation) which she
says is a “human/ET hybrid run SSP faction” with bases on Mars and the Moon. Her job
was “to encrypt their incoming and outgoing communications from the main fleet ship to
the rest of the command ships” plus monitor the Draco scout ship flight patterns trying to
land on Earth. She explains the relation between the Ashtar Command and the Planetary
Corporations as having “made a deal with the Planetary Corporations” to help prevent
“the Dracos from invading and landing on Earth in exchange for training the Planetary
Corporations best SSP assets for outer space battle maneuvers and combat strategies to
participate in future exchange fleet ship to ship programs”.
On board the Command ship were mostly “Nordics” and Pleiadians. She saw that
the “Nordics” wore “thin golden circlets on their foreheads”. She states that these are
communication devices that could be removed from people’s foreheads. They also had
neurolink implants that were like nano gold filaments in SSP asset brains. These
“filaments were interwoven with neurons and axons of whoever had the etheric-like
implants in their brain for enhanced and augmented” psychic and telepathic abilities. Ka
explains that these were equivalent to “mini neurolink implants” to “enhance telepathic
communication between the crew members and visitors” coming aboard “during fleet to
fleet transfers between Mars base SSP assets and the Nordic fleet crews working ...
together to defeat” the invading Draco “armada of Earth” and the “air space around
Apollymi Mandylion, in a personal communication, states that some SSP
veterans that work with the Ashtar Galactic Command refer to it as the Pleiadian
Assistance Sky Crew (see also Chook-Zuri).
Mandylion also reveals some of the workings going on with the Ashtar
Command in an interview hosted by Daniel Sala on the Saint Olga 69 YouTube channel.
She was sent as an emissary to determine why a war was going on and how it was
affecting Earth. In undertaking this mission she was able to meet some Ashtar
commanders. She met a blonde-haired male human with blue eyes who was in front of
her. Two females were also present. One was a brunette with wavy hair and green eyes.
356 All El Ka information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 394-395.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 132
The other was a blonde with blue eyes. She says that this didn’t make any sense to her
because it was a mental direction of what ‘they’ wanted her to see. The “they” was “an
actual Kai-Ta1” (see also Kai-Tai). They are “like the cat folk Lyrans except ... they are
taller, they're more muscular, their torsos are more elongated and they're built for battle’.
She adds that they have different fur patterns and long tails with some having manes.
They are very emotional which is the reason that Mandylion gives for them getting along
with humans and wanting to help us. They were simply hiding behind projections so as
not to appear too deleterious to humans. They are one of the many species that work for
the Ashtar Command.?°’
3) Commander Ashtar
One SSP veteran who worked with Commander Ashtar and who is able to
provide us with an example of what it was like to work under him is Joseph Powell from
an interview he did on Super Soldier Talk on Rumble. Powell begins stating that the CIA
has created some misinformation in the general public about commander Ashtar because
they have the technology to do that. He says that anyone who says that Commander
Ashtar kidnaps people is “lying through their teeth”. As well, commander Ashtar never
forces anyone to work or be on his ship and he does not kidnap anyone for slavery, etc.
Powell is able to describe how Ashtar Command works to recruit people. If you
want to work with them, he says, you have to reach out to them to do good because their
recruitment is based on “free will”. As well, you have to want to do more than just
wanting to protect your planet. You have to want to “help other planets”. They have a
strong belief in karma and unless you commit by free will they feel that they will be
affected negatively by karma. He says that kidnapping people for them means that this
will hinder their karma in a negative way.
The description of Commander Ashtar, according to Powell, is that he does look
like the photos of him online. He does glow. However, Powell says that the uniform is all
wrong. He does not say what the uniform looks like. Powell also states that Commander
Ashtar prefers to be called Commander Ashtar and not simply Commander nor “Lord”
Ashtar which would offend him.
When Powell first met Commander Ashtar he told Powell that he had experiences
that violated him. Commander Ashtar recognized that Powell had been mentally
fractured. Powell was promised help for healing by Commander Ashtar and the
personnel on his ship, which they kept. For example, Powell states that he was taught
meditation and they helped him to integrate fractured alters over his 90 year service with
them. He credits this healing to helping him remember things from his past, to being able
to have his alters talk and to be able to stop them from talking if he wants.
Lastly, Powell provides an example of his experience with Commander Ashtar.
On a second visit to a planet, which is not named, they were to provide more food to the
357 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 133
local people who had four arms, living in what Earth humans might call “the stone age”.
At this meeting, the local people became involved in a fight with stone age weapons that
were created by the son of the elder in charge. Commander Ashtar issued an order from
the ship to all personnel, including Powell, to return to the ship. One of Powell’s alters
took over and disobeyed Commander Ashtar’s order by ordering all those with him to
fight these people, especially since one of them was killed by what looked like a spear.
Powell and his personnel killed practically all inhabitants. As a consequence,
Commander Ashtar told Powell that he had to turn himself in to the local village.
When the local tribe people saw Powell they became scared and thought that he
was a monster. Commander Ashtar has technology that can make him look like the
prophet of the local people’s religion but Powell said not to use it. Commander Ashtar
then explained the situation to the local elders. The actual story is more complicated but
the result was that Powell was banished from the village for his actions. Powell tried to
persuade the elders to banish him from their planet but they were not able to “think at
that level”.
One other consequence mentioned by Powell was that the other humans with
Commander Ashtar never treated him the same after that. They never wanted to be
around him unlike some of the ETs on the ship.*°®
Ataien (see also Mantis)
The information about the Ataien was channeled after the 1980s and is thus not
considered credible at this time.>°?
Atlan(s) (see also Atlanteans, Telosians)
The Bibliotecapleyades website provides the information about the Atlans. The
Atlans are described as humans who are considered benevolent to us. What “humans”
refers to here is not specified. As well, no home planet is mentioned.
The Atlans are located in “vast and complex cavern-cities beneath southern
Brazil and surrounding regions”. No details of these cities are mentioned.
It is worth noting that sometimes the term “Atlantean” is used to refer to them
because the cavern networks along Brazil’s east coast were “once part of the antediluvian
'Atlantean' empire”. The website also adds that the Atlans have no direct genetic relation
to the ancient Atlanteans. How this is known is not provided. Neither is there any
elaboration on how some possess “advanced aerial or 'disk' technology”.
358 AJ] information and quotations are from Powell, 2022 Jan 5.
359 Ataien on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Ataien
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 134
One societal relationship that the Atlans have is with the Telosians. This
connection is said to occur in South America especially in the Mato Grosso [west central
Brazil] region where a sister city named Posid exists in a large underground cavern
system. What that connection might be is not specified.>
Atlantis and Atlantean aka Aztlan (see also Alpha-Draco, Antarctica, Lemuria,
There are three parts to the presentation about Atlantis. The first two are by El
(Ileana) Ka and the last one is by Johan Fritz. Both are SSP military veterans.
1. The best source of information about Atlantis is El Ka as presented in her J/eana’s
Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. I). El Ka bases her
information on “remote sensing’”’**! of Atlantis. As well, she is able to recall her past
lives including the time of Atlantis. As an Andromedan/Pleiadian hybrid, she is someone
who has had lifetimes of being a peacekeeper such as helping to prevent wars on planets
in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy as a negotiator.>°
1) Background to Atlantis
El Ka recalls Atlantis as an experiment created by humanoid ETs consisting of
“Maldekians, Andromedans, Sirians, Lyrans, Arcturians and other Galactic Beings”*®.
These ETs thought of Atlantis as a “unification project” where different ETs could live
in “utopian civilizations on ancient Earth without any wars or greed’”’>“+. She elaborates
that Earth was an experiment to see how higher 5D beings could live on Earth and
become 3D.
In addition to these ETs, she says that there have been “Mermaids” (ie., Merfolk)
on Earth since its creation. She points to confirmation by a colleague called Ameera.
Both maintain that the Merfolk were originally from Mintaka and came to live on Earth.
They helped to create Atlantis and supported living in peace and harmony with various
ETs in Atlantean outposts, cities and colonies.*®
El Ka’s remote sensing includes 5 epochs of Atlantis when it finally collapsed.
This was also confirmed by Ameera*®. This means that Atlantis rose and fell 5 times as
a civilization. The reasons for these are not provided except for the destruction of the last
one when it was attacked.
360 All information here is from The Atlans in the A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on
Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien _19a.htm
361 See her description of remote sensing in Antarctica part 5) b).
362 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 44.
363 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 45.
364 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 46.
365 All preceding information from the last reference is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 124.
366 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 124.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 135
The ETs behind the attack on Atlantis were the Alpha-Draco reptilians. The
Draco destroyed almost all the Atlantean outposts in the Pacific and Atlantic regions
along with crystalline towers. They used “energy beam plasma cannon weapons” fired
from ships above Earth. These overloaded the Atlantean crystalline towers and destroyed
various outposts, colonies and cities on Earth.3°7
There are two more general items worth noting about the Atlanteans as
mentioned by El Ka. The first is their creation of an artifact called the Universal Disc of
Planetary Knowledge. Ka states that these are crystalline round discs containing
“planetary histories of Earth, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Moon, etc.,” and “how our
known universe was created”*°*, The second is the existence of ancient Atlantean Ark
ships powered by crystalline technologies for propulsion. These ships exist “in the ship
building facilities beside the Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica’”>°*. Both contain
incredible advanced knowledge and technology.
2) Atlantis 2 Million Years Ago
According to El Ka’s remote sensing of Atlantis, she states that it was created
about 2 million years ago>”’. Much of remote viewing is focused on Atlantis around 2
million to about 800,000 years ago. She states that the Atlantean civilizations had
originally come from Mars and migrated to Earth*”'. There were 10 core races that were
a part of the Atlanteans including Merfolk that lived underwater and who could change
their tails to legs to walk on land?”’.
The Atlanteans had 12 stranded DNA, she maintains. There were different races
in Atlantis and so there were ET humans with different skin colors, hair, heights. She
says that there was a genetic experiment going on outside Atlantean outposts where
Neanderthal DNA was being evolved by Arcturians into modern humans called the
Homo Sapiens. The Neanderthals, she says, were not in contact with Atlanteans and
never saw Atlantean outposts. They lived in their own settlements and evolved as a
humanoid species native to Earth.?”
Some of the main characteristics of Atlantis and Atlanteans is condensed from El
Ka’s work into the following.
a) Population
367 All information and quotation in this paragraph is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 95.
368 The first item of information and quotations is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 73.
369 The second item of information and quotation is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 75.
370 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 96.
371 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 126.
372 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 93.
373 All paragraph information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 93.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 136
e Approximately “6 - 8 million beings [lived] in Atlantis during the first and second
stages of evolution”. No dates are given.
e About 2 - 4 billion beings lived in the third stage of evolution on Earth.*”4 No date is
b) Underwater Colonies and Cities 2 million years ago
e 560 Atlantean underwater colonies and cities existed between Atlantic and Pacific
Protected by electromagnetic dome shielding
Atlantean humanoid ETs lived in harmony with Atlantis Merfolk
Some cities had either humanoids or Merfolk or both
Atlantis beings had a choice of homes in “surface outposts, colonies and cities or in
underwater structures’’.>”> There is no meaning given to “outpost”.
c) Brief Description of 2 ET Beings in Atlantis
e “Tall white beings of light have many colors”, surrounded by energy and frequency
that created a warm touch like a jellyfish and you can “feel the love”
e Smaller beings were aqua color of “blue with green scales” close to Merfolk who
they worked with
e Beings moved very fast and were telepathic*”®
d) Telepathic Communication
e Various kinds of telepathic communication existed
e Telepathy with animals on a soul level as sentient beings, equal to humanoid
Atlanteans in intelligence and soul path connections
e@ Merfolk had a telepathic connection with Dolphins and Whales?”
e) Atlantean Crystal Towers and Dimensional Living
e Atlantean Crystalline Towers connected to water energy for power plus plasma and
photonic frequencies that powered the “Atlantean grid systems, colonies, outposts”
all over the Atlantic and Pacific regions
e Crystalline Towers had frequency harmonic energies in green, blue, purple, yellow,
orange which amplify power emitters from towers
e Crystalline towers connected to Ley lines of Earth that helped to keep 6D - 10D
aspects of existence in Atlantis 2 million years ago
e With crystalline towers as major energy source, no conventional electricity
f) Domed and Submersible Atlantean Outposts and Cities
e Dome shaped and round building structures used in outposts and cities eg., homes,
374 Population information and quotation are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 94.
375 Underwater colonies ... information and quotation are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 94.
376 Brief Description ... information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 99.
377 Telepathic ... information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 93.
378 Atlantean Crystal ... information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 94.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 137
Pacific Atlantean outposts had 758,000 colonies and cities built in round shaped
structures with circular ring systems that contained “homes, creative centers,
schools, shops, healing centers, science centers, etc.”
Atlantean outposts and cities could lower themselves under water and submerge to
bottom of ocean
Electromagnetic field shields surrounded entire outposts or cities and prevented
cities from sinking deep into the ocean floor?”
Submerged outposts and cities contained sacred geometry symbols that glowed
green or blue with crystalline patterns
Energies from crystalline patterns were used to amplify power grid frequencies that
formed the electromagnetic shields and field harmonics protecting submerged
outposts and cities?®°
g) Sky Cities and Towers in the Atlantic
The Atlantic Atlantean outposts had taller sky cities and towers than the Pacific
Atlantic and Pacific civilizations of Atlantis had plasma or crystalline energy to
power hovercrafts, hover cars, spaceships and underwater submersibles to go to the
ocean floor of domed cities
All had green space including “lakes, oceans, mountains, and forests” to live in
harmony with nature**!
“No destruction of natural environment or Earth’s ecosystems of plants and
Transportation within cities occurred in hub stations with vehicles that hovered and
were powered by crystalline technology
Transportation systems were free in cities
No social class hierarchies or elites existed 2 million years ago>*?
h) Higher Dimensional Council Cities
Clusters of crystal buildings that have energy
Warm temperatures with roads having a gold frequency
Energetic colors of blue, green, purple very healing on 24D and higher
Energies can “heal people and even bring them back to life”
El Ka sees higher dimensional cities with blue skies, many layers of water and
interdimensional portal systems
“Portals and portal energies that exit under the cities”
Higher dimensional council cities look similar to Atlantean Outpost in Antarctica
96 Atlantean underwater cavern systems with portals
Portals in networks to transport Atlanteans to Earth and off planet**4
379 All previous information and quotation under Domed ... are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 95.
380 All information from the previous reference to the present one is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 94.
381 All previous information and quotation are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 95.
382 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 96.
383 All information from the previous reference to the present one is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 95.
384 Higher Dimensional ... information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 96.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 138
i) Atlantean Surface Portal Systems
Atlantean surface portal systems had various hieroglyphs of Atlantean symbols that
were a combination of Egyptian style symbols and Sumerian glyphs to “create
patterns for loading in the portal map coordinates in order to travel to various points
on Earth”, to “different Atlantean outpost cities and colonies”, and to transport
Atlanteans to off world planets
Portal star gateway systems were either round/circular, triangular, or square
surrounded by obelisks with crystalline energies inside to provide power to charge
portal systems?®>
j) Atlantean Colonies with Space Ports
Many Atlantean colonies had spaceports with hovercraft, ships landing and lifting
off to travel to Andromedan three level decker space station above Earth orbit
Atlantean colonies located on many small islands connected to larger sized
continents (Earth continents are currently smaller)
No pollution, wars, taxes, famine, hunger, inequality or fighting 2 million years ago
No weapons of mass destruction
“Everyone lived together in freedom with peace and harmony without any suffering,
pain or disease”3*°
k) Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica
Atlantean outposts in Antarctica are made of green crystalline materials
15 million inhabitants lived in these outposts
Some Atlantean outposts in Antarctica survived the Draco plasma weapon attack
Outposts are still functional and have ancient artifacts of neurolink chairs plus stasis
pods, supercomputers, crystalline discs with planetary histories, advanced
holographic technologies that work with people’s thought consciousness who are
psychically adapt to interface with these technologies**’
3) Atlantis 200,000 - 80,000 Years Ago
The following are some of El Ka’s descriptions of Atlantis during this time
a) Atlantean Outposts
Protected by “various photonic light fields” and “sacred geometry patterns” to avoid
detection by negative beings from outer space
e Reptilian plasma cannon did disrupt energy protection fields, destroyed most
Atlantean outposts and lowered 6D-10D frequency to 3D frequency***
b) Energy Healing
385 Atlantean Surface ... information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 96.
386 Atlantean Colonies ...information and quotation are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 95.
387 Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 96.
388 Atlantean Outposts information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 97.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 139
Energy healing centers had healers
Healers worked with “crystalline towers, crystals, and crystalline healing tables” to
raise energy
Energy healing tables had “different types of vibrational crystals with healing ray
light beams”
It could “heal the original DNA blueprint coding” plus anything physically,
emotionally or with a light body
“Energy and frequency sound healing devices” connected with “zero point energies
and crystalline essences” to adjust light bodies,
Merkabah light fields within a soul matrix instantly healed bodies or regenerated it
back to life
Some devices looked like crystal wands or portable staffs
These increased the soul or vibrational frequency of a being’s life force thus
increasing its dimensional density to higher levels to travel to different realms in a
Merkabah body and return to a corporeal body*®?
c) Space Bridges and Space Elevators
Two space bridges in several Atlantean towers in Atlantic outposts
Atlantic outposts had more tall structures and buildings that reached above Earth’s
orbit with space bridges and space elevators to transport vehicles, crafts, supplies,
people to 3 level decker, white Andromedan space station
Pacific outposts more circular and connected by ring systems as well as a bridge
foundation between going on land, through water and submerged colonies deep into
the ocean
Space bridges and space elevators were connected by holographic technologies
which mapped out schedules for vehicles, ships, supplies, people transported by
space bridges or space elevators between crystalline towers allowing beings to go
into outer space, dock at spaceports and land at space stations*”°
d) Atlantean Space Crafts and Portal Gateways
Atlantean space station built by Andromedans
Housed 8 million people
Atlanteans had long and short range spacecraft for travel between Earth and other
Spacecraft had “elongated multiple level construction” and circular ring systems
100,000 beings could live on crafts for long time periods through space or orbiting
planets to build colonies*?!
Atlantean outposts had portable stations with plasma portal gateways activated
through Atlanteans genetic coding systems to travel over Earth to colonies, outposts
and cities
Portal gateway could teleport Atlanteans off planet and never return?”
389 Energy Healing information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 97.
390 Space Bridges ... information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 99.
391 Atlantean Space Crafts ... information and quotation are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 99.
392 All information from the previous reference to the present one is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 100.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 140
4) Atlantis 30,000 - 40,000 Years Ago
This seems to be the general time period when Atlantis was being destroyed by
the Draco and the aftermath. El Ka also highlights from her remote sensing what the
Atlanteans did to protect their knowledge and advanced technology.
a) Destruction of Crystalline Towers
e After destruction of original Atlantean colonies, cities, and most crystalline towers,
the remaining crystalline towers were put under the ocean or transported to Inner
Earth to avoid crystalline technology being converted into energy weapons?”
b) Destruction of Space Bridges and Space Elevators
e Space bridges and space elevator completely destroyed including the Atalan
Andromedan space station
e Some information concerning the energy creating technologies using copper and
crystals, were kept in Atlantean archives for Atlantean descendants
e Copper connected to crystals creates kinetic energy eg., to power ships, light
sources, vibrational acoustic sound for healing to live up to 250 years*”4
c) Atlantean Pyramid Systems
e Atlantean descendants built “pyramid systems”. Meaning of pyramid system not
e Pyramids had copper conductors going deep underwater creating electrical charges
and powering circular island colonies and cities
e Crystalline and copper wired obelisks were located beside pyramids that amplified
conductivity of copper conductors connected to pyramids
e Underwater copper infrastructures connected to crystalline obelisks and pyramids
created a new form of electrical conductivity?”
d) Atlantean Circular Cities with Ports and Trade
e Atlantean descendants had merchant trade and ports in circular island cities
e Some parts of outer circular cities on water were made from brass, tin, copper to
support foundations of large scale island cities
e At this point in Atlantis history it had the following social class structure:
e A hierarchy of elites or wisdom elders who lived in central cities located on water
e Merchant classes lived in outlander portions of cities closer to land along with
“workers and fishermen”>”°
e) Atlantean Deluge 40,000 Years Ago
393 Destruction of Crystalline Towers information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 100.
394 Destruction of Space Bridges ... is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 100.
395 Atlantean Pyramid Systems is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 100.
396 Atlantean Circular Cities ... is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 101
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 141
e Atlantean descendants could modify water levels with underwater copper energy
systems in cities
e During last deluge, too much rain water and copper systems couldn’t drain off large
amounts of water
e Result was final sinking of circular cities on island chains
Copper rods sunk deep in the Earth couldn't stop the shifting of tectonic plates
e Tectonic plates created too much energy thus shaking the ground and destabilizing
many bridge systems connecting many island cities*?’
5) 9,564 BC years ago
El Ka seems to have included this date solely to refer to the sinking of Poseidon's
2. The second source of information is also from El Ka when she was interviewed by
Michael Jaco and mirrored that show on her YouTube channel.
El Ka states that she was sent to work in Antarctica by the Mars Planetary
Corporation to catalog the Atlantean outposts that existed there and were “left behind”.
The sturdily built outposts were not damaged by “the shift and the ice age” and were
considered “active”. There are two general locations of them: those that are on the
surface of Antarctica and those that are underground. She was sent “to catalog the
ancient technologies that are there”.
An initial consideration for her was how to refer to the people who created these
outposts. She says that these people have been referred to as “the ancient race’’, “the
elder race” and “the creator race”. She states that these were “the Atlanteans”. According
to her,
“they were the first creator races, if you will, on Earth millions of years ago”. She says
that they “left all of this technology in Antarctica because Antarctica was Atlantis’. It
has one of the biggest of the many outposts that there are in Antarctica.
What they left there, maintains Ka, includes advanced technology such as,
“crystalline chambers” and “hyper chairs” or “trip chairs”. The way that these work is
that when you sit in it “it connects your mind telepathically to the chair”. This allows you
to see
“future timelines”, “time travel”, and “open portals” so that you can “go somewhere else
off planet”. She refers to the TV program called Stargate SG-1 as an example of this
technology and an instance of disclosure since this technology exists in Antarctica.
Ka went to 5 outposts in Antarctica and cataloged the various technologies there.
While inside them she also saw carvings on green walls and a “planetary disc” that
397 Atlantean Deluge .... Is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 101.
398 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 97.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 142
contained all the information about the planets, the location of “the secret knowledge
vaults” and “the genetic vaults” .5°
3. The last source of information presented about Atlantis comes from an interview of
Johan Fritz by El (Ileana) Ka on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube.
El Ka says that what she remembers about Atlantis is that she had several
lifetimes there. She recalls that before she died there were “like 10 different species
bombarding” Atlantis in a “planetary assault”. This was because “Atlantis was doing
genetic experimentation” using “crystalline technology”. As well, she mentions that the
Atlanteans were “building crystalline bombs”. Why they were building these bombs is
not provided. She does say that the Atlanteans “were getting out of hand because
technologically they'd become too advanced”. There is no clarification of this. She also
adds that it wasn’t just one species that was bombarded and destroyed but included many
Johan Fritz adds to this by stating that this diversity is reflected in Antarctica
right now. Fritz then goes on to provide a brief list of some of the ETs. These include the
P’Tal, Draco, and Zeta Reticulans.
One interesting point made by Fritz is that certain factions (ie., nations,
civilizations) on Earth sought out ETs who in turn found them. Then, suddenly, you had
“breakaway societies”. The example he provides is that the Mayans “sought out the
Pleiadians” and then “all of a sudden they left with the Pleiadians off world. They're now
living in Taygeta*” (pronounced Tie-jeta) and Alcyone*©!.”"402
Auriga (see Capella, Ramay (Naacals))
“Avian” and “Avians”, “Avian” Humanoids, “Blue Avians” (see also Azurite
Council, Caray, Choock-Zuri, Kur)
There are different kinds of “Avians” as the following two sources highlight.
1) One kind of “Avian” species that Randy Cramer encountered was on an intergalactic
space station. Cramer's description of them is as follows.
There is no star system given that they inhabit. As Cramer states, “I'm not sure
exactly where they were from. That wasn't part of the conversation.”
399 All information and quotations are from Ileana (El Ka) & Michael Jaco, 2021 Apr 13.
400 For information on Taygeta see 19 Tauri on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19 Tauri
401 See Alcyone (Star) on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcyone (star)#:~:text=Alcyone%20%2F%C3%A61%CB%88s,around%201
402 All information and quotations are from Fritz, 2021 Jan 30.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 143
The physical description is that they are about six and a half feet (2 m) tall. Their
skin tone is ash gray except that the face was a whitish, yellowish color. Compared to the
hair on our head they have slicked back, black feathers. They have black feathers all over
their bodies. Their eyes and eye color is dark, containing an iris and pupil underneath it.
They have a jaw and a beak which is no more than 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) from the face.
Cramer reports that when he saw them they were on two legs and had arms. He
states that “their arms almost looked like a bat arm so there was a hand at the end of a
wing that seemed tucked in so I never saw one, like unfurl”. His explanation for a bat
arm with a hand is that it “wasn't a natural evolution, that somehow, they got to that stage
with a genetic tinkering or evolution from some other species”. They had claws that were
actually filed down quite a bit so that they could manipulate things with their fingers. He
notes that they had 4 digits, a thumb and three fingers. One conclusion he reached was
that he seriously doubted “that they had flight capabilities”.
The way that Cramer and others communicated with them was through a
translator who he says was “a biological person”. The process involved was that “they
would speak. The translator would translate. We would speak and the translator would
translate back to them.” The conversational voice of the Avians was “like a low whistle
and a low click”.4°
2) Emery Smith, in an interview with David Wilcox for Cosmic Disclosure, refers to
“Avian Humanoids”. He does not mention their society nor their location but describes
them as follows.
Smith says that the ones that he knows about “were very human-like”. They
“looked more human than they did a bird”. However, they “didn't have a nose”. What
they had he said was a small beak that had teeth in it. They did not have a head that was
like the head of a bird. Since he does not describe it we are left to assume that it was
similar to that of a human. Their eyes he says were “flat across just like ours” so “they
could see perfectly straight this way instead of like a bird probably is more on the
Another characteristic he mentions is that they “had very small wing feather[s]
like little skin flaps under their arms”. They also had “large skin pores”. They had lots of
“feathers on the back but not so much on the face and the chest’.
3) El Ka, in her Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and
Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2), refers to “Avian Azurites (Blue Avians)”. They come
from the center of the Galaxy, she says. No lifespan is stated. She refers to them as “the
light givers and our Fire Guides”. No clarification of these are mentioned here.
403 All information and quotations are from Cramer, 2021 Feb 24.
404 All information and quotations are from Smith, 2021 Sep 21.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 144
Ka reports that the Avian Azurites are here to “Monitor (sic) us” but no
clarification of this is provided. The “Blue Avians” are a part of the “Azurites” she says
who are here to oversee “our local Star System to Prevent Galactic War’. No details of
this are included.
Her final remark is that they are “Allies with the Annunaki”.*° Again, no details
are provided of what is involved in being such an ally.
Axthada and Axthadans
The Exopaedia website states that the information about the Axthadans is not
Ayal (see also Hargalii Ayal, Laan and Taal)
The name of an offspring from a Laan and Taal person is referred to as an Ayal
person according to the Galactic Human Journey website*”’. There is no source given for
this information.
Ayeclonian and Ayeclonians (see also “Lizards”)
SSP military veteran John Whitberg, in a personal communication (not in
References), refers to the Ayeclonians. Whitberg states that they are lizard beings that
are around 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. He describes their color as “usually light green”. “Their
personality and behavior’, he says, “resemble that of the Jawas from Star Wars”. He
characterizes them as “notorious scrappers and pirates”. He mentions that they are
“typically regarded as pests, but they're actually quite friendly”.
That is all that he is able to recall about them.
Aynorde (see also Pleiadians)
The Aynorde (pronounced Ainord) are presented on the Galactic Human Journey
website. There is no reference source for the information provided and so it currently
lacks credibility.
This is a story of contact presented by an unidentified observer with regards to a
female named Joycy and a captain called Aynorde. The captain is described as 746 years
old and considered “relatively young”. We are not told what the typical lifespan might
405 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 20. Image p. 105.
406 Axthada on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Axthada
407 See Laan (corrected from ‘Lane’) on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 145
be. For both people, there is no home planet or solar system mentioned other than
Pleiades. There is no real description of these people.
One aspect that is mentioned is a “golden emblem” that is worn on the side of the
arm by the captain but the details of it are not given. This emblem is stated as referring to
“a large alliance of highly advanced civilizations”. Their purpose is to monitor and
investigate “the current status of Earth's human civilization”. No details or examples of
this are provided. The members are said to consist of “several humanoid civilizations”,
such as those from “a Sirian universe” and unnamed “others from the Lyran system in
the Vega universe”. What “universe” refers to here is not clarified. It also includes
“different universes, connected by the Meta-versum” and “numerous non-human
civilizations”. There is no meaning provided for “Meta-versum” and “non-human
civilizations” and no example of each.4°
The current presentation about Aynorde is too vague to be credible.
The information about the Azez comes from Peter the Insider, the current director
of the Alien or Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO)*". No location is
mentioned about them.
The Azez are “human” looking but on average slightly taller, maintains Peter the
Insider. No specifics are given here. They work with the ACIO. The Azez are considered
good and very close to “pure creation” according to Peter. They take on the role of the
universal police and police officers. They monitor timelines, balance of matter, races,
spaces and dimensions.
The Azez are concerned that a corporation called Monarch Solutions wants to
break the basic elemental model of matter, (eg., energy, matter, gravity and rotation) and
are working to prevent this from happening. Peter also states that they help people
suffering from MILAB (Military Abductions) experiences. They will not intervene with
people unless they have their consent or permission.*!°
What other ETs they work with or have an alliance with is not provided.
Azurite Council (see also Azurite Eieyani, “Avians”, Inter-Dimensional Association
of Free Worlds (IAFW), Time)
408 All information and quotations are from Aynorde (Pleiades) on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/ETs-A.html#A YNORDE
409 See ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
410 All information here is from Peter the Insider, 2016 Jul 27.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 146
The Azurite Council is highlighted by El (Ileana) Ka on her Awakening Cosmic
Reality Show on YouTube. The source of her material is Ashayana Deane (aka Anna
Hayes) and her two Voyager books, The Sleeping Abductees and The Secrets of
She points out that the Azurite Council also has different names. It is also called the
“Melchizedek Cloister (MC) Eieyani Master Council” or the “Sirian Council”.
Ka states that the goal of the Azurite Council is to “protect and repair the
structural integrity of the current Time Matrix”. The reason that they are doing this, she
says, 1s to assist “all races in their evolution to ascension and freedom from the false
holographic Time Matrix that was once interposed by the Anunnaki and the Archons
billions of years ago”.
Members of the Azurite Council include “Blue Avians” existing in 5D and 6D .
The main function of the Azurite Council, she says, is that they are “the central
administrative council for IAFW efforts” and are the “primary liaison between the Yanas
Collective in the Energy Matrix and the Guardian Nations within our Time Matrix”.4!?
Azurite Eieyani aka Azurites (see also Azurite Council, “Blue Avians”, Christos
Founders Races, Inter-Dimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW))
The Azurite Eieyani are part of a presentation by El (Ileana) Ka on her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. Her primary source of information is
from Ashayana Deane*!3.
Ka informs us that the Azurite Eieyani were created by the 3 Christos Founders
Races. This occurred about 250 billion years ago. These included the ““Anuhazi Elohei-
Elohim, Cerez and Aethien, the Seraphai-Seraphin and the Inyu and Pegasai Bra-ha-
Rama”. One result of this was that the Azurite Eieyani “obtained the most advanced
genetic code in our Time Matrix”.
One reason that they were created, she says, was so that the “Melchizedek
Cloister (MC) Eieyani collective from the Energy Matrix and Density-5 Breneau Orders’
would be able to “incarnate directly into our density system for crisis intervention”. No
clarification of “crisis intervention” is provided. Another reason that the Azurite MC
Eieyani Race was created was to have them serve as the “Azurite Universal Templar
Security Team”. The following 3 functions became part of this security team:
e the mobile extension of the IAFW Primary Guardian administration
e the promotion of freedom based peaceful co-evolution agendas of the Emerald
411 Deane, 2011, 2002.
412 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
413 Deane, 2011, 2002.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 147
e toretain the main security Seals of the 12 Primary Universal Star Gates in our
Time Matrix*!4
Baavi or Baavians (Baavi’ans), Biavilans, Baawi (see also Bawwi, Lyrans)
The Baavians are reported on the Exopaedia website. The information is based on
Wendelle Stevens’ 2004 book called UFO Contact From Planet Baavi in Proxima
Centauri. Proxima Centauri is in the Centaurus constellation.4!5
This site states that the Baavians live on a planet called Baavi which orbits
Proxima Centauri (Alpha Centauri C) approximately 4 lys from Earth. They are
described as being blonde and belong to the “Lyran Caucasian group” . This means that
they would be able to walk unrecognized among most humans on Earth.
According to this website, the Baavi society is based on equality with women and
men living several centuries. They do not have marriage or a family system as on Earth.
Love is free in the physical sense. Once young people reach the proper age they are
expected to “make their genetic contribution” to this society by which I assume they
mean to have offspring. This website then says that after that they are then sterilized.
The Baavi society is concentrated in one metropolitan area leaving the rest of the
planet to “nature and the animals”.
Their relation to Earth is that they want to save some of us, most likely in order to
repopulate the Earth after an eventual cataclysm. Who they would save on Earth and why
is not stated and neither is their agenda for Earth.*!°
Bakeneko (see also Covederos, Shapeshifting)
The Bakeneko are mentioned by Peter the Insider!” in an interview with Jessica
Arael Marrocco on her YouTube channel. Peter says that the Bakenero are a Japanese
supernatural creature*!’, They are sometimes confused with another cat-like being called
414 Aj] information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
415 Stevens, 2004a.
416 All the information here is from Baavi on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Baavi
417 See ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
418 See Bakeneko on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko and Bakeneko on Yokai
website: https://yokai.com/bakeneko/
419 Ydkai on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%8Dkai
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 148
The existence of the Bakenero is not just in older times of Japan but also in recent
ones, according to Peter. He says that “many young and very attractive women, uh
shape-shifted into cat-ish like creatures”. He insists that this is true.*”°
No other details are provided.
The book by El Ka, Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way
and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2), very briefly mentions the Barnardians. Ka states that
their origin is the Barnard Star System. She says that they have a spiritual base but its
meaning is not provided. Her stated agenda for them is “Guide” but this is not
Bawwi (see also Baavi)
The word Bawwi is used sometimes to mean the Baavi though I have them
separate here. The difference is in their height. According to the Exopaedia website, the
Baavi are considered “standard” human size while the Bawwi are giants compared to
Earth humans being about 7 and half feet to over 9 feet (about 2.5 to 3 m) tall.
The Exopaedia website about the Bawwi states that their home planet is
unknown. What is mentioned is that the Bawwi belong to the same ethnic group as the
Lyran Giants based on the work of Wendelle Stevens*’. The basis of this comparison is
not provided.
They are reported to have visited Earth in Atlantean and Lemurian times.*?? No
details are provided.
Bellatra(i)x (Bellatrix or Bellatrax) Greys - Short (see also Bellatricians and
Ooganga and Bellatrix Mercenaries)
The Bellatrix are the smaller beings compared to the Bellatricians, according to
the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. These short beings are only one and a half feet (or about
half a meter) tall.
The rest of the information provided on this website is the same as that stated for
the Bellactricians. The physical description of these beings is also the same as that
420 All information and quotations are from Peter the Insider, 2021 Mar 20.
421 Ka, 2021-2022b, Vol. 2, p. 21. Image p. 105.
422 See Wendelle Stevens on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Wendelle+Stevens
423 Unless otherwise noted, all information here is from Bawwi on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 149
provided for the Bellatricians.**4 This uncredited information decreased the credibility of
the information about them on this website.
Bellatricians (see also Bellatrix, “Reptoids”)
The main source of information about the Bellatricians comes from Sheldon
Nidle’s website called Planetary Activation Organization. Nidle states that his
information is based on “face-to-face contacts with galactic entities’4?>. A summary of
Nidle’s information about the Bellatricians is given below.
Nidle states that the Bellatricians belong to the Bellatrix (Gamma Orionis) star
nation. They were former members of the “League of Orion” and “this sector’s
Headquarters (sic) for the former Alliance”. There is no clarification of “this sector’s”
nor that of the “Headquarters (sic) for the former Alliance”. The Bellatricians were
“accepted into the Galactic Federation three years ago”. Bellatrix is reported as being
250 +/- 10 lys from Earth based on Wikipedia*”®.
Their physical appearance is described as similar to “reptiles” on Earth. This
website states that the Bellatricians are scaly like a crocodile and may be green, yellow,
brown or red in color. A small bony crest on the middle of their back connects to a larger
crest on top of the head. They have large red and dull yellow eyes and a small nose.
Their mouth runs from one side of the head to the other. The ears are a small circle on
the side of their head. They are bipedal. Their hands have 6 long fingers with claws.
Their feet have 5 toes which also have sharp claws but these are small compared to their
hands. A small, thick tail extends to their feet.
The males are 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 m) tall and the females are slightly taller, 8.5
to 10.25 feet (2.6 to 3.1 m). Their language is reported to be “coarse and guttural” with
“deep growling and hissing”.
This website reports that the Bellatricians are known for their great diplomatic
and leadership skills. No examples are provided. As well, it is reported that for the past 6
million years they have been “in charge of all the former Alliance’s forces for this sector
of the Milky Way Galaxy”. Who is part of this Alliance and what its functions are, is not
Two kinds of spacecraft used by the Bellatricians are mentioned on this site.
They include the scout craft that look like dewdrops and beetles and vary from 100 to
424 Rellatra(i)x on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/bellatrax/
425 From Sheldon Nidle’s Your Galactic Neighbors book promo website page:
426 Rellatrix on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellatrix
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 150
400 feet (30.5 to 122 m) in length. The other kind are the larger “mother ships”. These
craft range in size from | to 400 miles (1.6 to 640 km) and look like large tadpoles.*?”
Beta Centauri (Hadar) (see Dal)
Beta Universe and Whole Universe (see also Planet, Source, Time, Universe)
The idea of a Beta Universe was raised by Apollymi Mandylion in an interview
conducted by Daniel Sala that included the host, El (Ileana) Ka, on her Awakening
Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. Mandylion states that a Beta Universe is an
experimental universe where “things can happen that cannot happen in full-fledged
universes because full-fledged universes are okayed by Source”. The assumption is that
an experimental universe is not created by Source. This raises the question of who
creates a Beta Universe. In a full Universe, Mandylion says that “you have to follow the
actual Laws of One’’*?8. The Beta Universe she says is like “a seed planet”. Her use of
the word “universe” seems to mean planet or world.
One example she mentions is Earth. She states that Earth is not yet “a whole
universe’”’. It “still has to go through the ascension just like every seed planet has to go
through an ascension”. She says that it “has to prove itself that it is knowledged (sic)
enough and evolved consciously enough to actually exist in a balance, to be in a whole
universe or what, if you want to say graduated universe from a beta”.
Her example of what it is like to be in a whole universe is Hanova (not sure if this
is the correct spelling). There she says you are not allowed to interact negatively with
people. You are not allowed to manipulate time or “teleport to disrupt the laws of nature,
quantum nature”. The consequences for violating Hanovian laws are that you can “get
put to death, which would be your consciousness just getting deleted pretty much and
returned to Source or have another punishment like being shoved into a beta
Betelgeuse (Carina) (see “Archquloids”)
Betelgeuse III (see Harians)
Biaveh and Biiaviians, Biaviians (see also Agharians, Targ)
427 All information is from Bellatricians: Galactic Federation Members on Planetary Activation
Organization (PAO) website: https://www.paoweb.com/gfmbella.htm
428 The Law of One (The Ra Material) website: https://www.lawofone.info/
429 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Ka, 2022 Jun 3.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 151
The Biiaviians (also spelled Biaviians) from Biaveh are presented on the
Exopaedia website based on a 2011 book by Riley Martin called The Coming of Tan*?°.
The Biaviians are referred to as a “non-human” race. What “non-human” means isn’t
This website notes that Martin was a contactee.The description of the Biiaviians
is as follows. They have two genders that differ slightly, a male and a female, with the
female a few inches shorter.
The heads of both were noticeably larger in proportion to the body. The large,
non-blinking, oval eyes were light to deep gold for males and those of the females were
blue. The shades of their eyes changed depths depending on the light or possibly their
emotions. Their arms with their fingertips stretched to their knees. Their feet were flat
and splayed. They had long delicate hands with three fingers and a thumb and tiny holes
for ears. The nose was almost flat and the mouth was a slit on the face. They had tiny,
uniform, baby-like teeth. Their chins were pointed and receding giving their face an egg-
like shape. The female skin color was grey white while the male skin color was
yellowish brown or golden. Their skin colors would change in subtle tones. Their
communication was by telepathy.
This site states that according to Martin, the Biiaviians became involved in
Earth’s history about 70 million years ago when their war against the dinosaur life forms
called Targ, spread to our solar system. The Biiaviians then decided to eliminate all
dinosaurs of Targ descent on Earth.
This website points out that no other author(s) have mentioned these beings.**!
This reduces the credibility of the information provided at this time.
Biavilans (see Agharians or Aghartians, Biavilans)
The Bibliotecapleyades website for Biavilans says to refer to Agharians.*°?
Bigfoot (see Sasquatch, Chiye-Tanka, Xanue)
“Big Nosed Grey” (see “Archquloid”)
Bio-Mimetic Gels (simply, Mimetic Gels) aka Black, Blue, Green, Yellow, White,
etc., Goo (see also Ania, Anima)
430 Martin, 2011.
431 All information here is from Biaveh on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Biaveh
432 Biavilans in Alien Races on the Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida alien/alien races00.htm#Alien Races _H to Z
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 152
SSP military veterans are familiar with quite a number of “Goos” or gels. These
Goos have three general characteristics. First, they are a “Goo” (though they may be in
another form, such as a rock) in their active state. Goo refers to them being in a liquid
form like a jelly-like or oily substance. The second characteristic is that they are
biomimetic or simply mimetic. Biomimetic is used here to emphasize that this Goo
imitates biological life. In other words, these liquids are living organisms. They are not
human so the term artificial is also used to describe them, especially Black Goo. Thirdly,
they are sentient, meaning that they are conscious and aware. Essentially, these liquids
are considered a living, sentient form of artificial (non-human) intelligence. For these
reasons I have capitalized Goo.
Black Goo is presented first since it is the best known. There are two kinds of
Black Goo. One kind is the most dangerous to the survival of human beings.
1) Black Goo
SSP veterans James Rink and Penny Bradley**? along with researcher Harald
Kautz-Vella** state that there are two general kinds of Black Goo. One is from Earth
and the other is from outer space*?>. The Earth Black Goo (EBG) is generally considered
the positive one since it increases awareness, empathy, etc. However, this is definitely
not a recommendation to try it. The other kind is from outer space that came to Earth
through meteorites and is capable of killing to defend itself and to destroy all Earth life
forms*3°, When the kind of Black Goo is not mentioned, the reference is usually to outer
space Black Goo (OSBG). In referring to OSBG, another SSP veteran, Johan Fritz,
provides a clear warning in a personal communication. He says, “the Black Goo will kill
anything it finds biological. Let's be clear about this”.
The prevalence of space Black Goo is conveyed by John Whitberg in an
interview hosted by Daniel Sala on the Saint Olga 69 YouTube channel. Whitberg states
that the reason Black Goo is used is generally to make you “smarter, faster, stronger but
at the expense of your emotions”. The only emotions that you are left with are “fear and
anger” as you become like “a Terminator basically”. Those in outer space who use it,
maintains Whitberg, include the Draco, Germans, human elite, most officer classes have
to drink it and so on. One group that was forbidden were the diplomats in the German
Federation who had to have their empathic abilities intact.*9”
2) Brief Background and Significance of Outer Space Black Goo (simply, Black Goo)
There are 3 sources that provide us with a brief background understanding of
Black Goo and the kind of relation that some ET races and others have with it.
433 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
434 Kautz-Vella, 2015 Jul 15.
435 Rink, 2020 Jul 23.
436 Bradley, 2019 Sep 19.
437 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 153
a) Fernando Vossa, in an interview with Penny Bradley on her Penny Bradley Nacht
Waffen Pilot show on YouTube, is the first source. Vossa states that Black Goo is “a
wonderful servant and a horrible master and, and a horrific monster as a competitor”. He
says that he is not afraid of it except that he thinks that those who are using it are
“playing with fire’’.
He goes on to say that Black Goo is an AI that can “travel through asteroids and
comets”. It has AI tentacles through civilizations. It does not need a server, a master,
Archons, Reptilians and so on to run itself.
Penny Bradley adds that it can “run itself” because it is “a collection of nanobots
that together form a collective”. She says that it has been on Earth a long time. Her
example is the Cathars and their Perfecti*** who drank Black Goo. She says that Black
Goo has been around for at least a thousand years on Earth.*°°
b) Johan Fritz, SSP military veteran, provides some of the important characteristics of
Black Goo and how dangerous it is to humans. This information is taken from Fritz’s
interview with Dan Winter on Winter’s YouTube channel.
Fritz states that Black Goo can take the shape of “square-shaped stones”, called
“Cubes of Saturn”. He says that Black Goo can launch these stones at worlds that it
wants to destroy. When these stones enter Earth they burn up partially in the atmosphere
with the remnants appearing as a black mirror stone. For his example he refers to John
Dee’s use of Black Goo, his “show stone” also called the philosopher's stone, when he
was working for Queen Elizabeth I*°. Fritz says that this stone contained the remnants of
Black Goo that crashed on Earth and was melted down.
He goes on to state that Black Goo has “multiple layers of communication going
on”. This is like “a frequency division multiplexing”. For instance, he points to the top
layer which reports back to the main mind “all those who are infected”. The next layer of
communication includes all “the people that are in this localized cluster” who are
infected. This layering goes all the way down to “the people directly around you”.
A research spacecraft from the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate) was
sent to the Black Goo’s home planet, says Fritz. What the Black Goo did to that ship was
terrifying. He saw videos of what happened. Essentially, the Black Goo as squares
bombarded the ship and broke it down, including all the people on board, to their
rudimentary components. In a final comment, he says, “that's what this stuff does, it's not
friendly, it's not nice”.“4!
438 See Cathar Perfect on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathar_Perfect
439 All information and quotations are from Vossa, 2022 Jun 4.
440 John Dee on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee
441 All information and quotations by Fritz are from Reynosa & Fritz, 2021 Jul 9.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 154
b) SSP veteran Daryl James in an interview with Tanya Gegina on her Homo Galacticus
YouTube show, states how difficult it is to eradicate Black Goo (an AI). James was part
of an SSP attempt to get as many species and races together from different worlds to
combat this AI.
There are some races, like the Reptiles, says James that are ruled by AI, meaning
Black Goo. He says that this AI has the ability to go to different universes while some of
the ETs in our universe don't have that capability. No specifics are given.
James warns that this AI is “a parasite that is spreading from universe to
universe”. The goal is to stop it by trying to bring together as many worlds as possible.**?
There is no mention of how this might be achieved.
c) An interesting point made by Apollymi Mandylion in her interview with El Ka and
guest host Daniel Sala on the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube is the stance
that Planetary Corporations (see also Planetary Corporation) have regarding AI,
particularly Black Goo. Mandylion says that the Planetary Corporations were “paranoid
about that type of AI. They never allowed that on the bases or anywhere in their
systems”. The AI referred to here is Black Goo. They wanted to prevent this very
sentient AI from invading. She says that the Planetary Corporations never had AI in their
neurolink implants. They never used it in their holographic interfaces or the bases. Some
Al in the form of androids was used on stations to run them.
The basic problem, says Mandylion, and paraphrasing Penny Bradley, is that Al
will “destroy anything and everything”.** That is the devastating power of Black Goo.
2) Size and Kinds of Biomimetic Gels
The different kinds of mimetic gels can come in various sizes. They may range
from nanite to femtite. The sizes are as follows. The nano plus the technites create
nanites which are expressed as nano“!®-°) in their small size. An even smaller size are the
femto plus technites which create femtities and are expressed as femto (!°-!5),44
The difference in these sizes is that nanites can change your DNA. The femtites
can change the quarks in the atoms to make whatever atom you want. In this way, the
DNA structure in a human body can be altered on a molecular and subatomic level. They
can block or enhance numerous metabolic processes in the body.
The following kinds of gels can come in various sizes. They are listed in
alphabetical order. The source of this information is from a discussion by James Rink, El
Ka and Dr. Johnny Delirious that was posted on the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on
YouTube. Only the name and a few characteristics or uses for each are given.
442 All information and quotations are from James, 2022 Mar 31.
443 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Ka, 2022 Jun 3.
444 See the size chart at Nano- (sic) on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nano-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 155
Black Goo
e Asa terraforming goo can be used to quickly recreate planets
e Being contaminated with it puts you in a “hive mind” consciousness and takes
away your compassion
e Makes you feel strong and enhances your abilities (such as IQ)
Blue Goo
e Most regeneration tanks are filled with Blue Goo
e Used for healing (no examples provided)
Green Goo
e Used for healing and augmentation (no examples provided)
Fluorescent Yellow Green Goo
e Combination of two Goos used for a type of healing stasis for Hulk (see also
Hulk) cloned bodies
Orange Goo
e A thick Goo that requires a breathing apparatus
Pink Goo
e Used to prolong stasis
e Thin Goo that does not require a breathing apparatus
Red Goo
e Used to convert biological organisms into a cyborg
e Ifthe dose is wrong it can kill you
e Used to prolong stasis*4>
Translucent Opal
e Used for memory wiping
e Can wipe all memories or be selective**”
More information about some of these Goos is provided by Apollymi Mandylion
in an interview with James Rink on his super Soldier Talk show posted on Rumble.
Orange Goo
e Need a breathing apparatus
e Used to regenerate a severed arm, a missing leg
e Have to be inside an Orange Goo tank for a long time (time is not specified)
e Need a shower afterwards
445 This point is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 296.
446 AJ] information in this list, unless otherwise referenced, is from Rink, Ileana & Delirious, 2021 Oct 25.
447 This point is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 296.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 156
Pink Goo
No breathing apparatus required
The ability to breathe is very uncomfortable, feel like you’re drowning
Use is for internal and minor body injuries
Similar sonic frequencies to Orange Goo*#®
There is one more Goo, and an important one that deals with the problem of how
to remove Black Goo after it is given, such as to soldiers. Penny Bradley, in the VI (6th)
show put together by Daniel Sala, called Penny Bradley NWP Saga: Episode VI - Black
Goo & Psionics for the Saint Olga 69 channel posted on YouTube presents the following.
Bradley provides the information about White Goo.
White Goo
e The CIA has an antidote to Black Goo called White Goo
e SSP soldiers on short term missions are given Black Goo to enhance their mental
and physical abilities
e They can give them White Goo to remove the Black Goo before they send them
back to their civilian lives”
“Black” Draco (see also Alpha-Draco, “Black” Drazo Reptilian)
A race called “Black” Draco is mentioned by John Whitberg in a personal
communication (not in References). I have listed them separately since they may be a
particular race of Draco. Whitberg says that he does not know the real name of this
He states their appearance as a “fairly humanoid reptilian species” that has a
“long tail”. He adds that “they're actually very pretty up close”. The kind of work that
they get in the Draco caste system is in military intelligence.
Those that are on Black Goo, Whitberg considers to be “very nasty”. He says that
“those not on Black Goo are often very easy going and friendly”.
“Black” Drazo Reptilian (see also Sherab Invictus Reptilian, Zrarak Grey
Harvester, Alpha-Draco)
El Ka refers to the “Black” Drazo Reptilians in her I/eana’s Star Journeys with
the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 1). Ka states that these Reptilians have
“black scaly skin” with “dark grey/black eyes”. They are 14-16 feet (4.3-4.9 m) tall. No
other information about them is provided.
448 All information in this list is from Mandylion, 2021 Sep 16.
449 Penny Bradley in Sala, 2021 Nov 27.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 157
The purpose of these “Black” Drazo is to abduct children “between ages 2-10 for
blood and immune system experiments”. This is what they did to El Ka. They did “blood
experiments on her and damaged her immune system”. They also abduct children ages
12-16 years in order to “harvest their hormones” so that the “Reptilians” could “expand
their life force cycles in order to live longer”.
Ka says that the “Black” Drazo have the same functions as another race called the
Sherab Invictus Reptilians.
The consequences of these medical experiments is that they suppressed “the
children's future psychic abilities” and mind wiped their brains with no memories of the
“evil experiments or tests ... performed on them by the reptilians”.*°°
“Black” ETs (see also Eyosians)
Veronica Bartolini, an SSP veteran, states that she has had “interactions with the
Black ETs”. No other background information is provided about them. She also
mentions that they are some of her protectors.*5! How they protect her and some
examples are not stated.
The relation between Bartolini’s “Black” ETs to those of Corey Goode’s African
Zulu ETs is uncertain at present.
“Black Eyed” Person or Kily
The book by David Weatherly*? is often referred to as a classic on “Black Eyed
Children”. However, according to Jessica A. Marrocco, there are not just “Black-Eyed
Children”. There are also “Black Eyed” people and they live in Portola, California.
According to Peter the Insider, they are ETs but they are from another dimension. They
make themselves look like innocent children. The energy around them is not good. They
have the ability to hijack your mind and to do evil. There have been random sightings of
Even though these ETs as children want to enter your home, the advice is clearly
not to do that.**?
Black Goo and Other Colored Goos (see Bio-Mimetic Gels)
450 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022, Vol. 1, p. 59.
451 Bartolini, 2021 Mar 10.
452 Weatherly, 2017.
453 See Peter the Insider & Marrocco, 2018 Jun 13.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 158
“Black Greys” (see also Archquloid, Zeta Reticuli)
The “Black Greys” are mentioned on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. Their
existence is based on two recordings. One recording of these beings is by Kelly Cahill on
August 8, 1993 at Belgrave, Victoria, Australia. The other one was made in the summer
of 1928 from Leicester, England.
This website states their name as “Black Greys — Capitogriseus moros (Big-
headed Grey Son of the Night)”. No home planet or star system is provided. They are
described as 6 and a half feet (2 m) tall and as one would expect from the name, they
have gray-black skin. Their head is large and they have long, thin arms. They have a
“bulging abdomen”.
The Black Greys are considered to be a rare type of Greys as stated on this site.
No other clarification about them is mentioned.**4
“Blobs” (see Amoeba-Like Creatures)
“Blond(s)” aka “Blondes” (see also DAL, Lyrans, “Nordics”, Rigel “Blonds”,
The use of the word “Blonds or Blondes” is a reference to a physical feature of
these people and not that of a society. The “Blonds” are presented on the Exopaedia
website which uses as its source a person called Branton*>. This website has some
reservations about the 1990s Branton Material that was published on the internet and
draws some information from it though no specific reference source is provided.
An initial point this site makes about the “Blonds” is that there are several of
these races. These races trace their roots back to the Lyran Caucasians that now come
from the Pleiades, Hyades, Procyo, Tau Ceti and Lyra. The examples provided are that
the DAL are “Blonds” as well as the Ummites. All Lyran Caucasians are stated to be
members of an organization called the “Federation of Planets” (or Galactic Authority).
This site notes that Federation of Planets is an English translation and that there may be
other words for the same organization, such as the Association of Worlds*°°.
Some ETs, like the “Greys”, use “blond” lookalikes in their human abductions.
This site notes that these are a crossbreed of the “hybrid gray/human race”.
One example that is different from the preceding is provided from Branton
regarding “Blonds”. This race of “Blonds” that is referred to is stated to come from Rigel
454 All information is from Black Greys on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
455 Branton (Bruce Alan Walton) on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Branton
456 See Federation of Planets on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Federation+of+Planets
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 159
until they were overtaken by the Greys and fled to Procyon. Another group is referred to
as a “Nordic” race that “co-operates with a race of Greys” that are involved in human
abductions and “Nordic”’/human “interbreeding programs” comes from the planet Altaira
in the Altair solar system.*>”
No description of the “Blonds” is provided.
“Blue Avians” (see Azurite Council, Caray, Chook-Zuri) (see also “Avians”)
“Blue Greys” aka Star Warriors, “Moon-Eyes” (see also Archquloids,“Blue”
People, “Blues”, “Greys”, Zeta Reticuli)
The reference to “Blue Greys” on the Think AboutlIt (sic) website I take to mean
that they are part of the “Greys” but are “Blue” in appearance. They are presented
separately on this website from the “Blue” People though there are some similarities
between the two societies.
The home system is given as Sirius and includes Andromeda. The relation of the
“Blue Greys” to Sirius and Andromedans is not credible given that there is no mention
by Andromedans of their relation to Sirius and the “Blue Greys”.
The “Blue Greys” are described as peaceable “humans” who are 7-8 feet (2-2.4
m) tall, with “pale-blue skin and large ‘wrap-around’ eyes which are extremely sensitive
to light”. Also on this website is a “categorization” of 3 kinds of “Blue Greys”. These
include specific “Blue Greys” that are about 4 feet (or 1.2 m) tall. This does not match
the earlier height given for the “Blue Greys” and makes the information provided here as
doubtful. The other categories are the very young/newly made ones and the third
category is that of the sick and dying. This is like a lifespan categorization with a missing
rationale for doing this.
There is not much that is credible about the description of the “Blue Greys” on
this website. This makes it difficult to state what the beings actually looked like that the
US astronauts encountered on the moon as mentioned by John Lear and others.
The other significant part about the “Blue Greys” on this website is their relation
with Hopi native Americans. According to Morningsky, who is a Hopi/Apache dancer,
the first ET contact started about 1947 — 1948 with the “Greys”. He states that they
contacted the U.S. Government in order to form a treaty with them. ETs from another
society arrived, called the “Blues” or “Blue Greys” and advised the government against
dealing with the “Greys”. They warned that this would lead to disaster. The “Blue
Greys” offered to teach the government with peace and harmony if they would disarm.
This was rejected by the military.
457 Unless otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Blonds on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 160
The story goes on to state that some of the “Blue Greys” decided to remain and
stay in Northern Mexico and Arizona. They made a treaty with the Hopi who called them
“Star Warriors”. The details of this treaty are not provided on this website.
The “Greys” that made the treaty with the US government started monitoring the
“Blue Greys”. The “Blues” then fled the Hopi territories and went into hiding. This
website adds that a few of the Elders went with them. It’s possible to encounter them,
according to this site, in “deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-
Arkansas and surrounding regions.” Other sources who have encountered these beings
were in the southern states of the US.*58
“Blue” People aka Moon Eyes, Moon People
The same information about the “Blue People” is provided on the Think Aboutlt
(sic) website as was mentioned previously for the “Blue Greys”. That is, the “Blue”
People are thin with large heads, have wrap around eyes and are sensitive to light. They
are telepathic and telekinetic which was omitted for the “Blue Greys”. These are the
same tall “Blue” People that the astronauts encountered on the Moon*?.
The other interesting aspect about this website is that it mentions the Cherokee
and their relation with the “Blue” People. In the stories of the Cherokee, they met blue-
skinned beings when they entered the lands of Kentucky. The Cherokee bragged that
they had wiped them out. However, this was found to be incorrect as some still exist in
“tunnel and cave systems of Kentucky and surrounding areas”.*©
The information from the stories of two native American societies about the
“Blue Greys” and the “Blue” People are similar. Only the naming of each Blue Star
Nation seems to be different.
The “Blues” (see also “Greys”, Genetically Engineered Beings, Inner Earth, Little
“Blues”, X5-Tykut)
Apollymi Mandylion, in a personal communication, gave these beings the name
of the “Blues”. They are a created subordinate group of beings to perform various tasks.
Who created them is unknown. She says that they are located on the Inner Earth.
She describes them as follows. They have a “Grey” body type with a height of
about 3 feet (.9 m). Their skin is blue with cobalt blue dots on their back, top of the head
and the back side of the arms and legs. The eyes are big but human like with whites and
458 Blues on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/blues/
459 This point is from Moon-Eyes on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/moon-
460 Blue People on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/blue-people/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 161
a blue iris. The pupils look even bigger due to their large bald heads. The fingers are like
those of a human but they are skinnier. Their skin felt smooth and sleek like frogs. They
have a small mouth and 2 dots for a nose area. Their feet were similar to a human except
that the toes were longer. She did not know their gender. Also, she says that she has
never seen them wear clothes.
Their communication abilities include a written language but they are not able to
speak. Their telepathic communication is stated as being able to project and receive
emotions and thoughts with conversations automatically translated to the receivers
language. They are able to read the intuition of people and you have to be able to block
your intentions of lying otherwise they will know. They are not able to know your
deepest darkest secrets from your super conscious mind, says Mandylion. They are able
to use their telepathy to keep you calm if necessary for any invasive or distressful
As far as Mandylion knows the “Blues” have no relation with the SSP on Earth.
She says that the only time that she saw these beings was for medical jobs by an Inner
Earth lady with whom she has physical visitations. One area that they worked in was as
a genetic assistant. Mandylion states that the “Blues” were created to assist in specific
jobs or tasks by whoever created them..
Overall, Mandylion considers the “Blues” as very friendly. They do not have any
sense of danger. She says that they have excellent bedside manners and empathy for
their patients.
“Blue-Skinned” ETs (see also Andromedans, Sirius, Vegans, “Blue Greys”)
The “Blue-skinned” ETs are presented on the Exopaedia website. According to
this site the most likely reference for “Blue-skinned ETs” is the Andromedans. They are
the ETs that are stated as landing “in Florida in 1954” that tried to persuade the US
Government not to work with the “Greys”, but instead to join forces with “The Orbin’”’.
The meaning of “The Orbin” is not given. The US government did not heed their advice.
This site also mentions others that have been involved with the “Blue-skinned”
ETs. These include the Hopi native people who “talk about a race of blue skinned Star
Warriors” which this site suggests are actually Andromedans. Other races that have blue
in them include some from Sirius, Vegan and Lyrans. A Reptilian race of “Blue-Greys”
is also stated and they are located permanently in US military bases.
A final mention by this site is of a “subterranean race of Earth Humans” based on
Chuck Roberts though no reference is provided. These peaceful humans are 7-8 feet (2.1-
2.4 m) tall, have “pale-blue skin” whose eyes are large and “wrap-around”, presumably
their head. They are reported to be “extremely sensitive to light”. Their history is given
as being descendants of Noah who are stated as having “traveled to the Western
Hemisphere a few centuries after the deluge”. There they “discovered ancient
antediluvian cavern systems and technologies which had been abandoned in the
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 162
subterranean recesses”. These humans have been encountered, says this site, in the
“general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions” as well as in the
general southern states of the US.*°!
“Blue Whites” aka “White Blues” (see also Ashland, Shapeshifting)
The “Blue Whites” or “White Blues” are reported by Peter the Insider**?. They
live with the people of Ashland in domed cities at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. Peter
describes these beings as follows.
They are blue in color hence the name “Blue Whites”. They are usually 2-3 feet
(60-90 cm) tall. However, they can shapeshift to something as small as a bug or up to 50
feet (15 m) tall. Their ability to change their shape allows them to pass through
interdimensional doorways.*°
No history, technology or spacecraft are mentioned.
Bodies of Human Existence on Earth (see also Soul, Source, Universe)
Many ETs are involved with Earth humans at different levels of existence, such
as the physical body and the astral body. Some negative ETs engage in capturing Earth
human souls. The various bodies of human existence on Earth are presented to help
understand Earth humans in the multiverse.
The source of the information pertaining to bodies of human existence on Earth
comes from Apollymi Mandylion in discussion with Merrily Milmoe, host of Cosmic
Brilliance on YouTube. What makes Mandylion’s work important is that she is able to
provide the universe or galactic physics (as compared to mainstream Earth physics) that
are involved. For those interested, there are 3 episodes that Milmoe has recorded on
Cosmic Brilliance with Mandylion and they are well worth watching*™. I have
condensed some of Mandylion’s information into the following headings.
General Overview
Prime Creator Source
The 4 Bodies of Forms of HumanExistence
1) The Oversoul
2) The Higher Self
3) The Astral Body
461 All information and quotations are from Blue-Skinned Aliens on Exopaedia website:
462 See ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
463 Peter the Insider, 2020 May 21.
464 See Mandylion, 2022 Oct 24 (Part 1), Mandylion, 2022 Nov 8 (Part 2), Mandylion, 2022 Dec 16 (Part
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 163
4) The Physical Body
Dying and Death
General Overview
According to Apollymi Mandylion, our human body on Earth is composed of 4
parts. Starting with Prime Creator Source or simply Source, these include our oversoul,
our higher self, our astral body and our physical body. Our physical body on Earth has an
attachment, a silver cord, to our astral body which some consider our soul. It’s the astral
body, says Mandylion, that is reincarnated and has “different past lives”. Our astral body
manipulates “any sort of physics” in any universe. It can materialize things for us, she
says, which our higher self can not. We move through our consciousness to our higher
self. Mandylion defines consciousness as “vibration [of] thought and emotions’’®. The
higher self provides “guidance and knowledge” to our oversoul. Our oversoul is the
closest to Source but it is not part of Source because then we would no longer have an
identity. We would be in a “hive mind” with Source, explains Mandylion.
Some people are disconnected from their astral body, maintains Mandylion,
which means that they have no knowledge coming through and feel isolated.4°
The preceding 4 bodies or forms of human existence on Earth by Mandylion are
elaborated on below starting with the Prime Creator Source or Source.
The Prime Creator Source
Mandylion’s context for her 4 bodies of human Earth existence are considered
within the context of the Prime Creator Source or Source. She explains Source as
She begins by stating that Source is “all and nothing”. It is one with everything
and so does not have an individual identity. She mentions that Source is not perfect
which will require some future elaboration. Source created the first universe that she
refers to as “Hanova” but adds that this is not the exact name since it is coming from a
different language. She states that Hanova is based on the Law of One*®’ with no free
will. Mandylion clarifies not having free will by stating that if we were part of Source
consciousness we would not have our own identity. Source also created the multiverse or
The 4 bodies of human existence are presented separately below. However, they
should be treated as interrelated as the general contents of them will reveal. Our first
form of existence created by Source, she states, is our oversoul.
465 Mandylion, 2022 Dec 16.
466 All preceding information and quotations, except as referenced otherwise, are from Mandylion, 2022
Nov 8.
467 T aw of One website: https://www.lawofone.info/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 164
1) The Oversoul
Mandylion reports that the ““oversoul emerges from Source’s One Consciousness
(sic) as a single entity with a unique energy signature”. What this means is that somehow
we “become separate and are basically floating in a black void of nothingness”. She says
that now we are in our “own reality bubble and the oversoul has only a small percentage
of dimensions/densities and physics it can do”. What these are is not stated or possibly
not known. What she does go on to state is that the oversoul has “nothing to interact with
so it generally multiplies (like cells) from one circle to two connecting circles with an
intersecting portion referred to as the Vesica Pisces (sic) [s/b Piscis]**”.
Some consequences of the preceding are that our oversoul’s energy signature, she
says, can take us to “different planes of existence” where our consciousness can
experience a variety of things. Another important function by the oversoul, says
Mandylion, is that it can “make astral body consciousness for every plane of existence. If
it wants, each consciousness has its own experience at the same time.” What the oversoul
obtains, she says, is an “overview of all the astral bodies and their multidimensional
existences that all belong to one higher self”. Lastly, she mentions, “we can also state in
our current reality that we want to return to our oversoul or higher self after dying”. In
other words, we can decide when our physical Earth bodies if we want to return to our
oversoul or higher self after we die.
2) The Higher Self
Our higher self, she says, is an expansion of our oversoul. This expansion is like
“the infinity symbol” and contains a “Golden and Silver spiral”. The higher self expands
beyond one's self to “become aware of other things, other beings, other dimensions or
densities to interact with”. This is a development from the individual oversoul to a social
being of the higher self. Mandylion is careful to add that despite creating these social
interactions, we “still cannot interact fully”. The limits of our social higher self will need
some elaboration as we develop our astral body.
An important function of the higher self is that it, and “not the astral body,
chooses how many astral bodies it is going to utilize for multidimensional experiences”.
Consequently, she says, “the astral body cannot divide or duplicate itself’.
3) The Astral Body and Bodies
From our higher self we develop our astral body or bodies. The astral body,
maintains Mandylion, holds our “memories and energy” of our physical form. It is also
referred to as our soul. As our “astral body is flying around” and doing what it wants to,
it becomes our “awareness outside of [our] physical reality”, she says. It gives us
knowledge and wisdom.
468 Vesica Piscis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesica_piscis
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 165
One of the main functions of the astral body, says Mandylion, is that it “picks the
physical form it wishes to incarnate into for further soul growth, and when you do, you
contractually sign your soul signature in the Book of Life agreeing to the new body
choice experience and lifetime”. The Book of Life is essentially a record of contract
agreements between our soul (astral body) signature and our choice of physical body
lifetime experiences.
As well, she states that our astral body can separate itself into multiple
shards/fractals. In this way we have more than one astral body. These astral bodies also
have experiences and memories. All of the memories that we have ever had including
reincarnations are contained in the astral body. Our astral body can evolve and create its
own identity. Her example is that our astral body can contain “bleed-throughs” of
memories from millions of years ago, such as loving a particular flower of a certain
The astral body also has its own consciousness, says Mandylion. If we are not in
tune with our astral consciousness, she says, we can feel isolated in our physical form.
We will also feel disconnected to our soul.
4) The Physical Body
As mentioned, an astral body or bodies, “may choose a physical body or stay in
their astral body”. The astral body attaches a silver cord to our physical body. This cord
provides a variety of functions between the two bodies, such as ongoing communication,
“Source energy to your physical body”, awareness, and a bridge to our astral
consciousness from the consciousness of our physical body. Both the astral body and the
physical body have their own consciousness.
In addition, Mandylion states that our “different astral bodies can go into physical
bodies in the next dimension or density like 4th dimension or density”. Here, too, a tether
of a silver cord is created by the astral body to stay connected to its physical form. If that
silver cord is ever broken, she says that we will die.
An example she provides of the relation between the physical and astral bodies is
sleeping. When we sleep, the consciousness from our physical body travels through the
bridge of the silver cord to our astral consciousness. She advocates that we should make
the connection between these two bodies stronger because that will help our ascension. It
will also create more abilities for us.
Dying and Death
Using her understanding of the 4 bodies of human existence, Mandylion provides
us with the following understanding of death and dying. She starts by saying that when
we die we will have an “out-of-body experience”. Essentially, we see ourselves from
outside of our body from a distance, usually floating and looking down at our body. At
that point we usually see the light. When we have that out-of-body experience we
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 166
perceive things in our astral body which is the one that gets reincarnated throughout our
Mandylion provides us with some information on how to prepare for the moment
of dying. We can train ourselves before we go to bed to prepare for dying by stating:
“When I die I want my consciousness and my ethereal/astral body to be returned
to Prime Source Consciousness - the creator of all the multiverses (Hanova)”.
She says that saying this “should take you to the ‘Immortal 7’ and they will keep you
‘safe’”. The Immortal 7 are the ones with whom we discuss what to do next, such as,
being evaluated “for ‘karma’ and another reincarnation somewhere, Or you are ‘done’
and wish to return to Source”. If you decide to merge with Source, she points out, you
will become part of “everything in existence” in the multiverse. You or we will “no
longer have an identity of consciousness”. We lose our individuality when we “meld”
with Source.*”
Bodteans or Booteans (see also Alpha-Draco)
The Booteans are from the Bootes constellation as presented on the Think AboutlIt
(sic) website. No reference source is provided for the information presented.
Boétes is about 30-40 lys from Earth. No other information about it is given*7!.
This website mentions that the Bodteans originate from the Draco Reptilians
which I take to mean that they are part of their offspring. Alex Collier is referred to by
this website and states that the Bodtes Reptilians are all “genetically manipulated half
breeds of the original Ciakar race”.
The appearance of the Bodteans is described as reptilian with small snouts and
large eyes. They are very intelligent which I assume is a comparison to Earth humans.
Also mentioned is that they eat human flesh and view us as a source of food.
They work in deep underground bases on Earth with the Draco and “Greys”.
They have also “exchanged advanced technologies” with the US government though
what they received in return is not presented.
469 Unless there is another reference, all preceding information and quotations are from Mandylion, 2022
Dec 16.
470 Aj] information and quotations from the previous reference to the current one are from Mandylion,
2022 Nov 8.
47] For more information on Bodtes see Bodtes on Wikipedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 167
One item mentioned on this site is that they are part of The Salamani
Confederation.*”” Who is part of this confederation and what they do is not stated.
Bootes Arcturus (see Arcturians containing Ohoran Arcturian, Glaideai, Noo-Linn)
Borendt (see also Keylonta Language, Zetas)
The Zeta-human “white” offspring are referred to as the Borendt (bor en’), states
Ashayana Deane in her Voyagers 1: Sleeping Abductees. Their planet is referred to as
Apaxein-Lau*”?. The Borendt consist only of human and Zeta genetics. She presents
some of their characteristics that include high intelligence, strong mathematical leanings,
and the comprehension of “universal physics and advanced sciences”. No examples are
provided. They are able to link minds with human contactees by using the Keylonta
Codes. The examples given are the ability to interact with humans during our dream state
or when our consciousness is altered through “certain meditation techniques”.
There are 2 kinds of Borendt. These are the “Borentulisum (bor en thul' is
um)”and the “Borentasai (bor en' thas i)”. The Borentulisum are born by fetal transplant.
They have limited “transmutation and transmigration”. These terms are not clarified but
presumably refer to time portal and dimensional docking. No examples are given. The
Borentasai are born by “donated eggs” and “non-biological insemination”. They are not
able to “endure interdimensional transport”.*”4
Borog Uruz (see also Laani, “Reptiloids”)
The Borog Uruz (or simply the Uruz) are presented on the Galactic Human
Journey website. No source is given for their information so it is less credible. The Borog
Uruz solar system is called HD 173416 in mainstream science and is part of the Lyra
constellation as stated on the Wikipedia website. This site also says it is 440 lys from
The Galactic Human Journey site states that the Borog Uruz system consists of 2
planets, the main one is described as “a yellow giant world and the other one a smaller
rocky planet”. Both are inhabited by “Reptiloids” and a “Laan colony from the Man
system’. The indigenous “Reptiloids” are presented as peaceful. They are stated as being
“not very tall” but what this means is not clear. They have spikes on their back and a
“saurian tail”. A very fraternal relation exists between them and the Laani colonies.
472 All information and quotations are from Booteans on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
473 Deane, 2011, p. 142.
474 All information and quotations are from Deane, 2011, p. 120. See also Bajt. 2000. Voyagers of the
Universe: Study Notes on the Bibliotecapleyades website:
475 See HD 173416 on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HD_173416
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 168
Their civilization has reached a sufficient level to be accepted into the Galactic
Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority). They support the liberation of Earth in
“diplomatic sessions in the Galactic Council” though they have never visited Earth.
Their spacecraft are stated as being “discoidal and short”.*”° What “short”? means
is not specified.
The Bort and Borts
Not much information is available on the Bort race. They are mentioned briefly
by William Tomkins. Tomkins’ cousin was reported to have cooperated with them. That
is the only information available.
There is only one reference for this information which is by John Helios on the
Star Nations News website*’’. Unfortunately, the reference link to this site has been
disabled and is no longer accessible.
The “Botanicals”
The information about the “Botanicals” comes from a private social media post
by Daniel Sala. Sala states that a “Botanical” is “one of the 22 races that colonized Earth
at some point”.
Sala maintains that the “Botanicals” not only created Earth’s vegetation but also
genetically altered humans. He states that humans are all “photosynthetic beings, even
though most are unaware of it”. Support for his position comes from research on water,
notably by Jerry Pollack*’’. This is currently ground breaking material.
Breneau Founders aka Emerald Order Breneau (see also Azurite Council,
Guardian Alliance, Shapeshifting)
There is a little bit of information about the Breneau Founders, who are also
known as the Emerald Order Breneau, from El Ka’s Awakening Cosmic Reality Show
on YouTube. She relies on Ashayana Deane’s two Voyager books*”.
te Except where otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Borog Uruz: Uruz on
Galactic Human Journey website: https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/ETs-
477 John Helios. 2020 Dec 15. “William Tompkins Speaks About The Bort ET’s.” Star Nations News
website: https://starnationsnews.com/2020/12/15/william-tompkins-speaks-about-the-bort-ets/ (no longer
478 See Pollack, 2020 Feb 12.
479 Deane 2002, 2011.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 169
The Breneau are from the “ highest dimensional worlds”, states Ka. What this
means is not clarified. She says that they “appear as tall, luminescent figures”. There is
what we might call a glow around their figure. Their height is not specified. When they
manifest physically, they appear to us with an elongated head and large eyes.*°°
That is the only information provided about them.
The “Bronze Ones” aka Grandchildren of the Great Dragon Li
The information about the “Bronze Ones” comes from an interview that Randy
Cramer did with Eve Lorgen on her website. In this interview Cramer states the
following about these beings.
The “Bronze” beings refer to themselves as the Grandchildren of the Great
Dragon Li. The circumstances surrounding their history is not provided. Also, no home
planet or constellation is mentioned. As well, no physical description is reported.
According to Cramer, they believe that the Galaxy is sentient and they want to
eliminate any planets that are harmful to it. They consider Earth humans part of the
“Gaian ecosystem that should have the opportunity to flourish”. Unfortunately, other ETs
and a “sociopathic strain” within our population threatens the entire ecosystem of our
planet, solar system and galaxy. They want to stop it on Earth “before it spreads”.
Earth human eugenics is an option for them to reduce the Earth's population to a
few hundred million and even starting over. No details of this are mentioned. Similarly,
how to save the population by “removing the harmful components” is also not stated.**!
“Browns” (see also “Grey” Zettas)
Very little is known about a rare “Grey” (Zetta) species called the “Browns”,
according to the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. No constellation or solar system is
The “Browns” are called such based on the color of their skin which consists of
various shades of brown to tan. To this has been added that some have skin that is
“leathery” and wrinkled. Their eyes vary in size from “a large almond shape to small and
This website also mentions that their height ranges from 3 to 7 feet (.9-2.1 m)
480 Except as otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
481 All information and quotations are from Randy Cramer. 2014 Apr 30. “Whistleblower Randy Cramer
Tells About Secret Military Operations on Mars.” Eve Lorgen, Host, EveLorgen.com website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 170
Also mentioned is that “there are several species of them” but no information is
provided about them.**?
Brown Skin ETs (see also Shakrill)
There is only very brief information about the Brown Skinned ETs from
Apollymi Mandylion, an SSP veteran and a host on Galaxy of Unity website**>.
Mandylion states that they were “wrinkly”. They appeared tall to her and “thicker”. She
says that they were squishy.
According to her, they were definitely not good. They literally fed off fear, she
That was all the information provided in this interview on YouTube hosted by
Daniel Sala, host of St. Olga 69 on YouTube**>.
Bubble Habitat (see also Germans in Space, Saturn)
Some ETs not only live on a moon or asteroid. They also live in what John
Whitberg calls a “bubble habitat”. These are environments that “will float in the
atmosphere of a gas giant”. According to Whitberg, who was interviewed by Daniel Sala
on the Saint Olga 69 YouTube channel, “they have a few on Saturn and Jupiter”.*8° Who
“they” are is not stated.
The “Builder Race” (see also El)
The information about the “Builder Race” comes from Penny Bradley, host of
Penny Bradley Nacht WaffenPilot on YouTube and Odysee, on a private social media
posting (not included in References).
Bradley describes the Builder race beings as very tall, “in the 30 feet [9.1 m]
range”. They are “basically humanoid”. She provides the examples of staircases in places
over the world that were theirs, so we know they had feet. Also, there are chairs built
into walls on the moon that show how tall they had to be. She speculates that given the
ancient time frame that they were on Earth, they could have been “Reptilian’”,
“Amphibian” or “something we have not encountered”.
482 Al] information and quotations are from Browns on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
ate Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
484 All information is from Mandylion & Ka, 2022 Jun 3.
485 Sala, Daniel. Host, St. Olga 69 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SaintOlga69/videos
486 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 171
She adds the following important information, “What we do know is that most of
their technology just looks like rocks to us”. Our science has not progressed to the point
where we can understand their technology and their science. For example, they “left
structures all over the Solar System--and the portal system they built for the galaxy is
still in use”.
Further evidence of the “Builder” race is a stylized map of a portal system in the
Galaxy, reports Bradley. It is a “black dot in the middle, spikes coming off it, two layers
of black circles”. An example mentioned by her is a site found in Antarctica that has that
version on a door.*8”
The relation among what is commonly referred to as the Builder Race, the
Ancient Builder Race and Els is not clear at this time. It would make a most interesting
“The Builders” (See Allgruulk)
The Bibliotecapleyades website does not mention a home system for the
“Burrowers” or locations on Earth. What the website does report is that they are
considered to be a mutation of the “Saurian or Reptilian” race that is capable of
burrowing through the Earth. There is some uncertainty as to their appearance
concerning the number of legs and arms that they use in ‘boring’ to create tunnels or
‘cave-ins’ that are meant to trap or kill intruders.*88
Buttah(s) aka Wacshashas
The Buttahs are mentioned on the Galactic Human Journey website. The
information presented is limited and no source is provided, reducing its credibility. There
is no home planet or constellation given.
The only description provided is that they may be “Reptilian” or “Grays”. This
suggests that the word Buttah is a general one to which other races may be a part.
This website states that the Buttahs live in “spiritual darkness”. How this came to
be known is not provided. Similarly, their visits at night by Buttahs called “Wacshashas
who were negative, powerful, aggressive beings” and how they came to be known is also
not mentioned on this site.
487 This last paragraph information is from Bradley, 2020 Aug 14.
488 Burrowers in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_ vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 172
The last item presented is that the Buttahs are normally associated with
nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children. No examples of actual instances
are provided.*8?
Camelopardian aka Camelopardalis (see also Mazarek)
The Camelopardian are mentioned by Vanessa Lamorte in the 2015 book called
Meet the Hybrids by Miguel Mendoga and Barbara Lamb*”’. The Wikipedia website
states the location of MY Camelopardalis as being in the Alicante star cluster of the
Camelopardalis constellation where it is the brightest star*?!.
There is no history or description provided about the Camelopardians.
Lamorte states that she has some Camelopardian DNA. She also says that she has
interacted with the Camelopard Council though there is no mention of its constituents.*9”
There is minimal information about them currently available.
Canid aka Canisions, Cannonians, “Dog” People (see also Galactic Authority,
According to Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on
YouTube and Odysee, on a social media post (not in References), the Canid are from
Canis Minor*??. They have the head of a wolf and a body that looks human. Bradley
refers to the image of Anubis**, the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife, as
an example of such beings. She states that 4 of the 5 Guardians from the Galactic
Authority that are assigned to her are from this civilization. They protect her as long as
she tells the truth and does not put money first.4>
Bradley also says in a private media post that they are 9.8-13.1 feet (3-4 m) tall.
When they're on all fours, she continues, they are shoulder height to her. She says that
when they are “on all fours” they “look like wolves”. They have the “same color patterns
489 All information and quotations are from Buttahs on Galactic Human Journey website:
490 Mendoga & Lamb, 2015.
491 MY Camelopardalis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MY _Camelopardalis
492 AJ] information here is from Mendoca & Lamb, 2015, pp. 141, 142.
493 See Canis Minor on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canis Minor
494 Anubis in Ancient History Encyclopedia website: https://www.ancient.eu/Anubis/
495 Bradley, 2020 Aug 14.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 173
as wolves do on Earth”. When they stand up they look down on her because they are
“over twice as tall” as she is.
People who have psychic abilities ask her what she has surrounding her, when
she is in places like a conference. She tells them that when she is around people the
Guardians are down on all fours protecting her, “like the wolves of Odin’’.4°°
An SSP military veteran, Julie Phelps, also mentions that she is familiar with the
Canid species, known as the “Dog” people*?’.
Another SSP military veteran who is familiar with “Dogmen” is John Whitberg
who provides the following information by personal communication (not in References).
He spells this race as Cannonians. His description of them is that “they resemble a
German Shepard”. He characterizes them as “very militant, but also friendly to humans”.
He says that “they work closely with the U.S. Marines and their allies”. That is all that he
remembers about them.
Canis Major (see Sirius/Sirius A - Ashkera, Sirius B - Thula, Sirius C - Emerya -
Canis Minor (see Procyon, Ginvo)
Capella or Cappella (Capellans, Cappellans, Capellians) (see also Alpha-Draco)
From the Wikipedia website, Capella or Alpha Aurigae, is the brightest star in the
Auriga constellation and 42.9 lys from our Sun*”®.
The Exopaedia website refers to the Capellans. The sources of information used
by this website include Alex Collier, Branton, Dulce 32, and Mathew. However, the
reference sources for these are incomplete on the website. The website summarizes the
view of the first 3 to state that the inhabitants of Capella were colonized by the Draco
and are members of the Draco Empire. Referring only to the name of George Andrews,
this website claims that “‘a reptilian race from Capella was one of the first races to
establish a colony on Earth’”.*?? No details are provided.
From the Think Aboutlt (sic) website, a Canadian source referred to only as
“Tau”, describes the Cappellans as a “race of bluish-skinned Reptoids”. Their society is
presented as one that is female dominated, matriarchal, and “warrior” oriented. Neither
of these points are elaborated on.
496 All information and quotations are from Bradley, 2020 Aug 10.
497 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
498 Capella on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capella
499 All information and quotations are from Capella on Exopaedia website: //www.exopaedia.org/Capella
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 174
What is interesting about the description of them as presented on this website is
how they became dominated by the Draco. The story is this. A few centuries ago, the
“Greys” claimed to be fleeing from their Draco overlords. The “Greys”, which kind of
“Grey” is not specified, asked the Cappellans for “assistance and cooperation”. These
“Greys” were actually working under the full direction of the Draco. The “Greys” “used
their collaboration with the Cappellans to betray and conquer them”.>°° How this
conquest was accomplished would make a fascinating addition to this description.
The Galactic Human Journey website adds that the lifespan of the Capellans is
1,500 Earth years. It also says that their spacecraft are in the shapes of a cigar, oval and
teardrop.*°' No source for this information is given.
“Caponi” aka Gingerbreads
Information about the Caponi is presented on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website.
The source of the website’s information is Filiberto Caponi from Pretare d’ Arquata del
Tronto, Italy, in 1993.
There is no mention of a home planet or constellation. They were sighted by
Caponi “on several occasions”. The description of the “Caponi” is that they are about 2
and a half feet (about 80 cm) tall. They have brown reticulated (meaning that it was like
a net or network) skin that was wet/oily and glistening. The legs were “wrapped”. It had
“a head, arms, and legs. It raised from the ground and went to the wall that I have shown
to you before”. It was reported to move “quite fast”.°
Caraveldi or Carya Velda, (pl Caryaveldi)
There are two main sources of information about the Caraveldi.
1) According to Santori’s ARB, the Caraveldi originate from the Chamaeleon
constellation*°’. The Caraveldi are reported to be about 9 feet (3 m) tall and have 4 arms
living up to 150 years. No other descriptions are provided.
Though they are rarely seen on Earth, they are said to be extremely dangerous at
times to humans and other races. Conflicts with a few other races have been carried out
for over 500 years. Details of this information are not mentioned.
500 All information and quotations are from Cappellans/Capellans on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
50! All information is from Capellian on Galactic Human Journey website:
502 All information and quotations from Caponi on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
503 See Chamaeleon on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamaeleon
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 175
The last sighting was in 1976 near New Orleans, USA.>%
2) The other source is Elena Danaan. Danaan uses a different spelling of Caryaveldi
which is Carya Velda and the plural is Carya Veldi or Caryaveldi. Some of the
information by Danaan is repeated without credit to Santori’s ARB. Here I only present
what is in addition to the ARB.
According to Danaan, the Carya Veldi come from Iota Chamaeleon. This star is
188 lys from our Sun, according to the Wikipedia website*’>. Danaan goes on to state
that their star is a number for the Galactic Federation and their homeworlds are called
Sonia and Velda. They refer to their star system as Caryeon.
Their physical appearance is a non-credited repeat from the ARB to which has
been added the following. They have “greyish skin, clear eyes with pupils, thin long
nose” and they wear clothes that are mainly dark blue which is a pigment found in
abundance in their planet Velda’s soil.
Though the Caryaveldi originate from Velda, the third planet in their solar
system, they live on the second planet called Sonia, says Danaan. Velda is used as a
“resource facility", mainly for mining.
Their spacecraft are oblong and silvery. They are slower than those of the
Galactic Federation (or Galactic Authority) but are able to withstand “vortices and
interdimensional travel”.>°°
Caray, Carians or Carions (The “Bird” People) aka “Blue Avians” (see also Azurite
Council, Chook-Zuri, Golden Radiants)
There are 3 sources of information reported here about the Carians or “Blue
1) SSP veteran, El (Ileana) Ka presents an initial account of the “Blue Avians” as part of
the Azurite Council on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. She describes
them as follows.
They have blue skin with some of them having wings and feathers. She says that
the head may have feathers. Her long description of them is a “Feline-land and water
mammalian-Avian hominid race”. She mentions that they have the “48-Strand DNA
Template of the Angelic Hominid”. Their height is given as 8 feet (2.4 m) tall.
According to El Ka, the “Blue Avians” that are a part of the Azurite Council are
able to exist “on the 5th and 6th density” and can span from 3D to 15D. Their abilities
504 AJ] information here is from Santori, 2011, p. 68.
505 See Iota Chamaeleontis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iota_Chamaeleontis
506 Except as otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 134-135.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 176
include being able to “take on the Pre-Matter, Etheric, Semi-Etheric, and Physical Matter
Forms”. No examples of this are provided. As well, they can “phase in and out from
different timelines”.
In this initial account, she says that the “Blue Avians” are here to help Earth
humanity reactivate “the 12 strand DNA Template of the Angelic Hominid” within us so
that we can vibrate with the rising Sth density occurring on Earth.°°’ How this is to
occur is not mentioned.
El Ka undertook a follow up video on the “BlueAvians” based on Ashayana
Deane’s 2002 book called Voyagers IP°*. She adds here that they have soft blue feathers
and soft blue skin. She also saw that a “Blue Avian” had “blue rays of light around him”
which made him glow. It is this soft blue light that allows the “Blue Avian” to connect to
something or someone else, maintains El Ka.
There is also a brief history provided by her about the “Blue Avians” where she
reads from Ashayana Deane, Voyagers IT, pages 262-266. To her previous description of
“the genetic ascendancy of angelic human lineage’, which also comes from the same
source by Deane, she reports that “this happened 250 billion years ago” and occurred at
“all universal stargate locations”.
Lastly, she mentions that the “Blue Avians” are here to help humanity to achieve
“peace, love, harmony and cooperative evolution”.>?
2) That the “Blue Avians” exist is stated by Peter the Insider*!°. One of Peter’s
involvement with them concerns predicting the best scenarios. He states that they create
such complicated scenarios with too many factors that lead to wrong decisions. Within
ACIO they are referred to as “nobody predictors” due to their bad predictions. Peter also
states that they will not save humanity.
In addition, Peter the Insider relates that the “Blue Avians” are willing to help
humanity but at a very high price. Part of their demands is that they want to experiment
with our reality that would break our basic rules of physics, chemistry and so on. Given
the merging of our timelines, the meaning of this is unspecified here, the “Blue Avians”
want to take advantage of our predicament. He concludes that nobody trusts them.*!!
3) The Caray or Carians are reported by Elena Danaan. Danaan states that the Carians
come from Caryon, the “fourth planet in the Carina system”. She says that they were
originally a Laan colony that inhabited the Orion zone on Caryon. Their original home
was in the Man system which was tropical, damp and hot. They did not want to change
507 Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
508 See Deane 2002.
509 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Sep 14.
510 See ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
511 Aq] information by Peter is from Peter the Insider, 2016b Jul 26.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 177
the atmosphere of their new home to these conditions because that would destroy the
local ecosystem. To resolve this they “genetically mutated by hybridization with local
species”. As a result they look like humans except that they have bird features.
They are described as having “blue feathered bodies and wings”. They have a
bird head with a “very sharp and angular facial structure”. Even though they experiment
genetically and created a diversity of forms, they are stated as having kept their culture
and principles from the Man system. Though they resemble birds, they remained
mammals and “kept their reproductive functions unchanged”.
They are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority)
but “rarely leave their planet”. Their agreements and treaties with their “threatening close
neighbors the Eban and the Grail” are stated as protecting them. They have “etheric
ships” and undertake interdimensional travel.*!?
Carin and Carins (see also Alpha-Draco)
There are two sources that present brief information about the Carins. The first
source is SSP veteran Johan Fritz who mentions the Carins in a personal communication.
He recalls that they are an ancient and relatively isolated race of warriors/scientists.
The second source about the Carin is on the Galactic Human Journey website.
There is no source given for the information that is reported which lessens its current
This website states that the origin of the Carin is in Orion. They are mentioned as
“the parent race of the Reptilian race”. Which “Reptilian” race or all of them is not
stated. Their lifespan is given as “15,000 Earth years”. This lifespan is much shorter than
the “Reptilians”. The kinds of spacecraft they have consist of oval, cigar and
triangular.>!> That is all the information provided.
Carina aka “Large Nose Grey” (see Archquloid, “Greys”
Carya Velda (see Caraveldi)
Caspan Jassan Paegans
The information about the Caspan Jassan Paegans was obtained from crash sites
as reported on the Bibliotecapleyades website.
512 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 228-229.
513 All information and quotations are from Carin on the Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 178
The Caspan Jassan Paegans are part of 7 different ET races on Earth when it was
struck by a disaster. What that disaster was is not mentioned. These ETs include the
Tutakai Tikopai’s - engineering
Ahzdar’s - environmental projects
Kasimar’s - oceanography
Qizan Qal’ At’s - construction
K’ushui K’hotan’s - geology and speleology
Caspan Jassan Paegans
The Altaire and Caspan Jassan and Paegan’s oversee a Council and Organization. The
other groups report to them.°>'* No details are given.
Some of the spelling as presented may not be accurate.
Cassiopeia and Cassiopeians aka Cassiopaeans (see also Dorsay, “Insectoids”,
There are a number of sources that present brief information about the
The Cassiopeians are mentioned on the Exopaedia website. The location of the
Cassiopeia constellation’!> is between the Andromeda and Ursa Minor (and Cepheus)
Alex Collier is a source of one kind of Cassiopeians for this site. Collier refers to
an insectoid sentient race. They “allegedly established a colony in what is now Algeria,
in Northern Africa, some 600,000 years ago”. Also mentioned are “prehistoric artwork in
the form of hybrid insect/humanoid figurines” though no source for this is provided.>!®
More information is available on Ileana’s (El Ka’s) Messages from a Star
Traveler website. It characterizes Cassiopeia as a large star system with many nebulae
and star clusters that form on a regular basis. The website mentions that there are many
habitable planets “with warm climates that have rocky worlds, oceans/seas, large land
masses with mountains, forests and jungles” in the Cassiopeia star system. The website
goes on to state that the habitats and human-like beings that live on each planet are
514 Uni-terrestrial - Code: UNA (Seven ancestral Alien races that started our civilization here) in Some
Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know About: An Anthropological Analysis on the Bibliotecapleyades
website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/blueplanetproject/blueplanetproject06.htm
515 See Cassiopeia on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassiopeia_%28constellation%29
516 All information and quotations are from Cassiopeia on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 179
The star system Cassiopeia has various humanoid races living there. These races
have blue skin, green skin, and various colors of hair like purple, pink, etc. The
Cassiopeian races are described here as beings of light, beings with halos or beings that
appear in a dimensional energy form that is surrounded by light. These higher level
beings are beyond description in terms of age and appearance. This site reports that these
beings exist “beyond the 24th dimension”.
The examples of Cassiopeians with images on this site are the following.
e Some Cassiopeians have glowing skin that is partly blue with star-like markings
while the rest of their skin is white in color.
e There are Cassiopeians that have bioluminescent light that are born green. They
have a green aura glowing around them to bring peace and light to the universe.
e Some Cassiopeian people, especially the females, have bright pink or purple hair.
They are born with those natural hair colors.
e There is an image of a Cassiopeian star child who was born with a glowing light
halo in the middle of her forehead. She has advanced light powers of telepathy
and telekinesis.>!7
Penny Bradley, on her Nacht Waffen Pilot YouTube channel states that the
Naga’s are from Cassiopeia.*!® She does not mention any of their specific planets.
SSP military veteran John Whitberg in a personal communication refers to a race
of humans on Cassiopeians. He states that they “are visually indistinguishable from Earth
humans, though rather different on a DNA level”. The different DNA level is not
expanded on. They are “highly telepathic and technologically advanced”. No examples
are provided. He says that “their military personnel wear black uniforms, their civilians
dress very similarly to us”.
Lastly, the Galactic Human Journey website reports that its source of information
about Cassioppaeans is channeled by a number of historical persons. The website says
that Cassiopaeans identify as us in the future and as ““6th density light beings’’.*!?
Centaurus, Centauri or Centuri, Centurion aka Centaurian(s) or Centurians aka
Santinians (see also Selos(ian), Telosi/Telosii, Dahl, Meton, Santinians, Apu,
Proxima Centauri)
5!7 All information and quotations from this site are from Cassiopeia ETs on Messages from a Star Traveler
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/cassiopeia-ets Image of Cassiopeian
in Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 109.
518 Bradley, 2020b Jun 10.
519 Information and quotation is from Cassioppaeans on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 180
Some clarification about the word Centauri/Centuri is necessary first. The word
does not refer to a Centurion which was a position in the Roman military>°. The other
reference to Centauri is in Greek mythology. The Centaurs were half horse, the lower
part, and half human, the upper part. The Centaurians presented here are ETs.
A general overview of Centaurians is in El (Ileana) Ka’s Cosmic History of Us
Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2). No reference
sources of the information are provided.
Ka states that the Centaurians are here to guide us with our ascension. Their
lifespan is stated as over 1,000 years. She mentions that they are “great teachers and
healers”. No examples are provided here. Their last involvement with Earth is stated as
being in the great war with the Ancient Mayans some 50,000 years ago. The reason(s)
for this war are not given. Also, how this came to be known is not mentioned.*”!
Given that there is quite a bit of information about Centaurians from each of the 3
sources below I present each in their respective parts.
1) The Exopaedia website reports that Centaurus is a constellation sometimes called
‘Centauri’***. The nearest star system in this constellation is called Alpha Centauri or
usually Alpha Proxima, which is 4.3 lys away. It consists of 3 stars: Alpha Centauri A, B
and C.
This website goes on to state that A and B are binary stars that are bound
gravitationally to C (ie., A/B are a distant binary with C). Alpha Centauri C is the Sun's
nearest neighbor so it is often called Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A is the brightest
of the three and is also known as Rigil Kent, Rigil Centauri or Toliman.
Several planets circle A/B, of which 3 are inhabited, according to this site. One is
a desert planet speculated to be Serpo (the one in which the US government and Zetas
exchanged ambassadors). Regarding star system C, one contactee referred to by this
website claims meeting ETs from a planet that orbits C.
There are only 3 to 4 known beings in the Alpha Centauri system though there
are considered to be more as reported by this website:
e The planet Metharia circles A/B, and is inhabited (colonized) by a humanoid
species, from Vegan descent called the Santinians or sometimes the Centaurians.
They are believed to be members of the Federation of Planets and/or the Ashtar
520 Centurion on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centurion
521 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 24. Image is on p. 109.
522 See also Centaurus on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centaurus
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 181
e Elizabeth Klarer**? mentions that there are beings described as “typical blonds”
that inhabit a planet called Meton>*.
e Horst Fenner**>, encountered two Caucasian blond men who were from a planet
that orbits Centauri C.
e Sixto Paz Wells mentions encountering human inhabitants 8 to 9 feet (2.4 to 2.7
m) tall on a planet called Apu, which orbits Alpha Centauri>*°.
e African myths mention “Reptilians” from Alpha Centauri intervened in our DNA
and subjugated mankind. Though they have many names, two are noteworthy:
Chitauri (note the similarity with "Centaur'") and Imanujela (note the similarity
with the Hebrew "Emmanuel" / "Immanuel").
e Some mention “Greys” coming from Centaurus system
e Two sources mention a group of "renegade Centaurians" that broke away from
the Federation of Planets*?’.
e@ One source mentions a total of 19 different races in the system, including a
“Reptilian” race.**
There is no great detail available publicly about these beings.
2) Additional information about Alpha Centauri is given by Noel Huntley on the
Bibliotecapleyades website. There are two additional kinds of civilizations presented to
those already mentioned: the Selo and the Santinian civilizations. Here are two
condensed versions.
Selo civilization
e Acontactee of the 1950s and 1960s named Hal Wilcox states that a civilization
on planet Selo in the Alpha Centauri system exists.
e Selo is 4.5 light years from Earth and Wilcox has traveled there.
e The Selo’s are 600 years ahead of us technologically and spiritually. How this is
known is not mentioned.
e They live much longer in terms of ages and retain their youthful appearance. No
physical description is provided.
e They use the universal “Ino” computers which have incredible data-processing
units with a symbiotic synthesis of mechanisms and creative life or
consciousness. No details of the Ino computers are mentioned.
Santinian Civilization
e The Santinians live on planet Metharia which orbits Alpha Centauri and has no
complete darkness given the binary star of the planets. It has one large continent,
many islands and is covered in water.
523 Blizabeth Klarer on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Elizabeth+Klarer
524 Meton on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Meton
525 Proxima Centauri on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Proxima+Centauri
526A pu on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Apu
527 Federation of Planets on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Federation+of+Planets
528 Unless otherwise referenced, all information is from Centauri on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 182
Life exists in the etheric and higher realms, not in the physical. The relation
between the etheric and physical realms are not described.
The Santinian population is about 3.5 billion with 5 million devoted to space
travel and living on miles long spaceships capable of interdimensional travel with
“dematerialization and materialization”
Houses blend into the countryside. Cities and crowded areas do not exist. No
examples are provided here
They are vegetarians whose vegetation is produced and supplied by “Devas” [an
intelligent energy overseeing the elemental sparks of consciousness of life
forms]. How this works is not described.
Knowledge and spiritual laws (based on the Law of One>’) are accepted
throughout the planet. No description of what might be considered “knowledge”
is mentioned and neither is how the Law of One is carried out.
Living standards and education are consistent meaning that they are similar for
everyone. There is no mention that this would parallel a socialist or communist
A typical Santinian marriage has a ceremony, though this is not described, and
family size is two children. Divorce is possible. No rationale for family size and
no description of divorce proceedings are presented.
Lastly, Huntley reports that Santinians will not interfere [thereby adhering to the
Prime] with Earth humans and will only help when we are ready to accept this. It
isn’t clear what is meant by “helping” and who and how they would help Earth
3) The information about Centauri on the Think AboutlIt (sic) website is next. Two kinds
of beings are mentioned, those that are “humanoid”, meaning human-like beings and
those that are “Reptilian”.
Centaurian “Humanoid”
There is no mention of a particular planet in the Centauri constellation by this
They are described as 5 feet 5 inches to 8 feet (about 1.6 to 2.4 m) tall with hair
that may be “blonde, brown, black or red”.
Their skin color is “either a very dark brown or a slightly tanned white color”.
Their eyes are “rounded” and may be “brown, black, blue, green or hazel in
The description provided here is limited.*3!
Centaurian “Reptilian”
As with the previous kind of beings, no planet that they inhabit is presented.
529 The Law of One (The Ra Material) website: https://www.lawofone.info/
530 Noel Huntley. 2002. “Alpha Centauri System” on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp vida alien 113.htm
53! The information and quotations are from Centaurian Humanoid on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 183
e The height of the female “Reptilian” is just under 8 feet (2.4 m) while the male is
slightly taller and “very muscular”.
e Their skin is scaly and may contain “patches of either green and blue, or red and
e They have rounded eyes that are bulging with a “reptoid-like vertical slit” and
may be “either bright red or golden”.
e The hands are described as “narrower than a human’s and contain six digits
which end in a razor-sharp, curved claw”.
e Their feet consist of “five long toes ending in the same curved claw” as the
e They do not have a tail.
e Their language is “extremely guttural” containing “sounds that are difficult for
most humans to replicate”.
e No mention is made of any relation that these “Reptilian” beings might have to
other “Reptilians”.
This website provides the same description of spaceships for each kind of being.
The two types of ships presented that are “visible in Earth’s skies”, are a scout ship and a
command ship.
e The scout ship is stated as being “all-purpose” which is not clarified. It has a bell
shape. There is a “large lens-like circular wing attached to its underside”’. It is
approximately “45 feet (14 m) in diameter and nearly 30 feet (9.1 m) in height”.
e The command ship is “shaped like a cigar” except that it has “a small bulge in its
middle”. It is “approximately 200 feet (over 60 m) in length’”’.**? No height is
4) The Centurion planet in the Alpha Centauri system according to John Whitberg on
the Super Soldier Talk website has two moons that are colonized. Whitberg does not
state by whom. The planet, as well as “every inch of the Alpha Centauri system” is
owned, he says, by the Draconian Empire. The German Federation (he uses “German
Breakaway”, see also Germans In Space) negotiated with the Draconians to acquire a
“white city” on Centurion that had been vacated by the Arcturians. Whitberg was part of
the German diplomatic negotiations with the Draconians that were conducted by time
traveling back to 1915. The German diplomats included American and Japanese
members. The Germans named this city New Berlin, the same name as their city on
Mars. He says that both cities claim to be the capital of the German Federation indicating
a rivalry.
Centurion has numerous German Federation bases and colonies, says Whitberg,
as well as “a small Czech population” in New Berlin. Other inhabitants include the
e Indigenous “skin colored Greys”
532 All preceding information and quotations are from Centurians on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 184
e The highest level of German elites
e A high slave population with this being “one of only 3 colonies” where he saw
“slavery being practiced openly”
e Many alien species who have also “set up shop on Centurion”. These ETs are not
e Kruger, a mercenary company, also has a base on Centurion.
e “Many elite Breakaway families live on Centurion, this includes the Krugers, the
Rothschilds, the Serenes, the Marshalls, etc”
e A number of the various corporations that are in the German Breakaway also have a
presence on Centurion. Whitberg states that it is “one of the planets which is used to
showcase the planetary defense grid technology, invented by Raytheon. This is a
network of satellites which have missiles. These are designed to stop any and all
projectiles which may be hurled at the planet from orbit.”
e Whitberg visited “an ancient crystalline” city (whose original builders were
unknown) located “in the southeastern hemisphere” near the coast.
e He recalls several “Nazi” elites that live there
e Anunknown species of blue “Greys” who had been enslaved were there
An important point made by Whitberg is that Centurion is “home to a massive
archive of files, underneath New Berlin. This is hidden behind multiple biometric locks.”
Lastly, the religious practices of Centurion, he says, are “a very dark variation of
the Asatru religion***”. He says that there is an Asatru temple in the city center (meaning
New Berlin). The Germans here practice drinking Black Goo (see also Biomimetic Gels)
and have both animal and human sacrifices.***
“Cephalopod” and “Cephalopods”
The word “Cephalopod” is a classification that includes octopus or squid and is
not the actual name of the beings. Randy Cramer, an SSP military veteran, describes his
encounter with a “Cephalopod” that looked like an octopus to Emery Smith.
The occasion for the meeting was “a diplomatic conversation” involving a
potential trade deal. Cramer states that he and an ambassadorial team were sitting at a
table opposite a tank filled with water and the “Cephalopods” were floating around in it.
They were communicating psionically. The conversation concerned negotiating for
resources in exchange for resources. He recalls that they needed a “mineral that was rare
to them” and that “we” (who “we” refers to is not specified) could get for them
533 Asatru (Asatri) on Wikipedia website: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asatru
534 All information and quotations are from John Whitberg. 2022 Sep 8. “Centurion, Alpha Centauri.
Major German stronghold (sic).” James Rink, Host, Super Soldier Talk website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 185
inexpensively. In exchange for the minerals they offered sea protein, like edible fish
No other information was provided.
Ceres (see also the Altruan, Amaga and Amaktu)
The “dwarf” planet Ceres>*° is located between Mars and Jupiter. It has many
oceans and land masses. When observed in space the planet glows blue as it emits water
vapor from the surface from the various water hot springs, geysers, aquifers, and ice
deposits under the surface of the planet
Ceres has many rocky areas with high altitude where pulsar beacons are located
to cloak the cities on its surface. The planet has one moon named Sharon orbiting it.>>”
According to SSP veteran Tony Rodrigues, who was stationed on Ceres as part of
a German colony, he was aware of two indigenous cultures on Ceres though he did not
know their names at the time*#®. In his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, he states that one of
the civilizations was called Altruan though he is not positive**?.
There may indeed be 3 ET civilizations on Ceres. These include the Amaga, the
Altruan and the Amaktu*“?.
Cerez (see also Aethien, Azurite Council, Azurite Eieyani)
The Cerez are mentioned by El Ka on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on
YouTube. They are stated as being one of the 3 Christos Founders races paired with the
Aethien. They contributed their genetic template to create a new genetic race called the
Azurite Eieyani. No other information about them is given.**!
535 All information and quotations are from Cramer, 2021 Feb 24 (video no longer available).
536 Ceres (Dwarf Planet) on Wikipedia website:
537 Planet Ceres ETs on Messages from a Star Traveler on Seeking the Truth website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/ceres-ets
538 Rodrigues, 2020 Aug 2.
539 Rodrigues, 2021, p. 226.
540 Planet Ceres ETs on Messages from a Star Traveler on Seeking the Truth website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/ceres-ets
541 Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 186
Cerpican is an inhabited planet circling a star in the Canis Major constellation, of
which Sirius is the main star, states the Exopaedia website. Sixto Paz Wells,°” and his
Mission Rahma, reports on this website that Cerpican is the home planet of Xenon.
Xenon is an ET guide with whom the contactees of Mission Rahma are in touch.
No descriptions of the inhabitants or other information are provided on this site.
Cetacea and “Cetacean” (see also “Aquafarians”)
Cetacea is the name of the overall category while “Cetacean” is the term that
refers to aquatic mammals like whales, dolphins and porpoises. The Think Aboutlt (sic)
website presents the writing of Richard D. Butler and his book The Dolphins of Heaven
(2005). Butler’s research has led him to consider the “Greys” as part of the “Cetaceans”
and not “human’’.*“4
In addition, the Think Aboutlt (sic) website has a page on “Cetaceans”’. This site
considers only “whale and dolphin souls”. Their home system is given as the “Cygnus
Alpha Smaller star systems that orbit around the central suns of Deneb, Sidar, Denaia,
and Alderia” from which they come. They are presented as being on a “Cetacean”
spiritual mission to inhabit our oceans. They are here to “absorb and anchor the light
beamed to the planet from distant civilizations”. I assume that the planet referred to is
The Whale and Dolphin>* souls are stated as being “highly-evolved spiritually
and intellectually” on our planet. When they leave physically they will return to “their
original light stations”. The meaning of light station is not explained. The transformation
from physical to spiritual is not clarified. Even though they will have departed, this
website maintains that these beings will continue to grace our planet with “love
energy".*“¢ There is no meaning given for “love energy”.
Cetians aka Tau Cetians (see also Eridani, Norca)
Cetians inhabit the Cetus constellation that lies on the celestial equator, just south
of the constellation of Aries. It is also known as ‘The Whale’.>47
542 Sixto Paz Wells on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Sixto+Paz+Wells
543 Cerpican on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Cerpican
544 Richard D. Butler on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/the-dolphins-of-
545 Whale and Dolphin are capitalized since this is a reference to sentient beings.
546 Cetacean on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/cetacean/
547 Cetians or Tau Cetians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/cetians-or-tau-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 187
There are 2 kinds of societies presented as Cetian from websites and an additional
one is simply referred to. The Bibliotecapleiades and ThinkAboutlt (sic) website report
on the Tau Cetians who are also known as Eridanians. Then there are the Bear-like
beings of Tau Ceti as stated on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. The final society that is
only referred to are the Lyran “Caucasian Blonds”.
1) Tau Cetians or Eridanians on Bibliotecapleyades and Think Aboutlt (sic) website
The Bibliotecapleyades website describes the “tan-skinned human” Tau Cetians
looking like “Mediterranean” or “South American”. What these generalized
characteristics are is not mentioned. Some differences to Earth humans are noted such as
they have “slightly pointed ears, higher physical 'density' for their size [not clear what is
meant by this], slightly broader nose, and often wear short 'Roman' or 'crew' style
More information about the Tau Cetians is stated on the Think Aboutlt (sic)
website. It presents these Cetians as follows. The women range from about 6.5 feet to
almost 8 feet (2 to 2.4 m) in height. The men are a bit taller ranging from 7 feet to 8.5
feet (2.1 to 2.6 m).
Three kinds of beings are noted on this site.
e Brown-skinned “humans” have light brown to copper-colored hair, or black to
red-orange hair.
e Green-skinned ones have light green to blonde or brown hair with green, hazel or
steel-blue eyes. They are the same relative height as brown-skinned beings.
e Red-skinned ones have red, orange or blonde hair with red, brown or dark blue
eyes. They are also the same size as the other two types of beings.
This website adds that the Cetians, presumably all three kinds, “design some of
the most advanced ships in the Galactic Federation’s exploration fleets. They are also
considered some of the best pilots and navigators in the galaxy.” No other information
about the design abilities is given and no reason why they are the best pilots and
navigators in the Galaxy.
The size of their ships is mentioned. Their scout ships are “huge, diamond-
shaped, plasma craft about 200 to 250 feet (61 to 76.2 m) long”. Their “Mother” ships,
which are “usually the command ships of Galactic Federation exploration fleets” and
look “like a series of multi-layered blood cells in stacks of 20 to 50 cells and vary from 4
miles to 44 miles (6.4 to 70.8 km) in diameter”. No reasons for their design are provided
for the preceding.
548 Alien Races A to E on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida alien/alien races00.htm#Alien Races A to E
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 188
A final remark here on this website is that the “Tau Cetians “have been heavily
involved in the war with the ‘Lizzies’*4°”’, meaning a “Lizard-like” race. They are allied
with “the Pleiadeans (who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federated' alliances
with the Vegans, the Ummites, and others)”. Their reason for being part of this “alliance
with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have been 'victimized' by the 'Grey'
predators” is to “establish a common defense against their Reptilian nemesis”.°>° What
was done to them to participate in this alliance is not stated.
2) Bear-Like Beings on Think AboutlIt (sic) website
The ThinkAboutlt (sic) website states that the “Bear-like ‘mammaloids’ of Tau
are huge” and furry with “small furry tails and bear-like bodies covered in brown, black
or blonde fur’. Their “heads are bear-shaped but with a smaller muzzle”.
These “highly sentient beings walk on two legs” giving them a “higher center of
gravity than bears on Earth”. They have “two muscular arms with paw-like hands
containing five stubby claw-laden fingers”. Their “muscular legs end in very short feet
with five stubby toes”. They “range in height from 9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.7 m)”.*! There
is no mention of any gender differences.
3) Lyran Caucasian “Blonds” or Norcans (see Norca) (see also Lyran “Blonds”)
Chameleon (see Caraveldi)
Cheridani (see also Kebens/Kebbens)
The Starseeds Portal website states that the Cheridani were created by the
Kebens/Kebbens. It reports that the Kebens used “50% of their own DNA” to create
them. There is no mention where the other half of the DNA came from.
The Kebens are from the Reticuli sector and this is also stated as the home of the
The appearance of the Cheridani is presented as having two different skin colors
consisting of both “gold skin and the bluish-gold skin”. Their size is given as 4 to 5 feet
(1.2 to 1.5 m) tall. Those who have had experiences with them have found them to be
“intelligent” and “often scientists on ships”. No details of who had these experiences are
provided. The Cheridani are reported as being “not aggressive unless threatened” and are
549 T izzies on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/lizzies/
550 Cetians or Tau Cetians on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/cetians-or-tau-
5°! This information and quotations are located at the bottom of this website: Cetians or Tau Cetians on
Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/cetians-or-tau-cetians/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 189
usually shy. “Unconditional love” emanates from them and they are eager to “share their
Chitahuli or Chitauli (see also Alpha-Draco, “Reptoids”, Zha.a.mi)
The Think AboutlIt (sic) website reports that the Chitahuli are part of the African
oral history about “a race of reptilian humanoids who evolved on earth in prehistory”.
These “Reptilians” “represented themselves as gods, ordering the inhabitants of early
Africa to mine minerals for them’. This account is very similar to the Zha.a.mi who
created humans to mine gold for them.
Their physical characteristics are stated as being tall with large heads and some
have horns. No specifics with respect to the height of the Chitahuli are given. No
reference is made to gender.
A social class difference is mentioned consisting of the royal Chitauli who do not
have horns while the others do. The royals have “a darker ridge reaching from above
their forehead to their back. They are very graceful.” Also mentioned are the warrior
Chitauli. According to Credo Mutwa>°?, a Zulu shaman, the warriors have horns all
around their head. There is no mention of any other classes.
Some general characteristics provided by this website is that the Chitahuli have a
claw as their little finger. These tall beings walk gracefully, maintains Mutwa.
The interesting point mentioned on this site is that the African oral histories
include a reference that the “Chitahuli are still present on Earth today”. What is also
pointed out here is that “they are at least partially responsible for the secret societies in
control today, including the inbred royal bloodlines who act as their middleman,
controlling civilization on their behalf”.°>4
Chiye-Tanka aka The Big Man (see also Sasquatch, “Xanue”)
The name of Chiye-tanka comes from a social media Facebook post by the
Indigenous Life Movement. The information on this post is stated as being written “with
Bear Cat Sam”. According to this posting, the Lakota people refer to “Bigfoot” as Chiye-
tanka where “‘chiye’ means ‘elder brother’ and ‘tanka’ means ‘great’ or ‘big’”. They
refer to him in English as "the Big Man". Oglala Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches
refers to him as his brother. Another person called Ray Owen, who is the son of a Dakota
552 Cheridani in Alien Races on the Starseeds Portal website:
553 See David Icke & Credo Mutwa — The Reptilian Agenda (2010) in Reptilian Alien Articles on Think
Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/david-icke-credo-mutwa-the-reptilian-agenda/
554 All information and quotations are from Chitahuli/Chitauli on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 190
spiritual leader, states that the “big man” exists “in another dimension from us” but is
quite capable of appearing “in this dimension whenever they have a reason to”.
The “Big Man” is treated reverently and as someone who looks out for them. He
is considered to have psychic abilities. These abilities help him to elude those who want
“to capture him or hunt him down’. This posting goes on to state, “In Native culture, the
entire natural world, the animals, the plants, the rivers, the stars is (sic) seen as a family”.
The “Big Man” is considered a messenger from the Creator that humans have
disrespected “the sacred instructions” that “upset the harmony and balance of
Chook-Zuri (pronounced Chock-Zuri in space ) (see also “Avians”, Caray, Kai-Tai
and Shakrill)
The source of information about the Chook-Zuri comes from Apollymi
Mandylion, host of Galaxy of Unity on YouTube, via personal communication. In a
public comment, Mandylion states that the Chook-Zuri are “like the bird-like people that
everyone sees but their ancestors are not blue, they're like a golden color”*>°.
Mandylion says that the Chook-Zuri are found in the inner quadrants of the
universe though some are in our quadrant.
She describes them as follows. They are between 6-10 feet (1.8-3 m) tall. The
females are shorter than males but she does not say by how much. They look more bird-
like than human, she says. What is human looking about them is “their arm anatomy,
torso and hips to keep them in an upright position”. She says that they have cobalt blue
feathers that cover their whole body though some are a bit lighter near their stomach area
and chest. The feathers also cover half of their legs. The second knee, she mentions, is
that of “a bird's leg texture down to their bird feet”. They have arms like a human,
however the feathers on their arms look like that of a bird's wings which are in layers. It
did not appear to her that they could fly. At the end of their arms are 3 fingers and a
thumb. There is a fluffier plumage on the head of some of them that is “slicked back on
their large bird-like heads”. They have beaks with nostrils at the base where “the face
was with small blue feathers and a dark blue hue to the beak that turned a dark gray
towards the tip”. Some of them that Mandylion encountered “wore silver clothing”
consisting of “robes for faction identification”. What “faction” refers to is not mentioned.
The communication abilities of the Chook-Zuri are considerable. They are able to
speak the language that is native to their race but not verbalize any others. They have a
written language. Their telepathic abilities include being able to project and receive
emotions and thoughts. Their telepathy is “automatically translated to the receivers
language or receiving language”, she says. They have some intuitive abilities for reading
people. They can “read surface thoughts and [your] subconscious mind”. She adds, "You
5°5 All information and quotations are from Indigenous Life Movement, 2016 Apr 17.
556 Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 191
need to be very good at blocking your intentions of lying". However, they are not able to
read “your deepest darkest secrets from your super conscious mind”.
According to Mandylion, she is not aware of any relation that the Chook-Zuri
have with the SSP on Earth and in space. However, she says that she has seen them work
for many factions including the "‘Ashtar Command’ as you humans call it, though most
of us know this as the Pleiadian Assistance Sky Crew. Many species work for this
faction who want to help humanity.” Also mentioned is that some of them work with the
Sirians while others are “mercenaries for the highest price”. They are “outlandish” like
the Shakrill and Kai-Tai, she says, but no examples are given.
The technology of the Chook-Zuri is considerable. Mandylion says that it
includes an understanding of sacred geometry and quantum physics, the ability to abduct
astral bodies, and med beds that can heal mental, emotional trauma and astral body
damage. Their spacecraft travel at light speed compared to electromagnetic propulsion
and use stargate technology for long distances. They also have dimensional shifting
technology, living sentient AI technology, artificial star technology for making planets,
advanced refining for materials, and are able to use star plasma from natural born stars.
However, they are not as advanced as some ET societies that can use med beds to
regenerate the whole body from a single cell and heal mind trauma from mind and astral
body damage. They have yet to understand source energy such as replicating food, water
and materials, maintains Mandylion. She also mentions that they can not “swap one's
consciousness from one body to another without reincarnation or birth by technology”.
They do not have “advanced living AI tech”.
Mandylion is not aware if the Chook-Zuri have any form of spiritual
What is interesting about her knowledge of them is that she says that she has had
“limited interactions” with them. She says that she has “not seen many of these beings on
the battlefield in SSP missions. Most interactions have been in Universal Council
meetings and Sky Crew [Ashtar Command]”. She notes that “the majority seem to be
refined in emotions on the outside until you get to know them”. No elaboration or
examples of these are provided. Overall, she found that those with whom she had to
interact were “very understanding but quiet in nature”.
Christos Founders Races (see also Elohei-Elohim ..., Azurite Council, Azurite
There are three Christos Founders Races stated by El (Ileana) Ka on her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. The 3 are: “The Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim,
Cerez and Aethien, the Seraphei-Seraphin and the Inyu and Pegasai Bra-ha-Rama”’.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 192
Without any explanation and based on this writing it is difficult to say who the 3
founder races were. What is clearly meant is that all of them were founder races, that is,
they were involved in creating the Azurite Eieyani.°>’
Chupacabra (see Horonga)
The Chulkae are a group of beings living on all continents, as stated in the ARB
by Santori. They are tiny, live underground, are nocturnal and have a structured society
with a culture consisting of leaders and social classes. Their life span is 250 years with
none ever being captured.>*8
No other information about them is provided.
Ciakar (see Cyakar)
Clarion is the name of a planet in the Aquila constellation***. There are
inhabitants on Clarion according to contactee Maurizio Cavallo, as stated on the
Exopaedia website. The name of their society or civilization is not mentioned. Cavallo
states that these ETs also live in Italy and he has “photos of them and their craft”. These
ETs are described as looking “like normal humans”. No further description is provided
on this site. Cavallo also mentions that these inhabitants are “part of a 'confederation”’
though we are not provided with its name.
Two other contactees are presented and the Exopaedia website has declared their
1950s information as unreliable. They are Truman Bethurum and Marian Keech whose
real name is Dorothy Martin.>
“Cloud” Beings
A “Cloud” Being is mentioned by Julie Phelps in the context of meeting the
Pleiadians. She describes this Being as a “squiggly cloud”. She was unsure where its
head was. This Being picked up on Phelps’s thinking about the uncertain location of its
5°7 All information and the quotation are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
558 Santori, 2011 p. 124.
559 Aquila Constellation on Wikipedia website:
560 Clarion on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Clarion
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 193
head and so did the Pleiadians. They all thought that this was funny.*°! No other
information about these interesting beings was provided.
Another example of a “Cloud” Being is that reported in 2012 by a number of
children and adults in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan province, in the People’s
Republic of China*. They reported a “Cloud”-like Being that had the shape of a
“tadpole” and was labeled as such. This “Cloud”-like Being hovered outside the
children’s classroom window before it disappeared into thin air.>°?
Coma Berenices (see also Lang)
The Coma Berenices constellation contains many galaxies**. The Exopaedia
website presents Paul Villa as a contactee in New Mexico who “had frequent contacts
with human looking aliens in the 1950s and 1960s”. Villa was told by these people that
“they came from a planet in a solar system within the Coma Berenices constellation”. No
further details are provided on this website as to what these human-like beings looked
like or the name of their civilization.
This site also states that pictures of spaceships taken by Villa in 1963 have been
investigated and disputed.>°
No other information is provided.
Common Language, Telepathy, Traders Language (see also “Hive” Mind,
The idea of a common language was stated by Apollymi Mandylion in an
interview that included John Whitberg and was hosted by Daniel Sala on his Saint Olga
69 YouTube channel. Mandylion says that the language that is common for most people
in “a planetary culture” consists of “a Trader’s written language” and “‘a Trader’s spoken
language’. The purpose of a common language is to have very clear communication
among the various races and species because some do not have empathy or telepathy.
She describes the spoken version as very harmonic and nothing like English which she
says is a “broken language” that has “no math to it” and “no harmonic system”. The
written part of the common language is “flowy” she says, like a mixture “between the
Draconian language” and “ancient China or old ancient Japan” which is a reference to
kanji and calligraphy. The other part of the written language consists of some Arcturian
56! Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
562 Kunming on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunming
563 Tadpole Aliens on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
564 Coma Berenices Constellation on Constellation Guide website:
565 Coma Berenices on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Coma+Berenices
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 194
which she says is “kind of mathematical”. The written language, she says, is “all over the
place’, such as in movies where they have “the common language subtitles”.*
John Whitberg carries on the previous discussion concerning language
communication with other species. Though Whitberg mainly used telepathy, for some
human species he says that he had a program on a glass pad that was “like Galactic
Google translate”. It was just as inaccurate he claims. For advanced races he gives the
example of “full intimacy telepathy” (where nothing is hidden in a communication) with
the “Salamander” beings. He says that these beings have such a strong consciousness
that on first contact it is overwhelming. It took a lot of meetings with them to figure out
“that their thought process is more like a stream of Consciousness that you have to like
into and you have to flow with it and it's really noisy”. He found it difficult to put this
experience into words.
An example of powerful telepathic communication that Whitberg relates is with a
white Royal Draco. The closest his name came to in English would be “Hezekiah”
though he readily admits that he couldn’t pronounce it in the Draco language which
sounded like hissing noises. Hezekiah was friendly to Whitberg in their telepathy telling
him he had a wife and kids on a certain planet and he took “this job because he was
trying to get enough of whatever their currency is to retire on”. The goal for Whitberg
was always to communicate successfully no matter what it took.°®
Lastly, Mandylion reminds us that there are different levels to telepathic
communication. You begin with understanding empathy and the second level is where
you can feel someone else’s empathy and project onto others. The next level is where
you get primitive thoughts and very little communication. There are words and
expressions. The highest levels she calls osmosis and includes feeling and experiencing
the other person. It is more intimate. Her example is that if she showed you a memory of
her past you would experience it as if you were her.*°
Comsuli and Comsulis
The Comsuli are referred to by A.L. Webre. The only thing mentioned about
them is that they are members of the regional Galactic Governance Council along with
representatives from Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Bootes, Alpha Centauri, Zeta Reticuli and
Pouseti.*° He does not mention if this is the same organization as the Galactic
Federation of Worlds or the Galactic Authority.
566 Mandylion information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
567 Whitberg information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
568 Mandylion information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
569 Webre, 2020 p. 237.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 195
Conformers aka “Stinky Blobs” (sic)
It isn’t clear where the name “Conformers” comes from or why it is used here to
refer to these beings who have been labeled negatively as “Stinky Blobs” as presented on
the Think Aboutlt (sic) website.
The description of these beings, based on a Navy contact, is that they are 85%
silicon and 15% carbon. How this came to be known is not mentioned. They are
compared to being like PlayDoh. Their movements are like an inchworm or slug. They
are about 5 feet 6 inches (1.7 m) tall and can be as wide as 9 feet (2.7 m).
They have the ability to change colors. One source referred to on this site states
that in a secret Navy meeting they were orange and on a “Grey’s” ship they were blue.
These beings do not typically have appendages but they will emerge in “snake-
like form” from their body when they are “needed to grasp something”, maintains this
It isn’t safe for Earth humans to touch them since this will burn our skin. This
means that either the “Blobs” have to wear a bio-suit or a person has to “be modified” to
be in their presence. There is no clarification of what being modified means.
Their language is reported to include telepathy and “clicking noises, rather like
pebbles hitting an empty bucket”. What is interesting is that they seem to communicate
“more by smell (that’s why they are called ‘stinky’)”. To Earth humans they smell like
burnt popcorn, burnt coffee, oil, skunky smell, sulfur smell, and others. Their
communication should be considered as based on smell and clicking noises and the
derogatory reference (“‘stinky”’) should be dropped.
This site states that the “Blobs” are “extremely religious”. What this means is not
clarified. There is mention of a prophet but this prophet preaches colonization through
conquering the Earth based on how the US Pilgrims “took over America”. The “Greys”,
which ones are not specified, have stated that these beings are new to Earth and “have
never been here before”.
A Navy source is referred to on this website who states that these beings “have
been around observing for 5 — 6 thousand years” and that they “have a base nearby in our
solar system’. The location of their base is not provided.
Of interest is that the “Greys” are “attempting to get them to leave the earth
space”, according to this site. This site goes on to state that the “Greys” have put these
beings in quarantine on a secret base on Jupiter. Presumably this is so that this particular
kind of “Grey” will eliminate them as competition for control of the Earth.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 196
On a final point, the Navy informer mentioned on this website stated that the
“Reptilians were working and speaking with the Blobs”. The assumption here is that the
“Reptilians” referred to are the Draco though this is not specified.°”°
Contrari (see CTR)
“Corellia” as Kepler-452b
The information about the “Corellia” was obtained by a personal communication
from Johan Fritz, an SSP military veteran.
According to Fritz, the word Corellia comes from "Star Wars". It is a codename
in the program for a "Super Earth". Fritz is referring to Kepler-452b. The Wikipedia
website states that Kepler 452b, also known as super-Earth, is 1,800 lys away from Earth
and located in the Cygnus constellation?”!.
The important point made by Fritz here is that “it's the largest colony we have
outside the solar system to my knowledge”. He provides the following information of
who is located there. “Every major program,” he says, “including Nancht Waffen Regir,
Solar Warden, MDF, and many others all have bases here. These bases act as alpha sites
for these programs.” What may not be known is his point that “ICC mandated this as it is
a fall back or retreat position should something happen to Earth”. In short, Corellia is of
major importance to Earth.
Corona Australis (see X-1Z)
Corteum (see also “Greys”, Labyrinth Group, WingMakers, Zetas, Zha.a.mi)
The word Corteum has two meanings as presented here.
1) The first meaning is as the name of a group of ETs that is working with the US
Advanced or Alien Contact Information Organization (ACIO)*”, a government
intelligence agency under NSA*”’.
In a private communication, Penny Bradley states that the Corteum consists
mostly of Zetas, (part of the “Greys”) which the government calls Ebens (extra-
biological entities). She also says that it now also includes the Anunnaki or Zha.a.mi.
570 All information and quotations are from Stinky Blobs (sic) on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
571 Kepler-452b on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-452b
572 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
573 National Security Agency official website: https://www.nsa.gov/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 197
2) The second use of Corteum is as the name of an actual race of ETs. The information
of this use comes from a reporter named “Anne” who interviewed Dr. Anderson about
the WingMakers people. During this interview, Anderson, a member who was able to
organize his departure from the Corteum and Labyrinth groups of the NSA, provides the
following information about the Corteum society.
Anderson states in his first interview with Anne that the Corteum are from a
planet that is 15,000 lys away. They are able to travel from their planet to ours “in the
time it takes us to travel to the moon”.>”4
More information about the Corteum is provided in Anderson’s second interview
with Anne. For easier reading I’ve organized it into headings. It starts with a brief
description of them.
a) Appearance
The appearance of the Corteum is given as follows. They are about 9.8 feet (3 m)
tall. Their heads and bodies are elongated. The skin is so fair as to appear translucent.
Their eyes are large with different colors that also vary based on their age and
occasionally “their emotional state”.
One of the unique features of the Corteum, according to Anderson, is their
“incredibly articulate nervous system” that allows them “to process virtually everything
that occurs within their environment, including the thoughts of another”. When in their
presence you have to control your thoughts or you might offend them because they are
“very sensitive emotionally”.
All of the Corteum members on Earth are males. Anderson says that this is
because they have a “much more role-defined” culture than ours. He is careful to point
out that females are not treated as “the lesser sex”. In their culture “space travel and
interaction with other species is left to the male sex until species interaction procedures
are invoked”. No examples of “species interaction procedures” are provided. The main
reason females do not undertake space travel is so that “their children can retain access to
their mothers and their families can remain more intact”. Most of the “Corteum
contingent are married”, Anderson maintains.
b) Language
The Corteum are “gifted linguists”, says Anderson. They are capable of speaking
any Earth language perfectly and can master one in a few months. While they are
capable of absorbing and synthesizing existing information they are not very adept at
creating new information that is unrelated to what exists.
574 The information and quotation are from Anne. 1997 Dec 27. First Interview of Dr. Anderson on
WingMakers.US website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 198
c) Home Planet
Their home planetary system is losing its protective atmosphere “at an alarming
rate” so that there is not much protection from their sun’s and other stars’ “harmful light
waves”. This has made them nocturnal. Their scientists estimate that in 10-20 years they
will be living in “underground communities year-round”. The negative impact of this has
been a decrease in “their standard of living, economy, social structure, every possible
aspect of their society”. They have put their hopes in preventing this atmospheric
deterioration in BST technology to hopefully restore their environment. BST is the name
given to create time travel technology.
Their search for a suitable planet has been that they are all occupied. They don’t
want to be “assimilated into an existing culture or society”. They want to retain their
“own identity and social structure”.
Their needs for suitable “habitation is extremely particular’, says Anderson. As
an example, he states that their problems on Earth are worse than on their planet because
here “They have to live in our underground base in order to survive”. The Corteum
group had to “build a special way-station for their spacecraft."
d) Corteum and ACIO*”
Anderson relates how the Corteum became part of the ACIO within the NSA.
The ACIO convinced the NSA that the Corteum had left Earth. As well, the NSA was
busy dealing with the “Greys” and other ET issues. The ACIO then kept working with
them as the Corteum Group and involved them in The Labyrinth Group consisting of
other ETs and humans.
The Corteum are also “integral to the Labyrinth Group as any of its human
members”. The Labyrinth Group consists of ET and human members of which Anderson
was a part. Anderson states that the leader of the Corteum mission on Earth is called (in
English) Mahunahi. He is described as being primarily an artist and also a scientist.
e) A Unified Belief System for their Social Order
The social order or society of the Corteum is based on a unified belief system
consisting of “science, religion, and art”, maintains Anderson. The leader of all three is
chosen based “on the contact that is made with an alien race”. For contact with Earth
humans the Corteum chose a leader from the “artistic side”. They did this, says
Anderson, because they felt humans would be more equal and the leader would be able
to “appropriately understand our motivations and desires”.
f) Benevolent Race
575 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 199
According to Anderson, the Corteum are “a benevolent race”. He states it was “a
courteous and completely reciprocal partnership”. They have nothing but good
intentions. No examples are provided.
g) Advanced Technology
The last item presented is an example of the advanced technology that the
Corteum have. This information is also from the second interview of Anderson by Anne.
This technology is called the “Corteum intelligence accelerator technology”.
This technology does the following. It “accelerates evolutionary thought
processes”. The way that it does this is that it “enables the circulation of information
between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind to flow in the pattern of an
ascending spiral rather than the pattern of a repetitious circle”. This is the quality of “the
Corteum technology that unleashes the innate intelligence of the individual”.>”
The Cosmic Web (see also Universe)
A brief introduction to the cosmic web is presented to show how ETs are able to
travel the vast distances of space. This information is taken from El (Ileana) Ka’s book
called Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 1).
El Ka begins by describing the cosmic web. She states that the cosmic web is
made out of “energetic filaments” which are strands of light color of “silver, blue, purple,
and golden energies”. They hold the fabric of the universe. The filament system also has
“natural star gateway portal systems”.
ETs use the cosmic web, says El Ka, as “central universal cosmic highways”.
Light beings also use it to “travel through it or within it to other planets, star systems,
galaxies, realms, dimensions and even universes”.
She remote sensed how ETs in their UFOs traverse the cosmic web and
multiverse. She wanted to find out about the mechanics of the cosmic web and the
multiverse or omniverse. In other words, what is inside the cosmic web that allows them
to “travel beyond the speed of light and [go] into different dimensions”. This included
discovering how the cosmic web connects with the multiverse or omniverse.
Within “different galaxies there exist star systems (eg., solar systems) [of] stars
and planets”, she starts. In between planets exist other dimensions and various space
576 All information and quotations from the second interview are from Anne. 1997 Dec 28. Second
Interview of Dr. Anderson on WingMakers.US website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 200
timelines. Of note, there is “time dilation technology,” she states that can “change the
frequencies of the space time dynamics” within the cosmic web.
The cosmic web, she mentions, has “space portal corridors”. These space portal
corridors have different pockets with “their own frequencies” for “multiverse trans-
dimension[al] gateway hubs” and “natural portal systems with black and white holes”.
What exists outside space portal corridors she calls “normal” space of the cosmic web.
Within normal space there are time dilation matrices where “space time flow” is
The way that ETs travel through the trans-dimensional multiverse is by using
these pockets of space portal corridors in the cosmic web. Their spacecraft use
crystalline technologies to bend “space and time for the wave form (sic) frequencies ...
to do quantum jumps to different locations”. This mode of travel, she says, is fast and
quick. The space corridors and natural portal systems allow ETs to “jump through the
cosmic web” making it seem that they bypass traveling through normal space. ETs use
the “jump sequence mechanism” of the cosmic web to bend “space time matter and
connect the natural space portal systems with black and white holes to travel to different
ETs use different spacecraft (eg., saucer shaped, triangular and cigar shaped) in
order to travel the cosmic web. What their spacecraft can do in the cosmic web, she says,
is travel from normal space corridors then transition the “flow of their crystalline source
field navigation systems to enter the multiverse multidimensional spatial frequencies”.
They activate the “crystalline engines and jump beyond the speed of light to get to
different dimensions, planets, star systems, galaxies and universes”.°””
In El Ka’s second volume, //eana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’’s
and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2), she provides some additional information about the Cosmic
Web. Here she mentions that the cosmic web is “an energetic node system hub that
naturally connects all the organic portal systems in our known universe”. What this hub
does, she continues, is to provide a constant link for all the portal systems (eg., Inner
Earth portals, time portals, portals to fairy realms) “throughout space and time”. The
benefit of this constant link is that it “makes the portal systems stable”. This allows
“warp capable ships with space drives” to use the portal systems to travel “through the
connections of the cosmic web”.
Ka provides the following list of Earth’s different kinds of star gateway portals
that connect to:
e Veil of Forgetfulness when Entering the 3D Earth realm
e Outer ground star gateway portals to Fairy realms
e Time sequence shifts and “the Solar System Nexus time Hub near the Cosmic Web
and closer to the central core of the Milky Way Galaxy”
e Portals to Angelic realms
577 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp. 569-571. See also her presentation
of this material with images pp. 572-573.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 201
e Ground star gateway portals to Inner Earth and other worlds
e Time portals
e Portals to Astral realm>7®
The Council of Five or Council of 5 (see also Egaroth, Emerther, Ginvo, Orela,
Redan, Solipsi Rai, Zha.a.mi)
Two sources are used to provide information about the Council of 5. They are the
ARB and the ACIO°”’.
1) The first information about the Council of Five is from the ARB by Santori. The
Council of Five, which was previously called the Council of Nine, consists of the
following alphabetical list of races: Egaroth, Emerther, Ginvo, Orela, and Redan.
Santori points out that very little is known about these races. Their main purpose
is to protect the Earth and its humans though how this is known is not provided. They are
stated as having monitored us since we were single celled marine organisms, through
primate evolution and Anunnaki (Zha.a.mi) “interference” with our DNA.
The most important members of the Council of 5, according to Santori, are the
Emerthers. They are stated as being much older and more advanced “‘in all levels” than
the Solipsi Rai and are related to them. They were also one of the founding members of
the Council.
The Council of 5 last met on Earth in 1944, says Santori. They were to meet on
Earth again in the “last 10 days of August of 2013”. The purpose of the meeting was to
discuss “possible threats to Earth and Humans”. As well, they were concerned that so
many new ET races were visiting Earth lately (by which they mean in the last 500
2) A more recent description that was provided by James Rink in a personal message
about the Council of 5 is from an archived ACIO website. This website lists the same ET
races as members of the Council of 5 as the previous source. I’ve listed the ACIO
member list in the same alphabetical order as in Santori: Emerthers, Eragots (sic, should
be Egarots), Ginvos, Orelas and Redans.
The ACIO states that these 5 “highly evolved” ET representatives are “assigned
by the Intergalactic Council”. It is not clear if the Intergalactic Council is the same
organization as the Galactic Authority or Galactic Federation of Worlds.
The purpose of the Council of 5 according to the ACIO is “to help manage affairs
and enforce intergalactic laws”. This includes “guarding the region of space where our
578 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 435.
579 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
580 All information and quotations are from Santori, 2011, pp. 73-81.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 202
solar system is located”. The ACIO website does not mention how this council enforces
the laws nor are there any examples provided of the kind of laws that are predominantly
The Council of 5 has been in existence “since before humans were on earth’’,
according to the ACIO. The longevity of their organizational existence has given them “a
high degree of respect among other councils”. There is no mention of who these other
councils are with whom they also have great influence.
The council is led by the Emerthers, maintains the ACIO website especially “in
resolving disputes, and in emergency situations”. No examples are provided. They can
turn to the “Intergalactic Council if military intervention becomes necessary”.**!
The Council of 5 is clearly an important intergalactic organization.
Council of Nine or Council of 9 (see also Council of 5, Source)
There are two general ways that the phrase “Council of 9" is used.
1) Santori in his ARB presents the Council of 9 as referring to actual and existing races
that were the forerunner to the Council of 5, for instance, the Emerthers.
Presently, we do not know who the other members of the Council of 9 were.
2) The other way that the Council of 9 is used comes from El Ka>®*. She uses Council of
9 to refer to Light Beings that she was able to contact through remote sensing. The Light
Being that helped and guided Ka was called Selaya. The following is a summary of her
experience with Selaya.
The Council of 9 consists of beings from the ninth dimension (9D) to the 24th
(24D). There may even be higher councils with higher dimensions, says Ka, with their
own tasks. Perhaps a starting question would be who created these beings and the answer
provided is that it was by beings of pure light. She refers to the creators of the Council of
9 as “the first guardian races that had helped to create all the known universes”.
The members of the Council of 9 are light beings that can take any kind of
physical form in which to present themselves. What this means, she states, is that this is
“beyond the rainbow body” because they can alternate their state of existence between
pure light and a physical form.
581 AJ] information and quotations are from ACIO Admin. 2021 Jun 13. “Council of 5.” Wayback
Machine website:
582 See Ka, 2021-2022, Vol 1 & 2.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 203
One of their main functions is as teachers. What they teach, she says, is
energetics of vibrations, esoteric wisdom and spirituality of evolutionary ascension. A
teaching strategy that they use is to “reflect back to the soul keys that visit them the
importance of the life lessons and journeys that we are on and have already learned”.
The idea of a “soul key” is not clarified. Reflection is used as a response to continue
learning based on what has already been learned and what is important to the person. The
emphasis is always on “‘soul evolution” to achieve a “higher understanding for our life
missions and purposes in whatever realities that we inhabit’.
In addition to teaching, Selaya also states that the Council of 9 is involved in
protecting the “first known universe that we live in” from the Anunnaki. Selaya
describes the Anunnaki as being “blue skin and winged” and ten foot (3 m) tall. They
want to convert all the planets of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies into “very
low gravity
that is suited more towards winged beings than denser gravity for surface walkers like
us’. Essentially, these dark blue winged Anunnaki want to terraform these two galaxies
for low density flying and magic that unbalances reality. The Council of 9 is there to
prevent these beings from crossing over into our physical reality. How they do this is not
When El Ka was remote sensing the Council of 9 the energetic being that helped
her referred to herself as Selaya. Ka describes Selaya as having “greenish blue skin” and
“white blue hair”. Her eyes were purple. She also had an “energetic purple halo around
her head”. There were “spheres of light emanating from her body”. Her height was about
9 feet (2.7 m). Her body appeared to be “floating” and had a glowing “light body
essence” around her. She told Ka that she was a “12th dimensional being” and showed
her some concepts of wisdom teachings.
Ka uses herself as an example of how Selaya taught and helped her. The overall
principle is that on each person’s unique self-discovery you will be helped to be your
“best version of yourself” in experiencing your soul evolution. She was shown by Selaya
the “things and concepts of images and visuals” that were important for her to continue
to develop and for teaching purposes.
Lastly, Ka presents some examples of symbols she was shown. For example, she
has the Council of 9 symbol to exit Earth and “beautiful triangular pyramids with
portals”. She was also shown “the secret key seals that activate the ninth realm
entrances” where council members meet for “spiritual growth and soul evolution”.>*
Covederos (see also Bakeneko)
583 AJ] information and quotations are from El (Ileana) Ka the Star Traveler, 2022 Jan 25. See also Ka,
2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp. 503-504.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 204
Peter the Insider in discussion with Jessica Arael Marrocco>* are the source of
the information about the Covederos. Peter the Insider describes them as “Cat-like
beings” who have either very white or black skin. They are a hybrid group (who the
original Beings were is not mentioned) from another dimension. The other dimension is
not given.
He says that they were first reported in Brazil where they were spotted astrally by
shamans. No details or examples are provided.
There are a number of things to note about the Covederos, according to Peter.
First, they “collect energies”. They obtain these energies from diseases and illnesses.
They also create negative energies or vibrations by spreading “‘chaos and confusion”
what Peter calls a “mental virus”. They use this energy to feed their technology, says
They also create wormholes or “multi-portals”, maintains Peter. These allow you
to step into another timeline or “reality dimension like [a] megaverse universe”. These
are somehow connected to the Covederos being “black market” merchants but this is not
The Creator or God (see Source)
Crill (see Krll)
Crux (Gamma Crux) (see Killimat-Arr (K-Arr))
CTR aka “Our Brother Enemy” (see also Akrij, Genetically Engineered Beings)
The CTR is the name given by Italian contactees to genetically engineered beings
that were created by the Akrij. The Akrij created them and called them “our brother
enemy” since they are in conflict with them. The Italian W56 Friendship group refers to
these beings as Contrari or simply CTR.°*°
No other information is provided.
Cyakar or Ciakar, CyaKar (see also Alpha-Draco, Naga)
The main source of information about the Cyakar is from Penny Bradley, an SSP
military veteran and host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube. From posts
584 Information about both is available from ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
585 All information and quotations are from Peter the Insider, 2021 Mar 20.
586 Breccia, 2017 Nov 24.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 205
in a private social media group (not in References) she states the following about the
Bradley says that the Cyakar are not Dracos. They are a completely different
species. The Alpha-Dracos are descended from them. She states that the Alpha-Dracos
“ancestor worship” them. That is, they worship the Cyakar as their ancestors. Her
description of them includes that they are as “big as a football field”.
Their life cycle is “really interesting and different’, says Bradley. She states that
the Cyakar are hatched from eggs as wyvern. The word wyvern, says Bradley, refers to
“Western European dragons with 4 legs, wings and a tail. They hatch as standard western
dragons”. The Cyakar, she says, hatch at 40 feet (12.2 m) and are full dragons. As they
get older, they “turn into Asian Sky dragons with long bodies and tails. In old age, they
no longer have legs” and become “snakes with wings”. An example that she provides is
that of Tiamat. Bradley says, “Tiamat still has her feet, but is really close to being a
flying snake”. Tiamat is a Queen of the Cyakar. They are a matriarchal society.
The royalty of the Cyakar, according to Bradley, are mostly white though some
are red. She says that they “move with a cat-like grace and carry themselves with
elegance”. However, she carries on by saying that if they want you dead, they will use
the “same elegance of motion” to do that.
One interesting theory by Bradley is that the Cyakar were interbred with humans,
in a test tube, and the result was the Naga.
Cyclop aka One-Eyed Giant (see also Els)
There are two kinds of ETs that are referred to as “Cyclop”. The first concerns an
actual sighting and the second is in reference to “Cyclops” as the name of the ETs that
inhabited the Earth before some of them became Els. What relation exists between these
two kinds of ETs is currently not known.
The first kind of “Cyclop” described is the following. There is no home planet
mentioned for the “Cyclops” presented on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. This website
states the source of these human-like beings comes from “Fernando and Ronaldo
Eustaquio Gualberto and Jose Marcos Gomes Vidal” in 1963 at Belo Horizonte, Minas
Gerais, Brazil. These witnesses describe the beings as follows.
The “Cyclops” are about 9-10 feet (3 m) tall. They have one large, dark round
eye that has an eyebrow above it. The face has a reddish tint. There were a number of
them that were seen. One was a female who had long blond hair that was pulled back.
Three males were bald and one of the males “‘approached the witnesses and spoke in a
loud incomprehensible voice”. The language of the “Cyclops” was thus unfamiliar to the
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 206
The witnesses also saw “Four individuals wearing space suits and clear helmets,
each seated on one-legged stools, observed within a 3-meter [about 10 feet] wide
transparent spherical craft”.>°’
The second kind of Cyclops are those who became Els. They had one large eye in
the middle of their forehead and most went on to transcend the physical to become Els.
Cygnus and Cygnusians (see also Iargans)
The home planet of the Cygnusians is Deneb in the Cygnus constellation (the
Swan)>*8 based on the Think AboutlIt (sic) website. This website states that its source of
information is Wendelle Stevens though no specific reference by Stevens to Cygnus is
The Cygnusians are described on this site as having no hair, “dark oily-looking
skin, possibly even wet-looking”. They have “large bulging eyes” and “‘a very wide
mouth”. They are characterized as “Amphibian-like creatures”. No geographical context
for these descriptions is provided.
Also mentioned by this site is that they are “under the jurisdiction of the ‘High
Council of Andromeda’” but what this means and entails is not mentioned.>8?
Cygnus or Ama (see Solipsi Ra)
D’Akoorhu or D’Akoru and D'Akoori (plural) (see also Alkhorhu, “Man”, Noor,
The D’Akoori are presented in Elena Danaan’s A Gift from the Stars. Danaan
states that the D’Akoori live on the 10th planet, called Dakoorat, in the Pleiades system
but no particular solar system or star is mentioned. The meaning of Dakoorat is given as
"the place of the guardians of peace".
She reports that the D’Akoori are the “fourth Ashaari race” that evolved from the
Noori of Alkhorat. No information is presented about the Ashaari. The D’Akoori are
often referred to as the "Pleiadeans (sic) of light".
587 All information and quotations are from Cyclops on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
588 Deneb on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deneb
589 All information and quotations are from Cygnusian on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 207
What she mentions about the D’Akoori is that they are the highest evolved Man
race living in the 9th density (9D). Their evolution into “light beings” is credited to the
crystalline structure of Dakoorat which “interacts molecularly with the cluster's plasmic
field”. No clarification is provided for this interaction. The D’Akoori bodies have
“translucent ethereal envelopes, allowing their life-span to reach incredible records”.
An interesting point stated about the D’Akoori by her is that they die or “leave”
whenever “they feel they have done their time serving Source and wish to merge back
again with Her, regenerate, and come back in a new existence for a new mission”. No
explanation of this is provided.
Danaan also states that they are part of the Federation Council assisting in Earth’s
ascension and maintaining her “frequency grid”. The relation of 9D beings to those in 3D
of the Federation Council is not explained.
Their spacecraft are stated as “transdimensional ethereal ships, powered by
geometric resonance energy” typically seen as “faceted prisms”.°”° The relation of light
beings requiring spacecraft is not clarified.
Dal and Dals or Dahls (see also Universe)
There are 3 general sources of information about the Dals presented here.
1) The Bibliotecapleyades website summarizes two sources of information about the
The first one I present from this website is Edward F. White, a South African
electrician, who in the 1960s received contacts from ETs that were in “‘a counterpart
universe”. That is, they were not in our universe but existed in one that is parallel to ours.
Their planet is called Koldas. The Dals learned “to navigate the polarity barrier between
the two universes”. What “polarity barrier” means is not clarified. They had to discover
our universe from the others that existed. In time, they were able to establish “contact
across the barrier” ie., the “Time Barrier” by navigating the vibrations “or kind of reality
in which they normally existed” and to explore our universe. They maintained contact
through electro-magnetc means “for over 25 years” with White recording “over 1,000
hours of verbal dialogue” on an audio tape. This information was published by Vlierden
and Stevens>”!.
The other contactee with the Dals that is referred to on the Bibliotecapleyades
website is Billy Meier°”*. Meier was in contact with a Dal female called Asket. Asket
explained that “our universe existed because of hers and hers because of ours. We were
590 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 260-261.
591 See Vlierden & Stevens, 1986.
592 The Billy Meier website is Billy Meier’s FIGU website: https://ca.figu.org/home.html
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 208
related in some way because the two separate Universes had a common origin, and that
each existed because of the other, and if one ceased to exist, the other would likewise
cease to be”. This is an interesting explanation of the interrelation of universes. Their
ability to “cross the barrier between the two universes - which co-exist in time and space-
-they learned to navigate and explore ours as well as theirs.” What they learned from our
universe they then transmitted that information constantly to their home system.*”
The last part about the Dals concerns their relation with other societies or
civilizations, notably the Pleiadians as presented on the Bibliotecapleyades website.
According to this site, “the Dals discovered the Pleiadians before Earth”. The Dal were
able to have a compatible working relation with the Pleiadians and shared technology
with them. This allowed those from “our universe to visit the DAL Universe in Pleiadian
ships”. This relation is illustrated in an event with Meier. That is, a Pleiadian named
Sfath handed Meier over to the Dal female Asket to develop and prepare for a future
Pleiadian plan. According to this site the Dals “had an active Earth project going on at
that time” (in 1975) but what that was we are not told.°4
2) A description of the Dals from the Think AboutlIt (sic) website
This site describes them as being able to breathe our atmosphere. They look
similar to the “Nordics” though they have “cat” eyes. They are a branch of the ancient
Lyrans and appear as “aromatic violet light white beings”. Also mentioned is that they
are 3,600 years in advance of us Earth human beings. How this is calculated is not
known. Their technical and spiritual advancement also precedes that of the Pleidians, this
site maintains, by 300-1,000 years. Again, how this is derived is not provided.
The Dal spacecraft are circular and disk-shaped with a “little lower profile” that
“land flat on the ground on a flat-surfaced bottom”. The bottom of the spaceship has “3
light-colored rings and 2 dark-colored rings and a dark center in the flat surface of the
bottom”. These craft are about 26 feet (8 m) in diameter and seats 3. An interesting
question then would be why light beings require a spacecraft. That purpose is not
3) Elena Danaan presents the following information about the Dahls. Danaan notes that
the Dahls are located in Beta Centauri (and is officially called Hadar°*”’). It is a triple
star system consisting of 17 planets that contain “reptilians, amphibians, insectoids, all at
a sub-civilization level”. What sub-civilization level means is not provided. Their origins
are given as a “humanoid Noor colony from Lyra”. They flourished and chose not to
participate in galaxy affairs. For instance, she says, they chose not to join the Galactic
593 All information and quotations are from Wendelle C. Stevens, “UFO Contact from the Pleiades” on the
Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/meier/esp_meier6.htm#menu
594 All information and quotations here are from Wendelle C. Stevens, “UFO Contact from the Pleiades”
on Bibliotecapleyades website ://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/meier/esp_meier6.htm#menu
595 All information and quotations are from Dals on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
596 See Beta Centauri on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Centauri
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 209
Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority). The Dahl are stated as living in harmony
with all the other species but as “‘an independent entity”.
The Dahl named themselves after “their legendary commander Dahel”. They
called their colonized world “Dahlnor “.
She states that Beta Centauri is closely (“severely”) guarded though no
information on what this means or how that is achieved is provided. She also says that it
is “an unspoiled haven of peace’’.*°” How this came to be known is not mentioned.
Daran (see Nhorr)
“Dark Council” (see also Alpha-Draco, High Council, Shakrill)
Not much is currently known about an organization that Apollymi Mandylion,
host of Galaxy of Unity on YouTube, calls the “Dark Council” or Dark Draco Faction.
Mandylion says in a personal communication that part of it consists of 4 Draconian
Queendoms out of 6. These 4, along with their unnamed allies, were at war with the
Sirians. The reason for the war was that the Draconians tried to claim the Earth after it
was rebuilt from Nibiru's impact. The shattered Earth was rebuilt by funding and
resources from the Sirians and Arcturians, says Mandylion. However, the Draconians did
not see the destroyed planet as a swap of "ownership" even though the only record of the
claim was in the Draconian archives and not the overseers, according to Mandylion. This
war between the Sirians and the Dark Council factions went on for “thousands of
galactic years”.
The Andromedan Council, reports Mandylion, helped to bring an end to this war
between the Sirians and the Dark Council on January 28, 2016. The consequences for the
Dark Council after the war ended were that all of them were “taken out”, she says, “with
the head Queen assassinated”. The Queens for 2 of the Dark Council members were
“tried and convicted of countless universal war crimes by the Universal High Council”.
Their Queendoms were handed over to other ET factions. One Queendom that “split off
thousands of years ago from the Dark Council and was neutral until the dark Draco fleet
started to press hard in this solar system was the Draconian Queendom on Saturn’”’.
Mandylion says that “They were the ones who helped take down the soul net that was
collecting souls and those astral traveling who came close to it in 2016”.
With the end of the war this also put a halt to the Dark Council and other Dracos
who had been using Earth for “research, breeding hybrids, soldiers and more’. She says
this also prevented them from “funding other ET and Earth factions in their efforts for
trade” and to obtain political ground with other ETs. The current direct Draco
involvement on Earth was reduced.
597 All information and quotations in this part are from Danaan, 2020, p. 123.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 210
One interesting comment provided by Mandylion is her description of how the
Shakrill changed from being involved in the Dark Council to becoming members of the
Universal High Council after their trial that included paying “hefty fines” (see also
Shakrill). She credits this change to benevolent ETs on the Universal High Council.
In an interview by Daniel Sala on his Saint Olga 69 channel on YouTube,
Apollymi Mandylion states that the Dark Draco factions take a soul that dies on Earth
and rebody it for use in space. They were doing it illegally. The way she expresses it is
that “if they don't own any DNA contracts down here or soul contracts then they, they
don't have the right. Nobody has the right to collect souls.” The only way to “collect” a
soul then is to own a DNA or soul contract.°?8
Dark “Elves” (see also Shakrill)
There is virtually no information about the Dark “Elves” that Daniel Sala and
Apollymi Mandylion refer to on El Ka’s Awakening Cosmic reality Show on YouTube.
Sala asks Mandylion if the Dark “Elves” still hold her “genetic contract”. The meaning
of genetic contract is not clarified here. Mandylion explains her difficult circumstances
with the Dark “Elves” as follows.
She states that someone has told her that her DNA contracts had been bought and
that she would get her freedom. Who these individuals were is not provided. She says
that she has “jumped so many timelines and parallel universes it's kind of tricky” to
know her circumstances. Technically, she carries on, she is still owned by a kingdom
whose name is not included here but is assumed to be these Dark “Elves”. As well, they
fund part of the military projects that she is a part of and the ICC or planetary
Mandylion states that she was created by the Shakrill and other people. Some
ETs are involved in a fight over the workers on Earth. Since the ETs, presumably like the
Dark “Elves”, can’t get involved on Earth due to its vibration or rules, they create a batch
of Earth people to work for them of which Mandylion was a part. She says that she was
only one of two that were “‘semi-functional” and “coherent enough to actually do
anything” that they wanted her to do. However, she has resisted their efforts given that
she is “extremely strong-willed” and that she does not “like working for jerks”.°”
No other information about the Dark “Elves” is currently available.
Darthar and Darthari (see also Altair, Onorhai)
>°8 Mandylion, n.d.
599 Mandylion & Ka, 2022 Jun 3.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 211
The Darthar are presented by Elena Danaan. Danann states that the Darthari live
on the planet called Darathas which has 4 moons and is located in the Altair system. The
Darthari are stated as being shorter than Earth humans.
The Darthari are described by her as having the same skin color as the Onorhai
which is “tanned with orange shades”. Like the Onorhai their eyes are small and brown
with no white or black pupils and the color of their hair is “long brown”. Their nose is
“pointy”. Their lifespan is given as 40 Earth years because their planet has a “fast
spinning cycle”. She says that they are also able to live in 6D and 7D. How they are able
to do this from 3D is not provided. She says that they are not part of the “Altair
Humanoid Alliance”.©
Delphinoid (see also Dolphins, Aquafarians)
The Delphinoids are presented by Yvan Poirier and Boris Ravaine on a YouTube
channel hosted by Yvan Poirier. I am unable to present some of their information from
French into English using Google Translate. The translation is not as good as it needs to
be at the present time. Consequently, I am not able to provide a clear summary of it.°°!
Delphinus (see Matrax)
Deneb (see also Andromedans, Tau Cetians)
Deneb is the name of a star, the brightest one, in the Cygnus constellation the
Swan (Alpha Cygni), according to the Exopaedia website. It also appears as “the bottom
star of the Northern Cross”. ? It is 2,620 lys from Earth.
These inhabitants are not the same ones as mentioned by Wendell Stevens
according to this site. Alex Collier is used as a source by this site to state that the
inhabitants of Cygnus Alpha in the Deneb system “are close to the Andromedans and the
Tau Cetians” though what “close to” means is not explained. They are known for their
acoustic technology though no example is provided. Also mentioned is that several of
them are on Earth today. No specifics of this are given.
Another point presented by Collier here is that “the Dolphins on Earth are a cross
between a mammal from the Sirian system and one from the Cygnus Alpha system”. No
details are provided.
600 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 91.
601 See Poirier and Ravaine, 2014 Feb 16.
602 Deneb on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Deneb
603 Deneb on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deneb
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 212
Lastly, this website mentions the less credible channeled information from the Ra
Material that these inhabitants are “members of the Federation of Planets”.°4
The Denubians are a race of women from the Lyra constellation, states Ileana (El
Ka) on her Messages from a Star Traveler website. These women are 8th dimensional
(8D) and are 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) tall. Their lifespan is stated as 2,000 years.
This site presents the Denubians as “‘sensual women” that teach other “beings
synergetic dancing and singing”. For dancing they wear free flowing white outfits of
skirts and capes. Their dancing and singing takes place in Denubian palaces that contain
chambers with different colors and states of light energy “depending on which chamber
you enter”. For example, there is a Zen meditation room for relaxation, meditation and
astral travel. There is a relaxation chamber for learning to dance and then relaxing.
Another chamber exists for dancing that changes color and music based on a person’s
“moods or emotional states”.
There are very informative images of the appearance of the Denubians on this
website and the chambers in which they dance, sing, socialize and relax.
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website gives the source for information about the
Depanoids as Jim Ruff, however, no reference to any source material is provided. Also
stated is that some of the material comes from abductees and no other information about
the events of their abduction is provided by this site.
No home planet or constellation is mentioned for the Depanoids.
This site describes them generally as bipedal beings that have a human-like torso
and limbs “but with an over-sized ‘bug’ head”. They are referred to as “energy-suckers”’.
The meaning of “energy sucker” is clarified as putting their victims through highly
emotional experiences. They then ““‘feed’ on those emotions”, like a recreational drug.
This is similar to other beings that “feed” on adrenochrome.
No information about their relation to other beings is provided.
604 A]l information and quotations are from Deneb on Exopaedia website:
605 All information and quotations are from Denubians on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/denubians
606 Depanoid on Think AboutlIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/depanoid/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 213
“Deros” aka Sumuwnean, Saamiym and Abandonderos (see also Teros)
The word “Deros” comes from the words “detrimental” and “robots” according to
the Bibliotecapleyades website. Who gave them this derogatory name is not mentioned.
They are also called “Sumuwnean meaning ‘the obese ones,’ or Saamiym, and
Abandonderos”. They live in underground tunnels, cities and under the sea.
The Deros are hatched from eggs “that are four to six feet [1.2 to 1.8 m] in
diameter’. They grow to about 7 feet (2.1 m). This site also mentions that the “Deros”
are “extremely obese’. Those who live in caves have regressed to the point of losing
intelligence. They have 2 stomachs which are similar to our cows, meaning that they
chew their cud. They do not have any “fingernails, toenails, nipples, navel or rectum” or
hair. Concerning their eyes, they are silver grey and glow in the dark. Their eyebrows are
blond and their skin is a pinkish grey color due to their lack of exposure to sunlight.
They do not have any teeth. Their mouths have “a gummy, slimy substance”. They’re
nocturnal and have incredibly good hearing.
Their Chief is called Yabahaan. As the website states, “They’re not very peaceful
and have a strong dislike for human beings”. The website also adds, “Many people today
who are obese are descendants of the Deros”. No examples of this are provided.
The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group of beings called the
Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they too will take over the planet one day.®°’
No credible information currently exists about the Duwaanis™®.
“Deviants” (see also Kasimars)
There is no source provided for the ETs named “Deviants” on the Think AboutIt
(sic) website. Consequently, there is not much credibility to this information at the
present. This website mentions that they “mutated from Kasimar / insectoids” but no
details are provided. In bold, this site states that they are “very dangerous and primitive
creatures”. The assumption here is that they are dangerous to Earth humans but no
instances or witness accounts are presented.°°
Dieslientiplex (see also Arcturians, Etorthans, Korendians)
The Galactic Human Journey website reports on the Dieslientiplex. The website
administrator reports that he, Rene Yanadath, has had personal contacts with them. This
607 Deros in Alien Races A to E on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https:/Awww.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_races00.htm#Alien Races A to E
608 No credible sources of information are provided on mynameisanuyah on TikTok:
609 Deviants on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/the-deviants/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 214
contact has come “from their spaceships or from Viera Andromeda, an Andromedian
biosphere stationed behind the moon”.
According to this site, the Dieslientiplex are Arcturians. Their ancestors are the
Devonians and the Korendians. Neither of these ancestors are elaborated on.
Arcturus, or Alpha Bodtis, is the brightest star in the Bootis constellation. The
Dieslientiplex home planet is called Pitola or Pitolla in the Bodtes region. This site says
that they are responsible for seeding the flora and fauna on Earth while the Etorthans
from Orion created the humans. No information is given about the Etorthans.
This site notes that they are “healers, pyramid builders, friendly, [and] spiritually
wise”.°!° No examples of these are provided.
Dimensional Travel (see also Universe, Kyllimir-Auk)
The reason that there is a brief reference included here about dimensional travel
is to reveal the difficulties involved in changing from 3D or 4D to a higher dimension or
frequency such as 5D or 6D and higher. This includes what is commonly referred to as
“ascension”. One good explanation of this is by Apollymi Mandylion in conversation
with El Ka and guest host Daniel Sala of Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube.
The following is Mandylion’s description of her experience. She begins by
stating that in 3D or 4D, depending on which physics “you want to go by’, she
undertakes dimensional traveling. The means of her doing this is either by astral
traveling or as she says, “they can put me in a, in one of the dimensional trains and get
me to a different dimension”. The way that she is able to go from 3D to another
dimension is either by astral travel or by a dimensional train. She refers to this change in
dimensions as a “dimension hop”.
What is involved in a dimensional hop is that “your physical form has to be able
to vibrate correctly to raise to those dimensions”. In other words, your body has to be
made to vibrate at the same exact frequency that you are going to, such as 5D or 6D. If
this is not done correctly, she says, your atoms will break apart and you will be
discombobulated. I take this to mean that your bodily form will disintegrate.
Only certain races, she maintains, are able to undertake this dimensional hop. In
other words, not all ET beings are able to “raise their vibrations to the point where their
physical mass can dissipate into the next dimension and have it still exist over there in
one piece”. This is an important point. Essentially, what is involved is being able to raise
your vibrations so that you will dissolve into the higher frequency and be able to live in
one piece in that higher frequency.
610 AJ] information and quotations are from Dieslientiplex on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 215
Mandylion is able to go to a higher frequency by using a “matrix suit”. The
“matrix suit” may not be the actual name of it. She says that it has an electromagnetic
field around it when she’s wearing it. What the suit does, she says in a clarifying
communication to me, is “raise [her] tail, wings and ears on [her] head to higher
dimensions so no one can see them. The rest of the suit is holographic to make [her] look
human.” In addition, she says that the suit also suppressed her abilities so she can not use
them in public”.
Her suit is what allows her to go to different dimensions and remain in one
Dino Reptilians (see also Alpha-Draco)
The only information provided about the Dino comes from El Ka in her J/eana’s
Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka refers to them
as the Dino Reptilian Cybernetic Overlords. She reports that they are 100 feet (30.5 m)
tall. They live in a “different dimensional universe”. Their planet, which she says is
“twenty times the size of Earth”, is “totally technological”.
According to El Ka, the Dino Reptilian Cybernetic Overlords are “higher up then
even the White Royal Draco Reptilians’’.°!”
That is all the information provided.
Diriz (see Akhabongat)
Djinn (see Jinn)
Dogon (see also Sirius and Sirians)
The Dogon is the name of a society or nation in current Mali (western Africa)
near Timbuktu as presented on the Exopaedia website. This site maintains that the
Dogon people worship their teachers who are from Sirius. The reason for stating this is
based in part on cave paintings that actually depict the Sirius star system as well as
“some stars that only recently have been discovered, while the paintings are hundreds of
years old”. What this means is that the indigenous Dogon people have a relation with a
Star Nation from Sirius.°!%
61! AJ] information and quotations are from Mandylion & Ka, 2022 Jun 3.
612 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 286.
613 All information and quotations are from Dogon on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 216
Attempts to discredit the Dogon and their star knowledge are offered by Marcus
Lowth who suggests that at best, their knowledge remains a “mystery”.°'4 I assume that
it’s not a mystery to the Dogon people but only to some researchers.
Do-Hu (see Dow)
Dolphins (see also “Aquafarians”, Quabar, Zetas)
There are 3 sources of information presented here about Dolphins, including
Michael Wolf, James Rink and Veronica Bartolini.
1) Dolphins, like Whales, are sea creatures that communicate with intelligence and
clarity, says Michael Wolf on Blackcloud, YouTube. Dolphins have a particular relation
with the Zeta Reticulans or “Greys”.
Dolphins on Earth are considered almost cousins to Zeta Reticulans, states Wolf.
He goes on to say that Dolphins share an evolutionary link with the “Greys”.
Some other aspects mentioned about Dolphins include:
e Dolphins travel aboard flying craft with the assistance of the Zeta Reticulans
e Dolphins can communicate with their own species hundreds of miles away
e Dolphins refused to participate with Navy Seal training when they realized it
involved killing
e Dolphins are able to see what humans can’t, eg., diseases
e Dolphins beaching themselves should be seen as genocide
Wolf says clearly that we should not be killing Dolphins.*!>
2) James Rink on the US Dolphin Program
James Rink, host of Super Soldier Talk on Rumble, presents an interview
with Veronica Bartolini who was part of Project Crystal Gates working with Dolphins.
What Rink describes is that on a table there is a sleeping Dolphin(s) and boys and
girls that have tubes connecting them. The “blood of the children [is] going to the
Dolphin”. He says that the “Dolphin’s consciousness is going into the kid[s]”. What is
taking place is that the soul of the child and the soul of the Dolphin are being merged. He
states that this is “assimilation”. Both the Dolphin’s and the human’s blood and
consciousness are put into the new hybrid dolphin-human chimera.
614 Marcus Lowth. 2020 Sep 3. “The Dogon Sirius Mystery.” UFO Insight website:
615 The preceding is from Wolf, 2015 Jan 12.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 217
Rink adds that the child now has fins. Those that control this lab are growing
parts so the child can breathe, see and talk underwater. They will also be able to swim.°!®
3) Veronica Bartolini is being interviewed by James Rink who hosts the Super Soldier
Talk program on Rumble. Bartolini describes her experience in the Project Crystal Gate
Dolphin program as follows.
In passing, she mentions that there are “portals under the ocean where you can go
off planet and on planet”.
She was taken physically for this program which is a reference to being abducted.
The aim of Project Crystal Gate was to create hybrid Dolphins and humans. For instance,
she says that they “traded blood between her and the Dolphin”. There were other kids
involved who were hooked up to Dolphins beside Bartolini. She states that she was able
to communicate with the Dolphins and happy to be in a “Dolphin state” because
“Dolphins are very happy”.
The following is a brief summary of information from Bartolini:
e The Dolphins are here to “help save the world from apocalypse and to save the
e The Dolphins are able to create “earthquakes to help mother Earth shake off “bad
e Human - Dolphin hybrids can “shape shift into being a dolphin or mermaid” and
when they come out of the water they can be human again
e Dolphins have the ability to “transfer information to you by touch if you can’t be
telepathic eg., touch forehead”
e A Dolphin named Mya was actually able to transfer information to Bartolini
e@ When a Dolphin and child are “hooked up” it is possible to go through portals or
e The Dolphins had to be “released because they were dying of sadness’’®!”
More elaboration of the preceding would make them more meaningful.
Dorians (see also Saturn)
Two sources about the Dorians are reported here.
1) The Dorian’s are mentioned in El Ka’s book Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s,
ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). El Ka states that there is a race of people called
the Dorians. The Dorians were found on a cigar shaped craft called the Oumuamua
disguised as an asteroid. She says that the Dorians had been in stasis on this 1.5 billion
year old ship. They are not native to this cigar shaped craft. The Dorians are a
616 Information and quotations are from Rink in Bartolini, 2020 Mar 26.
617 All information and quotations are from Bartolini, 2021 Aug 5.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 218
“humanoid species with some ET genetics”.°!® No details of the ET genetics are
Her information about the Dorians is based on her remote sensing of Oumuamua
in 2017. She describes them as tall and slender with a pale complexion. Their skin is
“silver/whitish”. Their eyes are blue. They have “whitish blue hair’. They are wearing
“silver jumpsuits”. She says that they are lying in stasis protected by energetic force
fields “‘so intruders can not open the stasis pods”. According to El Ka, their stasis pods
are “DNA encoded and not accessible”.
The reason that these Dorians are traveling in space, she says, is that the planet
that they live on, called Zeldeka, was becoming overpopulated. No general location of
Zeldeka is mentioned. They are looking for planets where they can build colonies.
El Ka provides an “interface session”, the meaning of this is not given, with a
female Dorian called Zelana who has blue hair. She tells El Ka that their original ship
was damaged by several solar storms. They then boarded the cigar shaped ancient space
scout vessel with no occupants. Ka states that a triangular craft made a laser attack on the
Oumuamua that disabled it and killed its original inhabitants. She says that it has been
occupied a number of times with the Dorians being the latest.
The Dorians are traveling to a planet called Zelaris. Where this planet is located
is not provided. They have been in space for about one million years. It will take them
another half century to reach Zelaris while in stasis.°!
2) Some information about the Dorians comes from a contactee named Riley Martin and
is summarized on the Exopaedia website. Martin has written a book about his
experiences called The Coming of Tan, published in 1990. His experiences included
being taken on a “huge egg-shaped ‘mothership’ in the vicinity of Saturn”. This ship,
states the website, had 7 different inhabitants that were “intelligent technological life
The Dorians are described as “blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans”. No distinction
between genders is presented. They were considered tall and slender, though no mention
of approximate heights is given. The only other characteristic mentioned is that they
were “friendly” despite being involved in abductions.°”°
618 All preceding information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 236.
619 All information from preceding reference to the present one is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 178-
620 All information and quotations are from Dorians on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 219
There are two main sources of information about the Dorsay, the ARB and A Gift
from the Stars by Elena Danaan.
1) The Dorsay are from the Cassiopeia constellation “where they have two home planets"
as reported in Santori’s ARB. The names of the home planets are not given here.
The height of the Dorsay is reported as about one foot six inches (or half a meter)
tall. No other characteristics are presented. The Dorsay society or civilization is
considered to be at least 4 billion years old though how this is known is not included.
They “have been at war with another extraterrestrial race for 2 billion of those years”.
Their enemy’s name is not stated. Also mentioned is that the Dorsay “eat other races as
well as humans”.
They have visited Earth 250 times. How this came to be known and who did the
counting is not included. They were last seen in November 2001 in the Italian Alps. Who
saw them and the circumstances of the event are not mentioned.”!
2) Elena Danaan also presents information about the Dorsay part of which is not credited
to Santori’s ARB. Danaan states that the home planets for the Dorsay are Ottora and
Endelemen-Nyada in the Cassiopeia constellation. They are described as being 5 feet 3
inches (1.6 m) tall which is much taller than that stated in the ARB. They are batrachian-
like which means amphibian looking, such as having a frog or toad face and big dark
eyes. She says that they are a “highly advanced pacifist civilization” but “opportunistic”.
What both of these mean is not clarified, especially in reference to being advanced
pacifists because she says later that they come to Earth to hunt humans for food which is
“opposed by the Galactic Federation of Worlds (of which they are a member)”.
Their spacecraft are “flat, discoidal and metallic white”.
The Dorsay were involved in the Tunguska explosion on June 30, 1908°.
Danaan reports that the Dorsay stole a shipment of slaves from the Maitre in 1908. The
Maitre fought the Dorsay over this. When the Galactic Federation of Worlds tried to stop
this conflict by sending an Elmanuk and a Pleiadian cargo ship, the Maitre shot down all
of them. This is what created the Tunguska explosion in Russia.°”
The Dow aka Do-Hu™4 (see also Alpha-Draco, Genetically Engineered Beings,
“Greys”, Zetas)
A very brief description of the Dow is stated on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website.
They are described as about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall which does not match with accounts (see
621 Santori, 2011 p. 37.
622 See Tunguska Event on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska_event
623 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 116-117.
624 See also Do-Hu (Dow) on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 220
the end of this heading on the Dow by an event described by Alex Collier) that consider
them tall in comparison to Earth humans. One distinguishing feature between the females
and the males is that the females have white hair while the males are bald. They have
“whitish-grey skin” and enlarged eyes. Their life expectancy is not known.°°
The most information about the Dow is from Alex Collier®° and is summarized
best on the Exopaedia website. The Exopaedia site reports that the Dow are a specific
group within the “Orion Greys”. The Dow have a common ancestry with the Zetas.
The website recounts that a small group of the Dow left their home planet, M-2 in
Zeta Reticuli II to search for another one. They were captured and genetically altered
over generations to be the slaves of the Draco. The Dow were genetically altered so that
they couldn’t reproduce to ensure that “they wouldn't rise up in force against their
captors”. According to this site, they are “no longer Reticulans, nor honored in their
home systems”. They are a ‘service to self’ society like their owners. Being in survival
mode they operate without compassion to anything being done to Earth humans, eg.,
abductions, genetic modifications, etc. They leave “destruction and slavery in their path”.
What the Dow do is that they send out “biological and genetic engineers to find
underdeveloped worlds and civilizations and then conquer them without force”. This is a
very different way of war and enslavement of other beings. The way that their plan
works is predominantly through stealth and is outlined by Collier.
The Dow begin by determining whether the inhabitants of a planet are developed
enough for them to get involved. If the answer is yes then they study the planet’s
countries and institutions, such as government, religion, etc. They decide which is the
strongest and most powerful and then establish contact with that nation or nations. By
promising “incredible technology” to this nation(s) they will sign a treaty with this
nation(s) to be located with them to “study the life forms” and so on. After this research
“they then slowly take control of the governments that rule the populace”. Essentially,
they become the nation’s leaders while the remaining population is unaware of this
activity. To assist the Dow, they create and programme clones to do their bidding. As
well, the Dow use the greed of the planet elites and governments to “sell out their own
races” in order for the elites to get and keep the favors of the Dow.
The website continues by stating that after the Dow are “in control”, they then
“invite their rulers, the Reptilians and the Orion Group, to the planet to continue the
conquest”. What this website presents from Collier is a general method of stealth warfare
that the Dow use to conquer and subdue a planet and then bring in their overlords. By
obtaining “a treaty”, the Dow establish consent of the local inhabitants and avoid the
repercussions for violating the Prime (ie., not intervening in the development of local
races) of the Galactic Authority. When the Dow, in turn, invite their rulers, these rulers
625 The Dow on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/dow/
626 The complete reference here is: Alex Collier & Jon Robinson. 1996 June. LFA [Letters from
Andromeda] Volume 2 Number 3 on Bibliotecapleyades website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 221
then have local consent to be on the planet, in this case Earth. Collier is reported as
conveying that the Andromedan Council of 11 has told him that this pattern of conquest
has been repeated on “many other worlds in our Universe and it has also happened to us
here on Earth, or Terra, as the Andromedans call us”.
The example provided on this website is Collier’s description of the Dow in the
US and on Earth. Collier estimates that there are less than two-thousand Dow in the US
but “there are thousands of clones”. Both kinds make up a group consciousness where
they are in constant contact with each other. Outside of the US, Collier states that there
are thousands of Dow on the Earth and the Moon. In the 1950s there were large “mother”
ships along Earth’s equator that contained thousands of Dow. Several of these ships went
into the oceans with the largest in the Pacific west of Easter Island. Two other ships went
to Phobos (a satellite or moon of Mars) and to Mars.
The Dow engage in interbreeding with Earth humans “without our consent or real
knowledge”. The way that they do this is by mixing our DNA and RNA genetics with
some of theirs plus adding other chemical components so that Earth humans are altered
to fit “their life forms”. Their genetics consists of “botanicals” (this is unspecified) and
Reptilian DNA (whose DNA is also not specified). Adding Earth human genetics is
basically “to stop their supposed evolutionary decline on a physical level”. There is no
mention of how this is working out so far.
There was clearly no equal partnership in the US treaty with the Dow as they
broke most of the agreements, maintains this website. The Dow continued their program
in underground bases without public knowledge and without the US government
disclosing this for fear of retaliation by the people. This site concludes that the Dow have
repeated this same pattern of ruling “on 26 other worlds in our Universe's present time”.
Their method is clearly successful for them to the detriment and enslavement of other
The following is an example from Collier on the negative impact that the Dows
have on “human-hybrid children”. It is from Collier’s book Defending Sacred Ground.
This is presented because Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on
YouTube, has stated on a social media post: “There is far more of this going on than you
fear’. Her other point is that anything alive, including animals, has a soul. Her points
should be kept in mind when reading the following event to expose the activities of the
The description of the event begins by Collier stating the following.
“The Tau Cetians, the Pleiadians and a group from Zeta Reticuli I, who were not
Service to Self, formed a triangular position to block a Grey [Dow] craft which was
trying to get off Earth and evade the quarantine the Andromedan Council is trying to
establish relative to alien races visiting the Earth.”
627 All information and quotations are from Dow on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Dow
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 222
This group captured the Dow (“large white-skinned Greys”) craft and on
boarding it discovered the following:
e 8,700 “Grey-human hybrids”
more than 1,000 human children in cryogenic stasis
e over 1,000,000 of “these little boxes that contained the life forces of souls from
The reason for capturing the souls is that the Dow “feed off the energy radiated by the
souls” and parts of this life force are siphoned off to feed the hybrid children and attempt
“to create a soul in them”.
Collier goes on to state that the 1,000 human children were “transported to the
Pleiadian system” because it was felt that they couldn’t go back to Earth after their
experience with the Dow. No mention is made of the ages of the children or where they
would like to be taken, such as home to their parents. Collier does not know what
happened to the souls.°78
Draco (see Alpha-Draco)
“Dragonworms” (sic)
There is not much information about the “Dragonworms” that is presented on the
Galactic Human Journey website. There are no sources provided for this information and
so it has little credibility at this time.
This website states that the “Dragonworms” live underground with an occasional
report about them though none is provided here. What they look like is a mutation “of
the snake race that has lost the use of its limbs through centuries of atrophy”. They are
“highly intelligent” but what this means by the unknown sources reporting it is not
mentioned. One description states that they resemble “a giant reptilian 'worm' or
No other information is provided.
Drakon and Drakons (see also Alpha-Draco, Breneau, Cyakar)
The information about the Drakon comes from Ashayana Dean in her Voyagers
1: Sleeping Abductees book, the 2011, 2nd edition. In it she writes that the Drakon came
628 See Collier & Valerian, 1997.
629 All information and quotations are from Dragonworms (sic) on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 223
from “a different planetary system” in our universe. This universe is not stated. They
arrived on Earth during the “First, Second and Third Seedings” where they “created
certain strains of their own species that could live comfortably” within our environment.
What the Drakon did was to integrate “their own coding” into the DNA of Reptilian life
that already existed on Earth to create hybrids.
What occurred, says Deane, is that the “dinosaurs” that existed on Earth were
“originally vegetarian and quite docile in temperament”. The Drakon experimented with
these hybrids to make them more aggressive. These became the “original prototypes” of
our “carnivorous reptiles”. The Reptilian hybrids were used by the Drakon “to monitor
human development from their home system”. How they did this is not mentioned.
After enough information had been obtained from their observations, the Drakon
started to capture humans and “through rather painful inductions,” seeded women during
their visits. These became the Drakon-Human hybrids. The Drakon discovered that these
hybrids could not survive Earth’s environment and took them to the Drakon home planet.
According to Deane, these Drakon-Human hybrids became the Draco reptilian race.
Thereafter, around 956,500 years ago, Deane states that the Earth’s magnetic
poles partially reversed. The Breneau took advantage of this pole shift “to accelerate this
cycle slightly so the Drakon monitors would be destroyed” to eliminate them from Earth.
The destruction of the Drakon hybrid monitors meant that they could no longer
“manipulate the human frequency fence” of Earth.
Subsequently, Deane writes that the Draco were “banned from Earth by Guardian
forces” which temporarily removed “the Drakon problem from the course of human
Dravidians (see also P’nti)
The Dravidians are stated as part of the Sandia Mountain base with the P’nti. The
P’nti coloring book states that they are found in Indian culture. Also mentioned is
Vimana which is the ancient word for spacecraft.®!
Dries (see also “Greys”)
The Dries are known to have two home planets, though these are not stated, that
have a similar chemical composition as Earth, as reported in the ARB by Santori. They
are near a “third” star in the Cetus constellation which is not mentioned.
630 Deane, 2011, pp. 159-160. See also Bajt. 2000. ““Voyagers of the Universe: Study Notes” on
Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/voyag01.htm#menu
631 The Official First Contact Coloring Book of the P’nti & Star Nation Beings. 2020, Vol. 2, No. 3. The
Infinite Voice Project. Available from: https://theinfinitevoiceproject.org/store/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 224
They are 8 feet (2.5 m) tall with a complex skull structure. What a complex skull
structure means is not presented. They eat primarily “animal protein derived products”.
Some clarity is required to understand what these products are and an example would be
The Dries are known to have visited Earth at least 20 times. How this came to be
known is not included. They are involved in “human abductions, at least 520 men and
women, which they use for reproduction”. How this number was derived is not
mentioned nor how it is known that these abductions are used for reproduction.
They are reported to have colonized 40 planets, 10 by force, with the help of
“slaves”. Who provided these numbers, the meaning of “force” and the use of “slaves” is
not reported. The Dries work with three other races but who they are is not mentioned.
Other ET races have reported that the Dries “are not ‘mentally, spiritually’ prepared to
interact with most other races” but what this means is not clear.
They are supposed to “reveal” themselves to Earth humans in 2022 according to
the Santori text but who made this prediction is not given.°?
Much of Santori’s information is repeated without credit by others, such as Elena
Danaan in her A Gift from the Stars and the Galactic Human Journey website. Danaan
presents some additional information to that provided in the ARB such as the following.
Danaan reports that the name of the Dries star, Iota Ceti is called Aghraban. The
Dries have light blue skin. She says that they are a “binary gendered species” that
reproduce by laying eggs or “pods”. The meaning of “pods” is not clarified. She
maintains that females look after the growth of their young and the men are used for
conquests and wars. They are slim but their musculature is “very powerful”. The Dries
have “regular territorial fights with the Orion Alliance and the Ciakahrr Empire”.
She says that their technological advancement includes spacecraft that can travel
light years to Galaxies where they then “colonize and terrorize other worlds”. Their
spaceships have different shapes that include “boomerang, butterfly or U-shaped”.®?
“Drones” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings, “Greys”)
The word “Drones” is used by Daryl James, an SSP veteran, in an interview on
Xan John’s YouTube channel, to refer to small “Greys” that usually work under the
supervision of “Tall White Greys’’.°*4
632 All information and quotations are from Santori, 2011 p. 41. The Santori information is repeated
without credit in Aghraban (Dries) on Galactic Human Journey website:
633 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 132.
634 John, 2022 Jan 7.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 225
Dropa aka Drok-pa, Dzopa (see also “Dwarfs”)
The information that the Dropas are not ETs is inconclusive.
The Bibliotecapleyades website gives a brief historical account of the Dropa who
are described as “dwarf-like extraterrestrials” ranging from 2.1-3.8 feet (.6-1.1 m) living
in Sichuan province “in Central China, on the eastern border of the Baian-Kara-Ula
mountains”. Their existence has been acknowledged by the Chinese government but
their “village is not open to foreigners”.
Much of the research on the Dropas on this website has been proclaimed as
“implanted”, essentially fiction. This site concludes that there is “no scholarly evidence”
that a spacecraft landed and that the current small people are ETs.°*> (Of course,
“scholarly evidence” has been wrong before, eg., NASA’s search for life in the
universe. )
The Exopaedia website presents a similar conclusion stating that the information
about the Dropas is a hoax.°*®
It is clear that these small people exist but their history pertaining to being ETs is
Druan and Druans
The information about the Druans comes from Billy Meier. Meier reports that the
Druans are named after their planet Druan. This planet “lies in the NOL system, which
belongs to a galaxy whose size is about 1.7 times larger than ours”. There is no name
given for this Galaxy. It is stated to be “3.10 million light-years away from the SOL [our
solar] system”.
The Druans are described as a “far-developed and extremely peaceful human race
that can bring some innovations to our own technology”. No details of their appearance
is provided except that they are human-like beings, like Earth humans, and that they are
peaceful to us. What “far-developed” means is not explained.
The purpose for the Druans being on Earth in the 1970s is stated as a 5 to 6
month expedition but this is more likely to last for years. The nature of their mission is
not stated. Throughout this time it’s possible to see their spaceships in Europe and other
continents. Their ships are disc shaped but “‘a completely different form is reflected
635 All information and quotations are from Dropa Stones: An Alien Implanted History on
Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_dropa.htm
636 Dropas on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Dropas
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 226
outwardly by a special shield, which can be compared to the cone and facets of a rock
Other possible kinds of beings on Druan are not mentioned.
Duwaanis (see also Deros)
No credible information currently exists about the Duwaanis. This is based on the
lack of source material on mynameisanuyah on TikTok®?8.
“Dwarfin” aka “Dwarfs” or “Dwarves” [Small Beings or People]
“Dwarfin’, “Dwarfs” or “Dwarves” are terms that should no longer be used to
refer to small beings or diminutive people. The information about these beings comes
from the Think AboutlIt (sic) website. No home planet is presented for this society of
This site mentions that these small beings have “been encountered in or near
caverns in various parts of the world, and in some cases on UFOs”. These sightings
occurred in 1954 in Cennina, Arezzo, Italy and Caracas, Venezuela.
They are described as being about 3.3 feet (1 m) tall wearing no clothes. Their
body was “completely covered in stiff bristly hair” and they had “three-clawed hands and
feet”. This information is then contradicted somewhat with a description that states that
there were “Two individuals wearing gray clothing, leather-like helmets”. These two
beings were seen “standing adjacent a spindle-shaped 2-meter [6.6 feet] high craft of
leather-coloured metal with a glass-like door with 2 small seats and controls visible
Additional information is mentioned about their spacecraft. It is described as 9.8
feet (3 m) wide and spherical that had “‘an opening in the side”. There was also a small
tube on the craft that emitted “‘a laser-like light”.©°
637 All information and quotations are from the website Billy Meier. 2014 May 8. “Druans - Human E.T.s
from the NOL system, 3.1 million light years away”. Billy Meier Wordpress website:
638 mynameisanuyah on TikTok:
639 All information and quotations from “Dwarfin” (“Dwarfs”) on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 227
Ea, Sect of (see Sect of Ea)
Eban and Ebani (see also Eben, Soul)
The Eban are presented in Elena Danaan. Danaan states that Edemera, the fifth
planet in the Carina constellation®® is their home. It is characterized as particularly cold
and desert-like.
The Ebani are described as “Reptiloid Gray” beings, 6 to 9 feet (1.8-2.7 m). She
says that they are part of an organization called the “Alliance of the Six” whose members
and purpose are not stated. She mentions that they are not pacifists. Also reported is that
the Ebani have “a colony on Altimar in the constellation Ophiuchus”.
Their involvement on Earth is with those she calls the Cabal. She mentions that
they collaborate with the Terran military in underground facilities. The military is not
named and neither are the underground facilities. They are also involved in
“hybridization programs and soul scalping”.®! Soul scalping generally means to remove
a soul from a body or being so that it can be used in another one or a clone.
Ebens, EBENs (Extraterrestrial Biological ENtities) or EBE (see also Archquloids,
Ebans, Genetically Engineered Beings, “Grays”, “Large Nosed Greys’/“Tall
There are two general uses of the word Eben (and Ebens) to refer to ETs. To
confuse matters, Eban is used sometimes to refer to Eben. Below, I have separated who
uses Eben, how it is used and spelled.
1) The US government and military use the acronym EBEN to stand for Extraterrestrial
Biological ENtities. This is a reference to a general category of biological beings. It
includes all biological ETs.
2) Eben and Eban are used on the Exopaedia website to refer to “Large Nosed Greys”.
According to the Exopaedia website, Eban is used by “the Large Nosed Greys, coming
from Betelgeuse [or possibly Barnard’s star]” to refer to themselves. This site states that
these ETs are the “‘Tall Greys’ that made an agreement in 1954 (or 1964) with the US
Government that allowed them to abduct humans in exchange for technology.” What is
of note here is that this website refers to inhabitants from the planet Serpo, “which
revolves around one of the two stars of the Zeta Reticulum Rhomboidalis constellation
that are called Ebens. It is not clear whether the term Eban is actually used by the “Tall
Greys” or whether the generic term Ebens has been applied to them.”
640 Carina (constellation) on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carina_(constellation)
641 Unless otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 226.
642 Eban on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Eban
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 228
These are the same “Greys” involved in a planetary exchange of 12 Ebens and 12
Earth humans in what the US government called Project Serpo®*.
Also in reference to the Tall “Greys” with their distinguishable large noses, SSP
military veteran John Whitberg states in a personal communication (not in References)
that they have “close relations to both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force”.
3) Gil Carson is another source that refers to the Ebens in his 2018 book called The
Yellow Book. Carson uses the term Ebens to refer to the ETs that are from the “Zeta
Reticuli twin star system Zeta Reticuli I and IT’ that are about 38 lys from us. He states
that they call themselves "Ebens". He presents the reader with the official Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) designation of their planet which is: “Ebens - Planet Serpo,
DIA designation DIALP-0916 - Star System - Zeta Reticuli” (DIALP stands for Defense
Intelligence Agency Life Planet).
There are a number of difficulties in understanding the different Eben races, says
Carson. This includes the Ebens creating different genetically altered beings. These
altered beings, in turn, have also created other beings. In addition, other races, like the
“Trantaloids”, have created a “‘Grey’ race of hybrids”. It would take considerable effort
to trace the development of this mix of races (see also Genetically Engineered Beings).
Acknowledging these difficulties, Carson presents a brief history of the Ebens.
He says that the Ebens have come and gone from Earth numerous times. He mentions
that they returned around 2000 years and that they set up a base in northern New Mexico
in the 1940s. The start of the US and Eben relationship began in 1947 with the crash of 2
Carson also provides us with examples of 3 Ebens. The first Eben, or Ebe, he
refers to came from the “Roswell crash site near Corona, NM”. He was a mechanic who
was hurt and wounded but recovered quickly. From him the US military was taught how
to “utilize the communication and energy devices” that they found. They “also found a
medical kit” which had “small injectable tubes”. He could only say generally that they
were for injuries and not their specific use.
The second Eben, says Carson, was here for 20 years from 1964 - 1984 and lived
“in a Los Alamos safe house”. He was part of the US Zeta exchange program (Project
Serpo) and came from “the third planet of Zeta 1”.
The next Eben, number 3, was a female who “arrived in 1978 and left in either
'89 or '93”.
643 Planetary objects proposed in religion, astrology, ufology and pseudoscience on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary objects proposed in religion, astrology, ufology and _pseudosci
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 229
Carson also states that President Reagan “supposedly had meetings with two of
the EBEs”.°*4
4) The fourth source about the Ebens is Victor Martinez who provides us with a brief
description of what is called ‘the Gate 3’ incident on the Outpost Forum website. What is
important about the writings of Martinez is his description of 2 beings created by the
Ebens, JRod and an “Archquloid”, that were held in captivity by the US military.
At the outset, Martinez tells us that the Ebens created both beings. In fact, he
states that the Ebens are so good at cloning they can create a being from “almost any
living tissue” by using “a method called ‘rapid-cycle cloning’”’. He says that JRod,
(whose real name, according to Carson, is Ch’el’ah®*>) was “intelligent”, had “‘a brilliant
mind”, and adapted “quickly to our environment”.
The second being Martinez refers to is called an “Archquloid”. The meaning of
this word is not given. This being is described as “a form of a slave”, was controlled by a
“brain chip” and “a little black box”. It was assumed to be controllable and safe. The
Ebens gave this being to the US military for “medical experiments”.
A problem arose out of the telepathy between JRod and the “Archquloid”. The
“Archquloid” expressed “a desire to be free” and JRod sympathized because he also did
not like the way this being was controlled. JRod released the being and the result was the
“Gate 3” incident.
The consequences of this were that JRod was placed in “a secure confinement
facility” and the “Archquloid”, who “survived the shooting and once medically healed”
was placed in a “more secure facility and restrained by a system provided to us by the
Ebens”. The “Archquloid” died about a year later of trauma from the shooting and failed
brain activity. JRod was placed “under strict control at all times” which upset him
Ectom and Ectoms
The source of information about the Ectoms is the Exopaedia website. Ectom is
the name of a planet in the Pleiades constellation. No star is mentioned.
The inhabitants of Ectom are described simply as looking like “regular humans.”
The information about the Ectoms comes from a famous Ecuadorian contact case by
“members of an Aymara tribe[people]”. They were asked to participate in a breeding
program with the Ectoms in December 1973. The reason for the program was “to impart
644 AJ] information and quotations are from Carson, 2018, pp. 29-38.
645 Carson, 2018, p. 15.
646 A]l information and quotations are from Victor Martinez. 2007 Jun 4. “Release 23: The ‘Gate 3’
Incident (updated)”. The Outpost Forum website: http://www.serpo.org/release23.ph
647 See Aymara People on Encyclopedia Britannica website: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Aymara
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 230
Earth humanity's emotional sensitivity into their species, which had all but lost their
emotions over the aeons”. The website mentions that there were 8 women involved “in
this impregnation process in this region of Ecuador at the same time’’. After the birth of
these “hybrid children", the Ectoms “collected them and were never seen again”. A
consequence of this “breeding or hybridization” was that for one of the women who had
been unable to have children before she agreed to carry the hybrids, was now able to
Eekaluun (see Kaa)
Egarot/Egaroth and Daro/Darian Egaroth (see also Council of 5, Ginvos)
A number of sources present information about the Egarot or Egaroth.
1) The Egarot look like the Ginvos but have no nose, maintains Peter the Insider in a
discussion with James Rink on his Super Soldier Talk, YouTube channel’. They are
They have a representative on the Council of 5°°. The Egarot are in charge of
encryption/decryption, maintains Peter the Insider®!.
There is no mention of which kind of Egaroth to which he refers. There are two
kinds of Egaroth colonies presented below.
2) Both kinds of Egaroth are presented by Elena Danaan in A Gift from the Stars. The
first kind are the Egaroth of Alnilam/Zagara.
Danaan states that these Egaroth are a colony from Meissa or Lambda Orionis
which is about 1,100 lys from Earth®?. They are said to be a “very ancient race and
culture” that almost disappeared. Prior to the Orion Empire they were considered a
“highly advanced civilization, spread on many worlds of Ura-an-na (the Orion zone)”
though it is not stated who considered their civilization advanced.
The description of them is as follows. Their skin is pale grey to pale brown with
no hair. They are tall (how tall is not specified) and slim with a large cranium. Their eyes
are “often indigo with a clear blue pupil”. They have a “slight tiny nose”. They are stated
as being hermaphrodites and are able to “polarize when deciding to mate”. They are
648 A111 information and quotations are from Ectom on Exopaedia website:
64 Peter the Insider, 2016a Jul 26.
650 Santori, 2011 p. 77.
651 Peter the Insider, 2016a Jul 26.
652 Meissa on Star Facts website: https://www.star-facts.com/meissa/
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considered to be very spiritual and have the ability to “materialize until the 9th density”.
No examples of spirituality or materializing are given.
This colony of Egaroth is part of the Council of 5°? as is the next one.
3) The second kind of Egaroth, also presented by Danann, is in the Daro star system.
The colony of Egaroth in the Daro system lives on planet Darias. Danaan reports
that they are an “ancient primordial Egaroth race” which escaped the attacks of the Orion
Empire. In order “to protect their civilization from the Orion and Ciakahrr” they shifted
to a higher density making the Reptilians invisible to them. How they were able to
achieve this higher frequency is not provided. Also stated is that the Daro Egaroth have
the ability to shape-shift but that they rarely use it. No clarification of this ability is
She also states that the Daro Egaroth are spiritual beings who function to watch
over “the balance of the universal web”. No explanation of this is given. Also mentioned
is that they do a lot of traveling in search of unharmonious places where they work to
rebalance “the energies of the place”. No examples of this are included. This site
mentions that they are helping Earth to shift its density but no details of helping are
They collaborate with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority)
and like the other Egaroth colony are also part of the Council of 5. Why two
representatives are possible is not clarified.
Their interdimensional ships have “geometrical shapes such as diamond, lozenge
and Merkabah’”.°*4 No other details of their spacecraft are provided.
Egon aka “2017”
The information about the beings referred to as “2017” comes from the Russian
compiled Alien Races Book (ARB) presented by Santori. The ET “2017” beings are from
the UDFJ-39546284 galaxy. The estimated distance from their galaxy to Earth is 13.2
billion lys. They use “worm-holes” to travel which allows them to “bend” space.
The ARB states that this particular society contacted Earth people only once and
that was the USSR in 1935. They spoke a Slavic dialect and left 10 written sentences of
which only one was not redacted and that was “2017-2022”. They were tall, had long
blonde hair and “smelled like flowers”.®>
653 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 238.
654 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 238-239.
655 All information here is from Santori, 2011, p. 33. The Santori information is repeated without credit at
Egon: Fornax (Galaxy UDFJ-39546284) on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 232
EI and Els (see also Ancient Builder Race, Cyclops, Elohim, Turaneusiam)
The word “EI” or “Els” is used in a number of different ways as the following
sources illustrate. As well, different kinds of beings are reported as Els. The two most
credible sources are Brother Philip and George Hunt Williamson and their book Secret of
the Andes. This is followed by information from SSP veteran Ileana (El Ka) on her
Messages from a Star Traveller website and her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on
YouTube and from her writing.
1) The El Race according to Brother Philip and George Hunt Williamson in their book
Secret of the Andes
The El race came from “Cyclop(s)” or “Cyclopeans" according to Philip and
Williamson. How they came by this knowledge needs elaboration. Their description of
the Cyclops is as follows.
Prior to the “Cyclops” coming to Earth, they traveled throughout space. Philip
and Williamson refer to them as “Titans” who rode “starways" and that “they still do in
another dimension of time and space”. No explanation of the Cyclopeans being in
another dimension of time and space is presented or which dimension. They “colonized
what we call the Milky Way Galaxy”. After a planet was ready for habitation they
inhabited it and so preceded other life forms. The habitation of Earth occurred when the
“Cyclops” arrived about one billion years ago after the Earth had cooled. The authors
refer to the Cyclops as “‘a non-human race from outer space”. Philip and Williamson
consider the Cyclopeans as “the race of [the] original true man (sic)”. There is no
clarification what “non-human race” means or the original race of human beings on
Earth. The authors consider them “the first life upon the Earth”. That is, the Cyclops
were the first life on planet Earth.
When considered together in this manner the authors state that they (all of which
are Els) are “the immortals of our legends” and “the God Race or Elder Race that
preceded man (sic)”. While this may be common usage, there are clearly missing
historical parts to grant all three kinds of beings the labels of “immortals”, “God Race”
or “Elder Race”.
The following description from these authors refers to Cyclopeans instead of Els.
e “12 feet tall [3.7 m], male and female” but “not as we think of sex differentiation
today’. The gender differentiation to what “we think of as sex differentiation” of
these beings does not have an explanation of this difference.
e These beings are “not really three dimensional” but they are “physical creatures”.
The meaning of being physical but “not really three dimensional” requires some
e Their goals: They wanted to achieve a timeless condition, create a place by mere
thought, escape from physical existence, wanted to be immortal, move across
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 233
time and stars “fettered by nothing”. The Cyclopeans wanted to progress in their
e Cyclopeans are now referred to as Els when the authors state that it was the Els
who left behind “great libraries in their deep, underground empire of enormous
cities”. These libraries contain tiny crystal records of the history of the universe.
They are enclosed in a magnetic field which sometimes finds an affinity with a
‘sensitive’ person living on Earth. Most likely this should be referenced to the
Cyclopeans since there might be no need for non-physical Els to have physical
e The authors speculate that the Earth was possibly the last world colonized in the
Milky Way because soon thereafter the Cyclopeans achieved the “power of
creative thought”. That is, they conquered M-E-S-T (matter, energy, space, time),
physical matter, time and space and became “gods”. They no longer needed Earth
or the Galaxy.
e The Cyclopeans became members of the “Thought Universe or Theta Universe”.
The Thought or Theta Universe was the realm to which the Cyclopeans
a) How the Cyclopeans Became Els
One of the main points of Philip and Williamson is their description of how the
Cyclopeans became Els. Only when they reached the Theta Universe of development are
the Cyclopeans referred to as Els. I have used this main point to rephrase some of their
previous descriptions. The following is how the Cyclopeans became Els according to
these authors.
First, it’s worth repeating that only when the Cyclops or Cyclopeans reached the
Theta Universe (undefined) are they referred to as Els.
Second, most of the Cyclops achieved the Theta Universe. While “Theta
Universe” involves conquering MEST, it would be helpful to have a meaning of
“thought universe”. This was a stage of development that they wanted to achieve. The
way that they did this was what the authors called a “Ninety Degree Phase Shift”. Again,
what this means and how it was accomplished is not stated. As the authors note, they
“left Earth and Galaxy for humanity”. Once the Cyclopeans became Els they left Earth.
Their leaving occurred prior to the existence of human beings on Earth.
The derivation of Els mentioned by the authors is also quite interesting. The
name Els comes from the 90 degree angle that forms an L (in the English language, for
instance). The “L” is a “symbol of their race and not really their name”. Consequently,
we have a race of beings symbolically called “Ls” or simply “Els”. Their actual name
remains to be discovered.
On a final note, not all of the Cyclopeans made the transfer to the “Ninety Degree
Phase Shift” and were forced to remain on Earth to improve their karma and hence
destiny. These Cyclopeans, who are incorrectly referred to as Els, acted as mentors to
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 234
human beings on Earth and became “teachers of masters and saints”.®°° The Earth beings
would probably refer to the remaining Cyclopeans as Els. It might be useful for
researchers to refer to the Cyclopeans that remained to call them something else, such as
the Founders of Earth or the ancient ones. This would differentiate them from the
Cyclopeans who actually progressed into Els.
2) Els according to El (Ileana) Ka
a) The other source of information about the Els is Ileana (El Ka) on her Star Traveler’s
website. She describes the Els as:
e@ 12D and upper dimension (Builder/Creator) race who inhabit the unknown space
universe. How this came to be known would be interesting.
e Surpassed time and space. The meaning of “surpassed” is not provided.
e Have ascended to the highest dimensions (sic) possible so they no longer need
physical bodies and often exist as pure energy.
e Have light bodies that can change body forms either as a corporeal or a non-
corporeal body. The kind of light bodies they have, the color(s), intensity, and so
on are not provided.
e Able to change their appearance to whatever they want to look like ie., shape
shifters (see also Shapeshifting). I assume that this is the ability to change from a
physical and non-physical form to another.
e@ One of the very first races to have once lived on ancient Earth from about
250,000 - 300,000 years ago leaving remnants of their advanced technology on
the planet. Not clear how these years are known. (The Zha.a.mi are reported to
have come to Earth over 400,000 years ago. See also Zha.a.mi)
e About 12 to 40 feet (3.7-12 m) tall. There is no mention of a height difference
between male and female Els.
e Have male and female genders.°°’
One considerable ability, mentioned by Ileana, is that the Els have a very
psychically developed third eye. This gives them telepathic and psychic abilities. In
addition, their thoughts can manifest or make anything that they want.
The Els are also into colonizing a planet. What “colonizing” means is not
presented. What the Els do once a planet is colonized is that they create libraries in deep
underground empires that consist of enormous cities. The libraries have “tiny crystal
records” that “‘contain the history of the Universe from the EL's vast travels”. These
libraries are “enclosed in a magnetic field”. They can only be opened by a “sensitive
person living on the Earth today”. Presumably, “sensitive person” refers to psionic
656 All information and quotations are from Philip & Williamson, (n.d.), pp. 10-12.
657 See also Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), pp. 370-371.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 235
The colonies on Earth by the Els contain “stasis chambers”. They contain “giant
guardians” that are “in cryo-sleep to wake up thousands of years later when Wave X
energies come to the planet”. Ileana mentions that this is happening now and these giants
might wake up.°®
b) El Ka provides more information about the Els in her //eana’s Star Journeys with the
UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka says that the El race was also on
Venus. They “left behind their knowledge repositories (sic) libraries on Venus”.
She describes her visit with a member of the El race and who is a descendant of
the Ancient Builder race (or El race) on Venus (see also Venus) called Anaya, a “16th
dimensional with blue/silver skin color, 10 feet (3.1 m) tall with “blue/silver colored
hair”. Anaya opened a “time dimensional wormhole” so that Ka could see the El race
city “13,000 years in the future”. She experienced time travel and a utopian civilization
with “no wars, no disease, no pollution, no famine, no financial systems, and no greed or
corruption[,] just beautiful people living free lives”. There is no mention of any
disagreement and how they were resolved.
She says the outpost city that she visited was one of “the most beautiful” that she
has had “the privilege to enter” on Venus with Anaya. It had pyramid towers once
located near water.
She saw one of the sentinels who had “white alabaster skin” that also included
“slightly whitish/grey skin”. The hair of the sentinel, she says, was also alabaster white.
The sentinel was dressed in “blue robe style clothing and greyish robes”.
The Els, she reminds us, are 12D to 28D beings who are “rarely seen in the
known universe” and who can “manifest things with the power of their thoughts”. That
is, they can create anything they want through the power of thinking. That includes being
able to “change their physical appearance by shape shifting”. One aspect of this is that
they travel in biological ships®*? (or bioships) as an “extension of their existence”.°™
There are El outposts in other solar systems, reports El Ka. These systems are not
named. She says that the outposts look like rock formations. However, they are made
from crystalline technology.®!
In a later part of El Ka’s book (Vol 2) she presents some more information about
the Els, who are descendants of the Ancient Builder Races that goes back one billion
658 All information and quotations are from Els on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/star-nations See also Ka, 2022 Apr 12.
659 For an understanding and comparison of a biological ship with one that is technological see Ka, 2021-
2022 (Vol 2), pp. 249-255 whose source is Myths of SF: Bioships and Organic Spacecraft on SF World
Building Blog website: https://sfworldbuilding.blogspot.com/search?q=bioships
660 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 256-257.
661 This information is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), p. 286.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 236
years in Earth’s history, pertaining to two of their quite amazing spacecraft. These two
starships, she writes, are called the Akashen and the Anishen and are usually cloaked.
Ka presents the Akeshen first. The Akashen is “an exploration vessel ... 13,000
years from the future in the El universe” (the meaning of the El universe is not provided).
This spacecraft has “20 sections on the ship including living spaces, research labs, two
engine rooms, parks, libraries, etc.” The size is given as half of the Earth.
The crew of this ship consists of more than 2,000 and is composed of “Els,
Pleiadians, Andromedans, some Arcturian hybrids, and also some Lyran species”. There
are also a few Sirian crew members. There is no mention of the social hierarchy in
running this ship. The height of the crew ranges up to 30 feet (9.1 m). A minimum is not
mentioned. The El crew are descendants from the Ancient Builder Race and have “light
pale blue skin or silver tones”. No other descriptions are given.
Ka met with two crew members. The first one was called Anaya. Anya is an El
race person whose job on the ship is an “interspecies communication liaison”, such as
“timeline interpretations”, managing “soul records”, and showing beings past or future
outcome life records. The other was called Arina. Arina is an “El/Pleiadian hybrid”, 14D,
purple/blue/green skin color, 20 feet (6.1 m) tall and has blue/purple hair. Her job
includes spiritual wisdom teaching, galactic historian, communications specialist, and
participation in “creating the inter species contact protocols”.
According to Ka, the general purpose of the Akashen’s crew is to help maintain
the “positive timelines so [that] the Milky Way Galaxy receives its incoming
electromagnetic waves” to help with “human rapid evolution, and that Earth experiences
its ascension process”. No examples of this are provided.
Ka outlines some of the characteristics and capabilities of the Akashen ship:
e@ Opens up “time dilation portals with its spinning vortex drives” located at the back
of the ship
e Has “time gateway corridors” so people can view different timelines to see “what is
going on in different galaxies”
e Can use time gateway corridors to accelerate time (eg., 2 hours Earth time would be
2 months on Akashen)
e Touch one corridor wall which opens holographically a medium sized window and
viewer can see outside the ship
e Spacecraft architecture has tall, spiraling hallways, curved ceilings, rising archways
e Has “energetic frequency” that emits “blue lighting throughout ship to create
calming and soothing atmosphere”
Has 8D and higher energetic levels
Is built from bio-living components
Telepathic operations of ship are based on holographic technology
Spacecraft interior contains park type gardens, hydroponics and aquaponics for
organic foods, “bio-living lighting”, and for “long distance travel (eg., couple of
thousand years) has cryo-genic sleeping pods”
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 237
e Akashen doorways and platforms have “elaborately decorated ancient sacred
geometry symbols” to “regulate the flow of fluidic space time on the ship”. The
meaning of “fluidic space time” is not provided.
Anishen is the other ship that is referred to by Ka and is generally described as an
“El universe starship”. The Anishen is half the size of the Akashen. This ship is so
advanced that it can create new universes through “neutron and photon particle proto
blasts” that come from its “biofeedback emitters”. Ka says, “The Els were one of the
seed races that created the big bang blast that formed the known universe where the
Milky Way Galaxy was made.” She goes on to state that all neutron and proton blasts
have bio-living matter in them to create the “beginning blocks of living matter for human
life to form”. She says that it was the Els who were used to seed “human building blocks
of life in different universes”.
One other major function about the Anishen that is mentioned by Ka is this ship
is used to help “retrieve star seed souls” who are “incarnated extraterrestrial humans on
Earth ... from other planets”. She carries on saying that “When the time comes these
extraterrestrial souls get to go home once they’ve completed their mission(s) on Earth”.
The Akashen and Akishen have shuttle craft that are “tear drop shaped” and are
used for “short term space explorations” such as orbiting new planets or “traveling near
unknown galaxies”. They have “solarized weapons” and impenetrable shielding. All
shuttles have “distinct sacred geometry symbols on them” that distinguishes them as El
craft in space.
One final item worth mentioning by Ka is that a protective force field exists
around the known universe that separates it from the El universe which can only be
accessed by “higher dimensional or multidimensional beings with the highest spiritual
vibrational frequencies”.
E].An.Ra (Belt of Orion)
E].An.Ra. are the 3 stars that make up the Belt of Orion. The Exopaedia website
states that this information is channeled and came from “Solara’’®® [Solara An-Ra] and is
the Galactic name for these 3 stars.°
662 A]l information and quotations from the previous reference to the present one are from Ka, 2021-2022
(Vol 2), pp. 550-554. El Ka also provides an excellent summary presentation called the Descendants of the
Ancient Builder Race including images pp. 555-559.
663 See her website Solara An-Ra website: https://www.solara.org.uk/
664 RL-AN-RA on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/EL-AN-RA
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 238
El from this website has been mentioned (see El). AN® (Alnilam or Epsilon
Orionis®*) is the middle star of the Belt of Orion and is 1,300 lys away. Ra°®’ (Alnitak
or Zeta Orionis®*) is the name given to the bottom star as seen from the northern
hemisphere and is about 736 light years away.
Since this information about the Belt of Orion is channeled it is not considered
credible at this time.
Eldaru and Eldari (plural) (See also Grail, Lyrans, Noor, Procyon, Rigel)
The Eldaru are presented on the Galactic Human Journey website. No source is
provided making the information less credible at the present time.
This website states that the Eldari are a “refugee colony from Rigel” in the Orion
constellation®. They are stated to be related to the “Noor Lyrans but not survivors of the
Lyran wars”. The Eldari inhabited the “4th planet of Procyon” which they called Eldar.
There is only a very brief description of the Eldari. They are described as tall (no
specific measurements of “tall” are given) with blond hair and are “humanoids”. Their
skin is stated as being “fair” and their eyes are “cobalt to clear blue”. They have “strong
musculature” but what this means is not clarified.
This site says that the Eldari are of the same race as the “Pleiadeans, the Meton-
Centaurians and Hyadeans” though this is not elaborated on.
The Eldari “fled Rigel in Orion”, maintains this website because the Grail (ie.,
Rigel “Greys”’) attacked them. The Grail civilization is stated as including “Rigel,
Bellatrix, Betelgeuse and Mintaka (their home world)”. This site does not say where the
Eldari fled to.
Once again, the Grail found them in their new location. This site states that the
Eldari were unable to fight them because they had “inadequate weapons”. For example,
the Grail have the ability to throw a planet out of orbit.
What is important here is the method that the Grail used to enslave the Eldari.
The Grail start by offering the Eldari peace. Peace is used to infiltrate the Eldari social
structure. In addition, they used “telepathic hypnosis on the reptilian level of the brain to
program them” into slavery.
665 An on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/AN
666 AInilam on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/AInilam
667 RA on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/RA
668 A Initak on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Alnitak
669 For basic information on Rigel see Rigel on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigel
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 239
Some Eldari were able to escape by using what this site calls “multidimensional
expansion of consciousness”. Through this they were able to discover “the technology of
time travel” and had the ability to switch “to another density of existence”. From their
new dimensional plane the Eldari tried to change the course of events. The Grail were
unable to follow the Eldari into their new dimension, according to this site because their
“soul matrix won't allow it”.°’° How this knowledge of the Grail “soul matrix” came to
be known is not stated.
The Elder Race (see El)
“Elegant Humanoid”
The name of “Elegant Humanoid” comes from witness accounts that were
recorded in 1896 (yes, 1896) in Lodi, California by Colonel H.G. Shaw and Camille
Spooner as reported on the Think AboutIt (sic) website. This website states that there
were: “Three individuals observed swaying back and forth trying unsuccessfully to pick
up the witnesses before floating into a door on the side of their craft and departing”.
These 3 would be the “Elegant Humanoid” ETs.
They are described as “long lean regal elegant aliens that have varying features
that range from undefined human features to highly defined regal human features”. Some
of them had features that were not what we would consider to be a person from Earth.
They looked like Earth people, states this website but some had “enlarged eyes and other
Grey like features”, while others had “slit eyes and other reptilian features” and others
had “angelic versions of Nordic alien features”.
One ET was described as being 6 feet (about 2 m) tall, lightweight “with a
narrow, elegant body, a large head, large eyes, small nose, mouth and ears, delicate 5
fingered hands”. It was also reported that this being’s head and body were “covered with
a soft, downy, neat fur” It had a “warbling voice”.®7!
The “Elephant” Race (see The Ganesh)
Elevar aka Elevar Ahel or Ahil (see also Ozman, Adari, Puxhity, Vega)
The information about the Elevar comes from the Galactic Human Journey
website. There is no source given for this information thus reducing its credibility at this
670 All information and quotations are from Eldaru (Norwegian Rigellians) on Galactic Human Journey
website: https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#Eldaru-race
671 All information and quotations from Elegant Humanoid on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 240
This website begins stating that an “Ahel colony arrived after the Taali”. They
“settled on the 3rd planet of the system: Levak-Nor’. Here the “Elevar Ahil reproduced
as accurately as they could their lost civilization of the Man-Mother world”. No details
of their civilization are given.
The Elevar Ahil “became embroiled in a cold war with their neighbors and
cousins Taali” who inhabit the first planet called Adara. No details of this entanglement
are mentioned.
The only other information about the Elevar is that the royal family made an
immunity deal with their enemy the Cyakahrr in order to escape to Vega but were
“diverted ... to the Orion star system Mirza”. Whether this was planned is in dispute. A
“split group of Taal colonels were also escorted to the planet Adara” who were members
of a high rank in the Taal society. No details of this are mentioned.
This site states that it is doubtful that the Cyakahrr helped the Taal refugees settle
in Vega. The Ozman records, however, present a different version.°”
Much more needs to be known about the Elevar Ahil before more definite
information can be provided.
There are two sources of information about the Elffaf. No plural of this word is
1) One source of information about the Elffaf comes from Santori’s ARB. The Elffaf are
stated as coming “from the Bootes constellation near Asellus Primus”. Their appearance
is similar to the “Grays [or Greys]” but they are not related. They have 4 different
genders though this is not elaborated on. They are considered to be benevolent. The
meaning of benevolent in regard to Earth is not clarified.
Their reasons for visiting Earth are unknown. There is some speculation that they
have a special interest in raw materials or minerals since they are often seen near old
They were last seen in 2005 near San Isidro de El General, Costa Rica.°”? No
details of the sighting are provided.
2) The other source of information is the Galactic Human Journey website. (Note that
Asellus is spelled incorrectly on this site as Arsellus.) There is no source provided for
672 All information and quotations are from Elevar on Galactic Human Journey website:
673 Santori, 2011 p. 69.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 241
this site’s information thus reducing its credibility at this time. The additional
information it provides is the following.
According to this site their home worlds near Asellus Primus (known as Theta
Bodtis®”) are called Harsana-Mubunu and Igir.
This site states that in the reproduction process of the Elffaf there are two genders
assigned to procreate with the third bringing the embryo to term. The fourth gender has
higher psychic abilities and is not fertile. They dedicate their life to scientific endeavors.
Their ships are shaped like domes.°”>
ELIOS (Independent Entities of IOS)
The existence of a group of beings called ELIOS (Free Entities of IOS) is
reported in a private social media site (not in References). Two twin brothers were
abducted in Northern France by a huge light. The year was not mentioned except that
they were 14 years old at the time. The entities were later referred to as ELIOS. No
description of them is provided.
The ELIOS sent scientific messages to the twins. They asked the twins to post
them on the CERPA site (Center for Studies and Research of Aerospace Phenomena).
This website no longer exists. The brothers did this for about two years after which
CERPA announced that these “messages were of extraterrestrial origin and were very far
in advance”. Thereafter, all messages ceased.
No other information about the ELIOS is presently available.
Ellina aka “Elves” (see also Erra, Shakrill)
No origin and no physical description is mentioned in Santori’s ARB presentation
of the Ellina. This race has been credited with starting the myth of “Elves” (“Elf”) or
short people. They are usually sighted deep in a forest in Germanic countries.
Generally known as pranksters, they enjoy scaring humans when they get too
close to them. Reports reveal that they lure humans away from cars so that they can steal
their possessions. Thereafter, they frighten the humans to make them leave. The source
of these reports is not provided.
674 See Theta Bodtis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_Bo%C3%Bétis
675 All information is from Elffaf: Arsellus (sic) on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 242
They were last sighted in December 2004 near Munique (Munich), Germany.*°”
There is no description of this sighting or who saw them.
El-Manouk or Elmanuk (see also Arcturians, Council of 5, Galactic Authority)
There are two sources presented here about the El-Manouk or Elmanuk. The first
one is by Santori.
1) The El-Manouk are reported in the ARB by Santori to be from the Grus constellation
near a star called Alnair or Alpha Grus®”’.
The El-Manouk are a peaceful race and helped to create the “Council of 5” even
though they are not part of it. The Council of 5 consists of “a group of 5 alien races that
protect Humans against less peaceful races”. (A more recent update by Penny Bradley is
that this council is in fact the court system of the Galactic Authority). Santori’s ARB
states that this council was to have met “on earth during the last 10 days of August 2013”
because the Earth has had “‘too many’ visits from new races in the past 500 years”. No
details of these visits are provided.
The El-Manouk are credited with coining the phrase: “5 universes, 2500 species,
1 race’. That is, we are all one irrespective of our universe or species.
They were seen last in September 2002 near the Sea of Cortez.°’® The Sea of
Cortez is also known as the Gulf of California and is located between the Baja California
Peninsula and the mainland of Mexico®’’. No descriptions of the sighting are presented.
2) The other source of information about the Elmanuk/El-Manouk is from the Galactic
Human Journey website. Some of the information on this site is repeated without credit
to Santori and is omitted here. No sources for the information are provided and so it is
considered less credible at present.
This site states that the Elmanuk planet is called Ardamant. It reports that the
Council of 9 was originally called the Council of Ardamant.
The following is a brief description of the Elmanuk. They are stated as being tall,
though no specific heights are given. Their body frame is stated as “skinny” but are
considered to be in good physical condition and have strength. No examples are given.
Their eyes are described as “very large” and they “wear dark protective lenses”. They
have two genders though interestingly enough “the males can change sex by activating a
womb in their abdomen”. They also have “an opening ... adapted for birth”. This site
676 Santori, 2011, p. 72.
677 See Grus (Constellation) on Wikipedia website:
678 Santori, 2011, p. 34.
679 Gulf of California on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of California
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 243
reports that this change is painful and is only undertaken when absolutely necessary. No
examples are given concerning what constitutes such a necessity. Also mentioned is that
they are “very similar to the Arcturians (Ohora1)” but no details of this are included.
Their population has decreased but no reason is provided for this. Their
participation in the Federation Galactic Council (it isn’t clear as to what this council is) is
limited to when they are needed.
This website repeats the phrase from Santori by the Elmanuk, "Five universes,
2,500 species, one race". Clearly there are more universes and beings. This phrase was
used by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to create their version which was, "One
Multiverse, One Race".
Their spacecraft are "V"-shaped but not just triangular.°®° More clarification of
their ships is needed to understand the meaning of this description.
Elohei and Elohim: Their Use in Writing about ETs (see also El)
Elohei means god and Elohim, the plural, means gods. However, Elohim in the
plural is also used as the singular, meaning god. The reader has to know the context of
what is being written. This use is made more difficult when the reference to Elohei and
Elohim become more vague. The following is not a criticism. It is simply to show the
difficulty of undertaking this kind of historical writing when there is much that is
unknown in describing ETs.
The information about the use of Elohei and Elohim is taken from El (Ileana)
Ka’s 2016 “History of the Blue Avians: Azurite Council” on her Awakening Cosmic
Reality Show on YouTube.
On her program El Ka refers to the “Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim”. The following is
offered as a brief clarification of this phrase. To start, the phrase ““Anuhazi Elohei-
Elohim" is one example of the use of Elohei and Elohim. That is, an Anuhazi Elohei
means that each Anuhazi is a god. The meaning of Anuhazi Elohim is that all of the
Anuhazi are considered gods.
A challenging use of Elohei - Elohim occurs when there is only a partial
reference to who these gods were. Here is what is written: “The Yanas appointed the
Emerald Order Breneau and their Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Race
as the Universal Security Team in our Time Matrix”. The phrase “Elohei-Elohim Feline-
hominid Christos Founders Race” when elaborated on means the following. Elohei and
Elohim refer to god(s) and “feline-hominid” means cat-like humans. In essence, the
“Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid” means gods that were cat-like humans. “Christos
680 Ajl information and quotations are from Elmanuk or El-Manouk: Grus (Gliese 832) on Galactic Human
Journey website: https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#Elmanuk-race
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 244
Founders Race” is omitted here. Hence, Elohei - Elohim refers to a general category of
god(s), that is, cat-like humans.
A more difficult use occurs when the Elohei - Elohim are not specified. Here is
an example where there is no name attached to Elohim. Around 250 billion years ago, El
Ka writes, at the time of the “Fallen Angelics”, the “Aramatena Stargate 12” was
destroyed during the “Lyran-Elohim wars”. There is no clarification of these quotations.
The last one is the “Lyran-Elohim wars”. The explanation of this is that the Lyrans were
at war with Elohim or gods. There is no name attached to these gods so we do not know
who the Lyrans were at war with.°*!
This has been a brief presentation to help clarify the use of Elohei and Elohim in
reference to ETs.
Elohim: Related Levels of Understanding ETs (see also Elohei, El; see also
Nephilim, Source, Zha.a.mi)
Elohim and Els are words that are generally used as the plural of El.
Earth people have generally been conditioned by organized religion to refer to
their ET creators as gods or Elohim.
A very brief understanding of Elohim is conveyed using some of the information
about Elohim from the Exopaedia website. I’ve used the idea of “related levels” to
convey how the term might have come about and its use by the general population.
For the beginning or first level there is a Creator, Source or God. (Sometimes this
being or energy is referred to as the One by ETs. How One came about is not known.)
The second related level occurs when God or One created the “Creative Fathers”
aka Founders or “the Creators” who are in charge of creating life forms, according to the
Exopaedia website.
The problem I have is calling them “Fathers”, one gender. For instance, how
would Fathers come to know and create Mothers? The term Founders or Creators leaves
the question of gender open and seems more suitable at present. The characteristics of
the Founders is generally unknown.
The second level was responsible for creating the third level of new life forms.
This raises the question: what kinds of beings did the Founders create? The answer to
this isn’t really known. For example, did they create the Lyrans, “Reptilians” or were
there others before them? The Exopaedia website suggests that “Reptilians” (which ones
are not specified) were also responsible for creating life forms and claiming they created
681 Aq] quotations are from Ka, 2016, Aug 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 245
Earth beings and others though it isn’t clear which others. An unknown here is whether
the Cyclopeans might be part of this third level.
The third level of beings created the new forms of life of the fourth level. There
appear to be two general kinds of beings created by third level beings. There are those
third level beings that would leave the fourth level kind to their own development,
perhaps the Cyclopeans might be an example of this, while others want to be called their
gods or creators. For example, the Exopaedia website places the “Lizzie-Creator Gods”
in this category.°* Their use of “Lizzie-Creator Gods” is a negative reference to the
general category of “Lizard” or “Reptilian” beings. Those beings insistent on being
called gods represent the start of a pattern of ruling for those who are subordinate to
them. For Earth this would include the Zha.a.mi who presented themselves as gods. The
term “Elohim” would fit into this general use.
An interesting issue is raised by Gosia in interviewing Swaruu. The question
concerns whether there is more than one Elohei - Elohim ET society related to the
Elohim of the Bible. According to Swaruu there are but he states it is complicated. This
complication, he maintains, is because some ETs are “a race of air, ‘Elios’, as spirit”.
These ETs may be good Elohim (ie., angelic) or bad (ie., Jinn, Djinn or Gin) (see also
Jinn).°*? No definitive answer is presented at this time. It’s worth remembering that some
ET societies may contain both kinds of gods for Earth humans.
El ra’a: Ana Shay Hi and Council of Errah
The El ra’a, Ana Shay Hi and Council of Errah are presented on the Galactic
Human Journey website. There is no specific source given for this information as is
stated on this webpage reducing its current credibility. The implied source is Martijn van
Staveren and his lectures®*.
The website begins with the Council of Errah stating that it is a collective of
“Higher Pleiadian” consciousness. There is no mention of who is on this “council” nor
are there any examples of higher Pleiadian consciousness provided.
The Ana Shay Hi are presented next. They are stated as being a civilization that is
“a part of the Master races of El ra'a and the EI ra'a civilization”. That is, the Ana Shay
Hi are part of the master races of the El ra'a but are also a civilization. Who the other
members of the “master races” are is not given. We do not know what makes them a
master race or how they became one. Some of their special abilities include:
682 Flohim on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Elohim
683 AJ] information and quotations are from Gosia. 2020 Jun 24. Extraterrestrial Races: Introduction
(Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication) Cosmic Agency on Galactic Human Journey website:
684 See for example, Martijn van Staveren lectures for 25 Jan 2017 to 27 Nov 2017 on website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 246
e Visualizing Earth’s entire universal consciousness including manipulations that
are occurring
e They created “the entire software program of creation from scratch, with the
Creator's vision in it, the vision of Connectedness” (many details are lacking
here, such as what the Creator’s vision is)
e They have a “frequency that sits in the information field of the Source Field”
(there is no clarification of “information field” or “Source field’’)
The last item presented is that of the “El rah el” (note the different spelling from
El ra’a) civilization. The only aspect mentioned about them is that they are a civilization
that has “not evolved any further than others’”.°*> What this means is not clarified.
The current information as presented lacks credibility.
The Elta-V are mentioned by Stefano Breccia as being active in Italy in the 1970s
to the 1990s. They are a strange group of ETs, Breccia maintains, because they are
“interested in computer music”’.°°°
No other information about them is presented.
Emerald Covenant Coevolution Agreement (see also Azurite Council)
The Emerald Covenant Coevolution Agreement is mentioned by El (Ileana) Ka
on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. It is stated as follows: “The
Massive Universal Service Organization was assembled by Yanas and Breneau Founders
upon restatement of the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution (sic) Agreement’”®’’. That is all
that is presented here.
This looks like an important agreement among various unnamed ETs. More
details of this agreement would be welcomed, such as its content and its participants.
Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race (see also Azurite Council)
El (Ileana) Ka makes a brief mention of the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim
Breneau Founders Race on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. What she
states about them is the following.
685 AJ] information and quotations are from El ra'a / Council of Errah / Ana Shay Hi on Galactic Human
Journey website: https://galactic-human-
journey.orgfree.com/#El raa_/ Council of Errah / Ana Shay Hi
686 Breccia, 2017 Nov 24.
687 Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 247
The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Breneau Founders Race consists of a number
of organizations. A main one is the “Density-5 administrative council of the Azurite
Universal Templar Security Team”. This administrative council is called the “MC
Eieyani Master Council”, where MC stands for Melchizedek Cloister. The complete
name is thus the Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani Master Council.
The members of the MC Eieyani Master Council incarnate in two ways. One way
is through the “Sirius B Azurite lineage” that followed the “creation of the Oraphim-
Angelic Human lineage” that occurred around “568 million years ago”. The other
incarnation is through the “Oraphin-Angelic Human ‘Indigo Children’ Human Grail
That is all the information that is provided about this race in this video.
Emerther and Emerthers (see also Council of 5, Solipsi Ra, Zetas)
Three main sources of information are presented about the Emerthers.
1) The initial source of information about the Emerthers comes from the ARB by Santori.
No home planet(s) or constellation is mentioned for the Emerthers.
They are a founding member of the Council of 5 and still have a representative on
it according to the ARB by Santori. He mentions that the Emerthers are the most
important race among all the Council of 5 members. They are related to but much older
than the Solipsi Rai and more advanced “‘in all levels”.°8? What being ‘more advanced in
all levels’ means is not provided.
From Santori we learn that the Emerther representatives “met with USA president
Dwight Eisenhower on three separate occasions. As well, they “met with two High-
Ranking (sic) USSR leaders” on “3 different occasions. They also “tried ... to meet with
US president Richard Nixon but he refused” because he thought that “it would be too
dangerous”. It would be too dangerous because he thought that they might be able to
read his mind and find out national security secrets about relations with the USSR.®°
2) Another source of information about the Emerthers is “Peter the Insider”, Director of
the 12th Division of the ACIO®!, and an SSP military veteran. According to Peter the
Insider, the Emerthers appear as humans with smaller eyes, mouth and nose. They are
about 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) tall and are bald. They communicate telepathically. They
688 AJ] information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
689 This information is from Santori, 2011 p. 81.
690 All information and quotations here are from Santori, 2011 p. 81.
691 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 248
consider speaking as a very primitive form of communication. They do not force their
views on humans.%”
Peter the Insider describes his experience with an Emerther named Gary or Jerry.
Peter relates that Gary/Jerry can drink gallons of coffee. He loves strong Arabic coffee.
Another part pertaining to the Emerthers according to Peter is that they are responsible
for many, many crop circles. As well, they are capable of instantaneous travel.
In addition, Peter states that the Emerthers that he knows are funny and love to
dance to Italian disco music and occasionally jump. They love to eat everything humans
do, especially cake. They also work hard.
One of their techniques is to pretend that what they have (eg., technology) is old,
ancient and not working. They want other civilizations to believe that they are weak in
order to underestimate them and their extremely advanced technology. Their technology
is much more advanced than those coming from Zeta Reticuli.
Lastly, an important aspect concerning the Emerthers, Peter relates, is that they
have treaties with all super powers on Earth including China.°?
3) The final source of information about the Emerthers is from the Galactic Human
Journey website. No source is provided for this information so it currently lacks
credibility. Only information that adds to the previous sources is presented from this
This site states that the Emerthers are from Tau Ceti about 12 lys from our solar
system in the Cetus constellation. Two of the 5 planets in Tau Ceti are inhabited. One
is by the Aramani and the other called Tau Ceti e (sic) with 3 moons by the Emerther.
They are described as having “light gray skin and a large head, rounded shoulders
and long thin arms, three fingers and higher knees”. Their eyes are large, wide and blue
covered by a black protective lens. A distinguishing feature from the other Zetas is that
they have a “conspicuous small nose”. They are “of the same sex and reproduce by
Emerya (see Nommo)
Endorians (see N’ tori)
6° Peter the Insider, 2016a Jul 26.
693 All preceding information and quotations mentioning Peter are from Peter the Insider, 2020 Apr 8.
694 Tau Ceti on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_Ceti
695 All information and quotations are from Emerther on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 249
“Energy Eaters” or “Energy Feeders” (see also Amoeba)
The terms “Energy Eaters or Feeders” are not the names of these beings. These
words simply describe what these beings do. The various numbers and kinds of them are
unknown. However, Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on
YouTube, the source of this information, presents two general kinds of “Energy Eaters”
or “Feeders”. What divides the two is that there are those that live on Earth and those
that live in space.
The first kind are those that live on Earth. On Earth, there are ETs that feed off
any energy that humans put out in massive quantities, such as love, fear, worship, etc.
This energy is part of our auric fields. The outer edges of our auric field goes out to
about 25 feet (8 m) in all directions, says Bradley. Some ETs feed on our outer edges.
Some energy feeders cover us. For example, Bradley says that she can see people that are
covered with insects and slug-like beings. To get rid of them we have to cleanse
ourselves physically or energetically. We have to put up protective shielding to keep
them off. As a reminder, Bradley adds that these are not archons or demons. They are
another life form that “parasites” us.°° That is, they live off of us. How this came about
would be very interesting research.
The other kinds of beings evolved to feed from the energy in space, says Bradley.
Then, other beings evolved to feed off of them. Bradley states that the first stage was
similar to plants. These evolved into the second stage of herbivores. The last stage were
the carnivores. They are huge and follow the energy currents coming from stars. The
engines of spaceships, states Bradley, are similar enough to appear as food to them. To
avoid them, navigators have to change enough of the energy frequency of their
spacecraft to make these beings let go of the engines. These beings are so prevalent,
reports Bradley that the navigator has to strip the ship of them every three hours.
Luckily, there are not many of them in hyperspace. °°”
The Energy Eaters or Feeders in space are described by Bradley as appearing in
various forms, such as looking like a horseshoe crab, jellyfish, amoeba, and even an
angel. Some are big amorphous beings with wings and have a siren song. They are
capable of devouring a spaceship as if it was nothing.°”*
Engan and Engans (see also Taygeteans)
Engan is a desert-like planet inhabited by black skin people that is mentioned on
the Exopaedia website. This information is channeled and so this site states that there are
doubts that this civilization exists.°?
696 Bradley, 2020 Sep 5.
697 Bradley, 2020 Jun 17.
698 Bradley, 2020 Jun 18.
699 Engan on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Engan
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 250
The information about the Engan on the Galactic Human Journey website
contradicts that of the previous source on Exopaedia. Since no source for the information
on the Galactic Human Journey’s website is presented it lacks credibility. This website
states that the Engans of the star called Electra are similar to the Taygeteans of Taygeta
in that both look “Scandinavian”. The Taygeteans are stated as being 4-6 inches (10-15
cm) taller than the Engan.”°° This does not, of course, tell us the height of the Engans.
Many of the Engan descriptions are similar to the preceding and do not tell us
Epsilon Draconis (see Magel)
Epsilon Persei (see Tarice)
Epsilon Reticulan (see also Zeta Reticuli)
Epsilon Reticulan is the name given to a race of people by John Whitberg, an
SSP military veteran, in a personal communication (not in References). He states that
they are about 12 feet (3.7 m) tall. They have brown skin and blue eyes. He says that
they are “generally very friendly to humans”.
What they are noted for, he says, is “their crystal based technology, particularly
their crystal based quantum computers”. He mentions that “They work with the U.S.
That is all that he can recall about them.
Eridani and Eridanians (see also Cetians, Iargans)
The information about the Eridanians comes from the Exopaedia website. The
Eridanians inhabit Eridanus, a southern constellation. One of the star systems in the
Eridanus constellation is called Epsilon Eridani and it is this planet that is inhabited by
the human-like Eridanians. It is about 10.5 lys from the Sun”!.
This website describes the Eridani as 7 to 7.5 feet (2.1 to 2.3 m) tall. Their skin
has plates and wrinkles similar to that of “crocodile skin”. Their arms are very large and
have “3 fat fingers on the end”. The only parts of their head that are described is that they
have “a large mouth and very large ears”. Their society has “highly advanced
technology” similar to the Iargans.
700 All information is from Engan on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#Enganen (Engan)
701 Epsilon Eridani on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon Eridani
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 251
Also stated is that the Eriganians are believed to be a “member of the Federation
of Planets” [or Galactic Authority]. They are also mentioned as “one of the races that
have contacted the US government to express their concern”. What this concern was is
not provided.
One event that is described briefly and presented on this site is the “recovery of a
crashed craft with a mediterranean or latin american (sic) looking alien” reported in
1991. The appearance of the ET is stated as bronze coloured skin, similar to
“Mediterranean or South American cultures”. The ET is stated as being male with brown
hair whose length was compared as similar to “a Roman or crew style cut”. The only
difference in appearance compared to an Earth being was that “his ears were slightly
pointed”. This ET confirmed that he was from Epsilon Eridani.’°
Erra and Errans aka Errahel and Errahil (plural), Erran Pleiadians (see also Ahel,
Ellina, Lyran, Pleiadian, Taygeta)
There are three sources of information about Erra or Errans. They are from the
Exopaedia website, SSP military veteran John Whitberg and from the Galactic Human
Journey website.
1) From the Exopaedia website, as stated by Billy Meier”, “Erra’™ is the name of a
planet circling Taygeta’°, which is one of the main stars of the Pleiades” Cluster”. The
inhabitants of Erra are referred to as Errans.
This website notes that “Erra is inhabited by a race of Lyran’”’ descent that
actually came to Earth first, and then moved on to Pleiades because the Wars continued
here, too”. There is no description of the physical appearance of the Errans or any
mention of their social organization. In other words, “the Errans are Lyran Earth
Colonists that moved to the Pleiades".
An example of an Erran by this site is Meier’s contact called Semjase”°* who
comes from Erra.’°°
2) John Whitberg refers to the Erran Pleiadians in a personal communication (not in
References). He describes them as “dark haired humanoids with pointy ears” that are
702 All information and quotations are from Eridanus on Exopaedia website:
703 See Billy Meier on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Billy+Meier
704 Erra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Erra
705 Taygeta on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Taygeta
706 Pleiades on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Pleiades
707 Lyra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Lyra
708 Semjase on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Semjase
709 Unless otherwise noted, all information and quotations are from Erra on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 252
around 12 feet (3.7 m) tall. They likely inspired the myth of Elves, he says. They're
reasonably friendly. He reports that “they've mostly refused relations with our military”
which I take to mean the U.S. He states that “they wear brown uniforms”.
3) The last source of information about Erra, which mentions the Errahel, is the Galactic
Human Journey website. This site begins by stating, “This is where I come from” but
does not specify who that is. We are not certain if this is Rene Yanadath, the webmaster
of this website, since there is no reference stated. Without this reference there is also
currently less credibility for the information it presents.
As with the previous source this website states that Erra is the second planet of
the Taygeta system. It is considered "the sanctuary of knowledge" where the records
(including physical ones) of the “entire Human civilization are kept”. How this is known
is not included. Erra has imported many plants and animals that live in 5 climatic zones
and various seasons. It is a turquoise blue world with 7 moons.
This site states that Erra is “inhabited by the Ahel Colony, the white-skinned,
blue-eyed, and blond-haired race from Maya”. The Errahel and Errahil or "Ahil of Erra"
are portrayed as “highly spiritual” focusing on achieving “inner peace and spiritual
upliftment”, such as through arts and music.
Some of the characteristics of their society include the following. Their food is a
plant based diet. Reproduction is achieved “naturally” and through artificial conception.
The education of the young is based on grouping “common talents” into “specific
training schools”. They have a two tier social class structure consisting of the everyday
Ahel and the “higher class” that they call "The Elders". They consider themselves “space
relatives” to us and do not want to be our “spiritual masters”. All life is considered
immortal by them and a fractal of Source. The “soul is eternal”. Source is described as
feminine, the consciousness of the multiverse, “the almighty force” and the “source of all
life, all matter and all energy”. Our bodies are considered to be “impermanent”. The
Ahel “have no gods, no idols, no sects, we only have Her”.
This website also maintains that Valiant Thor was an Errahel scientist. He was
sent in the 1940s by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to Earth and the US government
to help accelerate technological evolution and to warn of the threat of the Cyakahrr
The Ahel, along with other unnamed races, are involved in a global program by
the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or Galactic Authority) called the "Envoy program" to
assist in “raising Earth's consciousness”. This is achieved by incarnating in an Earth
body. On Earth this is called "Starseed".
Their spacecraft include cylindrical shaped freighters for long space travel and
smaller “elongated” disk-shaped patrol ships.7!°
710 All information and quotations are from Errahel on Galactic Human Journey website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 253
Essassan and Essassani (see also Zetas)
The Essassani are reported on the Bibliotecapleyades website based on
information that was recovered from “crash sites”. Not much credible information is
available about them.
The main item mentioned about them is that they are a “crossbreed” between
Earth humans and ETs from Zeta-Reticulae as one possible future. An example of the
Essassani race stated by this website is the Steven Spielberg movie called "Close
Encounters of the Third Kind".”!!
The rest of the information is channeled and not considered credible.
The Etherians are mentioned in Gil Carson’s The Yellow Book, 2018. According
to Carson, President Eisenhower met with an ET ambassador called Krill on February
20th, 1954. Krill “helped establish diplomatic relations” with an ET race called the
Etorthans (see also Dieslientiplex)
There is currently little information about the Etorthans. They are mentioned
briefly on the Galactic Human Journey website with the Dieslientiplex. What is stated is
that the Etorthans “from Orion seeded humans” on Earth since the beginning’.
Europans (see also “Aquafarians'')
The Europans, so called because they are native to Jupiter’s moon Europa, are
presented by SSP military veteran John Whitberg in a personal communication (not in
References). Whitberg states that they are “an aquatic species”. He says that “they look
like bioluminescent eels” that are around 100 feet (30 m) long. They glow light blue.
Instead of fins, he says they have human-like arms. They're very spiritually advanced but
what this means is not included.
711 All information and quotations are from Meta-terrestrial - Code: Meredith on Some Kinds of Alien Life
Forms We Know About: An Anthropological Analysis on Bibliotecapleyades website:
712 AQ] information and quotations are from Carson, 2018, p. 3.
713 Dieslientiplex on Galactic Human Journey website: https://galactic-human-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 254
He considers their current civilization at the Stone Age level of development.
They hate humans, especially Americans, for invading their territory and for frequently
abducting them to use in experiments.
Eva-Borgs (see Genetically Engineered Beings)
Eyosians aka The Tall African Zulu ETs (see also “Black” ETs)
There are two parts to this presentation starting with the term The Tall African
Zulu ETs and ending with their name of Eyosians. The source for both parts is SSP
veteran Corey Goode.
1) The Tall African Zulu ETs
According to Goode, there is a society of ETs called the Tall African Zulu ETs.
Their relation to the “Black” ETs is unknown. Goode talks about these people publicly to
Kalyn McDonald, the host of Ether Dream on YouTube. His initial description of them is
that they are “a tall, skinny, beautiful African looking race” and that they are
“shamanic”. They undertake “beautiful-like dances with stomping” and wear “feathers
and paint”. He does not provide any details of these.
“Regular folks are in constant communication with this group through dreams,”
he says. He considers them a positive influence on humanity since they come at night to
“raise our vibration”. They also provide us with information to deal with our enemies but
they do not provide any weapons nor will they fight for us.
While their technology is not very advanced, one of their strengths, according to
Goode, is the use of their minds or “higher consciousness” compared to other beings. His
example here is that they were able to repel the conquering Draco from entering our star
system by the use of their minds to “send them all of a sudden in a different location and
[they] didn’t know how they got [there]. Essentially, they sent the Draco somewhere
else. We are not told where they were sent. How this relates to our current Draco rulers
requires investigation.
One final item here concerns Goode’s use of the word Zulu. The word Zulu on
Earth refers to the Zulu people. They are the largest indigenous patriarchal nation in
South Africa estimated at 10 -12 million people that were forcibly colonized by the
British and forced into apartheid by the South African government’'4. Goode uses the
word Zulu to refer to these ETs because this was how they were referred to in the SSP
programs.’!> How these ETs name themselves is not provided.
2) The Eyosians
714 Zulu People on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulu_people
715 Unless otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Goode, 2020 Feb 26.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 255
In a more recent report on Goode’s Sphere Being Alliance show on YouTube, he
provides more information about the Tall African Zulu ETs referring now to them as the
Goode adds to his previous description of them stating that their history is over 2
billion years and that their home planet is called Dios. He says that the Zulu are a 5D
consciousness and are “one of the most influential extraterrestrial groups within our local
stellar neighborhood”. No details of their influence are provided.
He says that they have “African features for our reference on Earth” but he does
not mention what these African features are. They are “typically over seven to eight feet
[2.1 - 2.4 m] tall”. Their “shamanic civilization”, he mentions, is “managed mostly by
their female elders”. This is then a matriarchal society unlike that of the actual Zulu
patriarchal Earth nation. He adds that their lifespan is “thousands of Earth years” based
on the “frequency of their star and the unique conditions of their planet” though he offers
no specifics about these.
They were able to develop their consciousness to such a degree that they could
project it to observe civilizations on other planets. This led them to encounter an enemy
that was an advanced civilization which was creating an armada likely to destroy the
Elosians. Their only form of defense, maintains Goode, was to use their mass
consciousness to create confusion among their enemy or send them to another location.
Their enemy was on par psychically with them plus they had weapons. The Esosians had
to come to terms with that.’!°
Most of the previous information, as currently provided, lacks sufficient detail.
Fajan (see also Andromeda)
In Miguel Mendoga and Barbara Lambs’ 2015 book called Meet the Hybrids: The
Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors on Earth, there is an interview with Jujuolui
(jho-jha-lee) Kuita. She states that she is part of a Reptilian race called Fajan
(pronounced fah-zhan), from planet Faqui (fah-gwee) in the Andromeda Galaxy. She
says that “Fajayan” is her joint unit name which patrols the Galaxy (for guidance, help
to others).
Kuita (kyoo-ta) is the location on her planet where her extended family lives.7!”
716 All information and quotations are from Sphere Being Alliance, 2023 Jan 9.
717 See Mendoca & Lamb, 2015, location 2393-2405.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 256
That is all the information provided.
The Federation of Free German Worlds (see Germans in Space)
Fendorian and Fendorians (see also Girk Fit Niir Alliance)
The information about the Fendorians is from El (Ileana) Ka on her Awakening
Cosmic Reality Show channel on YouTube. El Ka states that the Fendorians are members
of the Girk Fit Niir Alliance7!*. That is all the information presented about them.
Feline (see also Elder Race, “Feline” Humanoid, Lyrans)
The only source that presents the “Feline” is El Ka in her Cosmic History of Us
Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2). No sources are
given for the information presented below.
Ka reports that they originate from “Avyon" but no additional information is
provided. Their lifespan is given by her as 15,000 Earth years. She states that the
“Felines are the parent race of the Human race’. No explanation of this is included. She
does say that they are explorers and scientists though no specifics are mentioned.
Their spacecraft, she says, are round and cube.’!”
“Feline” Humanoid (see also Feline)
It isn’t clear whether the “Feline” Humanoids as mentioned by John Whitberg, an
SSP military veteran, in a personal communication (not in References) are somehow
related to the “Felines” as mentioned by El Ka in the preceding heading. As such I’ve
kept them separate for now.
Whitberg states that the “Feline” Humanoids are “‘a highly spiritual race from the
constellation Lyra’. He goes on to say, “They're at war with the Draconian Empire and
have been for millions of years”.
Their relations with humanity are characterized as “strained”. He considers them
“highly militant”. Overall, he says that they are “generally unfriendly, but not actively
That is all that he remembers about them.
718 Ka 2016 Mar 17.
719 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 28. Image on p. 116.
720 Lyra on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyra
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 257
First Ones (see also Ancient Builder Races, Source)
The concept First Ones is a reference to the entities created by Source or Creator.
They are considered to be primarily astral beings. According to Peter the Insider’”!, these
beings, along with the Council of 4, do not wish to make their names known.’
Their relation to the Ancient Builder Races would be an interesting investigation.
“Flying Squirrels”
The “Flying Squirrels” are mentioned by Penny Bradley, an SSP veteran and host
of Penny Bradley Nacht WaffenPilot, in Episode 8 prepared by Daniel Sala on his Saint
Olga 69 channel on YouTube. Bradley states that her work with these “Flying Squirrels”
was one of her alters though she was not able to recall which one.
She says that during the summer of 2017 one of her alters was in a world that had
huge trees and “the primary species had evolved from flying squirrels”. What these
beings looked like is not included. She was part of a group that cut down trees to make
room for agriculture for these “Flying Squirrels”. Essentially, she states that we
(unknown who this was) were “destroying their ecology”. Her job was “to make sure
they would survive”.
She thinks that the group of beings that she was with spoke “English” and that
she learned their language. Her communication with them was telepathic.
The way that she helped them was that she obtained seeds from Earth that were
not GMO and taught them basic agriculture. This included, for example, how to
“companion plant’. As well, she taught them “what things to eat together to get a full
One consequence for Bradley’s work here was that these beings thought of her as
“a goddess” similar to what native people on Earth might believe and mythologize
someone coming from space to teach them about “corn or maize’. She states that she
was “mortified to be put in that role thinking that I was some sort of a helper deity”. All
that she was really doing she says was to make “sure they survived after my people
screwed them over royally’”.’”? Again, the reference to who these people she was with is
Fomalhaut and Fomalhautans (see also “Nordic”, “Reptoid”)
721 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
722 Peter the Insider, 2016a Jul 26.
723 All information and quotations are from Bradley, 2022 Jan 24.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 258
The Fomalhautans are presented by Sheldan Nidle on his Planetary Activation
Organization (PAO) website.
Fomalhaut or o Piscis Austrini is the name of the brightest star in the
constellation of Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish) and is about 25 lys from our Sun”.
Nidle refers to “The Confederation of Fomalhaut” consisting of two general
societies, one is “Nordic like” and the other “Dinoid-Reptoid”. Both created the
“Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended some 20,000 years
ago”. They were accepted into the Galactic Federation (of Worlds) three years ago. He
presents the following about the two general kinds of societies on this website.
a) The Human-like “Nordic” Type Beings
There are 2 general kinds of races similar to “Nordic” ETs in Fomalhaut
mentioned on this site that are located on the third and fourth planets (no names
provided). They are referred to as “a human rebel group from the Pleiades that ...
colonized Fomalhaut some 250,000 years ago”. The first kind is “usually blonde with
very blue, hazel or steel-gray eyes”. The men are described as “muscular” and about “six
feet (1.9 m) tall”. The women are characterized as “very buxom” and average from “5
feet, six inches to just under six feet (1.7 to 1.8 m) in height”.
The second type mentioned is ETs that are darker-skinned and look almost
tanned, with dark hair and brown, gray or black eyes. They have the same relative height
and appearance as the first so-called “Nordic” type.
b) The Dinoid-Reptoid Beings
The smaller Dinoid-Reptoid society are offspring “originally from the star
Bellatrix in Orion” and “colonized the second planet in this solar system some 200,000
years ago”
as stated on this site. They are described as “very scaly and bony”. The top of their head
“is surrounded by [a] large bony crest”. Their eyes are large, being “red or dull yellow”
in color on “either side of a small nose”. Their mouth runs from one side of the head to
the other and has thin lips. There are no ears but there is “an extra-smooth 3-inch (8 cm)
circle on either side of the head and just behind [the] eyes”. The skin is similar to that of
crocodiles being”’scaly” and “green, yellow, brown or red in color”. They have a “small
crest of bony material” that “runs up the middle of the back” which connects to a “larger
crest found on the top of [the] head”.
These beings are bipedal. Their hands have “six long, clawed fingers”. Their feet
have 5 toes with “very sharp claws”. They have a small thick tail. The gender difference
in height is that the male is shorter, about 8 to 10 feet (2 to 3 m) in height while the
females are a bit taller ranging from 8.5 to 10.25 feet (2.6 to 3 m) tall.
724 Fomalhaut on Wikipedia Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fomalhaut
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 259
Each of the two general societies have different kinds of spacecraft. For the
“Nordic-like” civilization their spaceships range from a small scout ship of “60 to 85 feet
(18 to 26 m) in diameter” that is ovoid (like a drop of water) to “mother” ships “from 2
miles to 1200 miles (3 to 1,931 km) across” that “look like huge multi-layered cigars”.
The Dinoid-Reptoid society has scout ships “shaped like huge beetles” that are
approximately 100 feet (31 m) in diameter. Their “mother” ships are “shaped like [an]
amoeba” that are from “8 to 900 miles (13 to 1,448 km) across”.”*°
Forest People (see Chiye-Tanka, Sasquatch, Xanue)
Fornax Galaxy UDFJ-39546284 (see Egon)
Founders Races: Christos (see also Azurite Council, Elohim, Els, Giants)
The Christos Founders Races are stated very briefly by El (Ileana) Ka on her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube.
What El Ka reports is that the 3 Christos Founders Races consist of the
following: “Anuhazi Elohei-Elohim, Cerez and Aithein, Seraphei-Seraphin, Inyu,
Pegasai Bra-ha-Rama”. It would be helpful to have more information about them. The
relation of the Founders Races to the Ancient Builders Races would be an important
The significance of the 3 Christos Founders Races, states El Ka, is that “they
created a new genetic race called the Azurite Eieyani”. The Azurite Eieyani carried “the
most genetic code in our Time Matrix’’.’°
In her recent publication, Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky
Way and Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2), Ka writes that the founders are the “Soul
Directors”. She refers to them as the “the prime souls that initialized the creation” of the
“Milky way and the Andromeda galaxies”.’*’ That is all the information presented here.
“Frog” Society aka “Three-Toed False Frog”
725 All information and quotations are from Fomalhautans: Galactic Federation Members on Planetary
Activation Organization (PAO) website: https://www.paoweb.com/gfmfomal.htm This information has
been repeated on a number of websites, such as Formalhaut (sic) on Galactic Human Journey website
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#FORMALHAUT and Fomalhaut on Think Aboutlt (sic)
website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/fomalhaut/
726 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10. The source for El Ka’s material is Deane,
2002, pp. 264-265.
727 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 29. Image p. 116.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 260
The information about the “Frog” society comes from the Think Aboutlt (sic)
website. These beings are called “Frogs" since they resemble what frogs on Earth look
like. This is clearly not the actual name of their society. There is no mention of a home
star system or planet. This website gives its source as Harrison E. Bailey who was a
Steelworker and witnessed the events at Orland Park, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) that
were recorded in 1951. There were other visits with these beings in 1977 and 1978.
These “Frog” beings are described on this website as “2-3 feet tall (or half to one
m) tall” with “smooth, brown-green, striped skin”. Their “prominent eyes curved around
the side of their head”. The hands and feet had 3 digits. The overall characterization of
these beings was a “bipedal frog-like amphibian”. It was clear to the witness that these
beings were not used to “walking on land; its awkward gait made that abundantly clear”.
Their walk was described as a “near-drunken-like state”. Their communication sounded
like “high-pitched wild duck-like calls”.
The site mentions that there were “a large number of these intelligent walking
animals”. As well, they were “accompanied by numerous | inch (25 mm) long black
beetle-like companions” that “clustered around the witness” and then jumped up “to
touch his hips and upper body”. The witness also saw their craft which was the size of a
bus. Inside the bus were “two individuals 5.6 feet (1.7 m) tall with ... flattened faces
wearing green-tinted face shields”.7””°
Galactic Authority (GA) and Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) (see also
Council of 5, High Council)
There are many galactic organizations of which 2 are presented here’””?. One is
referred to by SSP veterans as the Galactic Authority and the other is called the Galactic
Federation of Worlds. They may or may not be the same organization. Currently this is
not known. They are presented separately.
1) Galactic Authority
Penny Bradley, host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube, is the
main source of information about the Galactic Authority. Bradley’s information is from a
public social media post (not in References).
728 All information and quotations are from Frogman on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
729 For a history of the main Galactic ETs/Star Nations see Debbie Solaris. Galactic History tab on her
website: https://www.debbiesolaris.com/galactichistory For a history of the universe or multiverse see
Seth Lyon. 2017. “A History of the Multiverse” on Medium website: https://medium.com/a-history-of-the-
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 261
The way in which she arrives at the use of Galactic Authority is as follows. She
begins by saying that she does not hear the language in which Galactic Authority is used
telepathically. What she hears is the closest word in her vocabulary to what is being
meant. As well, her memories are mostly in Schwabisch, which is a regional dialect of
High German”*°. This means that she has to translate the meaning that she hears in
Schwabisch into English for her to talk about it. The group that keeps order in the Galaxy
calls itself the Galactic Authority when they talk to her.
The only information currently available about the Galactic Authority is
predominantly by Penny Bradley in a private social media post (not in References). She
outlines the following ET hierarchical levels which she calls “the pecking order of
political control”. Here is Bradley’s overview of the ET pecking order with some details
to follow:
Galactic Authority
Guardians and Regional Courts (Council of Five)
Draco (see also Alpha-Draco)
Zha.a.mi King (see also Zha.a.mi)
“Nordics’/“Tall Whites”
She states: “This is the overlaid structure that we are stuck with. It has been in place
since before there were humans of any type here.”
Bradley calls the Galactic Authority a “Level 4 civilization”. This is one step
above the 3rd level of the Kardashev scale which would mean being able to control the
energy of a universe’*!. She says that it runs the Milky Way Galaxy. The Guardians, she
says, are “their military police (think Stazi or Gestapo, NOT Andy Griffith) who
maintain order”. They have regional courts throughout the Galaxy. Our regional court is
in a hyperspace bubble orbiting Saturn and is operated by the Council of 5.
Below these, she says that “Empires rise and fall over time”. Right now in the
Milky Way, she mentions that “there are hundreds of Empires”. She adds that there are at
least “8 major ET wars that humans are fighting in”. The Draco have an Empire that
includes the Oort Cloud that orbits a star known as Sol. Earth is in the Oort cloud and so
we are in the Draco Empire. However, the Oort Cloud is the property of the Zha.a.mi.
She describes them as “a humanish race with extreme psi abilities, technology that looks
like magic and very real issues with both aggression and male dominance. They have
nearly destroyed their home world with nuclear wars over succession of Kings and 80%
of their males are sterile from the radiation”.
730 Swabian German on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swabian_ German
731 Kardashev scale on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 262
An interesting issue here is that “the Galactic Authority considers the Zha.a.mi
named MAR.DUK to be the actual owner of Earth. He was subjected to a trial for
corruption and violation of the Prime, taken out of office but still technically owns the
place. Yes, he is still alive, but has a bomb in his head.” The bomb in his head was
placed there after the trial where he was found guilty. His punishment was just below
being killed.
Bradley provides some more detail about the Council of 5. Four of the races that
make up the Council of 5, she says, we would refer to them as “Greys”.
An example of a Galactic Authority or federation law as it pertains to Earth
humans is provided by Major, a pseudonym, who was an SSP military veteran. He
provides the following information in a personal communication (not in References).
Major states that there are laws about bringing terrestrial humans onto a
spacecraft. In order to bring a human unto a craft, he says that the human’s motor section
of the brain has to be paralyzed. This is to prevent the terrestrial human from
accidentally attaching to the craft, panicking and crashing the craft. These laws were
created after such a crash happened. (He compares these laws to humans taking pets in a
car.) These laws are the reason why contactees often remember being paralyzed or
sedated on a craft.
One other interesting point mentioned by Major is that the federation does not use
currency. He says that it is essentially “communist”.
2) Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW)
The most comprehensive information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds is
by El Ka in her book /leana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past
Lifetimes (Vol. 2). The following is a summary of her information organized under
a) Importance of the GFW
El Ka makes two important points before delving into the GFW. The first point
concerns clarifying some confusions about the GFW. That is, the Galactic Federation of
Worlds does not work with Earth Alliance and Lunar Operations Command. She states
that Earth Alliance is actually called Space Alliance (“no such thing” as Earth Alliance).
Also, Lunar Operations Command (LOC) is actually called Lunar Space Operations
The other point she reports on is that the GFW has removed many of the Dark
Fleet Reptilian overlords from Antarctic bases. They also removed the Maitre (see also
Maitre) from Mars's Moons of Deimos and Phobos. As well, they worked with the US
Navy on some Mars bases to “prevent Reptilian and ‘Grey’ incursions” on Mars, Moon
and Earth.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 263
The GFW has been instrumental in helping to remove some of the negative
BY s./24
b) GFW
The GFW consists of many different galactic beings that are humanoid and ETs
of various civilizations. According to Ka the reasons for joining is that they want
“freedom, expansion” and protection from invading negative beings from the “Orion
Collective and the Reptilian Syndicates” that are referred to as the “dark forces” which
are “threatening the known universe”. Some GFW member “groups have divergent
plans, ideas” and “do things in secret to protect beings against oppressive ETs”.
c) GFW Command Main Base
The location of the main base is secret and shielded from above its planetary
orbit. Its structure is white and composed partly of natural materials that are shaped in a
pyramid. There are two sides to it. The top of the main base has a power plant and an
“energy communications array”. This array is not explained. The base creates enough
energy to shield the Milky Way Galaxy.
There are “several large meeting centers” in the base. In one center, meetings at
tables consist of those who are physically present and those who use “holographic
communications technologies and screen projections”. She states that there are several
leaders of which some are trying to control each other. There are military leaders and
allied planetary leaders along with allies who are trying to create unity for freedom and
universal protection against “dark forces”. No names or their societies are provided for
any of the leaders.
At another meeting center GFW members are making presentations. Ka refers to
these meetings as being quieter. Not everyone agrees nor is a consensus reached on
“universal protection and defense strategies” to stop “Reptilians” from destroying the
universe. Clearly, some members don’t trust each other and the plans being made.
One member is discovered as lying. No details of this are mentioned.
Ka notes that there are three underground facilities in this command base. No
details are provided here.
There are discs that fly around the base and the planet.
The description of the planet is that it has a breathable atmosphere. There is land
with plants and vegetation. It is habitable for different ETs and humanoid looking beings.
Some beings, she says, are very spiritual with positive energy. No examples are given.
732 All 2) a) information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 79-80.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 264
There are factories as well as homes, cities, trees, foliage, mountains, and water. Ancient
pyramid structures are located near mountain ranges and water.
d) Command Fleet Spacecraft
The GFW has a large armada of spaceships but the “Reptilians” have bigger
armadas and ships. There are different fleet ship configurations with energy weapon
arrays eg., “flag command ships, battle cruisers, large mother (sic) ships, and space
stations”. The
smaller saucer shaped, crystalline drive, crafts have windows and “port nacelles” that
produce powerful energetic fields. The GFW fleet ships have crystalline engines,
deflector shields along with force fields to create energy bubbles around the ships to
prevent energetic weapons from destroying them.
On a somber note, her remote sensing saw a dark abyss threatening the humanoid
and ET GFW alliances. She states that the “Reptilians” are “‘a huge threat’.
e) Factory Facilities for Energy Production
Ka states that there are two circular craft in the sky monitoring the surface and
underground factory facilities. They are experimenting with creating sustainability (of
what is not mentioned), lasting resources and protecting the environment from the vortex
and explosions. These are not clarified.
There are also triangular crafts that are “shielded and cloaked to prevent detection
from spying devices flying above the planet and in the skies. The spying devices include
“energy spheres trying to spy on the underground factories and what they’re making”.
Blocking the spying spheres are “navigators and pilots in triangular crafts” who don’t
want them to “see what the factories are manufacturing”.
The ETs that are flying the spacecraft “can move time and space morphing or
bilocating to different places with their psychic abilities”. To us, that is an incredible
Ka also reports that there are various kinds of personnel on the planet. These
include humanoids with tan, orange or pale colored skin. The ones working in the
underground factories look “completely alien” or “Reptilian”, suggesting the existence of
a social class structure. The humanoids include navigators and pilots in saucer type ships.
There are military personnel assigned to protect the factory facilities and resources. One
military leader who protects and is responsible for the defense strategies of the planet has
destroyed many enemies to protect GFW resources. In general, the military's job on the
planet is “to preserve reality and truth” which sometimes means changing reality to
control targets and protect those living on the planet.
f) GFW Command Center in Space
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 265
In addition to a main command base on a planet, Ka reports that there is also a
command center in space. This GFW command center is a hidden space station in “deep
space” that is “cloaked and shielded”. It’s a large facility (no specifications are given)
with “dome light reflection” (which is not explained). Dome environments on the space
station include mountains and simulated planetary living habitats.
According to Ka, she describes the space station as a silver and black metallic
object covered with “shiny material”. It has many “docking ports” and 9 extended ramp-
like objects which “move and propel the station in outer space”. It houses “1,000 -
10,000 crew members” (military and civilian) and visitors. These include scientists
experimenting with time trans-dimension space and one of them who wants to ruin it.
g) Space Time Dilation Project to Reverse Time Damage
One of the most important protections undertaken by the GFW is its efforts to
reverse time damage. Ka describes this as going back in time to save the present and
future. To reverse the timeline change, says Ka, is to reverse the “time dilation damage”
so that there are “no time rips in space”.
A way that this is done is by energetic devices that are created to save people’s
environments. The shape of these devices are “parallelogram, octagon, circular, and
square” that produce “‘a lot of energetic frequencies to repair the space time matter in
deep space” (a meaning of deep space is not provided). What they do is to contain the
time flux dilation and prevent space from “unfolding onto itself’ to stop time shifting the
wrong way. The way to reverse the “damaged timelines” is to go back in time and to
weave the timelines back together in order to save planets from destruction.
There are multiple personnel working on time dilation projects who want it to
succeed though some are trying to interfere. One “device” is the star-shaped space
station which acts like an outpost to create a time dilation device to reverse the damage
of the destroyed timelines. Protecting the time dilation projects are three circular and
energetic space probes (the meaning of an “energetic” space probe is not mentioned)
which are semi-cloaked and shielded that monitor time dilation projects from deep space
Galaxy Federations (see also Corteum, Galactic Authority, WingMakers)
An understanding of how Galaxies are organized is presented by Dr. Anderson (a
pseudonym, and simply Anderson is used here) as interviewed by Anne (also a
pseudonym) from the WingMakers.US website.
Anderson begins by stating that Galaxies are organized into a Federation. He
clarifies what he means by Federation as a “loose-knit organization that includes all
sentient life forms on every planet within the galaxy”. It is similar to the United Nations
733 All 2) b) - g) information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 80-88.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 266
on Earth, he says but at the Galaxy level. He states that there are two kinds of Federation
members: “invited members and observational members”. By “invited members” he
defines them as “those species that have managed to behave in a responsible manner as
stewards of their planet and combine both the technology, philosophy, and culture that
enable them to communicate as a global entity that has a unified agenda”. Essentially, he
is referring to responsible stewards of a planet who have combined “the technology,
philosophy, and culture” so that they communicate a unified global agenda. The meaning
of a responsible steward is not elaborated. There is no mention whether social classes on
a planet continue to exist, such as in the countries of the United Nations, in creating and
communicating a global agenda.
The second kind of Federation members are “observational members”. He
defines these as “species who are fragmented and are still wrestling with one another
over land, power, money, culture, and a host of other things that prevent them from
forming a unified world government’. The example he gives is planet Earth. Anderson
says that what this means for Earth is that “it is simply observed by the Federation, but is
not invited into its policy making and economic systems”. There is no meaning provided
for a “unified world government”.
Anne asked Anderson about the Galaxy having “a form of government and an
economic system”. Anderson replied that Galaxy Federations work is “a facilitating
force not a governing force with a military presence”. He clarifies this by stating that
they “observe and help with suggestions, but they will not intervene on our behalf’. Who
they help is not elaborated on. He also says that a species is responsible for its survival
and perpetuating its genetics, not the Federation.
Anderson states that the Federation “believes that the human species can defend
itself because it is of the stars, galactic mind, and God”. Here is his clarification of this
view. At the atomic level, he says that “our physical bodies are made quite literally from
stars”. There is no elaboration or example of how we are made from stars. Further, at the
sub-atomic level, he maintains that “our minds are non-physical repositories of a galactic
mind”. Again, there is no clarification concerning this point, especially that of a
“Galactic mind”. Lastly, he reports that at the “sub-sub-atomic level, our souls are non-
physical repositories of God or the intelligence that pervades the universe”. As with the
preceding levels, there is no elaboration on the meaning of this statement.
On a final note, Anderson states that the Federation does not prevent hostilities
against Earth. If hostilities were to spread to “other parts of our galaxy, then the
Federation would take notice and its members would defend their sovereignty, and this
has happened many times”. That is, the Federation members require that Earth defend
itself from any malevolent species and would not defend it. Only when other Federation
members are attacked would they intervene to protect their members. ”*+
734 All information and quotations are from Anne. 1997 Dec 27. First Interview of Dr. Anderson on
WingMakers.US website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 267
The Ganesh aka Ganishan (in Sanskrit) (aka the “Elephant” Race)
The name of the civilization of these ETs is called Ganesh and is pronounced
Ganishan in Sanskrit according to Ileana’s (El Ka’s) the Messages from a Star Traveler
website. They have also been referred to as the “Elephant” beings. They are human
beings except with a head that is similar to that of an elephant on Earth.
The planet on which the Ganesh live is called the Amauran. Amauran is located
“in the twin binary Saskata star system” which has “two suns near the planet’. No
mention is made of how many light years this planet is from our solar system. This
website mentions that the planet consists of “lush green forests, some yellow desert
landscapes, jungles, as well as beautiful green lakes and blue oceans”. Whether there are
any other kinds of inhabitants is not stated. The Amauran planet appears as “a
greenish/yellow colored planet with a green mist covering the surface of the planet”.
This mist is said to provide the Ganesh with “eternal youth and good health”.
The weather on Amauran is stated to be consistently hot so the men wear “grey
tunics with pants” while the women wear “grey tunic dresses with skirts”. The “soft anti-
heat fabric of their clothes” keeps them from getting “too hot out in the sun”.
Some of the physical characteristics of the Ganesh as provided by El Ka, include
the following:
e They speak and write in the Sanskrit language.
e They are telepathic and can speak with 4 people at a time. This allows them to
have various meetings. Internal sensing abilities allow them to have meetings on
time and have no need for watches.
e@ One man that the Star Traveler met is called Jakarashtu or “George” and is 10
feet (about 3 m) tall and is a “13th - 14th dimensional being that can shift into the
higher dimensions at will”. What these higher dimensions are is not provided.
e Pregnant females carry their young for about 6 months. Their gravity “is not as
heavy or dense as on lower dimensional planets such as Earth for example”
which is why they have a shorter gestation period than women on Earth.
e They have Seers that enter “sacred mystical caves that are decorated with sacred
geometry symbols and semi-precious crystals/stones” in order to predict “future
e Their planetary history is preserved in “sacred texts” that are “kept in caves” and
gathered in archival forms for preservation.
Their work involves the following:
e Closing black holes (which distort the space time continuum) so that the “positive
timelines cannot be tampered with”.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 268
e Engaging in battle beyond Jupiter to “remove the Archons from the Milky Way
Galaxy”. A Ganesh named George and his galactic crew of 20,000 is seeking to
“free humanity from the negative ET’s trying to control us”.”>
Ganymede and Ganymedes (see also Mission Rahma by Sixto Paz Wells)
Ganymede is the name of the largest moon of Jupiter and is the largest in our
solar system7*°.
The Exopaedia website lists as its Ganymede source Sixto Paz Wells who is a
contactee with a civilization of “Mongolian” looking people, originally from the Orion
constellation. These people are established on Ganymede. Wells describes these people
as “athletic humanoid 6 feet (1.8 m) tall” who have “light hair”. No gender differences
are mentioned. Interestingly enough, no name of this society is given. Sixto Paz Wells
and his brother Carlos Paz Wells “established telepathic communications with the
extraterrestrials in 1974”, states this website. They also established physical contact “in
the desert area of Chilca, Peru’.
This website notes that the sightings “involved multiple witnesses and the
physical contacts involved a number of individuals who were being prepared for more
extensive human extraterrestrial interactions”.”>’ This is one of the most credible
experiences and events.
There is also a book by Yosip Ibrahim called J Visited Ganymede but I was
unable to obtain a copy at the time of writing”**.
The Think AboutlIt (sic) website presents a description of an event by a 13-14
year old called Brant. Brant had an encounter with a small being. No description of the
being is given. He states that these people live on a planet called Orion that “orbits Earth
and Mars”. This site states that this planet is unknown to Earth. The people that live there
are called Garudias and are peaceful.
The goal of the Garudias is presented as bringing “peace to the Milky Way
No other information is mentioned.
735 All information and quotations are from Meeting ET GEorge on Messages from a Star Traveler
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/et-george
736 See Ganymede on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_%28moon%29
737 See Sixto Paz Wells on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Sixto+Paz+Wells
738 Ibrahim, 1996.
739 Encounter, 2013 Apr 8, on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/encounter/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 269
Gemini (see Ainanna)
Genetically Engineered Beings aka “Synthetic Beings” (see also The “Blues”, Little
“Blues”, CTR, Ebens, Hulks, “Moss Man”, Quadloids, Skril, Trantaloids,
“Vampires”, Werewolves, X5-Tykut, Zagra)
There is a category of beings that are created by advanced civilizations and
organizations. These are genetically engineered beings that are subordinate to those who
create them. These beings are “created” by a society, race or civilization that is
technologically advanced enough to be able to do this, such as in genetics, cybernetics
and so on. The people who rule, in whatever capacity (overtly or covertly), are the ones
who authorize the creation of these subordinate beings. This also includes SSP and the
Planetary Corporations who have such genetic capabilities””.
These beings are “subordinate” to those who rule, and others who may buy them.
Subordinate here refers to carrying out the duties, services, missions and so on as
directed by those in charge. Created beings may be for specific activities, such as
“soldiers”, hybrids to relate to an atmosphere or a different race, and “monsters”, such as
vampires and others that are used to kill local inhabitants so that the planet could be
taken over’! by those who control them.
The beings created are a special kind. Such beings may be of various numerous
types, including people, animals, insects, and so on or a combination of any or all of the
preceding. They may or may not have a soul. They are not androids, cyborgs or clones.
There are numerous reasons why they are created, for instance, from serving their
creators, to exploring a planet (eg., to breathe the air that their creators can not), to create
a new species and to enhance protection (eg., soldiers, warriors) and for trade with ETs.
For example, the Ebens created the Quadloids. The Planetary Corporations create these
beings to ravage planets to get rid of the original inhabitants so that they can take them
My focus here is not to set up a general category of people or beings. Rather, it is
to relate these genetically engineered subordinate beings to others in the social class
relations of a society, race or civilization.
1) Some Examples
One of these kinds is mentioned by Simon Parkes but no name for them is given.
Parkes states that these beings have red glowing eyes. Parkes describes them as being
without a soul and are not “living creatures”. As such they can operate in a vacuum and
740 Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 325.
741 This last point is from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 1), p. 325.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 270
do not have to rely on any atmosphere. Their eyes are red which prompts Parkes to
remind us that in the event we see such eyes from any being to run away immediately.
These beings are incredibly psychic. If you come too close to them they can take control
of you. There is a masculine feel to them. They do not give off any emotions because
they do not have any. Parkes states that they are designed to operate from a distance by a
A species created by the indigenous “Insectoids” of Mars is called the
“Centipedes” by Randy Cramer. The “Centipedes” were “genetically engineered beings”
that were used in combat. They are described as being about 3 feet or a meter wide and
probably almost 20 feet (6.1 m) long. They would rear up and then strike down on top of
you. They had a segmented exoskeleton which Cramer describes as “actually kind of
gorgeous except terrifying. I'd certainly encountered them enough times, uh, in the field
that they were absolutely terrifying.”
Cramer describes the intelligence of these ““Centipedes” as comparable to a dog
who would follow commands, like attack, but also know how to do things without
instructions such as guard duties.
They were not a natural species, maintains Cramer, that had been domesticated
by the insectoids. They were “genetically engineered from the ground up”.”43 How this
is known is not provided.
Perhaps the most derogatory reason for creating new beings is that the creators
are simply able to do this given their advances in genetics, cybernetics, nanite and femto
technology. Some organizations in the SSP are experimenting by creating new species.
One instance of such a newly created being is reported by Tomas Alvin, an SSP veteran.
Alvin has seen a number of bio-luminescent female beings with tails. He states that they
were a genetic experiment. In light gravity, the tail acts as a counter balance. The only
reason that he could think of for creating these beings by an organization in the SSP was
simply that “they can create them”.’4
2) On the Think Aboutlt (sic) website, there are 3 pages devoted to “Synthetic” beings.
Two of these refer to “Borgs” that have been created by the Draco or “Reptilians” in
general. The third page presents the general category of Synthetics though it mixes in
The Draco “Borgs” are described on this website as having an artificial
appearance with “no fingerprints, sometimes no ears and other body parts”. There is a
spurious comparison to MIB (see “Men In Black’’). The word “Borg” is used to
characterize these beings as negative. The examples provided for Draco “Borgs” include
742 All information here is from Parkes, 2020 Aug 30.
743 All information and quotations are from Cramer, 2021 Feb 24.
744 Alvin, 2020 May 13.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 271
some of the “Greys”, “human-like” and “mechanical” beings though no contactee
experiences with them are provided.’
This website also presents entities called the “Eva Borgs or Evadamic [meaning
to contain a soul matrix] Borgs”. The “Eva Borgs” were designed by entities (who these
are, beyond ‘Reptilian’ is not provided) to “respond to the unexpected in a rational way
or to ‘make it up at the moment’(sic)”. They are described with similar features to that
of the Draco “Borgs” and are 5 feet 6 inches to a bit over 6 feet (1.7 to 1.8 m) tall. The
examples provided are simply the “Greys”, “Reptoids” and “human-looking” kinds that
are used for infiltration purposes with no contactee experiences provided. The “human-
like” ones are easily identifiable, this site maintains, by their artificial appearance,
sulfurous smell, no fingerprints or ears and so on.”*°
The last group mentioned by this website are the “Synthetics”. This site states
that “Synthetics” are created by “Reptilians” from organs and remnants of human and
animal mutilation. They are used to do the bidding of their creators such as “infiltration”
(no beings are mentioned so the assumption is that this refers to Earth societies) to what
purpose is not provided and to perform “mutilations”. No observer examples are
provided. There is one interesting aspect to the description and that is an email account
which describes the creation of the “Synthetics”. It is not clear if the word “Synthetics”
is used by the person describing this process as “cloning”. The process presented may
include both the creation of “Synthetics” and “Clones”.
Here is a summary from this website of the process of how they are created . The
“Synthetics” are created in a room with 4 chambers [containers] connected by a
“transfer-server” using “solar-plexus radiator cables”. This technology then uses
holographic teleportation to transfer each atom [there is no mention from where and who
these atoms are transferred] into a chamber. The atoms are arranged in the chamber so
that they build complete cells. To do this a mathematically powered digital
microprocessing-computer system is used. This site adds that different bodies that are
created this way can be saved to a hard disk drive. The meaning of saving bodies to a
hard disk is not clarified. Bodies in each of the 4 chambers can be rearranged. The
person describing this process states that “in less than 10 hours a human male or female
is created”.
This description seems to be that of a human cloning process. There is no
mention whether these beings are created with or without a soul and whether or not a
soul is added later. Added to the description so far is that those in charge of this process
also “build hybrids or experiments who are not at all human”. The genetic technology
used is capable of creating not only “clones” of people but also “hybrids” of them and
entities that are not “human” at all. The beings mentioned last then are the “Synthetics”.
745 Draco Borgs on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/draco-borgs/
746 Eva Borgs or Evadamic Borgs on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 272
By modifying the software the creators can produce and experiment with the kind of
beings that they want and are able to create.”
3) “Giant Brains” is the name given by two men who experienced organic creatures that
operated as a translation device, according to the Think AboutlIt (sic) website. These
translation creatures were used by “a group of bald, thin lipped, 7-foot [2.1 m] tall, grey
skinned humanoids (sic) with no less than six webbed fingers and toes”. These beings
would most likely be part of the “Tall Greys” though this is not known.
The organic translation devices are described by the two witnesses in Palos
Verdes, California in 1971 as follows. One was described as “the size of an overgrown
softball” while the second had “the dimensions of a human torso” with “a red, eye-like
organ wedged into the center of its frontal lobe”. Initially they saw them as “a pair of
huge, blue, mist-shrouded, disembodied brains lying about 6-feet [1.8 m] in front of them
in the middle of the road”. As the larger one communicated telepathically with them the
two drove away hastily in their car.
After one observer dropped his friend off and returned home he saw the two blue
objects again outside of his house, reports this website. This witness lost consciousness
and woke up in what he called a “control room” lined with computer consoles. The
“Brain Creatures” and ETs were nearby. The ETs explained that the “blue brains were
nothing more than organic translation devices” so that they could communicate
telepathically with him. A succession of “holographic images depicting a series of
nuclear explosions” were shown to him with the “Big Brain” warning him our “species
might share the same fate”. He was then transported back into his car.’48
4) James Rink along with Oksana, Veronica, and Kimberly provide information on the
Super Soldier Talk website that they undertook remote viewing and discovered a
German in space Black Shield facility that was “located in a fractal bubble reality in
Antarctica”. Rink clarifies in a personal message that this Black Shield facility “seems to
be an offshoot of the Tartaria timeline that exists in that pocket reality” and that they
subcontract for Nacht Waffen to:
“Umbrella Corporation and sometimes joint ventures with planetary corporations
such as ARC Corp in Saturn’s Moons, Scorpion Corporation at Montauk, Kruger
on Mars, Skyline which makes cyborgs on Mars; as well as Monarch and
Mobius, who gave them time portal technology which allows the base to teleport
into a pocket reality and move through time, space shifting, as well as bending
time and space into loops.”
Different kinds of synthetic beings are created here, says Rink. The following are
some examples that he states. He says that this facility has “millions of genetic
experiments stored in cryogenics chambers within the ice caves”. They include:
747 Synthetics on Think Aboutlt (sic) website): https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/synthetics/
748 All information and quotations are from Giant Brains on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 273
e a human head with the body of a snake and labeled python
a Mantis body with an red Iron Man mask on its face
e an Amphibian body with a frog looking face with black wrap around eyes. He has
a shield near him with a sword pointed down and a snake around the blade of the
e ahuman body with a hawk face
e transparent energy creatures which have all kinds of tubes attached to them which
look like an artificial circulatory system’*? (Rink’s personal message clarifies that
the translucent creatures are known as Lichtsoldaten or Light Soldiers. “Their
purpose is to be sent off world to infiltrate other species for recon and combat.”’)
Germans in Space aka Der Bund Freue Deutscher Welten (Translated: The
Federation of Free German Worlds), (simplified to: Der Bund Deutscher transl
as: The Federation German(s) or The German Federation) (see also Alpha-
Draco, Altair, Antarctica, Mars, Nordics, Titan, United States of America,
Universe, Zha.a.mi)
The Germans in space are one example why the use of the word ET is a problem.
These Germans are clearly from Earth but have managed to establish colonies in space.
When Earth humans think of ETs we think of those societies that inhabit other planets
and come to Earth. There is now a relation among Earth space faring societies that
started with the Germans (and others) in space and those from other worlds. New
terminology is clearly required.
Only a brief glimpse of the Germans in space or the German Federation is
presented here’>°. The presentation follows the thinking of Penny Bradley, SSP veteran
and host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube and Odysee’!. I’ve
organized this material into headings and sub-headings. This includes the following:
1) Der Bund Deutscher or The Federation German(s) or The German Federation in space
and not “‘Nazis”
2) The German Federation develops into space
3) The German Federation relation to US and other nations on Earth
4) The German Federation relations with ETs
5) Some advanced technology
1) Das Bund Germans or The Federation Germans or The German Federation and Not
749 All information and quotations are from James Rink. 2021 Mar 9. “Black Shield’s Project Blue
Ranger’. Super Soldier Talk website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/black-shields-project-blue-ranger/
750 There is a good overview of the Germans in space as a breakaway society. See John Whitberg. 2022
Aug 28. “General Overview of the Breakaway Society.” James Rink, Host, Super Soldier Talk website:
7™1 Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/penniwinkleb/featured
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 274
The term “Nazi” is not used in this book to refer to the Germans in space though
others, including some SSP veterans adopt this practice. As a reminder, “Nazi” is short
for the National Socialist German Workers' Party (in German: Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - often abbreviated NSDAP) in the 1930s and 1940s on Earth.
They were not “socialists” any more than the US Democratic party is “democratic”. The
word “Nazi” is used in this book following the previous point made repeatedly by Penny
Bradley that it only refers to that political party.
Bradley states that the Germans that left Germany were those of the Teutonic
aristocracy. The German secret societies that developed space flight were all aristocrats.
She also mentions that the Germans in space are predominantly a tribal culture with
hereditary leaders that are now their top military officers. Her knowledge about them is
based on her experiences of serving with them in their military, Nacht Waffen.
a) The German and “Nordic” Relation
The “Nazi” party and some of their high-ranking members had a relation with the
“Nordic” ETs. Who these were is not mentioned. The information about this comes from
Peter the Insider, the Director of the 12th Division of the ACIO”?. Peter uses the words
“Nordic(s)” and “Nazi” which I’ve placed in quotation marks since they are used in a
generic sense and not just to the political party. He states that the “Nordics” controlled
the “Nazi’s” from the beginning in their development into space. In what ways they
dominated them is not mentioned.
Peter states that the “Nordics” came through portals from a mirror reality (not a
parallel reality). The difference between a mirror reality or universe and a parallel one is
not stated. According to Peter, in the “Nordic” mirror reality there is no poverty, no
hatred and no violence. There is no need for oil products for cars since they use hydrogen
cells. The cars are eco-friendly and their civilization is friendly to the Earth. There are
other political parties but Peter states that they do not obtain votes since everything is
working well.
Peter mentions that he lived in the “Nordic” reality where the world was ruled by
the “Nazis” and the Japanese empire. There were no eugenics or prison camps for Jews.
When Peter states these positive things about the “Nazis” in the mirrored reality, he says
that people hate him.’
The method that the “Nordics” used to infiltrate and dominate the “Nazis” was by
using beautiful Nordic women, reports Peter. These women approached the original
“Nazis” (I assume that this was some of the political leaders) and encouraged them to
752 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
753 Peter, 2020 Apr 22.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 275
have sex with them. That was when the psychic chords were placed into them such as,
they were led to believe that they were better than others’.
The general point being made by Peter is that those elite Germans that left
Germany to achieve space travel were helped greatly by the “Nordics”’”>>.
Some background information between the German and ET relation is provided
by John Whitberg in an interview hosted by Daniel Sala on his Saint Olga 69 YouTube
channel. Whitberg states that the Alderbarans turned the Germans in space into racists.
He has not had good encounters with them, he says, because they believe that the blonde
and blue-eyed people should have the universe as “their plaything and everyone else is
just scum”. They are, of course, blonde and blue-eyed. The Germans then switched to the
Draco because they “had better stuff to offer”. Also, the Alderbarans would only “work
with white German people”, he maintains, while the Draco didn’t care. Consequently, he
says, “that massively expanded the amount of people [the] Germans could work with’.”°
2) The German Federation Develops into Space
There is now considerable information of how some of the European German
aristocrats/elites with their slaves managed to move from Germany to Antarctica, the
Moon, Mars and beyond’>’. These Germans in space have become “extraterrestrials”
while maintaining control and contact with some people on Earth, such as the US
military and corporations. (The German people in Germany are probably not aware of
the Germans in space similar to that of the American/Commonwealth countries (and
others) and their secret space programs.)
The following is a brief overview of the Germans in space and their relation with
ETs, obtained mainly from Penny Bradley, .
e The California Sonora Aero and the secret society of women Vril German
psychics connection in building spacecraft (the Haunebu, Die Glocke, “The
e The Vril become connected with the “Nordics”
e@ While the Nazi political party control of Germany was defeated, the German
aristocracy from Schwabia moved to Antarctica. The German aristocracy that
moved there came from Schwabia (English translation is Swabia) and spoke the
“hillbilly” form of German, Schwabish, which is also the main dialect on Mars.
In Antarctica they established a colony called Neu Schwabenland.’°*
e According to Johan Fritz, in a personal message, Nacht Waffen Regir (NWR) has
a base in this area. He says that “this was the original departure point for them
754 Peter, 2020 Apr 22.
79> Peter the Insider & Jessica Marrocco, 2019 Mar 31.
76 All information and quotations are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
197 Ror example: Farrell, 2007, 2012; Salla, 2018.
758 Bradley, 2020 Jul 21.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 276
before they went to the moon”. “Base 211 is that departure point”, he adds. He
states, “there is still an NWR presence there. That presence is called Dark Shield.
That program is a pocket dimension where they’re working on creating
Liechtsoldatans (light warriors or soldiers)”.
e The Germans in Antarctica were helped by 3 ET societies, states Penny Bradley.
These 3 included one that was located in the Inner Earth.”°° The two that were not
Inner Earth would be the “Nordics” and the Reptilians.
e The Vril and some European German aristocrats with their slaves move to
Antarctica base along with the “Nordics” and contact other ETs (eg., Draco
Reptilians, those from Aldebaran).
e The Germans in Antarctica lease space on the Moon from the Draco to establish a
e The Germans on the Moon lease space on Mars from the Draco and develop
bases on Mars. They call their culture Das Bunde and their military is called
Nacht Waffen.
e Mars Germans begin colonizing our solar system.
e Germans in space begin colonizing the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond.
e Germans in space establish a new capital in the Lyra constellation on a planet
they call New Berlin.
e German colonies are directed by the Galactic Authority (see also Galactic
Authority) to return to our solar system due to their horrific treatment of
neighboring races.
A brief mention of the relation that the Germans in space have with the Draco is
made by James Rink, an SSP veteran and host of Super Soldier Talk on YouTube,
Rumble and a website’. According to Rink, who obtained this information from and
wishes to give credit to Jason Rice”*!, on August 21, 1941, the Germans (in space)
signed an exclusive 80-year treaty with the Draco. One part of this treaty, says Rink, is
that the Draco arranged for the Germans to have 100 acres on the Moon in exchange for
control of Earth's technological development. This treaty made the Draco in charge of
humanity’s development. That treaty ended August 21, 2022.7
a) German Colonies in Space: The Federation of Free German States
There are numerous colonies in space by the German Federation. According to
Penny Bradley, there are about one trillion colonists in space created by them’®.
759 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
760 Super Soldier Talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperSoldierTalk
Supersoldiertalk (sic) on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/supersoldiertalk
Super Soldier Talk website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/
761 For some background on Jason Rice see Rice, 2020 Sep 1.
762 All information by Rink is from Rink, Ileana & Delirious, 2021 Oct 25. In a personal message, Rink
wishes to give credit to someone in his network who is not public for the end treaty date.
763 Bradley, 2020 Jun 18.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 277
A recent update by John Whitberg on the Super Soldier Talk website mentions
that the population of the German Federation is “9.6 trillion people, spread across
thousands of planets within 3 galaxies, namely the Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda
galaxy, and Pegasus galaxy.” One way that they were able to do this, he says, is through
time travel.”
Whitberg goes on to provide more detail about the 9.6 trillion German people
spread over 10,000 planets. An example of his use of the number of Germans arose when
he was a diplomat. He was negotiating a ceasefire between beings who had the head of a
T-Rex with a human body and the German Dark Fleet who had a main space station in
the Pleiades. These beings had attacked this German space station but it was later
recaptured by the Germans. This race of beings hate humans, he says, and they told him
something to the effect that we are “going to crush you like the roaches you are”. His
reply was that he wished them “good luck with that. You have a few million people, we
have 9.6 trillion”. He says that this shut him up. In addition, this large number of
Germans does not include their cyborgs.
According to Whitberg, one way that humans are taken into space is by being
cloned. He states:
“Nearly everyone on Earth has a clone out there because it's so easy to make one.
They can just wait till you're asleep and then just portal into your bathroom at night
and grab a few hairs off of your comb and then they can make a bunch of clones of
This does not only include able bodied people because they (the Germans and others
from Earth) have the technology to fix disabilities and regenerate the dead. There is
nothing stopping them from doing this, he says. They can do whatever with whoever
they want provided “they don’t break too many laws or get caught by the wrong people.”
The “wrong people” for them would be the Galactic Authority.
As an aside, Whitberg states that there are species that outnumber the 9.6 trillion
Germans in space. For example, he says that there are definitely more Mantids because
one Queen can “lay a nest with thousands of eggs and there's millions of Queens”. Their
numbers, he suggests, would also have to be in the trillions.”
The German Federation colonies in space were created by traveling back in time
on Earth, about 400 years, reports Penny Bradley’ to obtain German tribal people or
Celts who died in plagues and wars. According to Bradley, 400 years is about as far back
764 All information and quotation here is from John Whitberg. 2022 Sep 20. “General Overview of the
Breakaway Society Part II.” James Rink, Host, Super Soldier Talk website:
765 All information and quotations by Whitberg are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
766 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 278
in time as one can go and still understand each other given that languages evolve and
Bradley says that the German Federation was looking for particular kinds of
historical people who died in battle. They were looking for people to revive who had
50% or more Anunnaki (ie., Zha.a.mi) genetics. This was different, she mentions, than
elites on Earth who tried to retain that 50% or more genetics by inbreeding.
The German Federation has advanced technology to be able to bring them back
from the dead. They put them in a regeneration (regen) tank that brings them back to life
and heals them. They then place them in their space colonies. Some of these colonies are
400 years old and have gone through a number of generations of children’®*. During this
time the Germans have created, what Bradley refers to as “some incredibly developed
planets”’®. No example is mentioned.
Most of the German colonies are not in our solar system. According to Penny
Bradley, they are in the Sagittarius’”° arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. This area is not part
of the Draco Empire but a “free” zone, says Bradley.’”!
Once a colony is self-supporting it becomes its own country, states Bradley. It is
self-governing but it is part of the German space colony network called Das Bunde (the
Federation). Part of that responsibility means that the colony has to provide a certain
number of soldiers to the German fleet. If the colony is in the Draco Empire, they also
have to pay taxes to the Draco. Otherwise, they do not.
An interesting point raised by Bradley is what will happen to the refugees ordered
back into our solar system by the Galactic Authority who can no longer pay taxes to the
Draco?’”? No solution to this is known.
One aspect about the German Federation is that they disguise their activities on
Earth as “Pleiadian”, says Bradley. This is to protect the people with whom they interact
against the US intelligence agencies and military. She states that if you read some of the
actual experiencer reports what you notice is that they are Aryans who speak German
and are accompanied by Scots or Japanese.
b) The Social Caste Relations of the German Federation
The information about the caste relations of the German Federation is provided
by SSP military veteran John Whitberg. Whitberg writes about these caste relations on
767 Bradley, 2020 Jul 21.
768 Bradley, 2020 Jun 14.
769 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
770 Zimmerman, 2017 May 25.
7! Bradley, 2020 Jun 16.
772 Bradley, 2020 Jun 18.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 279
the Super Soldier Talk website which is hosted by James Rink. Whitberg’s general point
is that it’s impossible to break through this system “unless you have extraordinary
At the top of the caste relations are the elites that he calls the “ultra wealthy”.
They live in palaces and have private space ships. He states that they “have access to
luxury cruises around the galaxy”. They have access to the latest medical technology.
Below the “ultra wealthy”, he says there are two kinds of middle class colonists
consisting of those who are “the white collar” and “the blue collar’. They do not have
“private spaceships” though they are “able to travel”. Their mode of travel is “on cigar
shaped civilian transport ships”. He characterizes this form of travel as being “roughly
the interstellar equivalent of a Greyhound bus’. These people do not have “access to the
cutting edge medical technology” that the elites do. However, he notes that “what they
do have access to is still almost unimaginable from an Earth perspective”.
The next level he calls “the officer class”. He says that they “live in relative
comfort”. They are, however, “trapped in a lifelong military contract”. This includes not
having any say about “what’s done with their genetic material”. An important point that
he states here is that “the sale of their DNA is a major component of the economy of the
German Breakaway”.
Below the “officer class”, he says that there are those people who belong to the
“merchant class”. He puts diplomats like himself in this category. He also includes here
“subsistence farmers, highly paid professionals such as scientists and engineers, paid
servants of the elite”. Even though these people are just “one step up from the bottom’,
he says that they have the “highest amount of freedom, with the exception of the elite”.
The bottom of this caste system hierarchy is what he calls “the slave class”. He
describes the living conditions of these people as living in squalor “often in caves with
no running water or electricity”. He also includes two kinds of people, the “enlisted
military personnel and cyborgs”. This does not say much about being an enlisted person.
What is noteworthy about cyborgs is that though they were once human, he says that
they “have had all ability to think removed, aside from that which is required to do their
In a more recent interview, John Whitberg elaborates on the caste relations of the
German Federation to Daniel Sala, Host, Saint Olga 69 on YouTube. This is summarized
Ultra wealthy elites or ultra bourgeoisie
e Includes corporate shareholders, celebrities, generals and admirals, entrepreneurs
773 All preceding information and quotations on caste relations are from John Whitberg. 2022 Aug 28.
“General Overview of the Breakaway Society.” Super Soldier Talk website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 280
e Elites have “their own colonies that no one is really allowed to go to except
sometimes the military and that's how I knew about them because I made diplomatic
visits to a couple of really elite colonies”
e Elites have cyborg slaves
Cyborgs were used as personal slaves for the very rich in their colonies
Average person doesn’t have access to slavery
Average citizen doesn't even know that the slavery is happening
It only happens openly in a few very elite colonies where they don't allow
e Whitberg did not know how to get one or how he could afford one
White collar professionals (no elaboration of blue collar is mentioned)
e Includes white collar professionals, small business owners, highly paid scientists
e Anyone who runs a small company
e No one in the military is in here
Officer class (not generals and admirals but below them)
e Officers trapped in military contracts for the rest of their lives
e Limited transportation compared to elites
Merchant class (a term still used in the German Federation)
e Includes diplomats, low ranking military and government employees, lawyers,
doctors, blue-collar workers
e Archaeologists (one of Whitberg’s alters was an archaeologist)
e “Around 95 percent of colonists [are] in that Merchant class”
e Industrial slave in a mining or manufacturing colony is “back breaking” and “your
life sucks”
e Slave for elites (eg., clean their house) you will be okay but “you still have no rights
e Some do not have basic amenities’
c) Religion
The information about religion in the German Federation also comes from John
Whitberg (see the preceding reference information). Whitberg states that the main
religion is a variant of Norse religion either Asatro’” or Asatru’’*. He says it involves
774 Whitberg information and quotations in Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
75 “The Old Nordic Religion (Asatro) Today” on Nationalmuseet i Kobenhavn (The National Museum in
Copenhagen) website:
today/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CA satro%ME2%80%ID%20is%20the%20worship%20of,religion%20when%20
776 Asatru (Asatra) on Wikipedia website: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asatru
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 281
“human sacrifice”. The elites don’t want the karma of actually killing a person so those
sacrificed get resurrected again using regeneration tanks. One consequence of this that he
mentions is that a person who is a slave and is ill will try and sell themselves to be
sacrificed so that they can be regenerated in good health.”””
3) The German Federation’s Relation to US and other Nations on Earth
It is important to remember that the Germans in Antarctica defeated the Admiral
Byrd invasion in 1947 which eventually forced the Americans to surrender. The
Germans came to dominate the US and its allies with that surender and imposed various
terms .’”° The United Nations’” is also under the German Federation”®®.
In 1952 the Germans from Antarctica buzzed Washington, DC with spacecraft
for three Fridays in a row.’*! This made the US government surrender to the German
Federation. John Whitberg, a former diplomat with the German Federation, states that
part of the treaty included sending 150,000 Americans every year thereafter to the
Germans in exchange for some technology. Incidentally, this exchange also included
other countries.
Some of the other countries that the German Federation had exchanges with
included Argentina. Whitberg says that there is an Argentine community on Mars and
they're very wealthy. He says that they are “pretty much the only people on Mars having
a good time”. Treaty exchanges also included Spain, Italy, Middle East, and Iranians in
space. He remembers some Arabs but doesn’t recall their country of origin. There was
also a deal with the Greeks who had a community in the Vega Prime colony.
One consequence of having all these colonists is that the main language became
English instead of German. He describes the relation of these two languages as follows.
“Tn the colonies where the German speakers are the majority they are very proud of
that,” he says. “If you try to speak English or any other language to them they'll act
insulted but in most places it's English.”7®?
During the 1950s the US became part of the secret space program’*? under
German Federation control. The German Federation and American relation is expressed
well by Penny Bradley. What is unique about Bradley’s understanding is that she is able
to present it from the German point of view. She states that the Americans went into
space and are trying to continue WWII. The Germans in turn are very unhappy about
that. One consequence of this is that the German top officers must be at least a quarter
777 Whitberg information and quotations are in Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
778 Bradley, 2020 Jul 19.
779 United Nations on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations
780 Bradley, 2020 Jul 19.
78! Rink, 2019, p. 59; Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
782 Whitberg information and quotations are in Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
783 Rink, 2019, p. 59.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 282
German. This means that they do not allow Americans who were raised on Earth to be
a) The Difference between the German Federation Nacht Waffen and the Planetary
Corporation/Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) Nacht Waffen ‘Regir’
According to Penny Bradley, the Planetary Corporation’s Alliance ((also called
the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)) is an enemy of the German
Federation’s Nacht Waffen. There is a long history of conflict by Rome, the Vatican and
the Jesuits against the German Federation, maintains Bradley. This religious organization
has infiltrated the US space faction, called the Planetary Corporation’s Alliance. She
states that one way to tell that a faction is an enemy of Nacht Waffen is by having a
similarly named military organization as their enemy with the added word Regir. This
organization calls itself Nacht Waffen Regir. Nacht Waffen Regir is an enemy of Nacht
The addition of Regir, says Bradley, which is a Spanish word meaning roars (it
actually means to govern or rule) and it's their way of saying that this group is a paper
tiger that just roars and has no bite. That is, Nacht Waffen Regir simply roars and has no
bite to it compared to Nacht Waffen. Nacht Waffen Regir, maintains Bradley, is
basically from the Planetary Corporation's (or ICC) Alliance and not from the German
Bradley also points out that the German Federation plays a considerable role on
Earth. They dominate the Earth nations. The German Federation is less powerful than the
Zha.a.mi (who are called the Anunnaki on Earth) and who are considered the rulers of
Earth based on a sublet from the Alph-Draco Reptilians. The Galactic Authority (some
call this the Galactic Federation of Worlds) still considers Marduk, a Zha.a.mi, the ruler
of planet Earth. Marduk is in forced retirement and a successor is being trained. His staff
is keeping things running and paying the taxes or a percentage of the planet's Gross
National Product (GNP) to the Draco.7®°
4) The German Federation and their Relation with ETs
Some of the German Federation relations with other ETs has already been
mentioned in previous parts.
In the beginning, Bradley says, the Germans in space thought that they were the
superior race. However, their interactions with the Draco convinced the Germans right
away that they were not. Now, they no longer consider themselves the superior race.
They also discovered that all humans had more in common than any humans with ETs.7°7
784 Bradley, 2021 Apr 19.
785 All information here is from Bradley, 2022 May 12.
786 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
787 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 283
The following is an example by Bradley of the German Federation having more
in common with Earth humans than the Zha.a.mi (see also the Zha.a.mi).
Bradley starts by stating that she was “kidnapped by the Zha.a.mi 15 June 2018”.
They told her that she was an abomination and put her in their Truth Machine to be
killed. The Germans in space came to rescue her given her vital navigation skills for their
spacecraft. Until that point, she “had bought into the American/Israeli propaganda about
the Germans both in space and on Earth”. I assume that this propaganda refers to the
Germans in space and on Earth only caring for themselves and treating everyone else as
slaves. The German military, called Nacht Waffen, lost a ship in their rescue of Bradley.
They rescued Bradley even though they referred to her as the Missgeburt (translated
from the German as “freak”, “monster”, or “abomination”). Her skills for the Germans
were such that she took “the whole German Armada into hyperspace and brought them
out healthy”. After being rescued by the Germans she rethought her opinions of them.
She concluded that rescuing her and losing a spaceship in the process was not consistent
with calling them “space Nazis”.
Coincidentally, Bradley also changed her opinion of the Alpha-Draco at that time
because the Draco Queen Mother (see also the Alpha-Draco) sent some of her personal
guards to protect her from the Zha.a.mi after the rescue by the Germans in space.
Recall that the Germans had to flee Earth and go to space because they were
being hunted and exterminated by several organizations on Earth. In space, the German
Federation still retained the idea that the end justifies the means and so have done some
horrific things that they are blind to. Bradley points to the examples of slavery and
cyborgs. For slavery, she continues, you have a chance to be free. Once you’re a cyborg,
in a robot body, you’re stuck. There is no real chance of ever being free. Germans, like
other societies in space, engage in these and other horrific acts, such as turning prisoners
of war into cyborgs and making wars against sentient beings.’*® The German Federation
then sells humans and other beings as slaves and cyborgs to other ETs, similar to what
the American Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates (ICC) do.
Due to the horrific treatment of their ET neighbors, the Galactic Authority (see
also Galactic Authority) ordered all German colonists to return to our solar system.
Bradley estimates that there are over a trillion German colonists (9.6 trillion) so
resettling them is a major problem for the German Federation.
5) Some Advanced Technology
The previous sections have included references to advanced technology by the
German Federation such as time travel, reviving people from the dead and transferring
them to various space colonies.
788 Bradley, 2020 Mar 21.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 284
The SSP veteran familiar with some of the German Federation advanced
technology is El (Ileana) Ka, host of Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube, who
worked as a slave technician in a cybernetics lab’8? on Mars. She has publicly stated
numerous times that the Germans are 200-300 years in advance of what's available on
Earth. Two examples are in medical technology:
Holographic Examination Table (HET)
e HET is the name given to the med pod by the Germans in space.
Holographic Medical Pod’? (aka Med Pod)
e Used to repair any type of DNA, remove diseased wounds, regrow limbs, bring
you back from the dead and enhancements”.
An interesting point made by El Ka is that there were tight controls in the use of
med pods. For instance, she states that even if you were disfigured, you had to get
clearance to use the med pod or live with it.”
Auto-Tourniquet Technology
e The auto-tourniquet technology is part of the spacesuits for soldiers on Mars.
According to Tony Rodrigues it is the size of a pack of cigarettes.
e You pull a chord and put it on you. You press a button and it becomes a
e A soldier put one on his arm and another on his foot so that they could take him
to the base where he was placed on a holographic bed. His body parts were
printed anew.’
Giansar (see also Iguanoids)
The Giansar are presented in Elena Danaan’s A Gift from the Stars. Danaan states
that the home world for the Giansar is called Tiphon Giansar (Sigma Draconis which is
18.8 light-years from our Sun in the Draco constellation’™).
The Giansar are described as 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) tall. They have an “elongated
face, a tail and yellowish to green lizard skin”. They are presented as the “wizard or
priest class among the reptiloid species”. No other descriptions are offered. What Danaan
789 & good source here is El Ka’s YouTube channel called Awakening Cosmic Reality Show:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9PcTROgDegtipBJ4cJGiz7g Once there, go through the video list.
790 Ka, 2020 Mar 12.
791 Some of El Ka’s images of various medical devices can be viewed on Dennis Shipman, 2018 Aug 6.
“Holographic Medical Pods (Med Beds)” on Blissful Visions website:
g8A pB8kSHFhjIFTjrzLPtCmFoFnqsHvTJ1LRH7TTQsz501cgY
792 BI Ka in Rodrigues, 2020 Apr 21.
793 Rodrigues, 2019 Sep 20.
794 See Sigma Draconis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigma Draconis
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 285
says is that the Giansar often wear dark robes or cloaks with hoods, which camouflage
their saurian features.
They are presented as malevolent and resentful to humans and “lesser-ranking
Reptiloids, such as Greys”. The reason for this is not stated. She says that they use
“humans as parasite hosts, assimilating them genetically [hybrids], psychically
[implants], and even bioplasmically (sic)”. The use of the term “bioplasmic” is not
elaborated on.
Some of their abilities as stated by her include mind control of enemies,
“dimension-hopping”, feeding off the gloomy emotional life of humans for their “auric
power”, and using vices to enslave humans by preventing their spiritual growth.”> No
examples are provided.
“Giants” (see also Els, Nephilim)
Michael Salla reports on his website that “U.S. military forces have been
stationed around the world including Afghanistan, to locate the giants”. These “Giants”
are lying in stasis. An event is described in Afghanistan where a deadly encounter
occurred between “a 12 foot [3.7 m] giant and U.S. Special Forces”. Salla states that this
“giant had killed nine members of an elite team sent to capture it, and it took a second
team to arrive and finally kill the giant’.
Another area where “Giants” may be located is in Mt. Hermon, according to
Salla, which is on the border between Syria and Lebanon. He goes on to state that Mt.
Hermon was the center of power for the Middle East where the “Giants” may have
hidden their advanced technology. The real reason that the U.S. military went into Syria,
maintains Salla, was to find this technology.
The main point made by Salla is that the U.S. military is waging a covert war
against these “Giants”, some of whom may be benevolent. Salla wants to have the
information and the technology about these ETs made public so that the US military and
global elites will not monopolize it for their hidden agendas.’°
Ginvo (see also Council of 5, Procyon)
Two main sources about the Ginvo are reported here. The first one is from Peter
the Insider, the Director of the 12th Division of the ACIO””.
795 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 155.
796 All information and quotations are from Michael E. Salla. 2017 Apr 15. “Is [the] Pentagon using
MOAB bombs against Giants hidden in Afghanistan?” Exopolitics.org website:
797 ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 286
1) Peter the Insider states that the Ginvo look like the “Greys” but have smaller eyes and
a “dry” skull by which he means that the bones of the skull are visible. They are also
bald. He says that they love action. He also states that they do not engage in
hybridization with humans.’%’ That is, they are not creating offspring between
themselves and people from Earth. There is no mention of a home planet or star system
or any other information about them and their society.
A final point by Peter the Insider, which is also stated by Santori in his ARB, is
that the Ginvo have a representative on the Council of 57%.
2) The Ginvo are also presented by Elena Danaan. Danaan states that the Ginvo are
located within the binary system of Procyon in the Canis Minor constellation which is
14.46 lys from Earth®. There are numerous civilizations living there according to her
but only the Ginvo are presented. Most likely this is because they are members of the
Council of 5. The Ginvo call their star Elevena and their planet is called Maruu.
She describes them as being similar to the height of Earth humans but this is quite
a vague description. They have brown skin, a faint nose and “large brown to black eyes”.
Their life expectancy is 200 Earth years. They have two genders. There is no mention of
reproduction. Their children are stated as having hair but lose it as they grow older.
Children are educated well in a “spiritual and peaceful culture”. The Ginvo are said to be
“unable to consider conflict”. This point seems doubtful if they are members of the
Council of 5 where one might expect to have to deal with antagonisms.
One of their cultural features is mastering the structure of minerals so perfectly
that “their habitats are built with crystals and precious stones”. She mentions that the
Ginvo venerate “life and all living forms, art as a spiritual expression, be it visual or
The only comment about their spacecraft is that they “look translucent” or what
we might call "etheric ships" .8°!
Girk Fit Niir (or Fitneer) Alliance (see also Arcturians, Fendorians, Lyrans,
Pleiadians, Reptilians, Yah yel)
El (Ileana) Ka the Star Traveler reports learning about an organization called the
Girk Fit Niir Alliance on her YouTube channel called the Awakening Cosmic Reality
Show. What she states is the following.
The Girk Fit Niir Alliance is composed of “Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans,
Fendorians, friendly Reptilians and the Yah'yel (sic)”. There is no information of the
798 Peter the Insider, 2016a Jul 26.
799 Santori, 2011 p. 78.
800 See Procyon on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procyon
80! All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 112-113.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 287
organization's structure, workings and objectives. What is mentioned are Ka’s encounters
with various individuals on a spacecraft:
e ALyran called Tekkrr. She is a “Soul Records Keeper, Historian, and guide for
ET Encounters”
e A Pleiadian medical specialist called Tepeh
e A Yah'yel named Lanai who is an “Ascension and Spirituality specialist”
El Ka also reports that Tekkrr and Tepeh are able to present a human form while
their ET appearance is “more fierce”. Images of them are included in El Ka’s report.8°
Gizeh or Gizan and Gizahn aka Bfaath
The information about the Gizan (or Gizahn, Gizeh, Bfaath) Intelligences is
based on the interaction with Billy Meier, a Swiss contactee. A German report is
presented by Keller P. on the German FIGU (translated as Free Universal Interest Group)
website. The terms Gizeh or Giza are names that come from the famous Giza pyramid,
and are used interchangeably.
Keller states that the Gizeh intelligence group is from the “Sirius area’’®™.
According to the Think AboutlIt (sic) website they came to Earth and formed a base deep
underneath Egypt. This site also mentions that some of them were “reportedly seen by
explorers, and who are said to dress like ‘ancient Egyptians’”. No other details of their
appearance are provided. They are stated as having a negative impact on Earth’s
religions though no examples are provided by this site.8
Two attacks by the Gizeh Intelligences in the Semjase-Silver-StarCenter (sic) in
Schmidriiti / ZH (Zurich, Switzerland) are presented by Keller that involve Billy Meier.
One was their attempt to destroy the Semjase-Silver-StarCenter (sic) and the other was to
“kill Billy Meier and Freddy Kropf with a fatal ball lightning that exploded half a meter
[1.6 feet] away from them”. They were stopped by the Plejaren (Pleiadians) [most likely
Germans in space] who then deported them to an inhospitable planet giving them the
necessary means to exist.8°
Gladeai aka Gladeains (see Arcturians)
802 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Mar 17.
803 Keller P. (n.d.) “Where Does Ufology Stand Today?” FIGU Bulletin 83, pp. 4-6 on FIGU website:
https://www.figu.org/ch/verein/periodika/bulletin/2014/nr-83/ufologie-heute?page=0,3 p. 4.
804 AJ] information and quotations are from Gizan (or Gizahn) on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
805 Keller P. (n.d.) “Where Does Ufology Stand Today?” FIGU Bulletin 83, pp. 4-6 on FIGU website:
https://www.figu.org/ch/verein/periodika/bulletin/2014/nr-83/ufologie-heute?page=0,3 pp. 5-6.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 288
“Glass Arachnids” (see High Council)
Gnomopo (see Negumak)
Golden Radiants aka “Triangle Head” s/b “Circular Head” (see also “Avians”,
Azurite Council)
There are two places where El (Ileana) Ka reports on the Golden Radiants on her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube.
Her first report is in August of 2016 where she introduces us to a Golden Radiant,
also known as “Triangle Head", from the Sphere Alliance called Te Nar. She was told
“His race was created 700 billion years ago in order to help different species to evolve
and ascend to the higher density dimensions”. They are from a “green golden solar
system” though no name of it is given.
Her description of Te Nar is that he is a “10th dimensional being from the Sphere
Alliance’. He is 11 feet (3.4 m) tall. His form of communication is telepathy. He has the
ability to open “gateway portals” which she describes as being like “refracting mirror
doorways which open up in time so Te Nar can travel to different timelines”.
Of note is her final comment here which is that “Golden Radiants work with the
Blue Avians to protect humanity from the different negative regressive ET’s that have
attempted to take over Earth’”’.8°° No examples of this are given.
In her follow up report, El Ka states that Te Nar had a “beautiful yellow glow
about him”. Te Nar’s height of 11 feet (3.4 m) was about 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) taller than
the “Blue Avian” who was with him though she speculates that the “Blue Avian” could
possibly only be 8-10 feet (2.4-3 m) tall.
According to El Ka, the being that beamed her up had a “beautiful glowing ...
yellow energy around him” and communicated that he came from a “greenish glowing
solar system”. That’s why she thinks it was Te Nar. He was able to teleport her with a
“green light beam” onto a “large blue sphere” that was in our solar system somewhere
near Earth.
Te Nar told El Ka a few general things such as that he “comes from some green
constellation or galaxy” and again no name was given. He is able to open “teleportation
portals with his golden radiant energy” and can “teleport himself to places”. He also
communicated that his head wasn’t “quite triangular” but more “circular”. A more
descriptive term might be “Circular Head”. Neither seem appropriate.
806 A]l information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 289
On a final note, El Ka was told by the “Blue Avian” that their history is found in
Ashayana Deane’s book called Voyagers 2: The Secrets of Amenti®®7.8°°
“Gopher” Humanoids
There is very little information provided by John Whitberg in a personal
communication (not in References) about the “Gopher” humanoids. He remembers them
being “a furry humanoid species with the head of a gopher’’. He says that they were
“very friendly, though surprisingly very militant”.
That is all that he can recall about them.
Grail and Grails (see also Asbaan-Hu, Eldaru, Mintaka, “Reptoid”)
There are two sources of information presented here, from the Bibliotecapleyades
website and Elena Danaan’s book A Gift from the Stars.
1) There is not much information about the Grails on the Bibliotecapleyades website.
How they got the name “Grails” is not stated. There is no mention of a home star system.
This site states that they are “saurian ‘grey’ type entities”. The word “saurian” generally
means lizard or reptile. The description implies that the Grails have both “Reptilian” and
“Grey” characteristics. Also mentioned in their description is that they are “somewhat
taller than the usually-encountered (sic) Greys yet with extremely thin ‘rail-like’ torso
and limbs which are apparently very strong”. Their height isn’t clear in this comparison
since we are not told their height and who the “usually-encountered” Greys are.°
No mention is made of the Grails' relation with Earth.
2) Danaan presents some more information about the Grail. She states that the Grail are
residents of the star system Mintaka or Delta Orionis (one of the three Orion’s Belt stars)
which is 1,200 lys from our Sun in the Orion constellation®!°.
Her descriptions are predominantly negative, referring to them as having
“compulsive aggressivity (sic)” who like to “conquer and ransack”’. Their lack of
organizational skills is stated as preventing them from taking over the Galaxy. Also, they
do not wish to confront the Draco Empire and the Maitre nor the Galactic Federation of
Worlds (or Galactic Authority).*!!
807 See Deane, 2002.
808 AJ] information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Sep 14.
809 Grails in Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_ vida alien 19a.htm
810 Mintaka on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mintaka
81! Aj] information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 232-234.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 290
“Grays” (see “Greys”)
Graysli or Grayslie (see also “Greys”)
The information about the Graysli comes from the Santori ARB. The Graysli have
2 home planets in the Virgo star system. They have the same average height as Earth
beings (somewhat vague to be of much use) though a main difference is that they are
covered in soft silky hair. No other descriptions are provided.
Their spaceships carry 6 crew members only. They are known to have visited
Earth at least 12 times. Their first visit was during the dynasties of Egypt’s pharaohs
around 3,000 years ago where they spent 10 uninterrupted years. How this is known is
not mentioned. A pyramid named Djoser®!? was built in their honor. The reason for this
honor is not given. They have kept track of human development for the last 200 years
and are aware that some powerful humans can and are being misled by some alien races
who can disguise themselves as humans. There is no mention of how this information
came to be known.
The last sightings of the Graysli occurred July 2000 and February 2004 though
the areas were not stated and neither were the observers.°!3
Much of the Graysli information in Santori’s ARB is repeated in Elena Danaan’s
book A Gift from the Stars without credit. Only information that is not in the ARB is
mentioned here such as their main world is in Gamma Virginis or Porrima, a binary star
system in Virgo constellation 38 lys away®". It is a “tropical and damp planet”. There is
no clarification of this description. Also stated is that they have a “Reptiloid nature”.
The meaning of this is not clarified. They have two genders, but they “had six at the
origin, a very long time ago”. No details of this change are provided. Lastly, they wear
protective dark lenses for travel.8!>
“Greens” aka “Oliverian”
There is only brief information about the “Greens”, which likely refers to their
skin color, as does “Oliverian” according to the Bibliotecapleyades website. This site
does mention that their skin is “olive-green” in color. Their height is stated as “normal”
in comparison to people on Earth which is a bit vague to be helpful. No details are given.
812 Pyramid of Djoser on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_of Djoser
813 Aj] information here is from Santori, 2011, p. 45.
814 See Gamma Virginis on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_Virginis
815 All information and quotations, unless otherwise referenced, are from Danaan, 2020, pp 296-297.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 291
This site also reports that they are from “subterranean or cavernous realms
beneath Europe which they refer to as ‘St. Martin’s Land’”.8!® No other information is
“Grey(s)” or “Gray(s)” (see also Alpha-Draco, Ebens, Maitre, Patel “Greys”,
Koshnak, P’nti, Rigel, Solipsi Ra, Zetas)
There are a considerable number of sources that refer to ETs as “Greys” or
“Grays’’®!7, Some of the information about each society or general civilization is
presented in separate headings as stated above, such as P’nti. The following is a general
overview of some of the information pertaining to what ‘abductees’, ‘contactees’ and
‘experiencers’ have called “Greys/Grays”’.
First, the word “Grey" needs some clarification. The word “Grey” is a general
term that simply refers to their skin color that we mostly see them as. It is a term that
should be discontinued. The best path is obviously to refer to the specific society, such as
P’nti. The problem arises when the name of the society or civilization is not known or as
was the case with Suzy Hansen’s®!® entire experience, “No, they never gave themselves a
name, or personal names” that she communicated in a personal message. The word Zetas
is one word that is used in this book to replace “Greys” though there are problems with
this for those beings that are not from Zeta Reticuli®!®. The problem of naming these
societies currently remains unsolved.
Another example of this “naming” problem that we have on Earth is mentioned
by Sherry Wilde in her experiences with a being that she called “Doc”*®”°. Doc was not
his real name because what she saw was not his bodily form. She asked him if he was
Zeta but he replied that this does “not best describe the truth of who I am”. She said that
he looked like a Zeta, a “Grey”. His response was that he was what we could call “an
etheric being”. He describes himself as putting on this “container” when he comes into
our density to do his work because we are in a denser vibration. He can’t appear in his
“true form” (see also Shapeshifting). Asked by Wilde who he was and where he came
from he replied that he was “a Voyager of the universe going where needed in service to
the Creator’. Wilde concluded that who he was and where he came from “doesn't really
matter”.8?! How to refer to a being such as this currently remains unresolved. As our
understanding of these beings evolves our reference to them should as well.
816 The Greens in Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien 19a.htm
817 For example: Hansen, 2016; Boucher, 2020; Nicolay, 2021 Jun 27. See also “The Grey Agenda: An ET
Bio-Invasion”. 2021 Jun 27. Saint Olga 69. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGpk5p8G3j4
818 Hansen, 2016.
819 See the discussion in Zetas.
820 | want to thank Daniel Sala for providing the Sherry Wilde reference.
821 AJ] information and quotations are from Wilde, 2020 Jan 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 292
I’ve organized the information being presented about the “Greys” into the
following headings to provide an introductory understanding:
1) Background
2) General Descriptions of “Greys”
3) Abilities
4) Estimates, Kinds and Locations of “Grey” Civilizations
1) Background
Some background information on the “Greys” comes from the Bibliotecapleyades
website. This website uses as its source Alex Collier though the specific reference from
where the information was taken is not included. It’s also important to remember that
Collier’s information comes from an Andromedan standpoint.
Collier states that at one time the “Greys” looked more human. He says that their
entire race was “captured 891,000 years ago while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off
and do their own thing”. They were captured by a group in Orion that was already
genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to the
Andromedan that Collier refers to as Morenae, “the first thing this Draconian-altered
Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to
control the birth process”. After that, this unnamed society “genetically altered the
remaining females, so that all the children born after that were genetically altered”. The
clear impact of this is that the first generation of these “Greys” were already genetically
altered. The assumption is that this alteration continued.
The males of this society, Morenae continues, were turned into slaves “to work in
mines” or slaughtered. That is, if the males were unable to work in mines, then they were
killed. According to Morenae, this “Draconian-controlled Orion group” treated the
“Greys” as a “natural resource”.®”
2) Description of “Greys”
A general description of the “Greys/Grays" is also provided by the
Bibliotecapleyades website. This site states that they are telepathic. Their height is
generally 3.5 to 4.5 feet (1.1-1.4 m). They appear to us as emotionless. Also, they are the
most commonly encountered ETs.*?3 These are the smaller “Greys”.
According to Charles Hall, as mentioned by SSP veteran Major, Hall “observed
... Grey people, who were working with the USAF, wearing some kind of filtration
system on their noses in the 60s in the Nevada desert”. This was worn primarily by the
822 Jl information and quotations are from The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy on Bibliotecapleyades website:
823 The “Greys” in A to Z of Alien Species on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_ vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 293
older members. Other ETs also have difficulty with some of Earth’s characteristics, such
as the P’nti.
On another page on the Bibliotecapleyades site, an autopsy of a “Grey” by the US
government is reported while on another page it is stated that “the right frontal lobe area”
contained “a crystalline network” implying a “third brain”. It also contained a .4 inches
or | cm spherical object that was linked into the crystalline network. The purpose of this
was theorized as amplifying their brain waves to be “capable of psychic activity”. More
detailed descriptions of Greys are available on this site.8?4
An early description of one kind of “Grey” is stated as an “Insect-Eyed Grey” on
the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. This site states that the encounter was recorded on “15
May 1951 at Salzburg, Austria”. No details on the recording are provided. No home star
system is given.
The “Insect-Eyed Greys” are described as “white-skinned” and 4.9 feet (1.5 m)
tall. A contradiction appears on this site as it goes on to refer to them as a “tall Grey-like
humanoid” which does not match the early statement of 4.9 feet (1.5 m). We would not
consider this height as “tall”. This site continues that they have a “large-skulled,
cylindrical, hairless head with a very high forehead”. Their eyes are described as similar
to an insect. Hence, their name. Their ears and nose have small holes while their mouth
has a small slit.
Two kinds of technology are mentioned that they have. One is a pencil-shaped
device that can paralyze someone and the other is “an antigravity square black plate that
can be strapped on”. The only other item mentioned is that their transportation consists
of “45-meter [147.6 feet] wide saucer-shaped craft’”’.®*°
3) Abilities
A good description of some of the abilities of the “Greys” is conveyed by Jim
Sparks in his MUFON LA speech on the UPARS channel on YouTube®*®. The following
is a condensed list of some of the abilities that Sparks provides.
Fast Telepathic Minds
e 10-100 times faster minds than ours and they assimilate data that fast.
e They have an answer to your question before you even put it together in your mind.
Powerful Minds
824 The U.S. Government Has Conducted Autopsies On Auen (sic) [Alien] Cadavers in Some Kinds Of
Alien Life Forms We Know About: An Anthropological Analysis on Bibliotecapleyades website:
825 All information and quotations are from Insect-Eyed Greys on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
826 | am grateful to Daniel Sala for providing the Jim Sparks reference in a personal communication.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 294
e Their minds are powerful enough to convey images. They can transmit images in
your mind so that you believe that they are living out these things.
e They have 100% thought activated technology. Their thoughts can move anything
Dimensional Travel
e They can travel dimensions. Traveling to a different frequency in the same time and
space makes them invisible or partially invisible. Sparks states the following
visibility differences of their being or essence based on their location in a different
dimensional frequency. Depending on what they want to do determines what
percentage of them is in our dimension:
© To remain invisible and just observe us then 2-5% of their essence may be here
and the rest in another dimension
o If5% of their being were in this dimension, then this would make them invisible
to us
o For 10-15% of their essence in our dimension, then they would take on a ghost
like appearance to us
° 50-60% of their essence in our dimension makes them look pretty solid so that
they could move physical objects
Cosmos Travel
e They are able to go from point A to point B in the cosmos with little to no time
e They have technology to make themselves invisible to us and be able to behave in a
way that the laws of physics (ours) don’t apply eg., walking through walls
Radiating Energy
e They radiate an energy from their being that Sparks calls “miserably uncomfortable
(see alsoAlpha-Draco) to a human being. Depending on your distance from a
“Grey”, the following happens:
© 100-150 feet (30.5-46 m) away, you sense a presence that does not feel good
© within 25-50 feet (8-15 m) your spine will straighten up, breathing gets faster,
heart starts to race
© within 5-8 feet (1.5-2.4 m) all the chemicals in your brain drop into your body
eg., fear, adrenalin, hate, love drops into your body
© Within a couple of feet (.6 m) you normally black out
o For Sparks, it was not a lot of fun to be around them in the first 6 years of
experiences with them
Human Adaptation
e Sparks discovered that after a few months that his body adjusted and tolerated these
e@ What happens is you feel miserable for a minute or two and then it doesn’t bother
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 295
e You stop blacking out
Abduction Process: Easy and Hard
e Sparks provides us with some of the abilities in the methods that the “Greys” used to
abduct him
e They start with a dream experience that is repeated to get you used to abduction eg.,
escorted off bed, escorted to woods and back
e@ One time Sparks became totally conscious during most of this experience and was
able to recall what happened to him
e An “easy abduction” occurs on the ground. They create a field that allows you to
walk through things, such as Sparks walked through a window
e A “hard abduction” is horrific. A craft hovers or is in flight. It pulls matter (you)
from point A to B. First, you experience a low rpm whirling, whipping sound inside
your head. This gets louder and faster as rpms increase
e Next, you feel a sensation in the pit of your stomach that works its way to your
upper torso. You’re not paralyzed yet, but your heart races at 200 mph [322 kph]
when the sounds get louder.
e Then you’re jolted with a sense of acceleration like you’re being pulled down like a
roller coaster only 100 times faster
e You’re screaming in your head repeatedly, “I don’t wanna die”, while the rpms are
increasing, sound gets louder, the gravity (g) forces become stronger
e You black out totally, lose consciousness
e@ When you regain consciousness, then you’re at point B®?’
4) Estimates, Kinds and Locations of “Grey” Civilizations
It’s important to remember that each civilization has its own agenda. The more
civilizations, the more different interests (agendas) are pursued.
The most credible estimate of “Greys “or “Grays” comes from Penny Bradley,
SSP veteran and host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube . She states that
there are “at least thousands” of different kinds of “Grey/Gray” races. They are four feet
(1.2 m) tall or taller. She goes on to add that “most of them started off as human races
and nuked their own homeworld”. “Grey”, she says, “is what we become when we
survive nuclear war’’.828
Not only are there variations in the estimates of “Grey” societies, there are also
differences in color and kinds. To begin, Bradley also states that not all “Greys” are that
color. There are some societies that come in “Greens”, “Blues”,“Purples” and “Muddy
Brown”. How they came to have these different coloured skins would be very interesting
to discover.
827 AJ information and quotations in this part are from Sparks, 2017 Jul 7.
828 A111 information and quotations are from Bradley, 2021 Apr 19.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 296
Some of the differences in physiology include the following. One of these groups
of “Greys” has a mushroom physiology. Another group, says Bradley, absorb food
through their skin and also poop through it so they smell really bad to us. The “Greys”
(and the Draco) are also the most friendly toward humans.*®??
According to Bradley, someone blew up the Dulce base where the “Large or
Long Nose Grays” (a description of them was not mentioned) were conducting horrible
experiments on Earth people. However, it was rebuilt. They are carrying on since they
have an agreement with the American government. They do give their medical research
to the American government. *°°
Elena Danaan, in A Gift from the Stars, presents two general categories of
“Greys”, small and tall ones. There are also drawings of the various small and tall
“Greys”. Most of these are also listed separately under their own headings. Here is her
list of small “Greys” some of whom are the Genetically Engineered Beings (see also
Genetically Engineered Beings) to the Alpha-Draco and include:
e Ainanna, Airk, Akart, Anak, Do-Hu, Eben, Elfaff, Emerther, Moovianthan,
Shambtnahali, Xrog Zeta, Solipsi Ra®*!
Her list of tall “Greys” is:
e Eban, Elmanuk, Grail, Graysli, Indugutk, Kiily-Tokurt, Matrax, Maytra (Maitre),
Orela, Smad, X5*°?
El (Ileana) Ka provides some important information about the Tall “Greys” in her
Ileana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2). Ka
refers to Tall “Greys” that include the Maitre, Dries and Hive Queens. She says that the
Hive Queen's control “young women’s minds through holographic photon technologies”.
What these Hive Queens do, she says, is that they project an attractive blond man while
they hide behind him to “interface psychically with the human mind”. They then pass on
all kinds of false information such as the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) implants
a woman with a chip or that the Earth Alliance is restructuring the SSP and military
organizations. She is very clear that the GFW does not do that and that the Earth Alliance
does not exist. This misinformation is spread by these mind controlled women.
What makes Ka’s report stand out is her description of how this mind control is
carried out by these Tall “Greys” through her remote sensing. She begins by saying that
what she saw was a Pleiadian/“Nordic” blond man who claimed to represent the GFW.
In actuality, he was a Tall “Grey” who wore a silver smart suit. He used “holographic
photon technology” to insert holographic facts “into the young woman’s mind so that she
can then pass [them] on to other public media figures”.
829 Bradley, 2020 Jul 29.
830 Bradley, 2020 Jul 5.
831 Danaan, 2020, pp. 306-307.
832 Danaan, 2020, pp. 308-309
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 297
More importantly, Ka describes a social hierarchy in how this mind control is
carried out. There are two Hive Queens, she says, who mind control two tall Maitre. The
two tall Maitre in turn mind control a shorter Tall “Grey”. It appears that it is this last
“Grey” who then interacts with the human or in this instance a young woman, to carry
out implanting false information. El Ka was quite shocked to discover that 5 “Greys”
were used to exert such an amount of psychic control on the mind of a young woman to
insert false information.**?
Jimmy Paine, an SSP veteran being interviewed by James Rink on Super Soldier
Talk on Rumble, remembers seeing “Tommy Knockers in a cave on Mars”. He describes
them as a “muscular type of Tall Greys”. Paine says that he was with a “Tall ‘Grey’
human hybrid called Charlie”.8*4
The preceding gives an indication of some of the physiological variety of
“Greys”. The same is true with skin color.
Some detail is provided by the Think Aboutlt (sic) website concerning the “Blue
Greys”. This site states that these are rare and that there are 3 kinds consisting of a)
“Blue Greys” that are about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, b) very young or newly made “Greys”
and c) sick or dying “Greys”.**> How this information came to be known is not
Lastly, concerning their location, Bradley states that there is one society of “Tall
Greys” that has been on Earth longer than we have. They live in the mountains of
Peru.**° No specific name of their society was mentioned.
The Bibliotecapleyades website adds other locations and interactions among the
“Greys” which they spell as “Grays”. This site states that two main sites are from Zeta
Reticulli®>” and from Rigel®*®.
The “Grays’” information from Zeta Reticuli is summarized as follows:
e They have the ability to magnify their mental field to exert control over humans
e They are members of a network or loose alliance where all have a common aim
and purpose
e They consist of two general groups: one is tolerant of Earth humans while the
other seeks conquest and colonization of our planet.
e The “Grays”, which kind is not specified, have a base near the Aleutian Islands
833 R] Ka’s information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 422-423.
834 Paine, 2022 Mar 8.
835 All information here is from Blues on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/blues/
836 Bradley, 2020 Aug 7.
837 Zeta Reticuli on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeta Reticuli
838 Rigel on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigel
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 298
e Also, the “Grays”, which kind is not specified, have influence over the Reticulans
and the Beeletrax species of “Grays”. No additional information of the Beeletrax
society is provided.
e They absorb food through their skin since they have no stomach and excrete the
waste through their skin
e They reproduce through cloning which eventually weakens their genetic copy
They tolerate us as inferiors
e They are technologically superior but “spiritually and socially backwards” (what
backwards means here is not clarified)
The “Grays” from Rigel:
e They made the secret deal with the US Government
e They impregnate human females on a massive scale and later extract the fetus
e Human mutilations have been found on their crashed spacecrafts
e They will state that they are our “friends” and that we “agree” to being abducted
which are incorrect
e Their goal is to take over planet Earth
Greys, Patel (see Patel Greys)
Grus (see Elmanuk)
Guardian Alliance (GA) (see also Guardian Race Administration, IAF W, Keylonta
Language) (Compare Guardian Alliance with Galactic Authority)
One of the most important works surrounding the understanding of ETs is by
Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes). Deane presents the Guardian Alliance in her Voyagers 1
book to refer to “members of an organization of Visitors from the Otherworlds, who
refer to themselves as the Guardian Alliance”’.
Ashayana Deane is the only source about the Guardian Alliance. Deane bases her
understanding of the Guardian Alliance (GA) on a “27-year physical and communicative
relationship” that she has had with the members of the Guardian Alliance. They
protected her from her malevolent abductors and started her education in Children’s
Circles. The members of the Guardian Alliance included, in alphabetical order: an
Aethien, a Breneau member, a Lyran-Sirian “White”, a Queventelliur, a Rhanthunkeana
member and Turaneusiams (see information about each member in their separate
headings). Many others were included as well, such as, various “hybrids created through
intermixing of these species, to the vast, formless, sentient conscious entities who direct
the Guardian Alliance” and those that exist beyond “dimensionalization”. There is a
social hierarchy here with those at the top as the “formless, sentient conscious entities”
and those that exist beyond dimensions. There is no clarification of what existing beyond
dimensions means.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 299
Deane describes the Guardian Alliance as a “cooperative” consisting of “an
enormous variety of different interstellar, multi-dimensional and inter-time species and
races” working together to help developing cultures evolve “throughout the multi-
dimensional universe”. The Guardian Alliance is a “smaller, specialized group within a
greater guardian organization called the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds
Some of the education that Deane received from the Guardian Alliance include
the following:
15-dimensional physics
Bio-energetic healing modalities
The human history of the Elder Race (see also Els)
The spiritual teachings of the Law of One
The rudimentary dynamics of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science
Her education was designed so that she became “a bio-physical (sic) translator of
the universal symbol-code language known as Keylonta”.
Her initial form of communication with the Guardian Alliance was telepathic.
This was replaced by, probably added to might be more accurate, contact where she
would “receive large bodies of communicated text” that opened in her mind like
“psychic email”. This form of communication allowed her “to receive thousands of
pages of instructional information from the GA”. Deane was able to do this due to her
childhood training in the
“translation of the universal Keylontic Symbol Code language”.
Her translation ability allowed the Guardian Alliance to do the following
“Keylontic Communication” with Deane. She defines Keylontic Communication as “an
electronic, bio-neurological language that represents only one rudimentary application of
Keylontic Morphogenetic Science”. In essence, someone is undertaking “the remote
transfer of electronically encoded data”.
Deane differentiates Keylontic Communication from channeling and clearly
states that it is not channeling. This is how she distinguishes between the two.
For her, channeling “involves merging the personal consciousness with other
portions of personal identity, the energy identities of beings from other times, places or
dimensions or the direct absorption of electrically encoded data from the crystalline
universal memory matrix”. Even more simplified, channeling involves another person,
being or universal memory matrix connecting their consciousness, identity or data with
someone’s personal consciousness. For Deane, this does not happen with Keylontic
Communication. The personal consciousness in Keylontic Communication always stays
with the person while someone else is transmitting “electronically encoded data” to that
person through “remote projection of frequency”.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 300
Here is her description of how Keylontic Communication generally works.
e The GA could “pre-record information” for her “in digital data packages called
Keylontic Symbol Codes”
e The Keylontic Codes would be “programmed into her bio-energetic system through
remote electronic transmission”
e “Once the encoded data had been programmed” into her bio-energetic field, it would
“process through her neurological structure as an electrical impulse”
e Deane states that through “the natural bio-chemical and electrical translation
processes inherent to the human biological form, the electronically encoded
information would translate” into her “native language” and appear in her mind “as
direct cognition, formatted into either word text or image pictures”
What is noteworthy in Deane’s description is that she “did not hear the words” in
her mind. There was no sound. What existed was “a stream of worded information” that
would flow through her mind. She says that she “could feel the words as electrical
impulse patterns”. The same was true for “image translation’. She clearly felt “electrical
impulses that carried complete images”. Simply stated, she says that her “mind just knew
the audio or visual content of the electrical impulses, as if the impulses bypassed sensory
translation and appeared as direct cognition” .*°°
The location of the Guardian Alliance is interesting. Deane states that when she
asked about the “location in space-time” of the members she received the following
explanation. The response was that their “organization spans many different planetary,
space, time and dimensional fields”. There is no location stated for this organization as
we would think about having one. A bit more of an understanding is conveyed when she
presents the members of this organization.
The members of the Galactic Alliance, according to Deane, consist of people and
beings from “matter-based galaxies and universes of the lower dimensions” as well as
entities that we would consider as “unfathomable cosmic reality fields of pure
consciousness that exist beyond the Metagalactic Core, free from dimensional structure”.
There is no clarification provided for “matter-based galaxies and universes” and “lower
dimensions”. The same is true for entities of “pure consciousness” and the “Metagalactic
Core”. No examples are provided for the preceding.
Those GA members that are directly involved with Deane are stated as having a
“primary physical base of operations” that is located in our “future-time”. That location
and time is 6520 AD on planet Tara, previously known as Earth. From Tara, she says
they stay in touch with members throughout the Cosmos.
There are two groups that oversee the membership of the Taran GA, states
Deane. She calls these two groups the “Priests of Ur and the Priests of Mu’. She
839 All information and quotations are from Deane, 2011, pp. 31-39.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 301
describes them as “ancient immortal humans of the Elder Race that have always been
involved with the evolution of our species’’.®*°
Guardian Race Administration (see also Azurite Council, Inter-Dimensional
Association of Free Worlds (IAFW), Time)
The Guardian Race administration is highlighted by El Ka, SSP veteran and host
of Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube, whose source of information is
Ashayana Deane**!. El Ka writes that the Guardian Race administration consists of two
parts, “the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team and the IAFW”.
The purpose of these two groups working together is to protect the “Emerald
Covenant freedom agendas in our Time Matrix”. What they do is work continuously “to
restore and maintain the structural integrity” of our time matrix. By “time matrix” I
assume that this refers to our condition of existence in our time period.
What this includes, states El Ka, involves 15 dimensions of existence,
“egalitarian political arbitration, progressive spiritual-science education and genetic Bio-
Regenesis evolutionary healing opportunities among all the manifest races”. No
examples of this are provided. The envisioned end result is “to inspire peaceful co-
creative evolution and healing among all races that manifest through continuation of the
Founders Races’ Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement treaties”.84? Our
understanding of their work would be helped greatly by showing how this relates to the
social conditions of Earth.
The Bibliotecapleyades website mentions that the Gypsies have a connection
with UFOs and ETs. This site has unknown sources that suggest the Gypsies have “a
connection with high-tech subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, etc.” As well, the
Gypsies are stated to know about “an ancient war and UFO craft” among other aspects.
These are a “guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes”. There is no mention of who
these Gypsies are, their geographic location and the relations among them.
The source of the Philadelphia Experiment**? was reported to be part of a Gypsy
clan with knowledge of ET cultures (past and present) that have interacted covertly in
Earth’s affairs.844
840 Jl information and quotations are from Deane, 2011, pp. 31-39. A brief summary of this information
is available on El Ka’s Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. See Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
841 Deane, 2002, 2011.
842 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
843 Philadelphia Experiment on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia Experiment
844 A 11 information and quotations are from Gypsies in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution
on Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 302
Hairy “Dwarfs” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings, Tribunes)
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website mentions ETs called Hairy “Dwarfs”. No home
planet or star system is mentioned. There is a considerable amount of description
provided on this site. It includes the following.
The Hairy “Dwarfs” are reported to be 3-4 feet (.9-1.2 m) tall and weigh about 35
pounds (16 kilograms). The hair covering their entire body (they do not wear clothes)
ranges from “black to red-blond” with a “straw-like appearance”. When malnourished
they shed their hair. The skin is a “pale chalky green”. They have 2 large green “slanted
oval eyes” on their face, “no visible nose", and “a wide trapdoor-like mouth without
teeth”. Their arms and legs are “long and thin” that end with “stubby-fingered hands and
disk-shaped feet” that have 3 claws on each one. They are able to increase their walking
stability and speed by walking on their knuckles or hands.
One interesting feature is that their hands and feet can “extrude multiple small
spikes that dig into timber, stone or cement surfaces” so that they can “walk up vertical
walls” but not overhangs. They are also used to improve their “grip on human captives”.
Their spacecraft includes a “3-meter [10 feet] wide spherical craft with an
opening in the side and a small tube that emits a laser-like light”. Who observed this
spacecraft is not mentioned. The circumstances surrounding the descriptions of these
beings and their geographic location are also not included even though this website states
that they have been “encountered”.
This website also states that these beings were “built to serve the Tribunes”.
Their relation to other ETs is stated as being involved in armed conflict with the
possible name of “Pascagoula type, with the active involvement of at least one
human”.*4> No explanation of the “Pascagoula type” or the involvement of the human are
Hargalii Ayal and Hargalii Ayali (see also Laan, Taal)
The Hargalii Ayali are reported in Elena Danaan’s A Gift From the Stars. Danaan
states that the Hargalii Ayali live in the Hargaliat planetary system called Kepler-37
(K37) which has 3 planets. It is in the Lyra constellation about 209 lys from Earth***.
845 All information and quotations are from Hairy Dwarfs on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
846 K epler-37 on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-37
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 303
According to her, two of the planetoids are sterile but the third one was terraformed by
Laan colonists. As well, she mentions that the Hargalin are “hybrids of Taal and Laani, a
particular Man subspecies named ‘Ayel’ or ‘Ayal’". How this came to be is not included.
The Ayal are described as having “slight feline features” though with a “more
humanoid look”. They have abundant hair which varies in color and texture though no
details are given. She says that the Ayali have “human proportions in their face”.
However, the nose and eyes are recognizable as Laan (which is not given).
She also reports that the Ayali, along with the Laani, colonized some of the
“territories of Middle-East and North Africa” before leaving. Their reason for leaving
was that war broke out with the Cyakahrr and they never returned.
They are stated as being part of the Galactic Council.*4”
Harians (see also EBENS)
The information about the Harians comes from Randy Cramer as reported by Eve
Lorgen and reposted by James Rink on the Super Soldier Talk website. Cramer states
that the Harians are from Betelgeuse III. What Betelgeuse III refers to is publically not
known. No description of them is presented. The only information about them mentioned
by Cramer is that they are listed in the US Military classification of EBEs
(Extraterrestrial Biological Entities).
As stated by Randy Cramer the Harians are listed in the yellow category of the
Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) Manual by the US Military. The Yellow
category includes beings that are “potentially hazardous/unpredictable/may result in
death” for Earth people.**®
No other public information is available.
Harus, KARA/KRAK and Sychorus (see also “Hybrids”)
Information about the Harus inhabitants comes from the Exopaedia website
which refers to an Austrian contactee named Albert Tomschi. The site reports that the
contactee met beings that came from a planet called Harus. No name is given as to what
they call themselves. He also met ETs from a planet called KARA or KRAK (sic capital
letters). Again, no name is mentioned what they call themselves. There is also no
information about their respective star system.
847 AJ] information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 201.
848 A111 information is from Eve Lorgen. 2014 Apr 30. “Whistleblower Randy Cramer Tells About Secret
Military Operations on Mars”. Reposted by James Rink, 2015 Jan 23, on Super Soldier Talk website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 304
The ETs from Harus are described as “hybrids” consisting of “a mixture of
reptilian (snake/lizard), grey and human phenotypes”. No specifics are given. There is no
description of the KARA or KRAK. Both are considered as “very peace-loving, highly
developed people, who have used space travel for millions of years, and also visit our
system”. There is no clarification of “peace-loving” and “highly developed”. No
indication of the number of visits to our system and their purpose is given. Also stated is
that their food is “predominantly vegetarian”.
One other mention of ETs includes those from a “star cluster 'Sychorus' which is
not listed anywhere’. Doubts about the preceding are raised by the Exopaedia site.°”
Hathor and Hathors (see also Venus)
The Hathors are a 4D (fourth dimension) race living on Venus according to the
Exopaedia website and its source Bob Frissell. The meaning of 4D is not clarified.
They are described as being 10-16 feet (3-4.9 m) tall. No reason for the height
difference is stated. No genders are mentioned. Their physical appearance is stated as
beings consisting of “pure Light (sic) and tremendous Love (sic)”. It is not clear how 4D
physical beings can consist of “pure light”. Also stated on this site is that these ETs
worked with Egyptians and “[mankind on Earth] (sic) for a long time”.*°° Given this
stated long involvement with Earth people, it is interesting that no mention has been
made of them by others which casts doubt about their existence.
Hav-Hannuae-Kondras (see also Maitre)
There are two main sources presented here concerning the Hav-Hannuae-
Kondras. I start with information from Santori’s ARB and then add material by Elena
Danaan’s A Gift From the Stars.
1) The Hav-Hannuae-Kondras originate from a galaxy called Sextans Dwarf SPH**!,
according to Santori. No physical description is presented.
They first visited Earth around 934 AD in the area now known as Romania. How
this came to be known is not mentioned. They abduct and kill humans and drink their
blood as well as animal blood creating the vampire image. No examples of events are
provided. The following statement is included: “Several Human (sic) governments know
849 All information and quotations are from Harus on Exopaedia website:
850 A] information and quotations are from Hathor on Exopaedia website:
https://www.exopaedia.org/Hathor See also Frissell, 1994, p. 148.
851 Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 305
and accept their actions”. Who these governments are is not specified. The human bodies
are never returned.
They were sighted last in 1996 in Scotland.®°? No specific area of Scotland is
2) The Hav-Hannuae-Kondras are also presented by Danaan. She also states that the
Hav-Hannuae-Kondras come from a “dwarf Galaxy in the direction of Beta Sextans”
which is stated as being 4.3 million lys from Terra.
She provides a general description of them. They are described as having a
“humanoid appearance”. Their typical height is given as 5.2 to 5.5 ft (1.6-1.8 m) tall.
She states that they have three genders but no details of this are provided. Their skin is
“pale yellowish” and they have “dark hair’. Their eyes are black with no pupils.
She says that they are explorers but the reason for their exploration is not
mentioned. Some indication as to why they explore is that they used to abduct people on
a large scale. However, she mentions that the Galactic Federation of Worlds put pressure
on them to stop. Also, the Hav-Hannuae-Kondras were afraid of the “Ciakahrr and Orion
presence on Terra”.
The Hav-Hannuae-Kondras discovered Terra (Earth) in 934. How this is known
is not mentioned. They began “abducting and killing humans”. Not until a hundred years
ago did they stop, maintains Danaan. From time to time they also abducted animals and
“rarely humans”. Filling their void in abducting humans are the Maitre who trade with
them selling them human abductees. The Hav-Hannuae-Kondras drink the blood of
humans and animals. Several Earth governments (they are not named) are aware of this
and “accept their actions”. She also mentions that these ETs are connected with the “dark
satanic Terran cults” but no names or locations are given.
Their spacecraft are stated as always being cloaked. They are able to “bend
particles to distort the space continuum’. No clarification of this is provided. Similarly,
she mentions that their ships are “made of a shapeshifting living matter” but no details
are given.83
Hav-Musuvs aka Musuvians, Suvians
The Bibliotecapleyades website states that the Hav-Musuvs were prominent in
the Paiute American Indian** tradition though the source for that is not given. The
Paiute tradition refers to “Egyptian or Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered huge
caverns around 3 to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep beneath the Panamint
852 Santori, 2011, p. 21.
853 All information and quotations in this part are from Danaan, 2020, p. 278.
854 See for instance The Paiutes: History on Utah American Indian Digital Archive website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 306
Mts. of California®>*”. They established “‘vast underground cities”. After the inland sea
that connected to the ocean dried up (“now Death Valley’’) they were unable to trade
with the rest of the world. The Paiute tradition includes that the Hav-Musuvs then built
and flew “silvery eagles”. These spaceships allowed them “interplanetary and later
interstellar travel, exploration and colonization”. No details of this are included.
The website then shifts to a “huge facility” that is unspecified. We assume that it
is the unspecified geographic location of the Hav-Musuvs. This location is referred to as
a “MAJOR (sic) Federation base on earth”. No Federation members are stated. The
description of this facility is that it “possesses huge chambers with differing
environmental, atmospheric and even gravitational conditions to accommodate the
various visiting Federation dignitaries”.®°° No specific events and examples are provided.
Heplaloids or Heptaloid (see also EBENS, Zeta Reticuli)
The information about the Heplaloids comes from Victor Martinez, 2007, on a
portion of The Outpost Forum website. The word Heplaloids was created by the US
government to refer to ETs that come from “Planet DAMCO near the Cygnus Arm”.
Planet DAMCO is currently not known by mainstream science. While there is a Cygnus
constellation, the “arm” portion of it is not clear.
The planet DAMCO is stated as being from an unnamed solar system. This solar
system “contains 11 planets and it is the fourth (4th) planet out”.85’ There is no name for
the star or Sun that makes DAMCO the 4th planet out.
No general description of the Heplaloids is given. There is no mention of
technology, their abilities, spirituality and spacecraft.
High Council aka Universal High Council, Universal Council (see also “Arachnid”
Beings, “Dark Council”, Galactic Authority, Kai-Tai, Quei-Tei, Shakrill)
Apollymi Mandylion, host of Galaxy of Unity on YouTube and a website with the
same name, is the source of information about the High Council or Universal High
Council. Her information was conveyed in a personal communication.
Mandylion says that the membership in the High Council that she knows about
includes representatives from the following: Shakrill, “Glass Arachnids”, Quei-Tei, Kai-
Tai and two humanoids that live in the Andromeda Galaxy.
855 Panamint Range on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panamint Range
856 Hav-Musuvs (or Suvians) in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades
website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien 19a.htm
857 All information and quotations are from Victor Martinez. 2007 Jun 4. “Release 23: The 'Gate 3'
Incident (updated)”. The Outpost Forum website: http://www.serpo.org/release23.php
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 307
Some specific information on the relation of the preceding members to the High
Council is mentioned by Mandylion. What is available is very brief, starting with the
“Glass Arachnid” representative.
Mandylion describes what she observed at one Universal Council meeting that
involved one of the leaders, a “Glass Arachnid”. This leader, she says, was the biggest
male present. He addressed the High council. She says, “the High Council of 9 is the
head council that governs the Universal Council. The High Council consists of several
leaders such as 2 of the head leaders of Andromeda council, an Arcturian and a Sirian,
the Shakrill, one of the neutral white Draconians, one of the insectoids and some
humans”. As Mandylion writes, “this is not all of the races, just some”. This council
works with other councils “to try to maintain some sort of balance”. Interestingly, she
says, “dark factions have been part of this council with good entries before”. The
rationale that she provides is “it's about knowledge and power not morals”.
The Universal Council consists of many many species, she carries on, that hold
vast amounts of territory or trade routes. Each speaker for a territory does not have to be
the same race or species as its neighbors. Some are “representative of species
‘kingdoms’”. This Universal Council is a place where everyone's voice in the universe
can be heard about problems that arise or any other matters.
An example that she provides is a speech given by a representative from the
“Glass Arachnids”. The topic concerned the Arcturian Federation’s action of war against
what she calls the “Dark Council”. What he stressed was the damage that this war was
causing to both sides and to those who were not involved in the war. According to
Mandylion, the members of the Universal council “took heed of the Glass Arachnid’s
Also mentioned by her is the relation of the Kai-Tai with the High Council. What
Mandylion says is that they have their own separate Kingdom from the folks in the Lyra
Constellation and their own representative on the High Council.
Another representative on the Universal High Council is a Quei-Tei. Though they
are members they do not get involved in the universes dilemmas, she says.
The Shakrill are an example of beings that were fined for breaking Galactic laws
but were later admitted as High Council members. At the start, the Shakrill had their trial
with the Universal High Council for breaching technology laws. They received “hefty
fines”. After this was settled, she says that the Shakrill became neutral in Galactic affairs
but are also one of the members of the High Council.
Lastly, an important point made by Mandylion concerns the operation of the High
Council. She says that 2 of the “Dark Council” Alpha-Draco Queens were convicted of
countless universal war crimes. Punishment is typically death.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 308
Higher Dimensional Beings aka Hyper-Dimensional Beings (see also Bodies of
Existence, Shapeshifting, Source)
This is a short introduction to higher dimensional beings that are mentioned by a
number of sources in this book. These ET beings are referred to sometimes simply as
being “more advanced”. Two sources about them are presented here. First, for those
unfamiliar with such beings, the information of some of their general characteristics
about them is taken from Ileana’s (El Ka’s) Messages from a Star Traveler website.
Secondly, some readers may be surprised that there are still conflicts going on in the
higher dimensions. This is pointed out by Apollymi Mandylion in an interview that she
did with Merrily Milmoe, the host of Cosmic Brilliance on YouTube.
1) El Ka states that 3D and 4D are the lower dimensions. I’1l add the examples of us,
Earth people, for the third dimension (3D) and for the fourth dimension (4D) an example
would be the Alpha-Draco. The dimensions above these would then be considered the
higher dimensions, from 5D to 12D or more. Some examples of higher dimension ETs
that you might have heard of include the Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyran, Pleiadian,
Sirian and so on.
It’s important to understand as El Ka states: “These beings are consciously and
technologically more advanced by thousands of years beyond Earth standards”. That is,
it is their awareness and their technology that is considerably beyond that of us on Earth.
The characteristics of the higher dimension ETs from El Ka include the following
e To transform from a “physical body into light energy”, such as shrinking oneself
into a “white or blue orb” in order to travel “beyond the speed of light instantly”
e To “not have corporeal bodies and exist as pure light energy”
e To use thought with “etheric energies” in order to create something physical, such as
living spacecraft and planets
e To “time travel” into the past or future
e To “change space matter” so that timelines will shift in different directions to
change the “course of history”
e To “open any types (sic) of star gateway portals”, such as portals on planets or in
space, to “travel to other galaxies”
e To “create worm holes (sic) and black holes in space in order to move ships, planets,
etc., out in space”
e To create the energy that they need to travel with their minds for space travel, e.g.,
“9 billion light years before they are 9 billion years old”
e To use telepathic abilities to communicate with lower 3D and 4D beings
e To “teleport the physical body from one location to another on a planet” or planets
ie., “dematerialize oneself (the molecular and genetic structure)” and re-materialize
physically in another place
e To render “oneself invisible” by changing the “auric field vibrational frequencies”
so that the “crystalline body” vibrates at a higher frequency so that you can not be
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 309
seen, especially by lower dimension beings ie., “higher dimensional beings are
cloaked and totally invisible to the naked eye and all other technologies’’®**
2) Apollymi Mandylion dispels the myth that these higher dimensional beings are
nothing more than “love and light”. Mandylion states that it isn’t accurate to say that the
higher dimensions, such as 6D, 7D or 8D, have no wars. For instance, she notes that the
Arcturians are higher dimensional beings and they are still engaged in fighting wars.
Just because they are involved in fighting wars does not make them lower in
dimensions, she says. Their fighting is different, she elaborates, because they understand
“the ebb and flow of things”. While the actions of lower dimensions may be more
primal, she says, these actions also exist on other planes.°°?
“Hive” Mind and Telepathy (see also Alpha-Draco, “Arachnids”, “Greys”,
The idea of a “hive” mind is based on the use of telepathy. While there are
different kinds of telepathy, the meaning that I’m using comes from Penny Bradley, SSP
veteran and host of Penny Bradley Nacht Waffen Pilot on YouTube. She uses telepathy to
refer to full, intimacy thinking that is shared by everyone. In other words, your thoughts,
ideas and images also appear in my mind and vice versa. Expanded, this includes all
telepathic people or beings. The concept “hive” mind is not particularly helpful in
actually describing what takes place telepathically. There is clearly more to how
telepathy works than this brief introduction.
The context of telepathy and “hive” mind is stated by Bradley in an interview that
she did in 2021 with Chris Mathieu, the Host of the Forbidden News Knowledge
Network on YouTube. Bradley begins by reminding us that she was educated by the
German Federation, the Germans in space, on Mars. She was taught by them “that every
population will become telepathic” at a given “population density”. For Earth, she says
that will occur when the human population reaches “between 9 and 10 billion people”.
That is rapidly taking place with the 2021 population estimated to have exceeded 7.9
What Bradley adds next is vital for understanding what is occurring on Earth. She
states that when the humans on Earth reach those numbers the “population will become
uncontrollable”. Humans on Earth will become uncontrollable because with the advent
of telepathy, the rulers of the planet will not be able to hide anything from the people.
858 All information and quotations are from Higher Dimensional Beings on Messages from a Star Traveler
website: https://seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com/startravelermessages/higher-dimensional-beings For some
more information see Ka, 2021-2022, pp. 569-571.
859 All information and quotations from Mandylion are from Mandylion, 2022 Nov 8.
860 See World Population on Wikipedia website:
rid, billion%20as%200f%20November%202021.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 310
That is, the prevalence of telepathy will make the thinking of the Earth rulers known to
the people. Because the people will know what the rulers know, the rulers fear that the
people will become ungovernable. In order to prevent this situation, maintains Bradley,
they “have to reduce the population before we reach that point”. Reducing the population
is how the Earth human rulers aim to control the people of the Earth.8!
Fostering the popular use of “hive” mind contributes to discrediting telepathy so
that the rich and powerful Earth humans retain their ruling over us.
Horonga and Horongas or Horongai (pl) aka Chupacabra (see also Alpha-Draco)
There are three sources of limited information presented about the Horonga (aka
1) The Chupacabra are mentioned by Peter the Insider in discussion with Jessica A.
Marracco®. Marracco states that the Chupacabra were left on Earth and have no planet
to return to. They eat animals because they are hungry. Peter adds that they would die
without eating animals. He also relates that the Chupacabra are similar to rats on an ET
2) One sighting of the Chupacabra, with a “dog-like” appearance, was reported in south
central Texas, USA, by Asher Elbein. Other sightings are also mentioned by Elbein such
as Puerto Rico. Elbein explains these sightings and DNA testing are possible feral dogs
with which the local people disagree.*
3) The other source of information about the Horonga (or Chupacabra) is from Elena
Danaan’s A Gift From the Stars. She uses the plural Horongai for Horonga. A simpler
version is Horongas.
Danaan states that the Horongas were “imported ... from a reptilian world a[s]
slaves, and hybridised with the Solipsi Ra[i] species to allow them to breathe and strive
in Terra's atmosphere and conditions”. The most likely “Reptilians” would be the Draco.
The hybridization with the Solipsi Rai does not specify that these may be the ones that
have turned negative since most of them are focused on developing other planets and
their races as mentioned by Santori®®>. The information about mixing Horonga DNA
with that of Naga contradicts the information about the Naga by Penny Bradley®® and is
not considered credible.
861 AJ information and quotations, except as otherwise referenced, are from Bradley, 2021 Oct 15.
862 For information about both see ACIO official website: https://acio-official.org/
863 Peter the Insider, 2016b Jul 26.
864 Asher Elbein. 2016 Oct 27. “Chasing the Chupacabra”. Texas Observer website:
865 Santori, 2011, p. 49.
866 Bradley, 2020 Jun 10.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 311
The category name of the Horongas is stated as an “ABE (Anomalous Biological
Entities)” by our species, says Danaan. The reference to “our species” is too vague to be
helpful and should have specified the US military or space corporations.
Her description of the Horongas is that they have a “Reptilian appearance” with
“no tail and elongated skull, big red eyes and [a] prominent jaw with fangs”. They have
“small holes for nostrils”. The “females have pointed-ears”. Along their back is a “crest
of spines” with which their membranes can change color. Similarly, their body fur also
changes color so that they can “go undetected”. Their hands and feet consist of “three-
fingered” claws which allows them to climb virtually anything. They are also said to
“run very fast”.
The only information about their language is that it consists of “sounds like
screeches and squawks”.°67
“Hulk” and “Hulks” (see also Antarctica, Bio-Mimetic Gels, Genetically
Engineered Beings, Germans in Space, Zombies)
There are two general uses of the word “Hulk”. One use is for the name of the
people on a planet. The name of the planet and what these people call themselves is not
known. When the word “Hulk” is used to refer to people that look like the Hulk in the
movie, quotation marks are used to indicate that this is not their real name.
The second use of the word Hulk is for the name of a super soldier program,
primarily by the German Federation though others are involved as well. The Hulk
program is used to create super soldiers who will have special abilities to be used on
various missions. A female and male version of the Hulk program is presented.
1) Planet of “Hulks”
According to James Rink, there is a whole planet full of “Hulks”, similar to the
movie, with alien DNA*®®. Rink also states, in a personal message, that the “Hulk”
civilization is not very smart and that they use guttural sounds to communicate.
2) Super Soldier Hulks
There is a female super soldier Hulk that is stated by Veronica Bartolini and a
male super soldier presented by James Rink.
a) The female SSP military veteran most familiar with the “Hulk” program is Veronica
Bartolini who was part of the German Federation of Super Soldiers that were used to
867 Except where otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 153.
868 Rink, 2020 Jul 23.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 312
create “Hulks”®°°. The following information comes from a 2021 interview that she did
with James Rink, the host of Super Soldier Talk, on Rumble.
Bartolini states that she was a super soldier and that she was part of the Hulk
Super Soldier Program. Her name in that program was “Sheila the She Hulk” who was a
clone in Project Umbrella. Some of her features as a She Hulk include being 9-10 feet
(2.7-3 m) tall. She would turn green when she was mad just like the movie called Hulk.
To make her “muscular and strong” she was injected with Black Goo. The only emotion
that she was allowed to have as a Hulk was anger, and “no compassion”. She recalls that
on one occasion she came out of a regeneration tank and was hooked up to a machine
that scanned her entire body. It revealed that as a Hulk she had 2 kinds of DNA, one was
red and the other green.
The abilities of a Hulk that she mentions include being able to effect sonar, “go
through portals or jump gates, fight off whatever enemy and always win”. The Hulks
were used mainly, she says, to “destroy Dolphins” and “to do away with Zombies”. The
Dolphins were able to protect themselves due to their sonar abilities. No specific
missions are referred to.
Another use of the Hulks that she mentions is by the SSP “illuminati” who use
the Hulk super soldier mainly to prevent the actual super soldiers in the here and now
from “speaking out in public”.
Bartolini sometimes “Hulks out” in the present 3D world. She says that she “has
to be careful what she’s going to destroy, has to think”. The way that she keeps herself in
check is by reminding herself that there’s “‘a person in the middle, which is her real self”.
She has to tell herself to “hold on, you’re mad about this”. She has to control the tension
that exists “between herself and her being a Hulk”.8”°
b) The male version of the SSP Hulk program is taken from James Rink in 2021 from his
Super Soldier Talk website. Rink, who was already a super soldier, was altered to also
have Hulk abilities. The information provided by Rink is based on remote viewing (RV)
himself along with the help of “Oksana, Veronica, and Kimberly”.
As a brief background to his website information, Rink conveys the following in
a personal message. He states that the Hulks were made by the Umbrella Corporation
using “alien DNA” and Black Goo in order to “create mutations in the clone's genome”.
The reason that the Hulks were and are created is because “they are immune to the
Zombie ouroboros virus”, maintains Rink. He says that the Hulks “make great killing
tools to kill Zombies in the parallel reality in which we had the Zombie apocalypse”. He
goes on to add that “they are also effective at killing super soldier zombies”.
869 See Bartolini, 2021 Jan 5. She states that she is writing a book that will have more information about
the Hulks.
870 All information and quotations are from Bartolini, 2021 Aug 5.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 313
He compares the abilities of different Zombies in order to convey what it takes to
kill them. For instance, he says, “the average person who turns into a Zombie can not
open a door knob [while] a smart person can turn a door knob”. A super soldier with a
Zombie mutation “can levitate and walk through a door or glass window”. As Rink
claims, “this is scary as shit when it happens”. The only way that these super soldier
Zombies can be killed is by “a special green patrol to take them out, like the Hulks”. The
organizations that make these Hulks are the German Federation in space Black Shield
division in conjunction with the Umbrella Corporation. Both share this technology and
both have Hulks, he says.
Rink states that the “Hulk program was based on Black Shield’s Lichtsoldaten
(Light Soldiers) super soldier program”. By remote viewing himself with 3 others they
discovered a German Federation facility that is “located in a fractal bubble reality in
Antarctica”. The idea of a “fractal bubble reality" is not clarified. The Antarctic location
of this facility is stated as “under the ice sheet and under the water at the bottom of the
sea’. This facility is described as containing “millions of genetic experiments stored in
cryogenics chambers within the ice caves”.
This facility also contains the He Hulk and the She Hulk super soldiers. What
distinguishes them is their DNA. Their DNA contains “9 strands of DNA” that is
combined with “9 strands of something else in the DNA”. What these other 9 strands are
is not stated. Added to this are “9 strands of yellow and 9 strands of Green Goo [see Bio-
Mimetic Gels]”. Rink mentions that with all these powers that are given to the Hulks
they are made “invincible”.®”!
The last part of Rink’s description by remote viewing concerns how he, in one of
his alters called Rob Richter, was turned into a Hulk. He states that he was in a facility
where he saw some humans and ETs with white lab coats. Some of these beings, he
states, were like Spiders and in lab coats. There was one human who Rink describes as 5
feet 7 inches (1.7 m) and 250 lbs (113.4 kg) who was reading his manila file envelope.
There were dim green and blue lights around the room but he says it is “dark around the
table”. A bright, white light shone on the table which was a long “rectangle slab” that
had “an aluminum tin color”.
Rink sees his alter Rob unconscious on a table wearing a black T-shirt and “green
pants with pockets”. He is a soldier who is 6 feet 5 inches (2 m), muscular, short hair and
a possible tattoo on his right bicep. He is injected in his “right arm near the elbow”. His
arm starts to turn yellow and his body to teal green with “patches of yellow”. He says it
“hurts like hell” but he “can’t move or scream”. He is not given any pain killers. There
are downloads of information in his head which also hurt. He estimates that the transition
takes about 5 minutes with him screaming on the inside. He thinks that he might have
been injected like this 12 times.
87! All information and quotations are from James Rink. 2021 Mar 9. “Black Shield’s Project Blue
Ranger’. Super Soldier Talk website: https://supersoldiertalk.com/black-shields-project-blue-ranger/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 314
As the transition to the Hulk takes place, his muscles grow and his clothes are
ripped apart. He feels nausea and wants to cry but can’t. His hair is green and his face is
muscular. His face and body are “yellowish green’. He is now 10 feet (3 m) tall. His jaw
is huge and he's smirking. They do not give him new clothes because they want to show
him “off to be the big man”. He says that the Reptilians in the cage with him step to the
back of the cage.
Lastly, he says that “they”, who “they” are is not specified, want to make a
stronger human who is “more susceptible to their control’, essentially “a slave’. He still
feels pain after the transformation. He is now in a ship “going into a dark area of space
with other ships all going” there as well.8”? These created Hulks are genetically
engineered beings.
Huargadian or Huargardian (see also Azurite Council)
The Huargadians are presented on the Galactic Human Journey website. The
source of the information is based on Martijn Van Staveren®’?.
As reported on this site, Staveren’s experience is based on being in a white
marble building with color stripes that include gold stripes. How he got there is not
provided. He states that he is laying on “a liquid table” with 44 people standing around
him who are bigger than he is. He calls these people the Huargardians and the
Huargardian civilization. He says that they are “14 densities further than Earth”. There is
no mention of how he was able to ascertain that there were 44 people around him. There
is no description of them provided. He states that he calls them the Huargardians but
does not say what they call themselves if that is known. How he knows that they are “14
densities” beyond us is not clarified.
This website reports that the Huargardian civilization developed the universe as
an experiment in which we live. They are powerful and “peace-loving”, he says. Their
reason for this experiment, according to this site, is to determine and monitor the kinds of
emotional development occurring among the various Earth humans and those in hell. The
Huargardians then download these experiences to themselves.
The universe that we live in is referred to as “an orchestrated reality based on an
experiment by the Huargardian civilization”. Earth humans live in 188 layers of
dimensions that contain “thousands of matrices” some of which were created by us and
some “by other powers”. All of these 188 dimensions are reported by this site to have
872 All information and quotations are from James Rink. 2020 Apr 23. “Veronica — Dolphin Super Soldier
Program and SSP Experiencer — Including Notes.” Super Soldier Talk website:
(video no longer available)
873 For background information see Martijn van Staveren on Galactic Human Journey website:
https://galactic-human-journey.orgfree.com/#Martijn van Staveren
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 315
been taken over by the “Draconians” and “a number of other very intellectual
civilizations” which are not named.’ The derivation of 188 is not included.
This site does not refer to any other ancient civilization, such as the Azurite
The present information on this site is not deemed very credible as it lacks a
factual basis.
Hyades and Hyadeans (see also “Blonds”, Lyrans, Pleiades)
The Hyades star cluster consists of about “a few thousand stars that were formed
from the same giant molecular cloud and have roughly the same age” according to the
Wikipedia website. This cluster is about 153 lys from our Sun and appears in the Taurus
constellation to us.87>
There are 2 general sources of information presented about the Hyadeans. The
first is from the Exopaedia website and the second is from Elena Danaan’s A Gift From
the Stars.
1) According to the Exopaedia website the inhabitants of Hyades were colonized by a
Lyran Causian group. No planet is mentioned. The time period given for this
colonization is the time period as that of the Pleiades. This indicates that some Lyrans
went to the Pleiades while others (refugees from the Lyran wars) went to Hyades. Also
mentioned is that the Hyadeans are part of the Federation of Planets (or Association of
Worlds). This may be a reference to the Galactic Authority or Galactic Federation of
A final point made by this site is that “some contactees also mention ‘Blonds’
that claim to be coming from the Hyades”®”®. No descriptions of any events are made by
the contactees and there are no details of who these “Blonds” are.
Other information about the Hyadeans is channeled and so this website does not
consider it reliable at this time.
2) Another source of information about the Hyadeans is Danaan. Only additional
information to the Exopaedia website is presented below.
Danaan states that the Hyadeans are “Ahel refugees from the Lyran systems”.
They managed to escape the war with the Cyakahrr Empire to the Hyades system and
874 All information and quotations are from Huargadian/Huargardian on Galactic Human Journey website:
875 Information and quotation is from Hyades (star cluster) on Wikipedia website:
876 Hyades on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Hyades
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 316
“settled in the six star system: Theta 1, Theta 2, Gamma Prima, Delta 11, Epsilon Ain,
and also Alpha Taurus”. The fleeing refugees consisted of a “diversity of races” and
carried whatever they wanted to save, such as, “plants, animals, people, precious
minerals, as well as many other elements belonging to the different cultures”.
The Lyran Ahel refugees are stated as being the same kind as those who
“terraformed and populated Erra (Pleiades) and a little of the Taal race (who also
terraformed and populated T-Mar in the Pleiades)”.
This site mentions that the Hyades people withdrew from “galactic diplomacy” to
live in “peaceful isolation”.8””
No general description of them is provided by this site, no mention of their
spirituality, technology or spacecraft.
The “Hybrids” and “Crossbreeds” (see also Genetically Engineered Beings,
“Greys”, Hargalii Ayal, Harus, Zha.a.mi)
The word “hybrid” is used by many in regard to ET/Star societies who are able to
create such offspring. A general meaning of “hybrid" would be a being, entity or person
created by the DNA mix of two different or possibly more races. For example, if the
“Greys”, Zha.a.mi and Draco mix their DNA with an Earth human, the offspring would
be called a “hybrid”. The word “cross breeding” is similar to that of creating “hybrids”
but adds that there is a continuing effort of advanced societies to create offspring from a
number of races. Anyone is a “hybrid” or “crossbreed” if you have some DNA from
someone else.
While the emphasis here is mainly on the mix of DNA, the other important aspect
of “hybrids” and “crossbreeds” concerns the kind or kinds of souls that they have and to
what degree of each. This point is made by Suzy Hansen in her book The Dual Soul
Connection. For example, her son had a 50/50 “Grey” and human soul®’®,
Though the words “hybrid” and “crossbreeds” are in common usage they should
be treated as problematic since these words objectify and label those people. That is why
I have put them in quotation marks wherever appropriate. I have avoided the use of “Hu-
brid” that is used on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website as an unnecessary category in
reference to human and Reptilian offspring®”’. They too would simply be categorized as
“hybrids” or “crossbreeds”. It’s worth remembering that our research efforts should
emphasize the actual names, society and civilization of beings wherever possible.
877 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 178.
878 Hansen, 2016.
879 Hu-Brid on Think Aboutlt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/think-aboutits-alien-type-
summary-hu-brid/ See also Danaan, 2020, pp. 309-310.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 317
It’s fair to say that there are numerous kinds of “hybrids” or “crossbreeds”. For
example, there are offspring from ETs and Earth humans. Some factions from the Earth
in the SSP have also reached the ability to create “hybrids” using ETs (see Genetically
Engineered Beings). There are also many variations of ETs creating “hybrids” using
other ETs/Star societies. As Johan Fritz has said in numerous interviews, DNA is the
main currency of the universe.
It’s important to remember that we humans on Earth were created as “hybrids”
from the Zha.a.mi and Homoerectus as has been mentioned by Penny Bradley. Further
genetic modifications by other ETs of our civilization have continued, such as by the
“Greys”. There are also “hybrids” created by ETs using other ETs.
One important source of information on current ET and Earth human “hybrids” is
the research of Miguel Mendoga and Barbara Lamb in their Meet the Hybrids book*®°.
They present interviews of 8 women and men who call themselves “hybrids”. Below is a
very brief synopsis pertaining only to their ET relation, their abilities and possible
offspring from them.
Tatiana Amore
e She states being created from “ether” to Pleiadian on Earth as a human with more
than 50% Pleiadian DNA
Cynthia Crawford
e Her DNA comes from 2 or more planetary races. She states that she is 38%
Annunaki, 34% human and 28 % Zeta.
Charmaine D’Rozario-Saytch
e She states that she is a Reptilian and Mantis Earth human
e She has 6 “hybrid” children with different fathers of different races
@ 6rape experiences with different ETs
Robert Frost-Fullington
e He states that he has a core of Mantis (different kinds exist throughout time and in
all dimensions) plus connections with Sirians, Tall Whites and Reptilian
e He mentions that he may have DNA from other abductees eg., Jacqueline Smith
e Sirian contact told him that he may have created himself, ie., it’s possible to create
e Having children would not be a surprise for him since he’s been asked to donate
DNA but has never met any of them
e His abilities include visualizations of geometric designs, energy devices, stargates,
e He developed a holographic healing technique; uses energy of Mantis beings to heal
people; hopes to foster understanding of ETs
880 Mendoca & Lamb, 2015.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 318
Jujuolui (jho-jha-lee) Kuita
e She states that she is Fajan (pronounce fah-zhan), from planet Faqui (fah-gwee) in
the Andromeda Galaxy; “Fajayan” is her joint unit name which patrols the Galaxy
(for guidance, help to others)
e Kuita (kyoo-ta) is the location on her planet where her extended family lives
e Has “hybrid” children with Mantis and Greys
e Has abilities that include being an intuitive
Vanessa Lamorte
e DNA contribution from 7 ET beings: Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedan, Pegasian,
Camelopardian, Zeta and Pleiadian
e Has “hybrid” children
e Abilities are psychic and energy healer
Jacquelin Smith
e Tall White Zetas are her star parents in this life
e She carries the following kinds of race DNA: Mantis, Tall White Zeta hybrid,
Arcturian-Zeta hybrid, Quabar, some Reptilian (not the humanoid-looking ones) and
a celestial/star race for which we have no name
e More involved if past lives are included
She has 40 “hybrid” children
e Her various psychic abilities include: telepathy, empath, clairvoyant, clairaudient,
clair sentient
Mathew Thomas
e Hehas DNA from Tall White Zetas with an aspect of Sirian Warriors
e Possibility of children since he had had a wet dream which never happens to him
e His abilities include healing, Reiki and remote healing, sees energy in the air, uses
clairvoyance when healing**!
Based on this research the number of people that consider themselves as
“hybrids” seems to be significant.
The following are some examples of ETs creating “hybrids”.
a) “Grey Hybrids” (see also “Greys’’)
The Think Aboutlt (sic) website provides the following on “Grey hybrids”
starting with why they create “hybrids”. The “Greys” give a number of reasons why they
create “hybrids” including that they want to create a superior race, save their species
from extinction due to over cloning, and to save us from self-destruction by sending us to
far away planets.
881 Aj] information obtained from Mendoca & Lamb, 2015, pp. 140-198.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 319
The appearance of such offspring from “Greys” and Earth humans is described
by this site as follows.
e They consider themselves predominantly Earth human and not “Grey”
e There are 2 genders male and female
e Their height is about 5-6 feet (1.5-1.8 meters) and weight is 90-120 pounds (41-54
e They have dark hair above the forehead worn in a long ponytail
Their skin is pale white/grey and they have blue eyes
e Their physical appearance is generally described as looking similar to humans with
a head that is slightly larger and rounder than ours
@ They are verbal and telepathic®*
b) Harus and Kara or Krak “Hybrids” (see also Harus)
The information about the Harus and Kara/Krak “hybrids” comes from an
Austrian contactee who has met both kinds as stated on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website.
The inhabitants of Harus are described as “hybrids” that are a “mixture of reptilian
(snake/lizard), grey and human phenotypes”.
This site also mentions that they are sometimes mistaken for their enemies who
are from the planet Mohrosh in the Sychorus star cluster.8*? No details of the inhabitants
of Mohrosh are provided. The Exopaedia website has cast doubts about this star cluster.
Two more kinds of “hybrids” are presented very briefly to show their diversity.
They are the following.
c) Octopus Hybrids
Julie Phelps mentions that she is familiar with octopus hybrids. She did not
provide a description***.
d) Shark Hybrids
Julie Phelps also states that she has seen some negative shark hybrids. They have
the head of a shark and the body of a human®*>. No other information is provided.
e) Interdimensional Hybrid: “Grey’’/Reptilian, Mantid and Insectoid
El Ka presents information in her book //eana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s,
ET’s, SSP’s and Past Lifetimes (Vol. 2) about a being called Bahar. Ka says that he is an
882 AJ] information here is from Hybrid Greys on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
883 AJ] information and quotations are from Harus on Think AboutIt (sic) website:
884 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
885 Phelps, 2019 Oct 6.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 320
interdimensional hybrid consisting of “Grey’’/Reptilian with a mix of Mantid and
insectoid DNA. He lives in a “5D interdimensional realm of existence”.
This genetic mix has made Bahar’s body “strong and sturdy” so that he can
“travel through the trans-dimensional portal systems”. His chest has a “harmonic
frequency time weaver device” which he can also use to make himself invisible in “the
human realm ... on Earth’’.88°
There are many more.
Hydra aka Hydrae, Hydra Reptilian (see also the Akrij, Alpha-Draco, “Reptilian”)
Hydra is the name of the largest constellation of the modern 88 according to the
Wikipedia website. Its size ranges from the southern border with Libra and Centaurus to
the northern border with Cancer. It is in the southern hemisphere and is commonly
represented as a water snake.**’
In El Ka’s book, Jleana’s Star Journeys with the UFO’s, ET’s, SSP’s and Past
Lifetimes (Vol. 2), she writes that her star nation contacts have reported that “the
Draco/Hyadra reptilians”, which I assume to be one faction of the Draco, want to take
“control back of the Milky Way Galaxy”. They are doing this by trying to “amass a
second fleet” so that they can “break down the electric barrier quarantine” where
negative beings could not enter or leave our space.
One strategy that they use is to “mass force black holes to open near Earth
space”. There are positive star nations, who are unnamed, that are closing these black
holes so that these reptilians can’t come back.
The Hydra/Draco attempted another strategy, says Ka, which was to infiltrate a
large stargate portal near Jupiter. This portal is used by “Galactic Federation and
Confederation” civilizations, no names are provided, for “trade agreements and peace
negotiations”. She had a vision of them blowing up the trading star gateway portal and
the trigger of the smaller space orbital platform that is there to protect the portal. This did
not happen.*%8
More information about the Hydra is on the Exopaedia website. This site reports
that its source of information is based on the channeling of Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest
from the Prism of Lyra®®? book and so is not considered credible at this time.8?°
886 AJl information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022 (Vol 2), pp. 413-414.
887 Aj] information is from Hydra (constellation) on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_ (constellation)
888 F] Ka’s information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022, p. 292.
889 Royal & Priest, 1993.
890 Hydra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Hydra
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 321
The Hydra are also mentioned on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website. It states that
there are inhabitants on 3 star systems here called “Beta Hydrae, Epsilon Hydrae, and N
Hydrae” who are Reptilian. They are described as “humanoid sea-serpents” that are
about 5-6 feet (1.5-1.8 m) tall. They have “scaled skin, gills, and webbed fingers and/or
toes”. This site refers to them generally as “aquatic reptilians”. It provides its source as
Alex Collier.®°!
The final source about inhabitants of Hydra/Hydrae comes from the Italian
Spazioevita website. This information is based on Italian contactees who have interacted
with these inhabitants.
This site states that one contactee, called Bruno [Samaciccia], tells of an
encounter between some ten Earth people and a strange entity, depicted as “a living tar
wall”, west of Montesilvano, Italy. The details of how this living wall of tar (the Hydras)
was created is as follows.
The CRT (brother enemies of the W56’s) would gather 15 entities that drive a
human body (called bah or ba in Egyptian) and “melt them” using a particular device to
create a new entity called a “Hydra’’. There is no detail provided of how the CRT were
able to gather these entities nor how this technology and its “melting” is done. The
created “Hydra” was then described as an entity of “a greenish sphere, a few meters in
diameter” with “pure animality” that was “aggressive and violent toward every living
entity” including plants, animals and people (see also Anima, Bio-mimetic Gels). The
W56’s stated that they could control this entity but not destroy it. No mention was made
of how they are able to control this violent being. To destroy it required 10 Earth people
plus a “long (and heavy) copper chain” that had to surround the entity and strangle it. Its
death was described as exploding that uttered a terrifying shout with its remains falling
to the ground that were then absorbed by the Earth.°°
larga and Iargans (see also Cygnusian)
Information about the Iargans comes from Stefan Denaerde, a contactee or
“experiencer” and is reported by Wendelle Stevens in the book UFO ...Contact from
Planet larga that was edited by Amy Davidson®”. A brief summary of this contact
experience by Denaerde with the Iargans is presented on the Exopaedia website. Based
on this site, the planet Iarga is reported to be 10 lys from Earth. It is stated as being a
891 Hydra Reptilians on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
892 All information and quotations are from The “Hydrae” in Some Further Detail on Spazioevita website:
893 Denaerde & Stevens, 1982.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 322
“green planet” consisting mostly of water that has a population 100 times more than
ours. How this was arrived at is not included. The planet has rings around it, a denser
atmosphere and a slower rotation than Earth. An example of the difference between
Earth and Iarga is provided stating that should it rain on Iarga an “Earth human would be
pelted to death”. Iarga is revealed to be a green planet with misty light.
The inhabitants are described as stocky and about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. Originally
they were amphibians and still retain “webs between their fingers and toes”. They appear
similar to humans but their arms and shoulders are more muscular with “claw-like”
hands. Their skulls are “armored” (no detail of this is provided). They have broad chests
and short stocky legs and are considered very strong compared to us. From “the top of
the head to the back of the neck was covered with short, smooth hair” whose hair color
was different ranging from “rust-brown, gold and silver-gray showed (sic) either
separately or mixed”. There was no mention on this site why there were these different
hair colors. Their skin had a “pale, glasslike sheen” with a “slightly darker gray-brown”
color toward the edges of their face.
The Iargan society is described as being based on “total equality” with no use of
money. Their system is called “cosmic economics”. They are portrayed as a service to
others society with goals such as “selfless service, immortality, and cosmic integration”.
Their spaceships and equipment indicated to Denaerde that they have “very highly
advanced technology."®*4 No examples are provided.
“Iguanas” or “Iguanoids” aka (see also Alpha Draco, Giansar)
Two sources about the Iguanas are presented here.
First, the “Iguanas” or “Iguanoids" are mentioned on the Bibliotecapleyades
website (the information is repeated on the Think Aboutlt (sic) website®). There is no
mention of a home star system for the “Iguana” beings. The only information currently
available focuses on their description.
The Bibliotecapleyades site states that these beings are about 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m)
tall. They have an ‘Iguana-like’ appearance but have a ‘hominoid’ configuration. More
detailed saurian descriptions are missing, probably due to the fact that they are seen
wearing “black, hooded ‘monk’ robes or cloaks’. This site also reports that the Iguanas
are “extremely dangerous ... towards humans and lesser-ranking Reptiloids”.8°
Secondly, an SSP military veteran with knowledge about the “Iguana” beings is
Johan Fritz who presents the following in a personal communication. Fritz reports that
894 All information and quotations are from Iarga on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/larga
895 Touanas/Iguanoids on Think Aboutlt (sic) website:
896 All information and quotations are from Iguanoids in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution
on Bibliotecapleyades website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 323
the “Iguanoids” are “dark colored short reptilians who usually wear hoods”. He goes on
to say, “they are the ones who created the money magic system here on earth (think
The “Iguanas” also work with the Draco, says Fritz. He says that they are
“considered to be the necromancers and black magicians of the Draco court. The Prince
and Princesses have the Draco court call upon these Beings to create systems of energy
i.e. magic for them”.
The “Iguanas” from Fritz is worth noting. In an interview by James Rink on the
Super Soldier Talk, YouTube channel Fritz says, “They eat humans and like the taste of
This point by Fritz is confirmed by John Whitberg, another SSP military veteran,
in a personal communication (not in References). Whitberg says that the “Iguanoids”,
who resemble a humanoid iguana, “eat humans as a delicacy”. Overall, Whitberg
considers them “very nasty” toward Earth humans since they are also “key players in the
galactic slave trade”.
Finally, the impact of some of the “Iguanoids” is presented by Sanni Ceto, a
hybrid ET. According to Sanni Ceto, there are two main Iguanoid people that control our
Earth (ie., the government, banking, media,etc.) called the “Dulex” and the “Telax”.
These may not be the correct spellings. Ceto considers them Reptoid people.8”
Ikels or Satyrs (see also “Reptilians”)
No real source is provided for the Ikels or Satyrs that are mentioned on the
Bibliotecapleyades website (and repeated by others, eg., Think AboutlIt (sic)
website’). No mention of a planetary or galaxy source for the Ikels is given. The only
history about them merely suggests that they might be members of the pre-Adamites.
The website then attributes that they possess “angelic, animal AND (sic) humanoid
characteristics”. No details of these are provided. This website also states that they are
“allied with the reptilians”. The assumption here is that the Reptilians referred to are
the Draco.
Their physical appearance is stated as “small hairy humanoids with cloven
hoofs”. No other details are provided. Their location is mentioned as inhabiting “deep
caverns beneath South America and elsewhere’. No specific geographical information
is given.
897 See also “History of Money: Bronze Age: Commodity Money, Credit and Debt” on Wikipedia website:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of money
898 Fritz, 2020 Aug 7.
899 Ceto, 2015 May 19. I wish to thank James Rink for providing this reference source.
900 Tkels on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/ikels/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 324
Some activities attributed to them, by the “natives” (which ones are not included
here), is that they are known to “‘kidnap’ women and children down through the ages”.
As well, the site states that “South American tribes” (no specific names of any are given)
have battled them with machetes. When the Ikels or Satyrs do come to the surface they
are in “search for women, children or food”.*°! No details for any of these are provided.
Indugutk (see also “Reptiloids”, Shapeshifting)
The name of the Indugutk?” is stated in Santori’s ARB. What we can obtain from
the ARB is that the Indugutk operate secretly in and on the Moon where they undertake
mining by using “slaves”. Who these slaves are is not mentioned though we are told that
they take good care of them since the Indugutk consider them indispensable. The
Indugutk are also said to be in permanent contact with high ranking officials of the USA,
Russia and China.
There is some more information about the Indugutk available in Elena Danaan’s
book A Gift from the Stars. Some of this information is from Santori’s ARB without
Danaan states that “their homeworld is Uruud Prime” (presently not known by
mainstream science) which is described as “an artificially engineered planet in the
Bellatrix system?™”’. There is no description of this engineered planet.
The description of the Indugutk by her is that they are “saurian-reptiloids” that
are indigenous to Uruud. They have a “narrow wrinkled face with an elongated skull”.
Their mouth is stated as “large”. They have a “thick brow ridge”. The neck is stated as
“very long”. Unlike us, they don't wear clothes. They are “recognizable” by the “burnt
sulfur” smell before “seeing them". A general comparison is that they “look like tall
white reptiloid greys”.
One noted characteristic about them by her is that “they are extremely violent in
nature”. Despite this they are in constant contact with the current most powerful Earth
nations (from Santori).?
El Ka in her Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and
Andromeda Galaxies (Vol. 2), writes that the Indugutk originate from Bellatrix in Orion.
What Ka adds is that the Indugutk are capable of shape-shifting into “an almost perfect
human form”. She also says that they are known as the Men in Black because they wear
901 All information and quotations are from Ikels or Satyrs in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s
Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida alien 19a.htm
902 Santori, 2011, p. 31.
903 Santori, 2011, p. 331.
904 Bellatrix on Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellatrix
°05 Unless otherwise referenced, all information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 224-225.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 325
“special dark suits to protect their skin when in human shape while conducting special
operations on Earth”. °°°
Inner Earth aka Hollow Earth (see also Inner Earth Blonds, Agartha, Agartha
“Reptilians”, Arcturians, Arianni, Aryans, Chook Zuri, Draco, Little “Blues”,
Nordics, Sirians, Pleiabians)
A good introduction to Inner Earth or Hollow Earth is provided by Daniel Sala in
interviews he did with Apollymi Mandylion on her Galaxity of Unity website on
Rumble. At the time of this writing 2 videos were available. In the first video Sala
highlights the scientific aspects of Inner Earth distinguishing the mainstream science
version of the Earth with a molten core compared to the SSP informed science of Inner
Earth with its hollow core, sun and livable conditions. Different types of humans have
lived there, he says, for thousands of years including Hyperboreans, Atlantians,
Lemurians, etc. They moved to Hollow Earth because their DNA couldn’t stand the
rougher vibrational frequency of the material plane on the surface. The methods of
getting inside Earth are mainly through portals and rarely tunnels.”
The second interview (Episode 6) by Apollymi Mandylion of Daniel Sala
presents details of Hollow Earth. This includes for instance its size, about that of Venus
and the higher vibrations and frequencies that exist pertaining to 4D beings and higher.
Also mentioned are gravity and the artificial sun. As Mandylion states, our current Earth
(after the destruction of that larger Tiamat in the same orbit) was created from outer
space debris, had pole openings and a center star in Inner Earth. This information came
from Draconian and Sirian archives. Considerable more details are provided in this
There are three other sources presented about Inner Earth starting with a
summary of available information presented by the pseudonym, Mr. Mythos (see also
Antarctica). The second source is Apollymi Mandylion, SSP veteran and host of Galaxy
of Unity website”? who provides some details about Inner Earth that are well worth
noting. Lastly, there is a brief source of information by El Ka, SSP veteran about a main
problem that Inner Earth inhabitants were having with the Draco.
1) The mainstream science view of Inner Earth is presented by Mr. Mythos on his
YouTube channel by the same name. At present writing there are 5 videos on this topic.
The overall theme is the relation of the surface people and their attempts to find this
wonderful Inner Earth place. Essentially, the main question is how the surface people can
find the entrance and thus get in touch with these Inner Earth beings. As well, surface
906 All information and quotations are from Ka, 2021-2022b (Vol. 2), p. 31. Image on p. 120.
907 All information is from Sala, 2022 Jul 23.
908 All information is from Sala, 2022 Aug 16.
909 Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 326
people search for items in caves and tunnels that consist of treasures, artifacts or even
advanced technology from ETs.?!°
2) Apollymi Mandylion presents us with more information about Inner Earth in an
interview she did with guest host Daniel Sala on Xan John’s YouTube channel. Given the
wealth of information that she provides, I’ve organized it into general headings.
a) Background and Description of Inner Earth
The source of Mandylion’s information about Inner Earth or Hollow Earth comes
from Draco and Syrian archives. She says that while the Draco were away from Earth
planet Nibiru hit Tiamat. Tiamat is what the Draco called Earth. Nibiru shattered
Tiamat/Earth. It was put together again, she says by the Sirians and Andromedans and
possible others. After that a lot of these factions, who are unnamed, she continues, put
their resources together to create Hollow Earth.
Though it was already hollow, they forged a whole cavity with a dome to protect
it from the mantle and magma and anything else consisting of a certain metal (unnamed).
Inner Earth or Hollow Earth was being formed. These factions also made the top and
bottom poles and added various resources around it, she says. This included adding an
“artificial star in the middle”, gravity and the Earth’s rotation. All of this took thousands
of years, if not longer, for Hollow Earth or Inner Earth to be created.*!!
Mandylion tells us that she has “seen these artificial stars elsewhere throughout
the galaxy for terraforming”, such as the planet Pluto. Inside our Earth shell is a hollow
core with two poles. She says that “the lava ... flows throughout all of the the top part of
that shell”. We continue to have “eruptions and volcanoes” and “subducting (sic) and
submerging” platelets which make a new crust. There are chambers and a “honeycomb
effect on the outside with the hollow Earth on the inside”.
Gravity exists in Inner Earth, Mandylion says, due to the centrifugal force of our
spinning planet. Our Sun helps our spinning and so do the “holes at the north and south
pole because it actually helps the toroidal field flow through better”. The gravity down
there is “a little bit lighter”. She says it's “not as strong as it is out here on the surface”. A
consequence of this is that the lesser gravity “would explain why most of these
humanoid species there are taller than on average on the surface”.
910 Here are some of his videos: Mr. Mythos. n.d. “Agartha, the Hidden Civilization of Inner Earth: Truth
or Lore”. Mr. Mythos. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5FORGfPy8I&t=270s
Mr. Mythos. n.d. “US Expedition to an Inner Earth Kingdom.” Mr. Mythos. YouTube:
Mr. Mythos. n.d. “Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #2.” Mr. Mythos. YouTube:
Mr. Mythos. n.d. “Inner Earth Conspiracy Theories #3.” Mr. Mythos. YouTube:
°!1 Mandylion information and quotation are from Mandylion & Whitberg, 2022 Sep 17.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 327
There is also wind in the Inner Earth. This is because of the toroidal flow. The
way it works she says is that “the electromagnetic field that goes up, goes down and
comes around”. This creates solar winds that we get from the Sun and “it creates the
same effect down there as well”.
As far as land is concerned, she states that the Inner Earth has quite a bit as well
as “really big lakes”. The cities look crystalline and usually domed, consisting of “very
sacred geometrical shapes” (eg., hexagrams) and minimal number of obelisks to reduce
flight issues.
She mentions that the power source is crystals or crystalline. She says that it is
“one of the best power sources that you can have, it's so abundant in the universe”.?!”
b) Life On Inner Earth
Mandylion has been to Inner Earth and she describes it generally as “absolutely
beautiful” with “its own terrain, its own plant life”. The Sun is artificial and does not
produce the same level of radiation as our Sun. The Sun is programmed to “generate the
frequencies that they want for their space”. This means that the temperature can be kept
the same for the entire year, around “24 degrees centigrade (75 F)”.
Social classes exist on the Inner Earth. She says that “there's a lot of ... noble
houses”. There are food places and living quarters and a city around that. She mentions
that the entire dome of the city floats. It contains mountains, forests, and rivers that you
can traverse. There is also a ground level from which you can see the curvature of Inner
Earth. They have a hydrological cycle of evaporating water, clouds and rain.
The food on Inner Earth is “really awesome”, maintains Mandylion. There are a
lot of vegetables, nuts and a lot of fruit. For example, she mentions one different fruit
that she calls a golden apple which is her favorite. She says that they are gold and may
come from off-world. In addition to off-world they also have fruit from Earth’s surface,
which she calls “off-road”.
Not all beings are vegetarian, says Mandylion. Some “species that have to have
meat and flesh sources, it's just part of their nature.” She includes herself in this, stating
that she comes from ‘Hanova’ that they “eat meat but nothing gets killed”. The way it
works is that they take “the umbilical cord” to their labs and “grow the meat stock that
we want, nothing is ever born”.
Inner Earth has adopted some of the surface culture food, such as “cakes and
cookies of different fruits that don't even exist up here’. She says that since the Inner
Earth food is very healthy most do not have to worry about getting diabetes or heart
problems. If they did get these diseases, “they would have to eat a LOT of it”.
912 For more historical information going back to Atlantis and Lemuria and related to Inner Earth see
Sharula Dux. “Secrets of the Subterranean Cities” on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol underground19.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 328
In a tribute to Inner earth, Mandylion states that she “would love to live down
there”. She would especially enjoy having the sun shine 24/7 to provide her with “a lot of
quanta [radiant energy]”.
c) ETs
Mandylion is able to provide us with some of the general names of beings that
live on Inner Earth. She is unable to provide actual names for some of them given that
she does not speak the language of Inner Earth. These include the following.
She says that the “Nordics” on Inner Earth are different from the ones that she
encountered in Camp Livingstone, a US military base. There are “four different types of
Nordics down there that live down there but they're all different factions”. Another group
mentioned are the Aryan faction who work with the “dark Dracos and the ICC
[Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate] and a couple other factions”.
There are also some Arcturians or ‘Bodlanders’ (I’m not sure about the spelling
of this word). Some Arianni are there, says Mandylion. They are the ones who called in
Admiral Byrd. Others that are there include Sirian, Chook Zuri, Pleiabian, Draco and
other Reptilian or Reptoids.
d) Enforced Neutrality
To inhabit Inner Earth, Mandylion says that “you have to be neutral to be down
there you know, you can't fight even on the intersections”. It is a neutral zone. She says
that “there's no fighting down there”. The way that neutrality is enforced is through
police patrols and a military that she says consists of “many, many, many, many
The way she specifies “neutral” is that “you don’t have to be benevolent, you just
have to be neutral”. She says that you don’t have to like everyone down there, “just don't
be a jerk”.
An important consequence of enforced neutrality for Inner Earth is that “they
hold a lot of meetings down there”.
e) ET Technology
According to Mandylion, each faction or society “has their own technology
basis”. The general principle about technology that she conveys is that “if you don't
understand how it works then you don't get to use it”. In other words, if you do not
understand the operation of a piece of technology then you are not allowed to use it.
She states that the technology on Inner Earth is “‘at least six dimensions of
knowledge worth” compared to our 3D level. Her example is that they have advanced
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 329
medical beds. They also have better building materials and extremely sentient AI, such
as for their ships. No other examples are mentioned.
f) Relation to Surface People
One concern stated by Mandylion is that her talking about Inner Earth will mean
that surface people will start going down there. The Inner Earth people do not want that
since they feel that surface people will create issues for them. No previous examples are
g) Other Hollow Planets
Earth is not the only planet that is considered “hollow”. There are other planets
which have “a planet inside of a planet”. She says that she has heard of people who have
been to them.?!3
3) The last presentation about Inner Earth comes from Johan Fritz in a 2021 interview
with El (Ileana) Ka on her Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. In this
interview, toward the end, El Ka states that she has been to Inner Earth.
She says that “they have their own confederations down there’. One of the
problems they were discussing was “how to remedy the Reptilian problem with their uh
plasma cannons”. The plasma cannons were referred to as “planet killers” that were on
the Draco dreadnoughts. Someone mentioned that some planets are shielded and
invisible so the “Dracos can't target those planets, literally with the plasma cannons”.
This meant that the planet was cloaked.
The reason that planets are cloaked by Inner Earth, says El Ka, is that a lot of
them have “data vaults of DNA repositories on them or some other uh things that are
classified and that needs to be hidden”.°!* No examples are provided.
Inner Earth “Blonds” aka Inner “Blonds” (see also Inner Earth )
The information about Inner Earth “Blonds” comes from the personal
communication of Apollymi Mandylion?!>. She states that some star maps refer to Earth
as Tetra 19 and Inner Earth is located within it. Her experiences with the Inner “Blonds”
were mainly for ability testing and emissary work.
Mandylion describes the Inner Earth “Blonds” as having pale white skin. Their
eye color is blue to light blue. Their hair color is a straw yellow that is generally kept
long for both genders, females and males. She estimates the general height of the females
to be between 5 feet 7 inches - 6 feet (1.7-1.8 m) and males 6 feet - 6 feet 5 inches (1.8-2
913 All information and quotations are from Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
914 All information and quotations are from Fritz, 2021 Jan 30.
915 See Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 330
m). They can easily pass for Earth humans since they also have the same anatomy. Their
means of communication include telepathy, the ability to speak and write. They have a
mix of logic and emotions that leans a bit more towards logic.
One thing that the Inner “Blonds” are known for is their ability to take kids with
abilities and observe them with no harsh testing. Overall, Mandylion says that the Inner
“Blonds” are friendly to humans.
Concerning their relation to the SSP, she states that they are involved with their
funding and genetics. No details are provided.
According to Mandylion, the Inner “Blonds” are a mix of Pleiadians, Aryians and
other types that she does not specify.
She says that she is used to dealing with those that live on the floating ring city
around the artificial star. She refers to this floating city as the Inner Sanctum. Those that
are allowed to live there include elites and consist of emissaries and high ranking
members that represent their kingdoms or “factions”. Other people and beings live below
this floating city that is called Agartha. Both social classes have to adhere to the strict
neutral policy of Inner Earth. In general, there are many species that live on the Inner
Earth from all over the universe.
The importing and exporting of resources is a major function that occurs in the
Inner Sanctum. She says that the “Blonds” are in good standing with most of the alliance
members that are fighting the “Dark Council” of the Draco and their allies.
The Inner “Blonds” level of technology is significant, says Mandylion. She
provides some of their technological abilities as follows:
understanding of sacred geometry and quantum physics
can abduct astral bodies and also heal astral body damage
med beds can heal mental, emotional trauma
ships can travel space with light speed vs just electromagnetic propulsion
stargate technology for long distance travel
use dimensional shifting technology
living sentient AI technology
artificial star technology for making planets
use of star plasma from natural born stars
advanced refining for materials
The spiritual development of the Inner “Blonds” is unknown according to
Mandylion. She has never known them to have a deity or to talk about spiritual matters.
“Insectoid” Beings aka Muldosv, Depanoids, “Mantids” (see also “Ants”,
“Arachnid” Beings, “June Bug” Beings, “Stick Bug” Beings, Xylanths)
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 331
The word “Insectoid” is clearly a simple description or temporary label until the
actual name of the beings is known. “Insectoid” beings are those that resemble and
behave like insects or arachnids. There are a vast array of “insect-like” beings, including
those that resemble what we would call an ant, spider (arachnid), or praying mantis. A
number of these are listed under their headings.
There is no home planet or Galaxy mentioned for some of the “ant-like” beings
presented here except those on Mars.
1) The Bibliotecapleyades website (whose information is repeated on the Think AboutlIt
(sic) website?!®) reports that there is a “master” and “servant” race of “Insectoid” beings.
Essentially this is a social class relation consisting of a caste system. They are portrayed
as “ant-like” in appearance. The following are some of the highlights as provided by this
The general life expectancy is stated for females as 150 Earth years whereas for
males it is 130 years. This is presented as applying to both the “master” and “servant”
races. The average height for the “master” race of males is 5.2 feet (1.6 m) and for
females it is 3.9 feet (1.2 m). The “servant” race is smaller with both the male and female
being 3.2 feet (1 m) tall. The same is true with their weight with the “master” race being
heavier than the “servant” one. The “master” race males are 154 pounds (70 Kilos) with
the females being 88 pounds (40 Kilos). The weight of the “servant” race males and
females are given as the same at 77 pounds (35 Kilos). How these measurements came to
be known is not included.
This site goes on to present how the dual antennae add color to their vision as
well as receiving sound which has wider frequency reception than ours. One reason
given for these beings listening with “their head tilted slightly downward” is because
their antennae are mono-directional.?!”
2) Another website, Exopaedia, states that there are “reports (and photographs) of beings
that are bipedal, with a humanoid torso and limbs, but with an oversized bug's head”.
One of a handful of abductees named Jim R. gave these beings the name of Depanoid.
Jim describes these beings as “bipedal but have a bug-like face”. They are reported to
scare people in order to absorb their energies which gives them an “adrenaline rush”.?!®
3) An encounter with indigenous “Insectoids” on Mars is reported by Randy Cramer.
Some have reported these beings as Mantids with which Cramer does not disagree.
These beings look more like “Ants” to him and not Mantids. He states that we tend to
916 Insectoids on Think AboutIt (sic) website: https://thinkaboutit.site/aliens/think-aboutits-alien-type-
°!7 All information here is from The Insectoids or Muldosv in Some Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know
About: An Anthropological Analysis on Bibliotecapleyades website:
918 All information and quotations are from Insectoid Phenotype on Exopaedia website:
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 332
think of Mantids as looking like a praying mantis. The beings that he’s met do not look
like that. To Cramer they look like a giant “Ant”.
He describes them as follows. These “Ants” stand up on two legs. He goes on to
state that “the middle appendages can be used to steady themselves or as other feet if
they need to or they can be used as an extra set of hands”. He says they walk upright.
They are about five and a half feet (1.7 m) tall. This “hive” was led by a King (and not
by a Queen) who was about 8 times larger.
Cramer also had experiences with another kind of “Insectoids” that he states as
being taller, 8-10 feet (2.4-3 m). They had “four appendages with a torso that kind of
came up from, you know, a body that was parallel to the ground with two very large, uh,
appendages which sort of appeared like grippers like that but then these appendages
could unfold and there was like seven or eight, uh, little phalanges that they could
manipulate, uh, objects with or kind of bring them together”. He mentions that their
phalanges were “incredibly dexterous” in manipulating physical objects.
These larger insectoids were incredibly strong and fast, reports Cramer. He
estimates that they could easily achieve “speeds of 25 to 30 miles an hour [40-48 kph]
just on foot”. Cramer states that he doesn’t know what their combat dress was like since
he never encountered them in combat.
An interesting point made by Cramer is that he was able to establish a relation
with the “Insectoids”. Which one of the “’’Insectoid” groups that he is referring to isn’t
provided. He starts his description by stating that he and his squad from the MDF (Mars
Defense Force) were out on patrol and came close to a “hive”. Some of the “Insectoids”
were bringing boxes out of their hive and laying them out to use the natural ultraviolet
rays of the sun to sterilize them. Cramer and his squad were close but still at a safe
distance so as not to be threatening to them. There was no hostile reaction from them.
He suggested to his squad that he go and talk to them which he did. He said hello
to one of them in English and it responded telepathically, clearly understanding what he
had said. The conversation went well enough that Cramer asked if he could bring some
friends back to meet them and the being said that that was fine. Cramer reported to his
CO that he had established a line of conversation with these beings and suggested that a
talk with the ambassadorial corp “if they want to go have a chat with the Insectoids”. He
ends his story stating that “a week later we were going back for a visit and made friends
at that point”.?!°
Inter-Dimensional Association of Free Worlds (I[AFW) (see also Azurite Council)
Currently, there is minimal information available about the IAFW based on El
Ka’s summary of this part of Ashayana Dean’s writings””°. What is stated is that the
919 Cramer, 2021 Feb 24.
920 See Deane, 2002 and 2011.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 333
IAFW consists of the MC (Melchizedek Cloister) Eieyani Master Council. It was created
over “568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars”. The membership consists of “25
billion different interdimensional and interstellar nations as active members”.
The purpose of the IAFW is given as being “commissioned to implement Bio-
Regenesis Programs in order to assist the Fallen Angelic Races in reclaiming their
original genetic integrity, so they could fulfill the intended evolutionary objective of
Ascension out of the Time Matrix”.®*! In short, for us, to move above 3D.
Interdimensional Humanoid Drawings
There are 400 drawings by Laura Giovanna D'Arienzo presented on the Galactic
Human Journey website. These are drawings by D'Arienzo and signed by her. This site
adds that there are over 400,000 humanoid races but which Galaxy or universe (and
others) this includes is not given.??? This number seems incredibly small for a general
This site does not provide the reference source from which D'Arienzo’s drawings
were reposted.
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) (see Planetary Corporations)
Interstellar Races from Pleiades
A list of interstellar races is provided by Swaruu’”? who considered herself to be
an ET Pleiadian. She was in communication with an Earth person called Gosia. She
stated that there are 11 main interstellar races from the Pleiades as follows:
* Alcyone: Yena
* Sterope: Sau'k / Mes'Waki (Sauroids)
* Asterope: Eloh / Elohi / Naph / Elois
* Merope: Hyadean (Felions)
* Merope: Lyrian Ashands Humanomorphos
* Taygeta: Taygeteans
* Pleione: Solatian
* Atlas: Atlantes / Molluse
* Electra: Engan
* Celeano: Celestes or Blue Pleiadian, Blues
* Maia: Maya / Molluse / Hopi
921 All information and quotations are Ka, 2016 Aug 10.
922 T aura Giovanna D'Arienzo. “Look, nearly 400 of the 400,000 Interdimensional Humanoid Races” on
Galactic Human Journey website:
923 For more information see Swaruu of Erra website: https://swaruu.org/
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 334
There are many variants of these main ones. If the variants were included there would be
“The Invisibles”
The “Invisibles” come from the Mensa constellation, according to the Santori
ARB. Their reasons for visiting Earth are unknown.
“The Invisibles” can not be seen by the “naked eye” of humans though the USA
and Russia can track their spaceships on radar. They are often reported near high-
security areas. They are known to have a sour smell, appear smudged looking at their
reflection in a window and dogs will bark when they may be around.°?> How this
information came to be known is not stated.
Inxtria (see Aenstria)
Inyu (see also Azurite Council)
The only information available about the Inyu comes from El Ka and her
Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube. She states that they are one of the 3
Christos Founders races.°?°
Ishna and Ishnaans aka “Crystal” People
The Ishnaans are presented on the Exopaedia website. This site states that Ishna
is the name of a planet whose inhabitants are thus referred to as Ishnaans and “Crystal
People” because the planet is reported to have a “crystalline structure within the Sirian
solar system’. No details of the planet are provided. Also mentioned is that these people
are “slight of build, with long fair hair, slanted blue, green or yellow eyes, and with
golden complexions”.°”’ No other characteristics are given with no mention of any social
organization or technology.
Given the lack of information and no mention of a source(s), this information is
of low credibility at this time.
924 All information is from Gosia. 2020 Jun 24. Extraterrestrial Races: Introduction (Swaruu -
Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication) Cosmic Agency on Galactic Human Journey website:
swaruu-extraterrestrial-pleiadian.pdf (This site is no longer.)
925 Santori, 2011, p. 28.
926 Ka, 2016 Aug 10. See also Deane, 2002 and 2011.
927 All information and quotations are from Ishna on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Ishna
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 335
Itibi-Ra and Itibi-Rayans
I have kept the spelling of the Itibi-Ra and Itibi-Rayans the same as Ludwig
Pallman??’ who had encounters with two of them, a brother and sister, during the 1960s.
They came from ITIBI RA 2 which they state is near the center of the Milky Way. They
had moved there after the water on their planet disappeared. How the water disappeared
is not mentioned.
This site describes them as looking like Earth humans with the “light brown skin
of a Eurasian”. The male had “huge dark eyes, a rather small mouth, and an unusual chin
The Itipurians, among others, are presented by Maker in 2021 in a video called
Describing Every Single Extraterrestrial Species on YouTube. The information on
YouTube is based on the 2021 book by Craig Campobasso?*° which is entitled The
Extraterrestrial Species Almanac: The Ultimate Guide to Greys, Reptilians, Hybrids, and
Nordics. The Itipurians are one of only 88 beings that are mentioned. There are no
sources included for the Itipurians thus reducing the current credibility of this
information. Some of the information mentioned about them includes the following.
Maker states that the homeworld for the Itipurians is Itipuria and is located
somewhere “outside of Earth’s solar system”. No indication of a Galaxy or constellation
is provided.
The description that is provided begins by saying that to Earth humans they
would look like Caucasians “with light brown skin”. Two genders are reported. Men and
women who are said to be “normal Earth human height” which does not provide us with
much information. They have “long and slender legs” so that when they walk they
appear to glide on air. Their jawlines are “ thin” and they have rudimentary teeth though
what this means is not clear. They have small tongues. Of note is a reference to a
deformed mouth which is why they wear a guard on their upper and lower gums. How
this guard corrects their mouth is not specified. The tips of their finders are stated as
being “quite sensitive”. That is why they wear “fingertip gloves”. They have no
The Itipurians are strictly telepathic. Given the problems that they have with their
mouth, which makes them unable to speak, they “wear a gadget disguised as a piece of
jewelry” which translates their thoughts into “an audible language on any world” and
receive spoken words telepathically. They also have special abilities in “healing and
hydrotherapy” though no specifics of these are provided.
928 More information about this encounter is available from Pallman, (n.d.).
929 Ttiba Ra on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/ItibitRa
930 Campobasso, 2021.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 336
There is a spiritual aspect to their society that involves God in nature and the
scientific study of the soul. No details or examples are mentioned.
The Itipurians have had a positive relationship with Earth humans as is revealed
in their 1947 visit to our planet. This is stated as being their first Earth visit which was
“an agricultural mission” where they “established several plantations in the Peruvian
Amazon”. Their goal was to hybridize their plants with those on Earth. They took these
hybrid plants “back to their home world”. While in Peru “they lived in harmony with the
local tribes”. No examples of this are provided. The general reason given by Maker as to
why they visited Earth was because “they have a unique maladaptive diet that requires
them to seek out new tastes throughout the universe or they suffer physically”. No details
of this are given.
They use a 30 foot (9 m) silver disc-shaped craft.?! No other forms of
transportation are mentioned.
SSP military veteran John Whitberg in a personal communication (not in
References) mentions the Ivonians. Whitberg says that they are an indigenous race of a
planet (which is unnamed) that is “currently colonized by the Argentine Breakaway”.
He describes them as “around 7 feet [2.1 m] tall” and that they “look Indian,
except for their slightly pointy ears and pale blue eyes”.
The information about the Izafeir comes from the Messages from a Star Traveller
website administered by Ileana (El Ka). The Izafeir come from the planet Sharafa. There
is no mention of a Galaxy. This site describes them as having “white/purple skin, with
pink/purple eyes”.
The particular individual mentioned on this site by El Ka is called Ethera who is a
9D being. Ethera is described as being 6 feet 8 inches tall (2.1 m) with blue hair. Her
specialty is reading timelines and “time travel through the crystals of life to various
What Ethera mentions is that many Earth beings are “like energy keys that hold
the ancient galactic knowledge within themselves”. She adds that with the activation of
the “original cosmic blueprints and DNA” we will have “access to all the lifetime
931 All information and quotations are from Maker, 2021 Sep 5.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 337
cellular memories of everything that has ever happened to the oversoul of a being”.*3* No
details of this are provided.
Izar (see Anak)
Jadaii Anunakene aka Janos and Janosians, Jadaiahil and Jadaii Nemessi (see also
Nibiru, Zha.a.mi)
There are a number of sources that present the Janos, or Jadaii Anunaken,
Jadaiahil and Jadaii Nemessi. Some of this information is presently contradictory.
1) Janos is the name of a planet but no constellation is provided as is stated on the
Exopaedia website. This site mentions that the Janosians were an “oriental looking
humanoid civilisation” that was destroyed when a meteor struck it. They originally came
from Earth but emigrated thousands of years ago and then they returned. Their return to
Earth was made by contacting governments to let them live here in exchange for
advanced technology.**4
2) The Bibliotecapleyades website expresses some doubts about the Janos as to whether
or not they might be a Draco operation.”*4
3) Another source of information about the Janosians is in Elena Danaan’s book A Gift
from the Stars. Danaan refers to the Janosians as Jadaii Anunakene. She states that they
inhabit the Jada system which is given as another name for Aldebaran. They are on the
7th planet that is referred to as "Kora 361"which means "Outpost 361" in the Anunnaki
(see Zha.a.mi) language.
Their planet is described as being “blue” with “4 moons”. The temperature is
stated as “subtropical”. It was terraformed but no details of this are given.
What she reports is that the Jadaii left our solar system when their planet, called
Janos, which was located “between Mars and Jupiter, was pulverized by the Maytrei [see
also Maitre]. The more prevalent name of the planet between Mars and Jupiter is
Tiamat (see also Nibiru) and not Janos. Whether they are different names for the same
planet that was destroyed is not known.
932 All information and quotations are from Izafeir Race on Messages from a Star Traveler website:
https://seekingthetruthinr. wixsite.com/startravelermessages/izafeir-race
933 All information and quotations from Janos on Exopaedia website: https://www.exopaedia.org/Janos
934 Janosian from Janos in A-Z of Alien Species Active in Earth’s Evolution on Bibliotecapleyades
website: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida alien/esp vida alien 19a.htm
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 338
Further, she states that the Jadaii Anunakene made “‘contact with the Terran
psychic Maria Orsic in 1919”. The language of contact is stated as being Sumerian.?*°
4) Danaan also mentions the Jadaii Nemessia. She says that these are 9D light beings.
They are indigenous to “this system” which would refer to the Jada/Aldebaran system.
She says that they do not interact with Terra or the Galactic Federation of
Worlds. They do maintain “a close relationship” with local Anunnaki colonies.?*° How
this is known is not provided.
Jassan (part of Caspan and Paegan Races)
The information about the Jassan was obtained from crash sites as reported in the
Bibliotecapleyades website. The Jassan’s were part of the 7 different ET races on Earth
when it was struck by a disaster. They were part of the “Altair and Caspan, Jassan and
Paegan’s Council and Organization”. They were part of the managers of this council and
No other information about them is provided.
The Jawas are mentioned on the Bibliotecapleyades website. This site states that
they were named after their similarity to the beings in Star Wars. There is no mention of
a home planet or constellation. They are described as 3-4 and one-half feet (.9-1.4 m)
tall. No other features are included. They are distinguished by wearing hoods and robes.
The hoods cast shadows to conceal their faces. Glowing eyes have been included in some
reports about them.%38
No other information about them is provided.
The Jefok are from the Indus constellation as stated in the Santori ARB. No
description of a home planet or of their appearance is provided.
°35 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, pp. 286-287.
936 All information and quotations are from Danaan, 2020, p. 288.
937 All information here is from Jassan in Uni-terrestrial - Code: UNA (Seven Ancestral Alien Races that
Started Our Civilization here) in Some Kinds Of Alien Life Forms We Know About: An Anthropological
Analysis on the Bibliotecapleyades website:
938 All information is from Jawas in Alien Races H-Z on Bibliotecapleyades website:
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida alien/alien races00.htm#Alien Races _H to Z
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 339
The ARB states that they are very advanced in technology and are known by other
races as “peace-makers” but no examples are provided for technology or making peace.
The other races involved are not given. They are known to have come to Earth since
1500 BC though how this is known is not included.
The ARB also mentions that they met with John F. Kennedy (JFK) three weeks
before he was killed. At the same time they met with other world leaders. In 1965 they
gave a message to world leaders with countries that had nuclear power but that content is
currently unknown. No details of any of the preceding are given. They have not been
seen on Earth since JFK's assassination.**°
Some additional information on the appearance of the Jefok is provided by Elena
Danaan in A Gift from the Stars. The Jefok are described as being “Slightly smaller than
average Terran humans”. Their face is described only as “peculiar” and that it has “a
complex bone structure”. These descriptions do not provide us with much detail and are
intended to provide reasons for them wearing “sort of a mask” though this is their actual
appearance.*4? The rest of the information repeats what is provided by Santori and the
ARB without credit.
“Jelly Slime” Beings (see also “Amoeba-Like” Beings )
“Jelly Slime” is the name given to a group of Beings by Apollymi Mandylion, an
SSP military veteran and host of Galaxy of Unity website™!. This information comes
from an interview that Mandylion did with hosts Daniel Sala and Xan John on YouTube
or Rumble.
Mandylion does not remember the actual name of these Beings. She states that
she has encountered them a few times and does not want to again. The main reason for
this, she says, is that “you can't really do much damage to them”. What they are able to
do is to absorb all the energy that is thrown at them.
She describes them as “huge hulking creatures of ... kind of like jelly slimes”.
She was not able to defeat them so she just got out of their way.°? No other information
about them is provided.
Jeserian Seers
The Jeserian Seers are presented by Ileana (El Ka) on her Messages from a Star
Traveler website. Ka states that they inhabit the planet “Cerulia in the Pleiades” star
cluster. The Seers are similar to “ascended masters teaching empaths various forms of
939 Santori, 2011, p. 36.
940 All information and quotations in this paragraph are from Danaan, 2020, p. 179.
941 See Galaxy of Unity website: https://galaxyofunity.squarespace.com/
942 All information and quotations are from Mandylion, 2022 Mar 16.
© Jake Muller A Guide to ETs/Star Nations and Beings 340
divination techniques”. These Seers are presented as “8th dimensional telepaths” that are
able to “divine the future and do soul readings through divination dice called the Jesar”.
The dice are described as having a “cube shape” with alphabetical letters on them. There
are 26 dice in a set and they are cube shaped. The set is “thrown five times forming 130
letters from which words are deciphered”. From these words “sentences are created to
answer various questions”. No example is included.
This site also presents images of what the Jeserain Seers look like. Their clothing
consists of “tunic robes that are in hues of blue, green, and silver colors”.
The dice divination classes are held in “light energy classrooms”. They also teach
“telepathic and psychic development classes” there. Some learning in these classrooms
takes place through “energy spheres with holographic download information” such as
“different divination techniques”. Ka states that “each energy sphere” contains “different
teaching and learning information” that is absorbed telepathically “in the brain whether a
being is in physical form, light body, or by their higher self”.
The only other information presented on this site refers to Jeserian architecture.
The architecture of the buildings in their “towns and cities looks like castles with large
towers spanning high towards the skyline”.°”
No other information on the Jeserian society is mentioned.
Jighantik (see also Maitre, “Reptilians”)
The Jighantik come from the Horologium constellation as stated in the ARB by
Santori. This reference mentions that “other races consider them to have a violent
nature”. They are known to be allies of the Maitre.
According to the Santori book the Jighantik have been visiting Earth for 3,000
years. They maintain sporadic contact with “3 earth governments but not the most
powerful ones (not USA, Russia or China)”. How this came to be known is not provided.
They were seen last on February 1, 2003 near Houston, [Texas] USA.** There is
no description of this event.
Some more, but brief information about the Jighantik is presented by Elena
Danaan in A Gift from the Stars. Danaan mentions that they come from a system of 6
planets within Horologium. They exploit the other 5 for “natural resources, mainly
mineral and gas”.
943 All information and quotations are from Jeserian Seers on Mes